Christians and their absolute tolerance of magic has been heavy on my heart for several years. In this video I present actual evidence to the reality of – the DEMONIC reality of MAGIC, and why no true believer would take magic lightly nor would they tolerate it in any form.
I present more about why Constantine made a deal with the church of Rome to entice Christians to join in a wicked Satanic celebration, adding the so-called birth of Jesus to the 10 PAGAN sons of gods whose virgin births occurred on December 25th.
The holiday would be nothing without magic. Christians should celebrate Jesus every day of the year, and not Jesus in His speechless baby state. Satan is laughing as Christians join the world that even includes unbelieving Jews who celebrate everything BUT Jesus on December 25th.
Magic has truly entered the hearts, minds and families of the majority of professing Christians. The Lord is saying that it is TIME TO RENOUNCE MAGIC IN EVERY FORM. We are at the end of days and the dangers around every Christian are mounting. Our actual physical Bibles are changing but since most professing Christians embrace magic they do not see those changes.
almost everyone believes that the best magicians in the world only use
incredibly quick sleight of hand to perform their quote tricks many have the
impression that the Tom editions are just so good at what they do that there’s a natural explanation for their
performances even if we can’t see it or figure it out in other words most
believe that there must be a non spiritual explanation for all the apparent signs and wonders magicians
perform while this may be the correct conclusion for some of the quote magic
that people generally see there are other magic acts that clearly go beyond
the laws of nature many people would laugh at the question and tell you that magic isn’t real it’s
just how they make believe that stirs our imaginations for thrills and romance and timeout from the challenges of
reality there is no way without supernatural assistance that cards can
instantly appear in someone’s hands out of thin air but as you can see that is
exactly what is happening yet most will still insist despite the clear evidence
to the contrary that these magic acts do have an explanation that doesn’t require
the supernatural to be involved they will say that being this good at magic
is only the result of a tremendous amount of hard work which has enabled them to perfect their craft but that
can’t be the real explanation for how these individuals are able to perform this kind of magic they still think
magicians use this leaves so all you do is cast a spell most people assume they
can handle magic even if it is real most of the top magicians whether they know it or not are possessed and that they
are certainly assisted by demons or fallen angels some may ask how I believe
these magicians became possessed and fell under such demonic control most of
them became Pez by attempting to contact spirits or by fooling around with the occult some of
them may have sold their souls to the devil in return the devil gave them special power fame and fortune in this
world many professing Christians think nothing of watching thriller movies inspired right out of the occult magic
most professing Christians condone and even promote watching all kinds of
worldly cartoons and g-rated disney movies that virtually all contain some
type of magic and direct references to magic the winner takes home the spectacular castles damsels and dungeons
magic wands good luck glitter in pretty magic shoes all of these elements
packaged in pretty colors and friendly smiles can be found just feet away from
personal study Bibles or within inches of inspirational Bible quotes on a
person’s Facebook page in fact during the month of December many Christians pull out all stops to
indulge in the biggest magical performance of the year celebrating all kinds of magic characters the majority
of professing Christians think nothing of lying to little children and teaching them to have fun with all sorts of magic
characters while having the duplicity to claim that it’s all about Jesus and even
a star character with a name suspiciously close to Satan who boasts
of supernatural personality traits that directly rival those of Jesus the imaginary man is loving omniscient and
giver of good gifts to deserving children according to his omnipresent eyes yet professing Christians claim
that the celebration is all about Jesus the majority of professing Christians
today completely embrace magic they sponsor it in their own and feature it in the 501c3 religious
theaters they call churches and we are so glad you’re here for James over Christmas oh we’re so glad to be here
I’m figgy Miss sugarplum and this this is my bestest friend in the whole wide
world we have the best job in the whole
wide world you know working for the big man himself in Santa’s workshop at the North Pole that’s right I make toys all
day long hi mr. Narwhal hey Jerry we want to stay
in touch with you even when you’re not here so follow us at James er on Twitter and Instagram
fani leaders posing as ministers of the gospel expose their spiritual nakedness by promoting yearly money-making
