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EVERY EYE Will See Jesus Return In The Sky

Look, he is coming with the clouds,
    and EVERY EYE will see him,
even those who pierced him” Revelation 1:7

Believe it or not, dearly beloved, for sure every character in the New Testament, and I have a hunch that most, if not all Old Testament folks, are alive and well on the earth, right now, as we are all being staged for the next great step in world history.

This gives EVERYONE a crack at becoming The Bride of Christ, because that group is forming right now.

EVERY Godly man and woman, down through all of history, has sought the opportunity that lies at our feet right now. A chance to become one of the few who came to maturity before the vast majority of the people on the earth, by being included in this number of 144,000.

We know that reassignment (reincarnation) IS A THING in the Bible, so it is no stretch whatsoever to realize that Revelation 1:7 says what it means, and means what it says – EVERY EYE – EVEN THOSE WHO PIERCED HIM.

I have 2 huge questions for you to ask yourself:

  1. WHO WAS I, if I was a character in the Bible?
  2. WHO are the characters in the Bible walking around as TODAY?

I can’t wait to find out who the Bible characters are today!!!

The first question I would ask is “Is there any group of people in the Bible who would be exempt from being on earth right now to take advantage of this incredible opportunity to be united with Jesus as His Bride?

Prolly not. Adam? The Patriarchs? The disciples? I would say that they would ALL LOVE TO HAVE THIS CHANCE TODAY!!!

THEY, my friends, are among your competition for the prized 144,000 seats on that bus that we ALL want to be on.

Who is Paul today? Who is Peter? Who is Caiaphas? Caesar? Pontus Pilot? Mary? Joseph? The list goes on and on.

One thing I would assume is that Adam is going to be sorely disappointed, going from sporting a 40 foot tall frame, down to under the magic spell of 6 (feet).

Of course Orthodoxy LOVES  to take and twist these words:

Hebrews 9:27 Just as people are destined to die once, and after that to face judgment.

Remember that this understanding of theirs flys in the face of the words of Jesus who said that if anyone follow His words, they would “never taste death”, and in fact, He said, in every gospel that “some standing in His presence would REMAIN ALIVE UNTIL HE RETURNED!! Who do you want to believe – Orthodoxy, or Jesus?

In Order For ALL Eyes On Earth To See Something At The Same Time, Earth MUST Be Flat

If the earth was a globe, then one side is always hidden from the other side. Once we consider that they Throne of God can be only one place – directly above Polaris – then we realize that for every eye to see Him, then He would simply need to descend down to below Polaris.

The globe earth model is one of the biggest lies in history of mankind. It is filled with Occult, Magic, trickery and spells, with roots in the Catholic Jesuits and the Freemasons. The whole Globe Industrial Complex is home to the imaginations of demons. Read more on this subject on our page Outer Space Is Fake, Stars Are In The Firmament.

Here are hundreds of Bible verses that says that the earth is Flat and it is NOT moving, but rather it is everything in the sky that moves, and the movement of the sky just happens to be one, gigantic CLOCK / Cosmic Timepiece.

25 Bible Verses Showing Flat Earth

800 Bible Verses Showing Flat Earth

Bible Verses State Sky Moves Earth Is Stationary

Orthodoxy is stuck in their GlobeCraft world of illusion and delusion.

Russell Dibird


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