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Eternal Torment In Hell Doctrine Is Demonic

A loving Father would NEVER, EVER consider inventing a whole new kind of skin, not ever seen before, to allow His precious children, that He gestated and bore, to be tortured mercilessly, time without end. This is the doctrine of demons.

The traditional answers to some of life’s most basic questions are often confusing, because they come from an orthodox point of view. For instance, if you already have a concept of hell, then you have probably gone along with the teaching that those who are sent there are sentenced to forever.

Let’s think carefully about this.  Does this traditional teaching of “eternal hell” really make any sense? Would, or could, an all-loving, all-powerful God stand back and watch any of His children spend eternity suffering indescribable agony and torment? Does that really make sense? That sounds like a monster!

Many Bible “scholars” of our day say this is what the Bible teaches.

To the “scholars” of His day Jesus said, “They worship me in vain; their teachings are but rules taught by men. ” Matt. 15:9. Fortunately our lives depend on God’s interpretation, not man’s. “It is written: “`As surely as I live,’ says the Lord, `every knee will bow before me; every tongue will confess to God.’” Rom. 14:11. Eventually all of God’s children will confess the Lordship of Jesus Christ.

“Bible scholars” of our day argue that Jesus taught one’s stay in hell was an eternal experience. Often quoted is Rev. 14:11, “And the smoke of their torment rises for ever and ever. There is no rest day or night for those who worship the beast and his image, or for anyone who receives the mark of his name.” Is this a true representation of the original? Absolutely NOT!!!!! Our loving Father would never require a punishment of “eternal torment” no matter how wicked the sin. He honestly could never even imagine such a horror. This horror story comes directly from the hearts and minds of evil, controlling men.

The “for ever and ever” of Rev. 14:11 is actually a liberal embellishment if not an intentional mistranslation of the Greek aions kai aions. Aion (pronounced ay-on), literally meaning an age, a finite time segment, is often mistranslated eternal or for ever. If the singular form aion is translated eternal (unending), then how are we to understand its plural form, aions? Would aions be successive eternities? That would be plain silly. In Rev. 14:11 the Greek aions of the aions is translated for ever and ever. Can one eternal period of time follow after another? Of course not! It doesn’t take genius to recognize that man once again has interjected his own bias into God’s perfect Word.

Revelation 11:15 says of Jesus, “…He shall reign for ever and ever”.

Yet I Cor. 15:24,25 says, “Then the end will come, when he hands over the kingdom to God the Father after he has destroyed all dominion, authority and power. For he must reign until he has put all his enemies under his feet.” Fortunately God’s Word is self-correcting. Paul understood that Christ would reign until He had put all enemies under His feet. Literally the Word declares, “He shall reign unto the ages of ages.” An age is a limited period of time. Many ages are still just several limited periods. These ages may or may not “just keep rolling along”.

To understand these Greek words so often mistranslated “eternal” and “for ever and ever”, picture the horizon. What is beyond the horizon is also beyond your vision. So it is with many applications of time in scripture. When the Greek speaks of a singular age or plural ages the duration is often undefined, as well as unseen (beyond the horizon and therefore beyond one’s vision).

The context of most scripture dealing with “salvation” shows us our heavenly inheritance is in fact unending. However, in the context of God’s all-encompassing love we should understand that no one is destined for Hell eternally. God’s plan is too great for that. Even Lucifer will be restored back to our Father.

“so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.” Isa. 55:11.

He will finish the work that He has begun. Phil. 1:6.

Can you think of a better reason to rejoice?

Are we then relieved of our responsibility to reestablish the relationship with our Father, here in this lifetime? When you were born into this world, your memory from the past was wiped clean. It is your responsibility to SEEK OUT your REAL Daddy – the Father of your spirit.

Respond to His call right now! Not because of fear for your future but because of the desire to return to a relationship with Jesus who birthed you. Only He can fill the void. Only by learning about and living His plan for our lives can we understand the purpose and benefits of this our earthly experience. Receive His Word into your heart today. Agree with Him that His way is the right way! His way is the ONLY way that leads to life.

John 6:63 The Spirit gives life; The words I have spoken to you—they are Spirit and life.

Does God’s perfect plan include just some of his children? Or all of His children? Many teach that God calls only a few, while the great majority are pre-destined to eternal judgment. This demon-inspired, man-invented teaching has hindered many from accepting and experiencing the great love our heavenly Father has for each of His children.

Jesus warned that an “enemy man” would sow tares (untruths) among the good wheat (the pure Word of God). Jesus predicted that an enemy would infiltrate His church, planting tares into the teachings of “the church”. The horror filled doctrine of God sentencing His children to burn in torment and fire for ever and ever IS THE DOCTRINE OF DEMONS:

In later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons. 1 Tim 4:1

SAY NO to these doctrines of demons.

Russell Dibird

torment in hell doctrine of demons, NONOrthodoxy

+ A very well written companion article, on this subject, by the late Gary Amirault, a fellow Missourian, here: Proof for the Teaching of Christian, Biblical Universalism


+ BOOK: Christian Universalism: God’s Good News for All People Paperback – February 15, 2008

+ Christian Universalism

+ Universalists Church


+ Culture & universalisme

+ Dialogue and Universalism

+ Hope for All Fellowship

+ Progressive Christian Universalism by RICHARD H GOYETTE Author, Theologian Progressive Christian Universalist

+ APOKATASTASIS OSMOSIS Universalism, Pluralism, Christianity, Eschatology, Epektasis, Mysticism and Heresy



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