christmas programs featuring Santa Claus and all of his magical crew one such
phony leader a pastor’s wife here in Springfield Missouri one evening led a Bible study for women
grown women after she concluded her lesson plan in which she treated all the women present as though they were
nothing but little children that pastor’s wife exposed her own spiritual nakedness by sharing her praise report
that the Lord had made a way for her and her family to vacation at Magic Kingdom in a few weeks
what clearer example of the blind leading the blind Christians who tolerate even the smallest form of magic
have allowed Lebanon to their soul and I suggest you now that they are already under the spell of magic and already
heading to a place they never bargained for hi I’m Dolly Weber do we really think that magic isn’t real let’s take a
look at some of those who practice magic very seriously they will tell you that it’s real
very real
just put your hands arms up facing up do not involve her she’s fine
start over very slowly remove your hands
step away [Music]
chris has conducted séances on national TV in which he attempts to contact the
spirit world we headed over to the Opera House for the doc seance during this
seance Chris got possessed right on camera in front of witnesses he flipped upside down and went up the wall
everyone but the cameraman ran immediately out of the room [Applause]
the volunteer in this next quote miracle seems to realize that Chris’s magic is
accomplished by the devil and shouts quote the devil in both Spanish and English put your hand on the lid watch
we’re gonna try some when Moses went
before the Pharaoh God gave Moses divine power to turn his rod into a snake
[Music] then Satan gave Pharaoh’s magicians his
supernatural power to do the same thing [Music]
magicians way back then could change material objects of one type into
another we do know however that the power of God won over the power of Satan
Satan’s magicians centuries ago demonstrated significant power and that
power is still around today magic is the supernatural ability to perform feats otherwise impossible to do
according to natural law Satan offers it to those who give him their souls and pass through various tests that they
mean business with Satan of course believers should always remember that the power God gives his servants those
who prove that they mean business with the Lord always surpasses the power that Satan gives his servants greater is He
that is in you than he that is in the world unlike magicians who have renounced all
to follow Satan and operate in Satan’s power most Christians today are too
lackadaisical to renounce all things earthly and carnal to follow Jesus very
few Christians have even begun to experience leave alone operate in the power that Jesus told his disciples we
would have over the devil if we sold ourselves out to Jesus remember Moses is
snake consumed the other snakes the true servant of God will always give glory to the Lord by directing attention to Jesus
not only do magicians never give glory to Jesus but if we step closer we’ll see
that all magicians who operate in lying signs and wonders do so openly as agents
of Satan himself notice these marketing materials promoting some of the most powerful black magicians today they make
it blatantly obvious where their power comes from and for whom they do what
they do the Bible clearly warns us to have nothing to do with any deeds of Darkness magic deeds regardless of how
they are packaged come from Satan and they are deeds of darkness white
witchcraft comes packaged as seemingly to help people but it is witchcraft never the
Satan doesn’t mind trading off apparent good things if it gets people hooked on
following him nevertheless Ephesians 5:11 says have nothing to do with the
unfruitful deeds of darkness but rather expose them we see magic identified in
the book of Revelation stating that none of those involved with magic will even enter the kingdom of heaven do we really
think that God makes an exception for introducing little children to movies made by a 33 degree Mason and pedophile
not only does a majority of professing Christians approve of magic in entertainment and toys but magic also
happens to be another name for sorcery sorcery is the same as the Greek word
meaning drugs pharmakeia drugs do what they do because they are magic drugs are
nothing more than tools used to assign demons to a person’s body the holy God
of the Bible forbids the use of drugs period he never authorized any human
agency to call any drugs good the God of the Bible offers healing through the
blood of Jesus when it is received with an undivided faith and not mixed with
any other answers all drugs are brewed from petrochemicals petrochemicals are
living matter that is now dead this form of sorcery is a form of black magic
called necromancy when someone ingests a drug whether for recreation or for pain
demonic spirits either enter the person at that point or the drug signals a
reassignment of the evil spirits causing problems in the person’s body the demons may leave
