The Forbidden Fruit Is Activating The Pineal Gland
The fruit, in the middle of the garden, that Eve was tempted, then participated in, then shared, was activating and utilizing the pineal gland to communicate with spirit, instead of the heart, as originally intended.
Here is the meme that finally shook me awake!!
Genesis 3 Now the serpent was more crafty than any of the wild animals the Lord God had made. He said to the woman, “Did God really say, ‘You must not eat from any tree in the garden’?”
2 The woman said to the serpent, “We may eat fruit from the trees in the garden, 3 but God did say, ‘You must not eat fruit from the tree that is in the middle of the garden, and you must not touch it, or you will die.’”
4 “You will not certainly die,” the serpent said to the woman. 5 “For God knows that when you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.”
6 When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom, she took some and ate it. She also gave some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate it. 7 Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they realized they were naked; so they sewed fig leaves together and made coverings for themselves.
Do you know why your pineal gland is called your “third eye”? There is a very scientific, and logical, reason for this nickname. It is based on the components of this gland that is located in the very center of your skull.
Have you ever heard the description of one of the parts of your body as being designed as ‘rods and cones’? Rods and cones are the design of your eyes. They take light, and funnel it, and reflect it and, viola, you can see.
What if I told you that the design of the pineal gland, is RODS AND CONES.
Evidently it has the ability to see the unseen world, and evidently God did not want them to LOOK AT the unseen world. It appears that the pineal is to be used for INTUITION rather than as a periscope into other realms.
In the warning to Adam, God did NOT warn man that he would DIE literally, because there was no such thing as death anywhere in the garden, so he would have absolutely no idea what God was talking about. Instead, God warned them that they would be CUT OFF from communications with Him via the heart – as originally intended – if they partook in the forbidden fruit. The forbidden fruit, he was later to find out, was forced entry into the spirit world via the pineal gland, sitting ripe in the middle of his garden.
My current feeling is that it is better to use the pineal to sense, and NOT to peer or seek It makes sense to me that pineal could be the basis for what we call intuition. Nothing wrong with that.
Is this a reference to using the pineal to communicate with spirit?:
Matthew 11:12 From the days of John the Baptist until now, the kingdom of heaven has been subjected to violence (force), and violent (forceful) people have been raiding it.
However, those who actively tap into the unknown world of the third eye, and harvest the kundalini energy from the spinal column, are in grave danger. I find it most interesting that the OFFICIAL TITLE for what it is they are searching for is called SERPENT ENERGY. REALLY?
Personally, I’ll pass on the serpent energy….
The pineal was the forbidden fruit in the middle of the garden that Eve partook of first. It is no mystery that women are far more intuitive that men, so it’s no wonder that she was more prone to this temptation.
It finally hit me that this violent, forceful entry into spirituality is the practice of using the pineal gland to access the spirit world.
God has always wanted to communicate with man through HIS HEART, and not his head/mind. Remember how God wanted to simply lead the people with righteous Judges? But oh no, the people didn’t want that. No, we want a king, like all the other people. He wanted to lead the people by their hearts. The people wanted to be herded around like cattle with a big, tall dude:
1 Samuel 9:2 Kish had a son named Saul, as handsome a young man as could be found anywhere in Israel, and he was a head taller than anyone else. .
Saul became the first “king” of Israel because he was handsome and taller than everyone else. Ho hum, says God.
I Found A Better Way To Communicate With My Father In Heaven
Your Heart Is The Preferred Way To Communicate With God!! God has connected every human heart to Himself with a “silver cord”. This is intended to be the conduit for you to communicate with Him, allowing you to bypass the mechanics of using the forbidden pineal gland (the tree in the middle of the garden)
Russell Dibird
[…] and many Christians, talk about the Third Eye as being the connection to spirit. This was the deadly error that Eve fell for in the garden. Have you ever looked closely at exactly why your pineal gland is called your […]
The pineal or Pinuel ( where Jacob met God)gland is housed inside the skull. The Latin word for skull is Calvaria, the Hebrew word for skull is Gulgolet which is the root word for such words as Gilgal, Galilee, Goliath and Gulgotha.
The pineal gland is situated between the two eyes or two witnesses. If you look at the Jewish tabernacle and temple as a map of the human body the ark of the Covenant sits in the holy of holies exactly where the pineal gland is.
The blood of the lamb sprinkled matches the dispersion of DMT from the pineal gland which naturally occurs during dreams and at the time of death.
Jesus is the lamb of God slain at Calvary no?
