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View of Trinity That Any 5 Year Old Understands

Here is a Trinity scenario that any 5 year old can understand: Jesus’ Father (Melchizedek) begot Jesus, a new spirit being, then Jesus begot Michael, His new son. Now we have 3 generations of family that operate as one, all 3 united in purpose.

The Law of Replication: Everything on earth reproduces “according to it’s own kind” (Genesis 1:11, 12, 21, 24, 25)

A son is born.

Son grows up

Son becomes a Father, making his father “grandfather”.

That Son grows up. First son is now great-grandfather.

The next Son wants to become a Father too, as is natural for all living, thriving beings.

That Son becomes a Father..

Son grows up.

Are you getting a picture here?

These are concepts that any 5 year old can understand. They understand grandparents and uncles and family and the such. The 5 year old knows that it has a long way to go to fully “grow up”, but that one day, he too would grow to full size and have a family of his own as well.

Mat 6:10 on earth as it is in heaven.

This is a pretty simple, and SUPER CONSISTENT pattern!! It is a pattern that is not able to be broken – it is hard wired into this current creation. Son’s grow up to be Fathers.

Our fundamental “rules of the road” are: God is spirit. John 4:24 and Spirit gives birth to spirit. John 3:6.

So Jesus’ Father (Melchizedek), gave birth to / begot the spirit being known as Jesus. Jesus, a spirit being, gave birth to / begot TWINS – Lucifer, first born, and Michael, the second born twin.

Later, Lucifer was sent from heaven, to earth, on a special assignment from Jesus, our Father.

That left in heaven, three spirit beings: Jesus’ Father (Melchizedek), Jesus, and Michael – three sequential “heads of their own household”, yet these three are together one in their purpose of maturing the other sons of Jesus, and sibling to Michael – us.

This is a true and accurate view of what the heavenly “Trinity” looks like, presented so as to make sense to any proper thinking 5 year old child.

This same concept of the heavenly family can be seen in patterns of the Patriarchs of the Old Testament. On a lighter note, the concept of a real life Trinity can easily be seen in the old Western TV show, Bonanza.

Where Did The Trinity Deception Come From?

It is understandably a twisted and complex subject. Here are a couple of pages giving some background on this subject:

  1. Nicene Creed and Truth about the Trinity
  2. Deciding what is “canon”. The “Bible” is NOT inerrant. It is a collection of books, largely chosen by cronies of the Roman Emperor and the corrupt Catholic Church“.

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Confusion is not really possible when you dine on the pure word of the Lord.

Orthodoxy is the poisonous tare seed that makes you want to hurle their torrent of their lies.

Read all the articles on this site regarding the Trinity here.

Russell Dibird


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