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Jesus Had To Disguise That He Was Our Father With Language

When Jesus says “I say the things I hear my Father say”, he was giving us marching orders to say the things that we heard Him, our Father Jesus say, while here on earth.

His example to us was to always defer to those above you.

John 14:9 If you have seen me you have seen the (your) Father.

The way God/Jesus executed His plan to raise up and enlighten His children required that He, the Father of all the spirits on earth, come to earth and “show us the way”. But that raises ONE MASSIVE PROBLEM – HOW to identify Himself???

Just image what a total LOON WHACK JOB He would have sounded like: “Hi everybody, me, a 30 year old man somehow BEGOT and BORE the spirit burning in all of your chests’ right now – I’M YOUR HEAVENLY FATHER”… Yes, preposterous!! So He had to hide the fact that He IS the Father of all present, and while of course not lying, but rather He had to DISGUISE His true identity. It was really quite genius how He pulled this off.

Jesus’ words seem confusing. He is constantly talking about His Father in heaven, and He seems to want us to have a similar relationship with HIS Father…(?)

The only person who is responsible for you is your direct parent. While your grandparents have a say, and a place in the family, they have no authority over their grandchildren. That is only the job of the parent.

Jesus was showing us that He remained faithful to His Father in heaven, and that we are to give that same faithfulness to OUR Father, who is Jesus.

Jesus had to conduct a masterful word play in order to give deference to His Father above, while double meaning that He would be OUR Father above.

Mat 6:9 “This, then, is how you should pray:

“‘Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name,

Do you want to KNOW how we know that this prayer is to be directed at Jesus, in Heaven, and NOT His Father? “hallowed be your NAME”. We DO NOT KNOW THE NAME OF HIS FATHER. The only “name” in Heaven that we know, is Jesus.

I Only Say The Things I Hear My Father Say

John 12:49 For I did not speak on my own, but the Father who sent me commanded me to say all that I have spoken.

John 8:38 I am telling you what I have seen in the Father’s presence.

John 5:19 Very truly I tell you, the Son can do nothing by himself; he can do only what he sees his Father doing, because whatever the Father does the Son also does.

Jesus came to earth to accomplish 2 things: 1. Live the perfect life. 2. Show us how we can follow His example and live a perfect life.

How did Jesus accomplish living His perfect life? He only said the things He heard His Father say. He only did the things that He saw His Father do.

Since we know what Jesus said and did, while He was here on earth, so now we also can say “I only say the things I hear my Father say, and I only do the things I see my Father do”.

If you are “following the Lamb wherever He leads”, then you are pretty much in sync with saying and doing the things your Father Jesus said and did.

Once you realize that the spirit blazing in your chest right now was BORN/BEGOTTEN BY ALMIGHTY GOD, suddenly, you are somebody. Then you realize that the Spirit of Holiness that you have put on, like the Mind of Christ, is bringing you minute by minute closer to your Father. Suddenly you realize that at the 60 Fold stage, I am enabled with a seed from the body of Jesus. It is hard to image the potential that is bound up in every single one of His seeds. The power to become like the parent of the seed. Finally, you accept the forgiveness for your previous life of blow-it’s and stand fully forgiven. This is the perfect Trinity within you.

Now you are unstoppable. You now know EXACTLY who you are. Now with confidence you can go forth and with the proper amount of faith, you too will replicate the miracles of Jesus, exactly as we were commanded.

John 14:12 Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father.

Once you realize that you already have the tools, then all you need is the faith and diligence to put it all together, and be like Dad.

Russell Dibird


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