The temple curtain or veil corresponds with the neck.
Kundalini Yoga has seven chakras fueled by semen which when the pineal gland opens on the forehead we meet the Hindu God Shiva.
The Hebrew religion has seven oil filled lamps ( the hebrew word for oil is שמן semen) and when we are anointed ( christed) on the forehead we are in relationship with God.
The hebrew word for seven is literally ‘Shiva’
The book of revelation reveals who what where and how we meet God.
You shall know the truth and you shall be set free.
Enjoy your forbidden fruit now you know why Jews reject Jesus. He IS the morning star.
I would like to hear more of what you are describing here please. For one, you say it speaks of the book of Revelation, and for two I do see it in the body as well. However I was thinking is was Christ crucified between the two thieves, as our eyes can deceive us- yet I also see each chakra as a church mentioned in Revelation. I also had a situation where I felt this, and I will use the term energy go from my heart to my head, upon which I was told within 3 years later that I made it through my tribulation, to which I said WHAT?, Then I hear again, you made it through your tribulation of circumstances crown of life. I also know that Galilee means full circuit. As for the Jews, they are Edomites and Canaanites in my last research. Thus the tribe of Judah is of the Judahites. The Jews take their book of the Talmud and make it their Bible. Yet I heard within me a long while back, drink unsullied water, the Father distills the water f His word and it is sweet. TalMUD distilled and the water is sweet to mean taste the Lord as He is sweet. I guess this is one of those things that are controversial– So, I would like to hear more of your description.
The Pineal is a serious subject indeed. I did explain much of this in one of my responses… A while ago, remember??? All that about Kundalini etc….. It is called the seat of higher intelligence, the connection to the divine, the physical link to the super-physical, and much more. In this chapter you state a question: What kind of light is being seen in the middle of my head? Perhaps REAL LIGHT!?!?!?! Psychic light? Divine illumination? Inner light? And any other such… Like you said, it IS called the THIRD eye, though the psychic eye, or Ajna, IS NOT THE SAME THING NOR LOCATED IN THE SAME PLACE. Now, scientifically, Biologically, this gland used to be larger, and located more near the back of the head. Look at the structure of and around the Pineal… It is located near the back of the head, and within a structure that seriously resembles a sealed eye socket!!! If one of he normal eyes in the front of the head were closed by evolution, adaptation, or other such causes, it would look just like that… Yea, an eye in the back of the head… the 3rd eye… Like I suggested in my very first email, if you cut the brain in section and look at the Limbic system and specifically the Pineal body, it well nigh exactly matches the picture of the Egyptian All-Seeing Eye.. Or Eye of Horus/Ra… Further, this gland is responsible for the production of melatonin, which I’m sure you’re familiar with??? Dreams, visions, trances, etc….
But here is something to consider: You ask what kind of light is seen with/by this gland??? Well, sir, I ask you this: What kind of truth/light is beheld by the physical 2 eyes??? None. And the reason is actually taught to everyone in middle school, though many forget it. Remember, how, EXACTLY, do our eyes see? I mean the most simple answer? By light REFLECTING OFF OF OR AWAY FROM OBJECTS. Thus, if what we see is blue, that object MUST be every other color BUT BLUE, because it is the one being reflected. This is fact. Period. We do not see what is real and true, at least not in this sense, and if this is indeed the case, what else are we NOT seeing, or ARE seeing that is not true??? The physical eyes are under constant illusions! Hell, even psychology plays a large part in what we “see.” So, may I suggest, sir, that before one questions or doubts what can be seen from within, take a good “look” at exactly what is “seen: from without… Now lets get deeper! The physical eyes see by light-reflection. Yet the Pineal, the 3rd eye, the INNER eye, SEES, yes sees, without any light whatsoever. How, well, lets look at it… This gland is where dreams are produced/induced. I assume we are agreed that we do in fact see in dreams, right? Ok, how??? How can we literally see without light? How do we perceive visually in dreams? You may reckon this the same a memory, fine. The question remains… But there is a difference. And regardless, it still proves the point: That we SEE with inner eyes as much as, and more so, than with the two physical eyes. And to counter/ support this, i will bring your attention to the sermon on the mount: “LEST THINE EYE BE SINGLE…” Well, what single eye is He referring to??? NOT a metaphor, I say, any more that Genesis is…
But I said much upon this already in that response about Kundalini meditation Yoga practice. While I am not attempting to dissuade you, I would suggest more research and experience before so critical judgement regarding the pineal gland and its powers, properties, and functions… Forbidden fruit???Perhaps, and for good reasons! Just as certain knowledge and information is “forbidden” for other reasons… Knowledge is power, maybe the ONLY true power, and in the wrong hands would be bad… On another point, knowledge itself is a curse if not USED… “Better to have never known at all than to know and not do.” Once you know, you are responsible for that knowledge and the actions it necessitates… So, perhaps “forbidden” in that it was better to NOT know what that fruit can show one… Ignorance is bliss??? The more one knows the more one wants to know. If you don’t know it does not matter… etc., etc, etc and such cliche’s 🙂
I have done extensive dream, vision, trance, etc., work. I tell you true that what can be “seen: within is far superior, realer, and more powerful than what is reflected to you physical eyes… Do most people not CLOSE THEIR EYES when in prayer, when kissing, making love, making a wish, etc., etc., etc….. Hmmm…..
