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Jesus Lifted Women Up, Man Keeps His Boot On Her Face

In Every Interaction With Women, Jesus Set New Standards of Respect.

In Jesus’ day, women could be, and often were treated as property. Rabbis routinely began temple meeting with the words, “Blessed art thou, O Lord, for thou has not made me a woman.”

A wife could not divorce her husband. A husband, however, could divorce his wife for any reason. He then carried no obligation to financially care for her. The husband could simply hand her a divorce document and she was sent away.

Women were normally viewed as inferior to men spiritually, and excluded from public religious life who were not allowed to teach the Torah, even in private.

Jesus constantly defied the cultural norms toward women. He healed women and performed miracles for them as readily as for men. He taught both men and women equally. It didn’t matter what their religious standing was, or their social position, or their lifestyle. He loved all the people and interacted with them in a very warm way, both men and women alike. This even included thieves, prostitutes, lepers, and women of low social class.

For women and other oppressed people, Jesus turned the accepted wisdom of his day upside down. Jesus violated the harsh norms of his day in every single encounter He had with women, as recorded in all four of the Gospels. Search to see if you can find one time that Jesus violates this standard.

John 8:6-11, “They were saying this, testing Him, so that they might have grounds for accusing Him. But Jesus stooped down and with His finger wrote on the ground. 7 But when they persisted in asking Him, He straightened up, and said to them, “He who is without sin among you, let him be the first to throw a stone at her.” 8 Again He stooped down and wrote on the ground. 9 When they heard it, they began to go out one by one, beginning with the older ones, and He was left alone, and the woman, where she was, in the center of the court. 10 Straightening up, Jesus said to her, “Woman, where are they? Did no one condemn you?” 11 She said, “No one, Lord.” And Jesus said, “I do not condemn you, either. Go. From now on sin no more.”

What made those men walk away, one by one, was that Jesus could not write any faster. He was writing the name of the senior men first, along with the name of his mistress. Then he went down the line and wrote every man’s name and the name of his mistress/es. They went away ashamed. She, on the other hand, went away enabled by Jesus. “I do not condemn you, either. From now on sin no more.”

Perhaps the most amazing moment of Jesus honoring women happened immediately after Jesus’ resurrection from the dead. He had been severely beaten, wrists and feet nailed to a cross until his blood drained out and He died. He was buried in a tomb, and it was sealed. And on the third day, He broke out of the tomb and came back to life, physically, exactly as He predicted He would. The first people Jesus revealed His new Body to after his resurrection were women. It was a woman who had to go tell the Apostles that Jesus was in fact alive.

Jesus revealing Himself to women first is clearly recorded in all four of the gospels. This is an amazing statement Jesus made here. At that time, women had little or no standing in that culture. They had no religious or legal authority, they had no voice, they had no advocate. Yet Jesus gave women the role of being the very first to inform others of His new life.

Paul The Confusing Enables Abusive Interpretations

On one hand, Paul praises the women he worked with over a dozen time. Then in 2 verses, he throws women into the dark ages for thousands of years to come.

Paul Thanks And Praises Women

Phoebe, deacon of Cenchreae. The last chapter of Paul’s Letter to the Romans is a letter of recommendation for Phoebe, who is deacon (diakonos) of the church of Cenchreae (Rom 16:1).

Prisca, Nympha (Col 4:15), Mary (Acts 12:12), Lydia (Acts 16): heads of house churches.

It is notable that four of the six times Prisca is mentioned in Acts and in Paul’s letters, her name precedes her husband’s. It would have been customary, In Greco-Roman culture, when referring to a husband and wife, to put the man’s name first.

Two other women ministers named by Paul are Euodia and Syntyche, co-workers in Philippi who have “struggled beside” Paul “in the work of the gospel” (Phil 4:3).

Paul Curses Women

1 Corinthians 14:34-35: “Women should remain silent in the churches. They are not allowed to speak, but must be in submission, as the law says. If they want to inquire about something, they should ask their own husbands at home; for it is disgraceful for a woman to speak in the church.”

And 1 Timothy 2:11-12:“A woman should learn in quietness and full submission. I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man; she must be quiet.”

