Ever heard the argument “there was no J back then”? J was called an “I” until the 1500’s. But the capital I looked like a J, and an “i” when preceding a vowel sounds like “jay”. King James also was sometimes spelled with an I instead of a J. You could kind of say that “I” was comparable to a maiden name for “J”. https://whytodayisbrilliant.wordpress…
So if you think that all “I”‘s were pronounced “Y”, then guess what other word started with “I” – “Jews”. I guess we should pronounce that “Yews”?
If you still need more evidence that “I” was pronounced as a “J” before a vowel, check out the earliest version of the King “Iames” version “bible”, referencing also “Iesus”. Capital I in these cases was obviously STILL pronounced as we pronounce “Jay” today. https://www.historic-uk.com/HistoryUK….
Beware that today’s Judaisers dig deep to try to get you away from the name of Jesus and from Jesus Himself. But Tyndale knew how to properly translate Greek into English and was killed for doing so. The name of the Son of God is JESUS. There is no other name.
Want even more proof? Check out this video by “Discerned Eyes” • Video . Yeshua is Metatron (Not Jesus)!
In the coming days, Christians will be asked to deny the name of Jesus, and many will do that because they believe the lie that “Jesus” isn’t the real name anyway. What will you do?
For the past decade multitudes of professing Christians have joined a bandwagon to change the name of Jesus to Yeshua. It is based on a lie regarding original New Testament documents allegedly that were Hebrew. However history proves that ALL of the original documents were in fact Greek and thus the name that appeared on all 3,500 original manuscripts was “Iesous” or Jesus. Yeshua is a real person who they are finally introducing to you, hoping that you will agree is Jesus. Find out who that person is and evaluate for yourself: does that person look or sound like Jesus to you?
By calling out “Yeshua” you are literally verbalizing an old Yiddish curse used for centuries by the Jews. Those who hate Jesus already know this. Did you?
Mickey Mouse was chosen for the thumb nail because he represents the magic world by which the name Yeshua has been wrongly promoted and literally “enforced”. The name of the Son of God, the Messiah Who has already come and will return to JUDGE, is JESUS – not Yeshua.
Thank you Discerned Eyes for your excellent video fully confirming the content in the video above. Great work! Check out her video here! “Yeshua is Metatron (NOT Jesus)” More proof right from the mouth of the so-called “rabbi’s” themselves! • Video
did Jesus authorize you to call him
Yeshua how would you respond if suddenly
your wife husband or fiance began to
call you by a different name a name you
never authorized imagine you found out
that that new name actually belonged to
someone who is trying to take your place
or what if that name turned out to be a
curse word so that every time they
called you that name they were cursing
you today an overwhelming number of
professing Christians have stopped
calling jesus by his original name
instead they have embraced a new name
assuming that Yeshua is authentic and
authorized by God however nothing could
be further from the truth
hi I’m Dolly Weber maybe you yourself
like to call Jesus Yeshua you heard from
somewhere that Yeshua was the real
original name for Jesus and after all it
does sound Hebrew and we know Jesus was
a Jew however some of us resisted making
the switch something just didn’t seem
right about it and as it turns out
increasing details now expose a
long-term and cunning plot not only to
replace the true name of Jesus but to
literally exterminate the memory of
Jesus forever you see Yeshua in fact
does refer to a specific person a
mystical person highly esteemed in the
occult and the New Age movement and even
worse when someone who hates Jesus calls
him Yeshua they are literally cursing
Jesus I am about to now uncover their
plot first we need to get it straight
that all original New Testament
Original Hebrew Manuscripts
manuscripts were written in Greek not
Hebrew by the time Jesus was born the
Hebrew language was completely dead
Jesus himself spoke Greek and ministered
to people in Greek the Old Testament
Jesus read from and quoted from was
called the Septuagint and the language
it was written in that’s right
Greek not Hebrew in fact for nearly 200
years before Jesus was born everyone
everywhere had totally stopped using
Hebrew the father clearly sent his
adulterous wife Israel away with a
certificate of divorce he
was finished speaking to her and no
longer needed the Hebrew language by
which she had spoken to her for hundreds
of years the father totally ended that
language literally causing Hebrew to
wither and die from that point on to
this very day no one even knows the
original Hebrew or how it was actually
spoken a few years following Jesus’s
ministry on earth the wicked emperor
trajan persecuted Christians so severely
that many of them buried the Scriptures
they owned
centuries later many of those original
manuscripts were discovered in the
ground by that time in fragments over
fifty three thousand fragments in all
were collected and guess what language
every one of those fragments was written
in Greek not Hebrew we also have 3,500
original intact New Testament
manuscripts and every single one of them
is written in Greek even the letter to
the Hebrews was written in Greek not a
single one of them was written in Hebrew
so first of all we need to expose the
blatant and compound lie of those who
would claim that Yeshua was found on the
so-called original Hebrew New Testament
manuscripts not only do no such original
Hebrew New Testament manuscripts even
exist but the name Yeshua was never
Why did Jesus change to Yeshua
found on any of the original New
Testament manuscripts at all therefore
one needs to ask why did Jesus change to
Yeshua and not the other way around when
Paul was blinded by a light on his way
to Damascus he cried out who are you and
the Holy Spirit replied I am Jesus of
Nazareth whom you are persecuting
the Holy Spirit identified himself as
Jesus not Yeshua the name Jesus has
appeared in all our Bibles for hundreds
of years thanks to William Tyndale who
translated those original Greek texts
into English
Tyndale translated the original name ye
sous as Jesus not issue up so who then
came up with the name Yeshua and why the
answer lies in the same group of men who
always hated Jesus they killed him when
he came here and they continue plotting