or stop manifesting in one part of the body but they will start a new problem in another part of the body we refer to
those new problems as side effects and that’s why drugs never provide any real
answers anything God provides is good he does not rob Peter to pay Paul
so between movies cartoons storybooks toys and drugs of any kind Satan has
been weaving a spell over the entire earth that spell today affects millions
of people who otherwise told Jesus they wanted to follow him what foolish
thinking caused Christians to think that Jesus made exceptions for them and their family why would Jesus turn a blind eye
to fairytales and movies constantly whispering the word magic into the innocent ears of little children why
would Jesus endorse professing Christians reading storybooks about a world of make-believe instead of reading
stories about Jesus and his soon coming for all who love him and longed to see
him today children tend to learn that they don’t have to obey their parents right away but can push their parents by
making them repeat what they told their children not to do how many times do parents today have to repeat themselves
over and over I told you to stop I mean it are we waiting for a repeat reprimand
from God telling us again I told you to stop I mean it truly we are testing his
orders to us as though he is a wishy-washy parent and as long as he doesn’t repeat himself we’ll go right
along doing what we want to imagine how he feels every time December rolls around and the
majority of Christians celebrate a holy day they call Christmas the holiday that
began in the 3rd century BC continues right up through today it did not celebrate Jesus then and it really does
not celebrate Jesus today the Puritans who came to the new world were well aware that Christmas had nothing to do
with Jesus they knew that a holiday label including the word Christ along with brief references to a baby
Jesus did not change the holiday that was actually perpetuated among unknowing
Christians Puritans knew that Christmas was just a cover name for Saturnalia December 25th
was the birthday of the son of a God but the real God’s name was Saturn and the
newborn baby’s name was Mithras in 1659 the Puritans passed a law in
Massachusetts outlawing the celebration of Christmas not because they didn’t celebrate Jesus but because they knew
that behind the label Christmas was merely the continuation of a very wicked
pagan holiday called Saturnalia for over 200 years before Jesus was born the
Romans set aside an entire week in the month of December December 17th through
the 23rd to celebrate freedom from their enemies it was a week of complete
lawlessness and debauchery drunkenness gluttony adultery and every sinful
indulgence anyone wanted to engage in was completely permitted for those seven days without any concern for
accountability or punishment whatsoever even the noblemen dressed like common people and all class distinctions
vanished for a full week the festival was a time of feasting goodwill helping
the poor and gift-giving does this remind you of any other holiday every year at the beginning of
the week they chose one man to embody all the enemies of Rome they called that man the Lord of misrule for the entire
week the Lord of misrule got all he asked for to satisfy his flesh food wine
and women then at the end of the week they killed the man as a human sacrifice on behalf of Rome to appease its pagan
deities and to symbolize the vicarious death of all the enemies of Rome right
after performing that human sacrifice on December 25th every wonder their
attention to focus on the birth of the Son of God well the son of their God the
son of Saturn December 25th was the day on which they celebrated and honored
Mithras the Unconquered Sun the sol invictus December 25th was not a random
date nor did it ever have anything to do with Jesus everyone know that Jesus was not really born anytime
close to December 25th but Mithras was apparently some negotiating took place between
Constantine and the Roman Catholic Church well Roman Catholicism of course always ready to speak on behalf of
Christianity even though it in no way mirrored what Jesus taught in the third
century Constantine agreed to the name switch to Christmas in order to entice
Christians to celebrate Saturnalia after making a few other minor adjustments to
some details his plan worked right up to today the 21st century of course the new label Christmas wasn’t
too offensive for Satan you see a mass is a service given on behalf of the dead
so the concept of a mass for Christ Christ mass or a dead Christ fits right
in with the Roman Catholic Jesus that stays on the cross speechless and dead
yep Christ mess a mass for a dead Christ the whole plan was a success
Constantine successfully went over a large portion of the Christian world back then and an even larger portion of
Christians today continue to celebrate Saturnalia and the birth of the son of a god today well something they are
celebrating Jesus since Christmas aka Saturnalia requires magic to keep it
going another grown man with magical abilities and a named very close to Satan gets all the speaking parts Jesus
