Jesus Was Begotten As A New Spirit Being By His Father
The spirit being who squeezed into the body we know as Jesus, was begotten/born, as a new spirit being, from His Father, a spirit being, most likely referred to in the Bible as Melchizedek.
The spirit being who squeezed into the body we know as Jesus, was begotten/born, as a new spirit being, from His Father, a spirit being, most likely referred to in the Bible as Melchizedek.
The God of the Old Testament, who spoke to Moses on the mountain, and many other appearances, was the same spirit who later incarnated as Jesus.
The male seed used to fertilize the egg in young virgin Mary, was lifted from the body of her fiancé, Joseph, making Jesus’ physical body 100% human.
God’s perfect Holy Trinity is possible within you: 1) Your spirit (98 degrees) is born of Him, therefore HOLY. 2) You have disciplined your mind to embrace a SPIRIT OF HOLINESS (an attitude). 3) A Holy Seed, from Jesus’ body is growing in your heart.
When The Son of Man Returns Will He Find THE Faith? Jesus knew that the traitors who would “own His name” here on earth would undermine every single truth that He taught, to the point where He wondered if He would be able find the same version of truth remaining from what He left 2000 years ago.