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The Holy Spirit Is A Title, A Position And An Attitude

Michael is the oldest of all of siblings, begotten by Jesus, who remained in heaven with Father Jesus. So all of us less mature children look up the chain of command, and there sits Michael, the Holiest of all us brothers. Thus his TITLE of The Holy Spirit

Bible Rule #1. Every Spirit Entity Gets To Have A REAL Name Besides Their Title(s)!!!

The First “Holy Spirit” Is A Title

“The Holy Spirit” is a TITLE. The spirit being behind that title has to have an actual name.

We understand the makeup of our Heavenly Family, as discussed below, by patterns in the Bible.

God is Spirit (spirit is God). John 4:24. Spirit gives birth to spirit. John 3:6. So if God wants to reproduce, what does He produce? Spirits, just like Himself.

Jesus’ Father (Melchizedek) begot Jesus.

Jesus begot twin sons: Lucifer and Michael.

As the oldest son, Lucifer was sent on special assignment, to help teach us, the less mature spirits, in the ways of our Father Jesus.

That left Michael as the oldest son of Jesus, and sibling to us, the other children of Jesus. Michael remained in Heaven, faithful to Father Jesus. So as us siblings look up the “chain of command” of all of us children of Father Jesus, we see at the very top of the family tree, standing all alone, brother Michael. We look to him and say “you are the HOLIEST of all us children of Father Jesus”.

So Michael is the HOLIEST of all us spirit children. He is the Holiest Spirit, or The Holy Spirit. This is his Title.

Here is how Jesus references him directly: John 14:26 The Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you.

How do we know that Michael and Lucifer are brothers? Because they do what brothers do best – FIGHT!!!

Rev 12:7-9 Then war broke out in heaven. Michael and his angels fought against the dragon, and the dragon and his angels fought back. But he was not strong enough, and they lost their place in heaven. The great dragon was hurled down—that ancient serpent called the devil, or Satan, who leads the whole world astray. He was hurled to the earth, and his angels with him.

Michael battled against Lucifer, his brother, and HE WON!!! Classic case of younger brother beating his cocky older brother.

Orthodoxy DEALS IN CONFUSION, and they beat us (up) with WORDS!!! How can you possibly explain the utter lunacy that they have covered the term “Holy Spirit” in.  This is just as confusing as the term “The Trinity” and no wonder most Christians are impotent spirits denuded of any knowledge thereof, and hung over from constantly dining on a smorgasbord of LIES.

The Second Holy Spirit Is A POSTITION (of The Real You)

The second Holy Spirit we will discuss is the one burning in your chest right now at 98 degrees!!

God is spirit (spirit is God). Jn 4:24 / Spirit gives birth to spirit. Jn 3:6

YOU ARE A HOLY SPIRIT!!! The real you, your spirit, is immortal. You are just here in your body for your spirit to learn it’s lessons.

The real you, your spirit, was BIRTHED by your Father Jesus… THAT is THE REAL YOU. That is the spirit that was gestated inside it’s spirit parent for who knows how long. Your physical body gestated inside your mother for about 9 months. I bet our spirits gestated inside our parent (Jesus) for AT LEAST 9 months. Maybe 9 YEARS.. Maybe 9000 years. Who knows. Do you think Jesus is in any rush to raise up we His children..? Or do you think He has all the time in the world, and that the speed of our maturity depends on only one person – you.

It is this spirit within each of us, that religion has been designed to DULL or DUMB DOWN your true identity. They want you to think your connection to “God” is thru them – not directly from your own heart directly to Him.

1 Cor 2:11 Who knows a person’s thoughts except their own spirit within them? In the same way no one knows the thoughts of God except the Spirit of God. 12 What we have received is not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, so that we may understand what God has freely given us. 13 This is what we speak, not in words taught us by human wisdom but in words taught by the Spirit, explaining spiritual realities with Spirit-taught words.

In the previous passage, Paul seems to hit on the fact that you ARE a holy spirit from God, and that we put the Spirit of Holiness on over the top of that fact.

Now we see that the spirit inside YOU is the only one that you have control over. So if you talk dirt on yourself – IT CAN NEVER BE FORGIVEN… If you think or talk negatively and down on yourself, then you are in error and lying to yourself about who you really are. If you are wrong in your assessment of yourself, you shortchange yourself. His grace (enablement) is not really available to you, if you are not willing to accept it. The lesson is LEARN WHO YOU REALLY ARE – a direct spirit child of the Lord Jesus The Anointer (Christ). He calls you son/daughter. He let’s you call Him Father, or Daddy.

The Third Is A “Spirit of Holiness” Or An Attitude That You ‘Put On’ And ‘Wear Daily’

When you become a 30 fold Christian – coming TOWARDS Jesus – He enables you by the renewing of your mind with a new SPIRIT OF HOLINESS. This enables you to throw away your old spirits of lust and greed and debauchery and etc. AND INSTEAD put on and wear a spirit of holiness. That is the Holy Spirit that you are to be constantly filled with – an attitude of Godliness.

Colossians 3:12 clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.

Here are 40 Bible Verses About Being Filled With A Spirit of Holiness.

And then there is the GLORIOUS TRINITY that is available in your heart. The three parts of the heart trinity are: 1. The Holy Spirit that is the real you keeping your body alive. 2. your spirit of Holiness that you put on and wear daily. 3. The seed of Jesus, the Mustard Seed, planted in the middle of your garden, that is special delivered to you by Michael – it is one of his jobs:

John 16:14 He will glorify me because it is from me that he will receive what he will make known to you.

1 John 2:27 As for you, the anointing you received from him remains in you, and you do not need anyone to teach you. In this passage, we see the possibility that he is talking about either the position of the real you AND/OR the attitude, or Spirit of Holiness that we are to wear like a garment:

Thank you, Father Jesus, for your simplicity towards we your children. Such child like purity and beauty. Such logic, and power, and majesty.

Thank you Daddy Jesus.

Russell Dibird


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