as a stand-in baby cannot say a word even if his name does get mentioned
Santa however gets lots of speaking parts and for all intents and purposes
let’s face it he plays the role of the hero and the man every child needs to
focus on pleasing that role goes to Satan Santa and not Jesus Saturnalia was
steeped in magic and so therefore is Christmas they are both accompanied by fairies elves levitating animals indoor
trees mistletoe and an abundance of other magical elements
pagans worshipped the forest and the trees and so they would bring trees into their homes induced sacred rituals
around them the Druids had a ritual of poisoning people under a poisonous plant
called the mistletoe the ritual has been a bit modified from poisoning to kissing
but do I have to point out that these same pagan rituals continue in some form
today did you know the magicians today perform levitation there is a demonic
concept behind flying reindeer pulling a vehicle for a man with supernatural abilities Copperfield also levitated
audience members during this same show [Music]
over the years Copperfield has levitated many people we floated people outside in
broad daylight
[Music] let me bail again he has even flown
through the air while proving that he doesn’t have any cables or wires attached [Music]
he will even carry a person into the air with him as he flies around and so
levitation appears in one of the most highlighted aspects of Christmas fantasy and magic today
imagine that all the magical elements were removed from Saturnalia aka Christmas who would celebrate it then do
you really think that schools businesses and shopping malls or even you and your family would still devote months of
preparation and special parties for a Christmas that focused solely on Jesus
and who he is who would spend all that time and money on celebrating a baby who isn’t even allowed to speak who would
plan a celebration to honor one individual and then invite a whole group of guests who represent that individuals
arch-enemy Christmas is not truly about Jesus except for a few isolated moments
perhaps why else would such a large number of Jewish songwriters who don’t
even believe in Jesus focus so heavily on writing Christmas songs if Jesus
really was the reason for the season white Christmas the Christmas song Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer holly
jolly Christmas let it snow it’s the most wonderful time of the year Santa Baby and the list goes on and on
over a dozen Christmas songs written by talented unbelieving Jews all for a
merely alleged Christmas holiday that in fact is now into its 23rd century
celebration of Saturnalia let’s be honest those songs do not focus on Jesus
but on magical fantasies nostalgia and making prayers called wishes to a
supernatural man who flies by way of levitating animals and speaking of magic
I’d like to talk about one of the biggest magic tricks ever performed on earth it is so widespread that its stage
is in every country every language and every home where you can find a King James Bible let’s look again at what
magic is capable of doing some of the best magicians can change material objects right before our eyes also
called masks changing and face changing what look like masks instantly appear on
the faces of the performers the so called art form of face changing originated in China even though more
than one point three five billion people live in China it is estimated that only about 200 practice face changing Quan is
considered a the best face changer in the world for example in one of his three-minute
performances he changed his face 60 different times it’s quite obvious from looking at different performances by
Kwan that he could change his face five hundred different times in three minutes take a look at this guy
he doesn’t even touch his face notice how every single time he changes his quote mask it is placed perfectly on his
face covering his eyes and nose every single time Kwan and other face changers
will even interact with the audience and change their face right in front of them Kwan spoke about one of his shows in
which three cameras were set up to record his performance the cameramen were attempting to discover how he makes
the rapid changes two cameras were right in front of him while one followed from
behind nevertheless they still couldn’t find anything that gave them any insight
into how he is able to change his face so quickly if someone believes his process of changing the masks is natural
he would have to be storing them somewhere right but face changers like Kwan take off their hat after their
performance and you can see that there aren’t any masks in the Hat they wear what’s really happening is that the
masks are actually disappearing instantly that’s why even to this day no video camera in the world has ever
picked up even one clue as to how their quote masks are changing no one has been
able to give a natural explanation for how these face changers are able to do what they do
the only explanation is a spiritual one the real explanation for how the instant
changes are made is that they happen with the assistance of demons but he will also instantly change the color of