These 2 verses have done more harm and pain and damage than probably any others in the Bible. It is so sad that Paul’s confusing opinions EXCEED the authority of Jesus.

These verses have no witnessing verses in the Bible, and therefore can not be considered scripture.

Many Bible teachers that I have read simply deny that Paul actually wrote those words. They say that wicked men must have added to the text afterwards in a cold and calculated way of placing their puny selves above women for the rest of the age. Or, the parrots in fine plumage utter some confusachrome about it being meant only for the people of that time, or age, or custom, or geography or era or epoch or some invented hog wash…

They will say anything to keep their power over women intact.

Paul was the Anti-Christ that the epistle writing Apostles warned were walking in their midst at that time, and he will return as either the Anti-Christ or the false prophet. It would not surprise me if Paul the Confused did in fact write these demented verses. He is the main enemy on earth against Jesus and His followers, and He wants only to confuse us and keep us from the narrow path that Jesus leads us to.

It also would not surprise me if Paul did not write it, but rather, it was inserted by his own followers, inspired by him. Paul freely admits to being “crafty” and willing to lie “for the gospel”. What a snake!! Paul can NEVER be trusted nor used to correctly comprehend spiritual truth.


If you are a believer, no doubt you have encountered questions about Paul and apparently “new rules” for women: no preaching, no teaching of men, listen only at fellowship time, learn quietly, cover your heads, etc. This video delivers the proof that wicked men who literally hated women (called “MISOGYNISTS”) deliberately falsely conveyed what Paul actually did say to make it appear that he was giving new rules. It turns out, nothing could be further from the truth.

In this video, Dolly Webb covers just a few of the many areas that today and describe a literal crime scene through which actual word substitutions and purposeful insertions conveyed lies rather than what Paul REALLY said and what Jesus REALLY wants women believers to do. Time is short. It’s time to get to the bottom of those false rules and follow what Jesus commissioned us all to do – male and female alike.


