Joseph Provided The Seed Starting Jesus’ Physical Body
The male seed used to fertilize the egg in young virgin Mary, was lifted from the body of her fiancé, Joseph, and implanted into the waiting egg in her womb, making Jesus’ physical body 100% human, and her 100% virgin.
The Bible is ambiguous as to WHO exactly provided the male seed that fertilized Mary’s egg and started the physical body of Jesus.
Orthodoxy teaches that it was provided by either: 1. The Holy Spirit or 2. God The Father
Fortunately, Jesus made it perfectly clear who His physical Father was, verses who the Father of His spirit was.
First, He knocks Orthodoxy out of the ring, with one punch: Flesh gives birth to flesh, and Spirit gives birth to Spirit. John 3:6
It is IMPOSSIBLE for The Holy Spirit or God The Father to have provided a physical human seed, since they are spirits, and not the required flesh.
First I will speculate on what I believe happened, and then the evidence for my speculation.
The Holy Spirit came and lifted a fresh, live seed, from out of Joseph’s physical body, and implanted it directly into the waiting, fertile egg in Mary. Now the body of Jesus is 100% HUMAN, just like you and me. Unlike you and me however, we were not born of a virgin.
You see, if Jesus’ father would have been God, then I would have very little in common with Jesus. “Hey, no wonder you lived that supercharged life – YOUR DADDY WAS GOD”!!!
Jesus was a plain man, just like us, so He could show us the potential within us. The potential that He demonstrated during His life, and after His resurrection from the dead, is the exact same as we have. We are His children. He specifically wants us aware that immortality in human flesh is the norm that should be sought after with all your heart, because He knows it is possible.
So how do we know that Jesus was the physical son of Joseph?
Because He LOOKED JUST LIKE HIS SIBLINGS!!!!! They all came from the same seed/egg pair.
“Coming to his hometown, he began teaching the people in their synagogue, and they were amazed. “Where did this man get this wisdom and these miraculous powers?” they asked. “Isn’t this the carpenter’s son? Isn’t his mother’s name Mary, and aren’t his brothers James, Joseph, Simon and Judas? Aren’t all his sisters with us? Where then did this man get all these things?” And they took offense at him.” Mat 13:54-57
But Jesus said to them, “A prophet is not without honor except in his own town and in his own home.”
“And he did not do many miracles there because of their lack of faith.” vs 58
Beware The False Teachings of Paul
Paul teaches that Jesus came in the “image of flesh” – not a real flesh and blood body like you and me.
This is how you can recognize the Spirit of God: Every spirit that acknowledges that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God. 1 John 4:2
I say this because many deceivers, who do not acknowledge Jesus Christ as coming in the flesh, have gone out into the world. Any such person is the deceiver and the antichrist. 2 John 1:7
Paul, once again, must be completely dismissed as the spirit of Anti-Christ.
Orthodoxy hides God from you, therefore you can not grasp true faith, and thus no miracles. Accept Jesus as the Father of your spirit, say Hi to Daddy, and your faith will grow, and you can do miracles.
Would you like to learn more about Joseph? His back-story will BLOW YOUR MIND!!! (opens in new tab)
Russell Dibird
[…] the same fashion, the man that God chose to grow the male seed, and sire the physical body of the Lord Jesus must have been pretty dang special as […]
[…] His story is told. He was born to a virgin who had never been with a man – the seed had been LIFTED from the body of Joseph and implanted into the […]
This is indeed a very controversial subject violently argued over… Immaculate conception… Well, It IS possible, though in many ways other than simply being impregnated by the spirit. And, what you say is solid inasmuch as It requires a physical act, reaction, etc., to cause the same. Physical causes for physical results/effects. Yes. Notwithstanding, certain “spirit” beings can and do effect physical results by the manipulation of physical forces indirectly… It’s like when people say they “HEARD” a ghost, spirit, whatever, “speak”… Nay, for these things have no vocal cords, etc., and thus cannot speak as such. They Can, however, manipulate natural wind, and air fluctuations over surfaces, through peculiar spaces, etc., to simulate speech and produce words, sounds, etc.. (As a side note though, it is always interesting that these things many times seem to affect the familiar voices of loved ones, etc…. And that is another subject entirely…) The point being is that higher powers can effect the physical reality here on earth by nun-physical forces. So taking your example of Jesus Father being Joseph, etc.. Yes, that is exactly right, AND it could very well have been effected by the Holy Spirit, etc.., through a non-sexual act. Further, the very acts themselves, natural phenomena, etc., may well be the modus operandi of higher spiritual beings and other ununderstood things…
Where you mentioned that Jesus did not do many miracles in his home town, (and certain other places) due to there being little faith there.. Yes, and in certain :”philosophies” we refer to this as the counter current effect. This is where it becomes more difficult to perform certain tings because of the disbelief, non-belies, mental, emotional, spiritual, conscious or subconscious opposition present. Say a person can levitate objects at home, yet can not in certain other people’s homes. That is actually common, and its because of these counter currents. A personal Will must be powerful and free from all servitude, in combination with a vivid imagination, and stronger than those whom produce this counter current; weather they are doing it intentionally or not.. Otherwise things that are even easy to do under good circumstances may well become all but impossible when subject to this counter current… It seems Christ Himself even had trouble with this eh??? Not that He could not have overcame it if He wanted, and THAT choice of His is also highly indicative!!! And why spend useful energy overcoming doubt, ignorance and disbelief for those whom will likely not benefit therefrom…??? This phenomenon is well attested to inside and outside of occult, religious, mystic, and metaphysical circles.
***There is a sentence where I think an error might be… Or It’s me and I’m misreading it… Anyway, the sentence is: “Joseph BOTH ruler same as Joseph father of Jesus.” The placement of the word “both” is what I am specifically referring to. Did you mean to write it that way??? Or should it be: “Both Joseph the ruler and Joseph the father of Jesus are the same.” ?? Not that I’m criticizing!!! I just know very well that when one is inspired to write on these tings the mind moves MUCH faster than the pen/fingers!!! 🙂 I do it all the time, and another thing one must watch for is that when you proof read your own stuff you often miss mistakes. This is because YOU know what it’s SUPPOSED to say, and your mind sometimes fills in the blanks, “auto-corrects” what you see, etc…. You know??? I have written three complete books, EVERY TIME I READ them I found more mistakes!!! I learned that having someone else proof read is critical!!! Anyway, just offering perspective!
This chapter is well received, though I think it could use “outside” evidence, common experience, and such to further support your teachings. For, though it is solid enough, many might be prone to argue. Thus, I suggest hitting it from multiple sides. Though, again, this is merely me opinion.
Mary as is written in the old testament is the woman of the seed, the seed was already in her without any form of intercourse be it active or passive