his entire outfit so where is he getting the new outfits that he’s instantly changing into there’s no place for him
to store the outfits or the masks how is he able to switch and move the outfits and the masks perfectly in the blink of
an eye if people are looking for a natural explanation for these acts they won’t find one there’s simply no natural
explanation for the instant transformation of his garments or masks let alone both in the same event in
Memphis Copperfield made a coin fall in slow motion in a person’s hand he also caused a picture
to move on paper in his book mysterious stranger Blaine talks about a magic act
he performed when he took a homeless man’s cup of coffee Blaine described the event quote holding
it in both my hands I muttered some weird incantations in the coffee in the cup turned into coins Oh guys oh that’s
your magic in the following clip cyril appears to change water into ice
[Music] [Applause]
[Music] [Applause]
that’s okay no problem all right now you
brought down here today Three Forks I actually got in from the green you’re gonna lose your actual Fox is in the
back all right and you can do something messed with this fork I’m gonna try something I’ll try something to like
yeah alright and you examinees and listen I’ll plate to this camera right Obie get in front of me I’m just gonna take it on machine here like this as I
shake it you’ll see something starts to happen right now watch look you see you’re going right there I say it one
more time let’s see it happening right
now you can starting to go it’s and start going right now look we gotta get
see every every Forks is where it’s made on the back this is made in Japan and it’s stainless steel but if you just shake it like this and get it just right
it can heat up the metal and start to bend just like this watch just see it girl you see that he will explain
actress here’s an interesting clip from a man who said he knew a friend of dynamo but he had some difficulty his
life and he said I mean this guy’s obviously met dynamo mama see me and he
said oh he know some other people who knew dynamo and he said that dynamo basically said to whoever you know he’s
gonna I guess his situation was so bad dynamo situation was so bad that he really is life so flash in front of him
so he kind of said that he said to people around him that you know I’m gonna make something of myself you know see you in a few weeks a few months I’m
gonna be famous worldwide or whatever no just kind of picking himself up with it you know saying that you know basically
I promised I’d be back home that big things in the future he said that he like went to live in the
woods for a week like secluded himself and start worshipping the devil worship something within the woods and I don’t
know he just kind of get submitted submitted himself or something like that for a week or a month or so exactly and when he came
back his career obviously blew up if the magician is aggressive in his search he will discover that reaching
the highest level of success in magic involves dabbling in the occult submission to or contact with a spirit
if that happens the demon can enter the person or strongly influence or control him this is why we see the top magicians
immersing themselves in the occult seances contacting spirits etc the true
God has revealed that practicing magic is similar to playing with a Ouija board it’s a way people open themselves up to
demonic possession sadly some are willing to let the devil have some control if it will enable them
to achieve success or get what they want the more a magician is open to the devil’s influence the more thoroughly
the devil will control or influence him the devil wants people involved in magic
but he won’t get many interested in it if his top performers his sorcerers are doing things like foaming at the mouth
this is not a sleight-of-hand trick you are watching material objects literally
change before your eyes imagine if there were enough high level magicians working
all together to make the same exact changes to the same types of material objects all over the world well we are
seeing that today with brand names logos statues movies even photographs
depicting the car Kennedy was riding in when he was shot many people refer to this as the Mandela effect but to be
more accurate it is black magic and alchemy performed on the largest scale
the world has ever seen what if those black magicians wanted to make those kinds of changes to our Bibles certainly
changing words on a page as we’ve just seen is a demonic power already given to
high-level magicians but the Bible itself cannot change right well the Word
of God cannot change the Word of God in Scripture always refers to Jesus himself and clearly he cannot and will not ever
change and the word spoken by God himself cannot be modified he is a rock
who speaks truth that is eternal and immovable the scrolls however the
chuckle Bibles themselves and how they appear can change we already know that Bibles can be burned or ripped to shreds
but as for changing the actual words already printed in the Bible the Holy Spirit provided two prophecies in