when jesus came to earth he introduced a radical new kingdom that invites everyone to take part regardless of
gender race or social status he spoke the same way to everyone because he had just one assignment for everyone take up
your cross follow me and do the same works that i did the job of a woman in
that kingdom looks exactly like the job of a man the only role that anyone has
in that kingdom is to be a follower of jesus how the lord plays out that role
in each of our lives depends on who that person is and not on their gender before
returning to heaven jesus addressed a large group of women and men with the following instructions go into all the
world and preach the gospel to all creation jesus gave us no fine print nor
did he allude to any exceptions based on gender yet over the years certain new
doctrines have crept in and put limitations on what jesus said that day and many other times throughout his
ministry specifically those doctrines restrict women from doing certain kinds
of ministry ministries that jesus clearly mandated both genders to do
according to those new doctrines women have spiritual and emotional weaknesses
and shortcomings that apparently men don’t have women aren’t allowed to preach not allowed to teach men and
they’re even forbidden to speak to the group when gathering with other believers according to those new
doctrines if a woman is married she must follow her husband because he is her
head rather than the lord and following the lord directly for herself on top of that a woman must wear head coverings to
show her subordination to men are women believers more weak-willed
impressionable and prone to gossip than believing men is there any validity to the idea that jesus doesn’t want women
to preach should women really keep their mouths shut when they fellowship with other believers should women truly
subordinate themselves to men and must wives expect the lord to lead them through their husbands does the lord
prohibit a woman from teaching a man jesus never talked about any of this stuff and since he literally handed out
the same marching orders to both women and men where in the world do those new doctrines come from i’ll show you
exactly where they come from you’re about to see how deliberate mistranslations of the original texts
have for centuries convinced christians that jesus somehow forgot to mention some extremely important information
while he was here hidden rules pertaining to chain of command and literal gag orders forbidding women from
teaching a man or preaching only one problem jesus commanded everyone including women to do everything those
new doctrines forbid them from doing hi i’m dolly weber let’s take a look at
some pretty nasty things going on in jesus day we already knew that the world was full of prejudice pride and
oppression for those living on the other side of the track but how many of us knew that probably the largest group of
despised and oppressed people was women women in jesus day and for centuries
before that had lived a life of total seclusion servitude and even abuse they
generally received no education at all except how to cook and perform household duties they were never allowed to go
places by themselves and if women did go anywhere at all they went with other women as a group women seldom went
anywhere even with their own husbands they never attended social functions or outdoor sports and definitely took no
part in government for a woman to speak in any group setting was scandalous and
literally against the law going to the market was the man’s domain women weren’t even allowed there either women
rarely ate their meals with men not even with their own husbands they fed their husbands and their children and then ate
separately themselves men spoke very few words to women and typically married women without even meeting them a
woman’s personality or intellect mattered little to a man deciding who to marry society taught women to be seen as
little as possible heard as little as possible and to ask questions as little
as possible not only does historical record bear this out but we read vile statements made by highly influential
men whose literal hatred towards women heavily influenced the western world from long before jesus right up through
today according to plato women are those who fell prey to their irrational emotional side and are therefore
incapable of reason and making rational choices socrates stated in all the
species is it not obvious that the male is far superior to the female aristotle
said the courage of a man is shown in his ability to command the courage of a
woman is found in obeying the contorted thinking of these and other philosophers
shaped a world that completely undermined any value at all to women except for their ability to do housework
and make babies even the natural beauty of women was held against them and gave men an excuse to keep women in the
background as stupid and nothing but temptation and trouble hebrew literature from the talmud reflects the same
attitude as an old hebrew prayer says praise be to god that he has not created
me a gentile a woman or a hog in oral jewish law one statement reads even the
most virtuous of women is a witch misogyny means hatred for women and by
taking even a quick journey through ancient history we don’t have to look very hard before we see how misogyny has
saturated all of society mitigating muzzling and restraining half of the
adult population due to hateful stereotyping against women this same hatred heavily shaped the christian
world as well not only through so-called church fathers but even through the very man who translated the bible into latin
arguably doing more harm against women than all other misogynists combined misogynist attitudes stand in blatant
contrast to renowned women of faith like deborah the judge judith widow who with her own sword killed an assyrian general
thereby defeating the whole assyrian army single-handedly the persistent and
self-sacrificing hannah the extremely courageous esther who risked her own life for the sake of a multitude of
people a young virgin who withstood heavy condemnation and severe trials due
to the one who was divinely conceived in her womb and one incredibly courageous mother who with her seven sons chose
torture and death over sinning against god because they refused to eat pork misogynists never had any valid reason
for their wicked views against women from the very beginning when the lord created women he made it clear that they
would be equal in strength to men and in no way inferior to them in genesis we