Whenever I post something on FB that I know is way over the heads of most of the readers, I preface with this:
“It is only in the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye.”
I look at the pineal as the fastest racecar on earth. Fun? ha, without a doubt. Dangerous? Always deadly.
Yes, I’m sure it can produce the highest of highs possible here on earth. But is there any function built into it to provide immortality to the host?
The threat to Adam was “in that day you will die” or in my words “you will be CUT OFF from communication with me, and instead BY LIKE ME, being your own god”.
Activating and utilizing the pineal really does put the “ball in your court”. You are the boss.
But isn’t that like putting a 10 year old behind the wheel of a 750 HP Corvette – not fully capable of handling the task at hand… “bit off more than can chew”. I would guess that we can not experience growth, here on this earth, completely within, but we are on this physical plain to learn both, within AND without. It’s like once one enters the kundalini experience, who has the roadmap to get you to the next level? Well, if you do not possess it within, then you must look without for the map, and I wonder who might be willing to give you one? Now, what is the quality of the map that that stranger gave you?
If we look within so as to follow the Lamb wherever He leads – we would seem to have a great combination of both worlds – spirit lead – foundational instructions from the heart, accented by situational awareness and overall wherewithal from the pineal, seeing the unseen – while being physically accountable.
So it’s not really “forbidden”.. Maybe it just needs a warning sign: DANGER – Approach with extreme caution.
I had a spontaneous Kundalini awakening in one night & I had never even heard the word Kundalini before. Chakras were still just colored circles in yoga illustrations. I never thought anything about them. I felt cool air move over a chakra. How did I know it was a chakra & cool air? Cool air of the Holy Ghost. How did I feel something that’s not physical near my lower spine? When the cool air reached my mind, I felt my soul in this body temple lit up & I then knew the cool air was divine energy. How did I know that? I had the mind of Christ. I had 3 visions at my heart, mind & then crown chakras & had several knowings. Nothing about serpents. It was a blissful divine union with God. I am a Christian not a new ager. I do not do yoga. The Holy Spirit dwells within me, so no one can say I was possessed. Only nonbelievers were possessed in the Bible.
The light of the body is the eye, if therefore thine eye be single, then thy whole body shall be full of light. Matthew 6:22 KVJ
That’s exactly what I experienced.
The god of the Old Testament is not the true, supreme God. Religions have pulled the wool over the whole world’s eyes to keep them from seeking and knowing the true God who loves each and every one of us unconditionally.
Many of the stories in the Old Testament came from the Sumerian stories of creation, which were written at least 1,000 years before the Bible. They changed the narrative from polytheism to monotheism, changed the names, and changed some details but the stories clearly came from the Sumerian epic of creation.
The god of the Old Testament closely resembles the Annunaki god, Enlil. Enlil was a war-mongering god who hated humans. He was the one who ordered that our lives be shortened to 120 years and he was also the god who ordered the great flood. It was his brother, Enki, who saved humanity by warning Ziusudra and instructing him to build a large boat and to bring as many animals as he could on it. Enki was the serpent in the Adam and Eve story.
We look like the Annunaki. This is why in Genesis 1:26 it says – then God said, “Let US make mankind in OUR image, in OUR likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals and over all the creatures that move along the ground.”
Enlil required lots of sacrifices. I was always confused about why God (a spirit) would need virgin and animal sacrifices when reading the Old Testament. Now I understand. It’s because the god of the Old Testament is not the supreme God.
Thank you again for the truth. AND, guess what inhibits the pineal?,
fluoride put into our water and toothpaste…and certainly glyphosate,
pesticides, herbicides, prescription drugs, and more. ‘They’ never do
anything without a reason…