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Life Is In The Blood, Spirit Is Assigned Around 10 Weeks

At approximately 10 weeks of age, the blood begins to circulate in a human fetus. This is the point where Jesus shoehorns one of His spirit babies into this fetus, to begin a new life together.

The life of a creature is in the blood. Leviticus 17:11

Thousands of years before scientists understood the complex and extraordinary life-sustaining properties of blood, the Bible informed that “the life of every creature is in its blood”. In ancient Israel, blood was not only a metaphor or symbol for life; it was equivalent to life itself. In most occurrences where blood was shed in Scripture, it meant that life had ended. To remove the blood is to terminate life.

When a young woman becomes pregnant, the process of cell reproduction begins it’s hidden, complex networking of building a new human body. At around 10 weeks of growth, the blood begins to flow in the fetus.

Alarms go off in heaven – A NEW SPIRIT NEEDED for this new life that is viable so far.

Jesus has to choose which one of His spirit children would most benefit for the experience offered with this pregnancy. He considers the gender of the fetus. He considers everything about this new life – where on the face of the earth is it, what is it’s race, it’s social position, and dozens of other variables. He turns to His spirit children who are with Him in heaven, finishing their “time out” following their previous earthly experience, and offers this new opportunity to the most qualified candidate. If this spirit child accepts the offer, then that spirit is shoehorned/squeezed into that growing fetus, to begin a new life together.

Something that is related and of interest is the new law in Texas called the “Heartbeat Act”. After a fetal heartbeat is detected, an abortion becomes illegal in Texas. Good for them!! And it goes to show how important the commencement of a beating fetal heart is – it is the sign that a spirit has been assigned to begin a new life together, and DO NOT DISTURB.

Russell Dibird


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