read that god made a help meet for adam the oxford english dictionary says that
help meet means even with or equal to the original word for help meet was
easier a combination of two root words one meaning to rescue or save and the
other meaning to be strong if we combine the two meanings of that original word we find a far more accurate
understanding of what the lord presented to adam when he created eve a saving partner equal in strength and power yes
eve was far more than just a suitable helper or qualified assistant as one
might easily construe reading a less than perfect translation of genesis years ahead of time through the prophet
joel the lord told us that in the last days he would pour out his spirit on all people your sons and your daughters will
prophesy joel said and his words were fulfilled at pentecost and thereafter by
the time jesus came the entire world had embraced these vicious lies about women so how did jesus respond he completely
ignored their views boldly broke all their rules and preached a gospel that
put women on the very same level as men jesus taught women he spoke to women in
public he loved it when they asked him questions and he gladly answered their questions he chose a former prostitute
to preach one of the most important messages ever preached on earth jesus has risen he struck up conversation with
a woman standing all by herself at a well even though stigmas of the day inferred that she was a prostitute and
that jesus was soliciting her services but jesus never cared what society taught or thought about women nor did he
steer his actions according to how people might construe them jesus announced a new genderless
one-size-fits-all role for everyone in the kingdom of heaven sit at my feet learn from me then go where i tell you
to go whether you are a man or a woman your assignment is the same at the home
of mary and martha martha busied herself with household chores which society wanted women to do but mary hung out
with jesus and listened to jesus not only was jesus happy to have mary talk with him but he literally shunned
society’s gender roles when he told mary that what she had chosen was better than
performing the chores her sister martha was carrying out jesus says to his daughters today choose what is better i
am offering you an entirely new role the role of a disciple the same role i
offered to men no wonder so many men hated jesus besides all that he had
exposed about the scribes and pharisees jesus also exposed the lies that for centuries had put women on a much lower
plane than men jesus set women free to preach to teach to prophesy not only did
jesus say i permit you to preach but to women jesus said i command you to preach
so if from the beginning to the end of his ministry jesus never once even hinted about rules or restrictions on
women where did all those gender-based rules come from meet the man certain new
testament translators wanted you to blame them on meet the apostle paul let me give you a few lesser-known facts
about paul first he traveled and ministered with a married couple named priscilla and aquila notice i say the
wife’s name first because four out of six times the couple’s names appear in the original text her name does come
first that meant priscilla not her husband was the dominant one the leader in their marriage and in their ministry
typically back then the husband’s name would come first however priscilla came from the wealthy family of a roman
senator named caius marius putins cornelianos otherwise known as cornelius
who had come to jesus through peter’s ministry born into prominence and privilege priscilla was highly educated
and also skilled in speaking and writing her husband aquila on the other hand was a jew most likely a freed jewish slave
while aquila as a slave may have had some education he in no way received the education that priscilla received nor
was he as gifted to preach and teach as priscilla was paul’s references to priscilla and aquila also denoted
priscilla as the dominant teacher priscilla and aquila took under their wing a preacher named apollos who though
passionate for the lord was not fully clear about the baptism and other new covenant issues priscilla by paul’s own
description was the main person who taught apollos and yes apollos was a man
history shows that priscilla or prisca had wide influence on the christians during the first century in fact a
building called the church of saint prisca was built over the home of priscilla and aquila archaeologists have
also unearthed the graves of priscilla and her husband found where else but the same family burial plot with putin’s
cornelius the roman governor priscilla was obviously a great woman of god who preached the gospel who taught men and
women and had a passion to see new believers built up in the faith it is also highly possible and even likely
that priscilla wrote the letter to hebrews as a growing number of men and women are finding highly plausible
priscilla aquila and paul all lived in the house priscilla owned and the three of them ministered extensively together
for several years they also shared in the trade of tent making even people of great wealth in that day also had a
trade and so priscilla had her own trade which she shared with her husband and also with paul paul also tells us about
other women gifted in preaching and teaching such as lois and eunice two godly women who taught timothy women did
a lot of teaching of men in the early church and obviously paul was perfectly fine with that fact a second fact about
paul he described beautiful family-style interaction that took place in the homes of the early believers when they met for
fellowship everyone participated according to how the holy spirit led them paul never ever described those
fellowship times as the men doing these kinds of things and the woman doing those kinds of things in fact paul
specifically acknowledged a woman of god named phoebe who was an overseer for the fellowship in sincrea yes a woman held
spiritual leadership over men and paul was fine with that too in some cases the fellowships were made up entirely of
women and it goes without saying that all the women participated as the holy spirit led them in all these things that
paul wrote about never did he ever once allude to gender or any role that gender played as believers participated and
contributed in their fellowship meetings or in spreading the gospel a third fact about paul while fellowshipping with a