Scripture they both pertain to the very end of time when the scrolls our physical Bibles will no longer be
protected from Satan as we already know the Antichrist Satan incarnate on earth
will dominate and cause great suffering upon the earth he will do this with
permission from the father as we already know Satan will be offering a one-world religion that forces allegiance to
himself he will need a new Bible a modified Bible to convince Christians that what is good will be evil and what
is evil will be good in fact the father showed both Daniel the prophet and John
the Prophet in Revelation that he would remove his protection over the Bibles and he would allow Satan to harm them
John and revelations was given a vision about the end of time along with a clear instruction at the very end
not to seal or not to protect the scrolls from Satan this word means to seal to stamp for
security or preservation from Satan so John in his vision of the very end was
told do not protect the scroll or the Bible from Satan Daniel also was given a
vision about the end of time he was told to protect the scrolls until the time of the end
if protection was eternal then the word until would not have been used both
prophecies clearly showed that the father placed limited protection over the contents of the scrolls aka the
Bible’s to last only up until the very end of time burning or stealing a Bible
would be bad enough but changing the Bible to read what Satan wants it to say is the height of all possible attack on
the Bible and that is exactly what is happening just as those prophecies forewarned and by the black magic powers
we’ve now seen incredible word changes now appear in every King James Bible on
the face of the earth copies you may have owned since you were a child copies handed down through generations or
brand-new Papi’s at the store all Bibles now reflect blatant blasphemous changes that
support the spirit of the Antichrist and all by direct permission of the Father we see words and concepts way too modern
to have been there before heinous homosexual innuendos pertaining to pollen even to Jesus himself emojis
called smiley faces placed by important verses blatant name changes for popular
Bible heroes I have made several videos outlining these types of changes and exactly where they appear in the Bible’s
I’ll share a link to them in the description box below but since we’re talking about magic I’d like to show you
some magic words and even a magic story that now appear in your King James Bible
music with a K were you aware that in your King James Bible the word music has
been changed the word is no longer spelled the way we always used to spell it but now it ends with a K and we can
thank the occultist magician Aleister Crowley for that idea Crowley preferred to have his sacred
word magic consist of six letters rather than five and because of his great love
for Enochian magic Crowley chose the letter K because that letter held
special occult powers for him for Crowley magic without a K refers to
simpler supernatural acts like pulling rabbits out of a hat but when you add a K to the word that increases the magical
powers to harness internal and external energies that will help us literally
change ourselves and our environment in other words the letter K itself for the
kaabah list of magician literally adds demonic powers when added to certain
words not only has Satan added K and it’s designated demonic powers to the
word music but the words heretic stoic and public also in with a magical K when
you read them now in your King James Bibles traffic with a k now substituted for the word trade we find the word
traffic with a K now replacing the word trade in five different places in the
Bible not only did it use to say trade but don’t you find it suspicious that a
word associate with only one form of trade human trading aka human trafficking with a k’
would now be substituted for trade in your King James Bible this substitution
is new and it was definitely not put there by any holy spirit unicorns
unicorns are nothing but mythical horse-like creatures with a single straight horn projecting from their
foreheads such an animal has never existed except in magical fantasy but
now in six different locations in your King James Bible you will find the magical unicorn now replaces ox and oxen
cockatrice the cockatrice also is nothing but a mythical beast and a scary
one at that it is an imaginary hybrid bird combining the form of a two-legged
dragon or serpent like creature with the head of a mean rooster this animal was
never known anywhere on earth but only in the realm of magic yet it has now
supernaturally replaced the word Viper in Isaiah 11 8 this verse clearly used
to read Viper’s nest referring to divine protection from a real animal not a
magical one dragon a dragon is a completely mythical beast as well a
giant monster reptile in Europe a dragon always depicted fire-breathing and evil
in East Asia it depicts fertility in both cases however the dragon dwells
only in the realm of magic yet in Psalm 91 13 your King James Bible now states
that God will protect his children from a magical creature the dragon if they
