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Immortality Is Possible With 30 Year Male No Seed Loss

The main, known component to becoming a physical immortal here on earth is to live to 30 years old without losing any male seed. Jesus never lost any of His seed and became an immortal at 30.

What is the male seed?

It contains the very essence of the man. It is staggering to imagine the potential contained within a single male seed. The very blueprint for all mankind is contained in each and every one of these little jewels.

The value of each and every single male seed is incalculable.

You have perhaps thought about the potential contained within a single acorn. How many civilizations could be build from a single acorn? The answer if infinite.

When you consider the potential of a seed of a man, what do you think are the limits?

Jesus said that He had lost none of what was given to him. John 18:9 “I have not lost one of those you gave me.”

The definition of an immortal human is one who can not be killed by another man, nor a beast, nor is time taking his life. Jesus accomplished this amazing feat!!! How did He do it? Exactly like every immortal human who lived before Him in Greek and Roman mythology. Part of the “forbidden knowledge” that was jealously guarded by the wise ancients, was that to gain immortality in human flesh, a male would be required to save ALL of the seed, losing none of it, until the age of thirty. They will continue on as an immortal, until they either 1). Lose their seed 2). ALLOW their blood to be drained. How do MOST immortals lose their immortality? They take a wife and lose their seed to her. No more Mr. Fancy Britches after that.

We saw it in entertainment reflecting real life when in the 2nd Superman Movie – (Superman 2) – Superman agrees to sacrifice his powers to have a love relationship with Lois Lane. Part of that process is that he lost His seed, and lost His “powers” (immortality). Then He heard the 3 bad guys were stirring up trouble, so Superman decided to give up his relationship with Lois, so that he could save his seed and regain his powers.

Is Immortality Possible?

Yes, believe it or not, nature shows us that immortality is easy to engineer into a life form. Meet The Immortal Jellyfish!!

“Turritopsis Dohrnii is called the immortal jellyfish because it is the only known animal to be immortal. Whenever it is injured or dying, it can turn its cells back into young cells and start anew.”

Imagine this… You’re old, with a hunched back and greying hair. You know that your time is near. The clock is ticking and the seconds are passing, but then, suddenly, you revert back to being a baby, ready to live all over again. You’re…immortal!

Like Benjamin Button, you would grow from old to young, but in this case, you could do it at will.

This sounds like science fiction, but it actually happens to what is popularly called the immortal jellyfish! Scientifically, it is called Turritopsis dohrnii.

Here is the story, from the 1980’s on how this amazing animal with astounding properties was discovered.

As with so many findings, the so-called ‘immortal jellyfish’ was discovered by accident. During a visit to my laboratory in the 1980s, a German student, Christian Sommer, and my very first student, Giorgio Bavestrello, collected a hydrozoan thought to be Turritopsis nutricula.

So if Jesus became an immortal, then how did He die?

John 10:18 No one takes it from me, but I lay it down of my own accord.

The sad fact is that even an immortal can not live without blood. Jesus voluntarily laid down his hands so that we, his snotty nosed little punk kids could have our way with Him by poking holes in His skin and draining His blood out. That is the only way He could have died.

This factoid is important to know, as it makes the truth of what Jesus really accomplished here on earth, that much more impressive, and encouraging for us who hold the hope of His potential in the seed He has planted in our hearts.

Russell Dibird


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