group of men and women believers in galatia paul said right then and there you are all sons brothers and sisters in
jesus there is no greek or jew there is no slave or free there is no male or
female you are all one in christ jesus so if we look at paul’s own ministry and
the people he ministered with we see absolutely no sign of gender distinctions or policies if his own
right-hand man was a woman who ministered powerfully by preaching and teaching how could paul have declared
any new rules that would have so blatantly contradicted the way he walked out his own faith furthermore if paul
ministered with a woman clearly directed by and anointed by the lord for herself and not directed by her husband then how
in the world would our bibles end up quoting paul telling women to follow their husbands and not the lord directly
well remember those wicked philosophers who propagated those lies about women what if i were to tell you that some of
them call themselves christians and injected their misogynist ideas as theologians and even bible translators
let’s start with jerome possibly the most influential of all those women hating men jerome who lived during the
5th century is responsible for the latin vulgate version of the new testament which even tyndale used in his
translation the catholic church today still considers that version the only official bible and in years past would
order immediate death to anyone caught reading any other translation so what
did jerome believe about women nothing summarizes his feelings better than the following woman is the root of all evil
woman is the gate of the devil the road to iniquity the sting of the scorpion in
a word a dangerous species misogynist you bet might his bias have possibly
affected his translation whenever translating thoughts about women you bet how about tertullian he’s one of those
men so fondly referred to as a church father and who also was the first person to use the word trinity when referring
to a triune god according to him woman is a temple built over a sewer it is
contrary to the order of nature and of the law for women to speak in a gathering and then he said because of
you we are punished by death because of you women the son of god had to die
origen lived in the 2nd century and was best known for his massive old testament analysis written to answer jewish and
gnostic critics of christianity origen said the following men should not listen to a woman even if she says admirable
things or if she says saintly things they are of little consequence since they come from the mouth of a woman and
how about thomas aquinas aquinas who lived in the 13th century is noted for his so-called christian theology and how
he skillfully integrated it with pagan philosophy aquinas said this about women woman is defective and misbegotten it is
natural that just as women have softer bodies than men so too they have weaker
reason and then there’s good old martin luther a leader of the 16th century martin luther was a reformer someone we
credit for his boldness in challenging the catholic church and its grossly on scriptural foundations however luther
himself held to some grossly unscriptural thinking not the least of which pertained to women according to
him the word and works of god is quite clear that women were made either to be wives or prostitutes there is no gown or
garment that worse becomes a woman than when she would be wise men have broad and large chests and small narrow hips
and more understanding than women who have but small and narrow breasts and broad hips to the end that they should
remain at home sit still keep house and bear and bring up children one time
martin luther was asked why girls mature more quickly than boys and he answered because weeds grow faster than roses
john calvin ah john calvin john stated all women are born that they may
acknowledge themselves as inferior to the male the woman who had perversely exceeded her proper bounds is forced
back to her own position she had indeed previously been subject to her husband
but that was a liberal and gentle subjection now however she is cast into
servitude calvin’s wickedness did not stop with his perverse attitude towards women he also believed in torturing and
murdering those who opposed his views like michael cervetis who in 1553 calvin
burned at the stake using a pile of green wood to make his death slow and more painful all because the man
rejected certain of calvin’s views about the catholic church then 40 years later in 1597 calvin had a man named jacques
gruit tortured for a month and finally beheaded because gruet had placed a letter on calvin’s pulpit calling him a
hypocrite calvin also had his own stepdaughter and son-in-law murdered for committing adultery john wesley founder
of the wesleyan movement said the following in a letter to his wife on july 15 1774 do not any longer contend
for mastery for power money or praise be content to be a private insignificant
person known and loved by god and me of what importance is your character to
mankind if you were buried now or if you had never lived what loss would it be to
the cause of god and then of course we have king james the first the first speculative freemason rosicrucian and
blatant homosexual and also responsible for putting his own spin on the text in order to promote his ecclesiastical
power good old king jimmy said the following about women to make women learned and to make a fox tame work out
to the same end educating a woman or a fox simply makes them more cunning if
you don’t think that satan has used hateful dishonest men to shape so-called christian thinking and even the very
translation of the bibles we’ve been using for centuries then think again would you really trust a misogynist to
convey what paul believed about women can we really believe that jerome and all those highly influential so-called
church fathers did all they could do to truthfully present how jesus feels about
women and what he wants to accomplish for his kingdom by using women not if they could find a way to change and
twist the original text they wouldn’t and that is exactly what they did first they added words that weren’t even in
the original text in ephesians 5 22 we read a famous verse wives submit
yourselves and to your husbands some equate submission with obedience which it is not and paul did encourage all
believers to submit to one another by putting each other first etc but paul himself never told women to submit to
their husbands check your bible and you will see that the word submit is in italics that means submit was not in the
