The Firstfruits Rapture Timing Predicted By Pattern
The Firstfruits Rapture Timing Predicted By Pattern – The 10th Day of Nisan
The Firstfruits Rapture Timing Predicted By Pattern – The 10th Day of Nisan
The Bride of Christ Is Now Being Called For – NOW IS YOUR CHANCE!!!. 144,000 Firstfruits are chosen as the bride of Christ. The immortal, revivified body of one (immortal) Jesus is the physical equivalent of 144,000 blameless men.
Adam’s body was designed as a self reproducing hermaphrodite, in the image of His Father (God) who as a spirit being is “hermaphroditic” in that He reproduces spirits all alone.
History Was Changed Far More Than We Know
Lucifer/Satan/The Devil are actually innocent of any wrong doing. His main activity is sending the “firey darts” of IDEAS into the fertile imagination of mankind, and then mankind does all the dirty work, and then blames it on Lucifer.
Jesus asked His firstborn son, Lucifer, to “go on assignment” by leaving heaven to come here to tempt mankind, and teach him how to choose life over death. Lucifer will be restored to his former substantial glory, in the end.