put their trust in the Lord since when does the God of the Bible promise to protect us from magic
creatures dragon appears a total of 18 times in your King James Bible and have
you heard the latest news about Paul being detained in a castle and look at Jeremiah now we read that he was
imprisoned in dungeons and cabins twelve times in fact and of course every good
magic story with castles and dungeons has to include helpless damsels right don’t worry your King James Bible
has plenty of those now too thanks to the supernatural black magicians who put
them there in fact 42 times you’ll find damsels in your King James Bible and by no accident
often appearing where a man wins the damsel and gets to have sex with her
B twixt and between I really hope that not many of you who are watching this video are familiar with the use of the
word betwixt its connotation is almost exclusively one of magic and the occult
and it certainly was never found in our King James Bibles until Satan put it there B twixt has replaced the word
between 15 times in the King James Bible and ye shall circumcise the flesh of
your foreskin and it shall be a token of the Covenant betwixt me and you
Philippians 1:23 has Paul using this magic term when he states for I am in a
strait betwixt two having a desire to depart and to be with Christ which is
far better happily your King James Bibles now have Paul stating that people
will find God through luck or chance the word happily is not simply a shorter
version of the word happily but instead refers to luck chance or by accident a
true child of God would never dream of attributing interventions by the father to mere luck or chance do you in acts 27
you’re magically changed King James Bible now has Paul talking about people who find the Lord by luck or chance that
they should seek the Lord if happily they might feel after him and find him though he be not far from every
one of us oh and how about glitter you know magical Stardust frequently
interspersed throughout magical imagery in the following verse that used to describe lightning we find glitter used
instead levitation another magical power clearly given to devoted magic servants
of Satan today is that of levitation well Satan made sure this special
magical ability is now inserted in your King James Bibles the news story now appears in Zechariah we read about two
flying women in Zechariah five nine then lifted I up mine eyes and I looked and behold
there came out two women and the wind was in their wings for they had wings
like the wings of a stork and they lifted up the ephah between the earth and the heaven in some versions this
verse actually uses the word flying women but since most professing Christians support a character every
December who magically flies then I suppose flying women in the book of Zechariah is okay too I mean all those
other magical references are perfectly welcome in most Christian homes so what’s one more appearing right in the
Bible and last but definitely not least we now find a story in the Bible about
trading a plant used exclusively for sorcery for the privilege of sleeping
with another woman’s husband Mandrake plant for sex in the Mediterranean region of the world grows
a strange plant called the Mandrake plant it’s poisonous and virtually good
for nothing except sorcery and magic with white purple or yellow flowers it
has forked fleshy roots that resemble a human form in fact rumor has it that the
roots give out a deathly shrieking sound when you pull them out of the ground Harry Potter loves those plants and now
your King James Bible describes two women Rachel and Leah as loving those
plants as well in fact as you read in your supernaturally altered King James Bible the two women worked out a deal
for Leah’s son to give Rachel one of his Mandrake plants and then Rachel gave
Leah the privilege of sleeping with her husband that night you think I’m making this up Mandrax a plant used only for sorcery
and now a means of trading for extramarital sex if you really think that story along with all the other
magical changes were always there in your King James Bible then you are under
a spell that’s my whole point look around you your home your library your children’s book
your children’s movies or your plans for this coming December I’ll bet you’ll find more than a few magical comrades
that it felt quite welcome in your home Jesus said that a little leaven in the dough will spread throughout the entire
lump of dough repent from your magic from your tolerance of sin the Holy
Spirit told the congregation in Thyatira in Revelations that they were guilty of
Jezebel sin because they tolerated her sin and so it is with magic if you have
not stood up against magic then that magic now stands up against you and has you under its spell we are at the end of
days the Antichrist is now active upon the earth we must separate ourselves
from all that he stands for and all the tools he uses I urge you now to renounce
all magic in your life no matter what it may cost you before that magic by its
spell over you costs you your soul I look forward to talking with you next
time the Lord bless you