original text a misogynist named jerome most likely put it there the original
text actually reads wives be to your husbands as unto the lord it echoes the
verse do all that you do is unto the lord the verse has nothing at all to do with subjection to a husband at all
imagine how this corruption alone has taken untold scores of women down
unspeakable paths of suffering and destruction compelled to take their direction from husbands even husbands
that cared nothing about the lord and cared nothing about them the corruptions do not stop there second they like to
change the words that paul used in order to make it look like paul agreed with the very beliefs that he was condemning
in corinth a diverse group of cultures began disputing over whether the women should wear something on their heads or
not as crazy as it may sound and as crazy as it did sound to paul the various cultures in corinth each had
their own strict stigmas about head covering when the believers of those different cultures came to fellowship
people were fighting over women’s head covering and the situation had gotten pretty bad italians wanted their women
not to cover their heads the greeks wanted their women to cover their hair but only if they were married orientals
wanted all the women’s heads covered all the time the jewish believers while never having been given any instructions
in the old testament and certainly never from jesus were still heavily influenced by the wicked gnostic thinking of jewish
tradition specifically from the talmud and a book called datmosha or torah law
the laws promoted in those two jewish books put heavy pressure on the jewish women concerning their hair and head
covering according to man-made tradition jewish women had to cover their hair if they were married single women did not
have to cover their hair unless they were at certain places or near certain men who were praying some of those laws
were so extreme that a woman who exposed even one strand of her own hair in public was told she had sinned as badly
as if she was publicly exposing private areas of her body corinth had become a
total mess all arguing over women’s hair so certain believers in corinth sent a letter to paul asking for help the
letter no doubt outlined what the various groups believed and they may have gone into some of the thinking
behind those beliefs no doubt paul having been raised a jew already knew about those jewish traditions and the
wicked gnostic thinking behind those traditions so paul responded with four clear statements in his reply and
believe it or not he actually rebuked the corinthians for making such a stink about hair covering his bottom line was
that women should decide for themselves what to put on their heads and that where paul was which was probably where
priscilla and aquila were also there were no concerns about hair covering however jerome did some rearranging with
the text and did his best to confuse paul’s response with the actual gnostic thinking he was correcting therefore
paul came out looking like he was promoting head covering and supported the gnostic beliefs behind them when
nothing could be further from the truth what resulted was 2 000 years now of people thinking that paul made up new
rules that he himself never even made all of this happens in first corinthians
chapter 11. the passage begins by stating rules concerning the length of men and women’s hair but they were not
paul’s rules those ideas presented there had never been stated in scripture at all but they did reflect the gnostic
thinking of the day a woman is man’s glory a man is god’s glory a woman is
from man but man is not from woman and so on paul responded to that gobbledygook theology and set things
straight here are the four points that paul makes first your theological reasoning isn’t even valid because
neither gender is independent of the other but both come from the lord notice in verse 11 and 12 he says yet in the
lord woman is dependent on man and man is dependent on woman as the woman was
made from the man so a man is born of a woman and it all comes from god therefore his second point was let your
women decide for themselves what to wear on their heads you don’t need to be deciding it for them where do we find
this in verse 10 the verse was translated to say that’s why a woman should wear a symbol of authority on her
head out of respect for the angels the verse has three dead giveaway signs of
tampering with paul’s intended response first the lord never instructed his children in the old testament or by the
words of jesus to respect angels that totally smacks of the gnostic beliefs
from the talmud in other jewish tradition that was steeped in angel worship and interacting with angels
secondly the words a symbol of were not in the original text jerome conveniently
put them there if you notice you will see those words in italics that is where the idea of doilies and handkerchiefs
came into the picture but certainly not from the mouth of paul and finally the word translated as authority does not
properly convey the word exousia that was actually used in that sentence exousia best translates as having the
right having the privilege having the prerogative or having the jurisdiction so verse 10 should have read that’s why
a woman should have the jurisdiction over her own head paul had just corrected their theology by saying that
men and women both come from each other and all from god therefore stop dictating to the women and let them
decide for themselves if they want to put anything on their heads be sure that paul never instituted any policy for
women to wear clothes on their heads leave alone as a sign of submission to anyone but the lord leave alone for the
sake of the angels third paul further silences the entire head covering issue
and chalks it all up to arrogance and contention in verse 16 paul states two
things about the fight over head covering first paul and his fellowship did not have any policies regarding head
covering and second none of the other fellowship groups did either notice in verse 16 he says but if anyone seems to
be contentious we have no such custom and neither does anyone else paul said
we have no such policies here yet notice another deliberate word change where
jerome snuck the word other in place of the word such other is in italics and by
switching the word to other jerome conveyed that the policies in question were just fine with paul because paul
was saying we don’t have any other policy to suggest to you but that is not what paul said he said we have no such
policies here then paul adds that no one else is dealing with the crazy head covering issues either paul in fact had
warned timothy about the very kinds of jewish traditions that were causing the fight over head covering and many other
nonsense issues in first timothy 6 verses 3 to 5 paul tells timothy if
anyone teaches otherwise and does not agree to the sound instruction of our lord jesus christ and to godly teaching
they are conceited and understand nothing they have an unhealthy interest in controversies and quarrels about
words that result in envy strife malicious talk evil suspicions and constant friction between people of
corrupt mind who have been robbed of the truth and finally misogynists whenever they could like to change the names of
women who had any importance and make it look like men did it instead as we know paul referred to priscilla and aquila
six different times in his letters with four of those times strategically putting priscilla’s name before aquila’s
yet in some translations we find that name order was switched with the coolest name before priscilla’s obviously to
undermine the importance of priscilla as preacher and teacher and a woman who was led of god for herself we also see
blatant examples of masculinizing women’s names to make it appear that they were men instead here’s nympha the
female in colossians 4 15. in the revised standard version it says give my
greetings to the brethren at laodicea and to nympha and the church in her house and yet the name was changed to
mail and the king james version greet the brethren which are in laodicea and nymphus and the church which is in his
house here’s junior the female in romans 16 7. in the king james version she is a
woman greet adronicus and junia my kinsmen but that name is changed to male
in this version greet adronicus and junius my kinsmen and the last one eodia
the female in philippians 4 2 and the new king james version reads i implore
yodia and i implore cintaiki to be of the same mind in the lord but eodia becomes a male and the king james
version i beseech eodius and beseech sentaike that they be in the same mind in the lord other nefarious name changes
occurred at the hands of wicked so-called church fathers although jerome himself had a disdain for women two
roman educated women helped him translate the bible from greek into latin their names were paula and
eustochium and jerome did acknowledge the women by name after the project was finished however when so-called church
fathers found out about the two women they immediately erased their names and gave credit to venerable brothers
blatantly lying about who helped jerome with the translation clearly paul and
those he ministered with encountered many kinds of challenging situations with other believers as mature believers
do today and the lord gave paul wisdom for those situations based on what jesus
taught however the lord never sent anyone including paul to announce new doctrine or new rules for all christians
to follow jesus left us with his law two extremely demanding commands which he
himself called laws they cover every single detail of our life if we actually
take them seriously first love the lord with our whole life our passions our dreams our reputation our resources and
our relationships and second love people and treat people as though we were in their shoes with a love willing to lay
down our lives our comforts our schedule our resources and our conveniences for
other people if we obey the two laws of jesus then we can be sure that the holy
spirit will guide us for every decision we have to make if paul knew that people were following him as a new law giver
he’d be appalled uh yeah pun intended and in fact in that same letter to corinth paul spoke of the fallacy he
already saw at work in believers who followed other people even good people rather than following jesus directly in
first corinthians 1 12 he says one of you says i follow paul another i follow
apollos another i follow cephas and still another i follow christ each of us
must follow jesus to get his direct instructions for us personally and not through any other human being whether we
are a man or a woman in the book of acts we read the story about a married couple named ananias and sapphira like other
believers at the time the couple sold one of their extra properties for the sake of sharing with the needs of other
believers however before presenting the money to the apostles ananias decided to keep some of the money for himself and
he told his wife what he did ananias went to peter and said that he had given them all the money he made from the sale
of the property but peter perceived that it was a lie and he rebuked ananias for lying to the holy spirit immediately
ananias was struck dead by the lord for lying a few hours later sapphira the
wife not knowing what had happened to her husband went to the apostles with the same lie peter rebuked her and said
how could you conspire to test the spirit of the lord the feet of the men who just buried your husband are at the
door now to bury you then sapphira fell down at his feet and died both the husband and the wife were responsible
for their own actions if the lord had set things up for wives to follow their husbands then sapphira would not have
died after all she was following her husband but that’s not how the lord set things up for wives not then and not now
either true brothers in the lord i strongly encourage you to look more carefully into this matter unless
someday the lord holds you personally accountable for quenching the holy spirit in women simply because they were
women true sisters in the lord i urge you to do the same lest the lord hold you personally accountable for ignoring
his voice because of deliberate translational errors implemented by men who flagrantly hated women i recommend
the following books for their valuable content including historical facts and textual evidence that confirm not only
what i presented in this video but expose many more issues and the blatant evidence that proves serious tampering
with the original text god’s word to women by catherine bushnell the christian woman set free by gene edwards
and priscilla’s letter by ruth hoppin jesus said all authority in heaven and
on earth has been given to me therefore go and make disciples of all nations
baptizing them in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit and teaching them to obey everything i
have commanded you and surely i am with you always to the very end of the age i
look forward to talking to you next time the lord bless you 

One thing seems apparent, that Jesus wants women to follow and love HIM, even above their husband, not THROUGH their husband. Orthodoxy, and the crafty men who craft it, only seem to have one real purpose to their lives – POWER. Power over anything in this universe that they set their sites on.

Russell Dibird


Saul Paul False Apostle


More articles exposing Paul as a false teacher here.




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Herbert Baker

An interesting thing is that I often tell people that there is more to the whole “let he whom is without sin cast the first stone” thing…In fact, Jesus was not saying that anyone whom was sinless in life could cast a stone, he was directly referring to the situation at hand. For in Hebrew law, an accusation of adultery could only be valid with the husband present, AND THE OTHER PARTY Whom the girl cheated ion him with. As you know there was no husband present right? And there definitely was no other party!!! Thus, the statement is actually telling them that He knew full well that that whole thing was a test and a trap for Him and he was telling them: Let anyone not participating in this sham; without sin in this situation, cast the first stone! For He knew what was happening… and by the way, very good! How you describe what He was writing in the sand… That is not widely known… 

As far as the women equality thing… Hmmm.. … .. Women do indeed play a very nefarious role in history eh??? I say that many have legitimate reasons to be cautious towards them; and, further, even suspicious… I mean it is a common theme is it note? How so many destructions, wars, murders, betrayals, etc.., etc.., etc.., are all revolved around women… Thus, many cultures have such views… Many religions too, and quite different ones at that. More and deeper thought must be given to this subject… Notwithstanding, as we are all humanity incarnate here for divine reasons together, we should consider each other equal, and for that alone I agree with you here. Jesus defied the cultural norms with women because He did not “see” women or man, he saw His children in need, and thus He helped them. If we all could be so inclined eh!?!?!? Also, I must agree that any exclusions from spiritual learning, opportunity, involvement, etc., at all is against His teachings. However, I give you the perspective that many organizations and such DO separate the sexes in ritual, church, etc., because of the basic attractions and mind deterring qualities of having both in the same environment, etc., you know? Where a man’s mind needs to be focused upon certain things, it is distracting to have women around. Hell, its basic psychology… THAT makes sense and has its uses. The purposeful manipulation of this for personal gain, power, control, etc., is where it all goes bad… And, thus, this chapter of yours stands and is well received.

Regarding Paul’s contradictions, they are more than merely misdirection… Not sure is I can equate him to the Anti-Christ. For, I do believe that there is no greater Devil / anti-Christ, (and yes, I do understand that many do not consider these as the same entity, and for good reasons) , no greater Beast, devil anti-Christ, than that one staring one in the mirror… “For it is a Human number…” Man/Woman Him/Her self is the beast which must be conquered… Yet again, I also agree that there are and have been and will be certain personal manifestations of this anti-Christ in individual(s). Bu this is a topic for another time… 
I like you thinking and supportive evidence here. I also find the order in which you are presenting your work interesting. Good lead, and good direction.