to destroy his reputation
his followers Jesus called them the sons
of Satan we also called them Judaizers
the first change the Judaizers made to
Jesus’s name was to remove the S at the
end of the name
not long after Jesus returned to heaven
certain Judaizers decided to get back at
Jesus for all that he had said about the
Jews they published a wicked book they
entitled suffer told oath Jew the life
of Jesus the book contained nothing but
heinous made-up stories about Jesus and
His disciples and write on the cover of
that book they deliberately published
Jesus’s name with the S removed from the
end of it for the Jews to add or
subtract letters from people’s names
constitutes honor or insult for the
individual behind that name therefore
when the Judaizers damaged the name of
Jesus shortening it to Jesu they gave
insult to Jesus himself also leaving his
name with a more feminine form as well
during the 1500s the je was changed to
why the Judaizers wanted to erase the
coming of Jesus and all the
ramifications of what he accomplished by
his death and resurrection to do that
they set out to undo all that the father
had done to pave the way for the coming
of Jesus somewhere around the 6th
century AD they began a painstaking plan
to resurrect the Hebrew language even
though Hebrew was completely dead and no
one even knew how to speak it the Hebrew
movement today continues this rebellious
promotion not only of a phony Hebrew
mystique but it falsely claims that in
the end times there will be one
universal language for people to speak
and that language is gonna be Hebrew
listen to the following heretical
statement made by so called rabbi
Yitzhak Shapira author of the return of
the kosher Pig I’m going to preach in
Hebrew tonight all night all night it’s
gonna be a Hebrew night you see this
represents the fan ayah that in the last
day there will be only one language it’s
gonna be Hebrew
there will be only one language it’s
gonna be hey bruh Shapira was siting
Zephaniah 3:9 which infers nothing about
Hebrew or any other language it merely
says for then I will purify the lips of
the peoples that they may all call on
the name of the Lord in fact if the
father did have a fondness for Hebrew he
surely could have and would have used it
at Pentecost but instead when he broke
his 400 years silence that day the
father spoke in every other language but
hebrew scripture tells us that everyone
present at pentecost heard the holy
spirit speak in their own language and
since no one anywhere by that time spoke
Hebrew that means that God spoke in
every language but Hebrew at Pentecost
Peter once declared to a group of
Christians you are a Chosen People a
royal priesthood a holy nation he also
declared this to Christians once you
were not a people but now you are the
chosen people of God once not a people
but now a holy nation chosen people of
Peter was speaking to New Testament
Christians saved through the blood of
Jesus and speaking the languages of the
world in which they lived God no longer
needed Hebrew by which to speak to his
people yet out of blatant rebellion the
mazarites had a different plan they
rejected God’s new way of speaking and
decided to make up a new version of
Hebrew starting nearly from scratch they
built their own system of characters and
rules a virtually secret language which
only the mez reads themselves understood
their first important goal was to make
some necessary changes to the Greek Old
Testament Jesus used by the time they
finished the Masri’s had removed 23 of
the Old Testament books Jesus read and
quoted from they completely changed the
book of Esther and for some reason
removed every single reference to God in
that book but even more reprehensible
the Mazza reads also changed and removed
key passages in the Septuagint which
clearly can
how Jesus specifically matched the
description of the promised Messiah
imagine going to all that effort
changing the entire Septuagint into a
made-up language just for the sake of
making key changes without people
knowing what you’re doing until
centuries later that is exactly what the
mazarites did the finished product the
Masoretic Old Testament with its
numerous changes was selected by King
James the first to use in his new Bible
even though the Old Testament version
that Jesus himself used was more
accurate and it was still available for
King James to use another sinister
achievement of the mazarites was their
invention of a code name for God the
Mazza reads like their contemporary
Judaizers were deeply rooted in the
occult in Jewish mysticism called
Kabbalah and similar to their Freemason
brothers the mazarites loved secret
language magic mysteries and codes and
so they concocted a code by taking four
characters which the Septuagint had
translated Lord and the mazarites
announced that they had found a secret
code for God’s name they even gave the
code itself a name the tetragrammaton
code not only did that code introduce
phony unauthorized first names for the
father but other Kabbalists and a
cultists then and now latched right on
to that code as well one of those
occultists was Satanist Aleister Crowley
himself who loved the Tetragrammaton
code and said the following about it
such a word should in fact be so potent
that man cannot hear it and live such a
word was indeed the lost tetragrammaton
let the magician earnestly seek this
lost word for its pronunciation is
synonymous with the accomplishment of
the great work kabbalists Judaizers
continued to make up more and more first
names out of this magic code two of the
fake names stand out its most popular
one of them is Yahweh not only was
Yahweh an old pagan god of metallurgy
but Albert Pike a prominent pre Mason
correctly identified Yahweh
seyton on page 162 of morals and Dogma
Albert Pike states the true name of
Satan the Kabbalists says is Yahweh
reversed the other name is Jehovah
Madame Blavatsky a Russian occultist
philosopher and founder of the
Theosophical society correctly
identified Jehovah as Satan on page 73
and her secret doctrine livanski States
Jehovah esoterically as Elohim is also
the serpent or dragon the tempted Eve
and the dragon is an old glyph for
astral light changing the names of false
gods is important for the Judaizers
Exodus 23 13 instructed the Israelites
not to call upon false gods but
Judaizers have twisted the verse by
actually renaming the gods they reject
and so they changed how to refer to the
God of the Bible giving him a phony
first name but they also concocted a
fake name for Jesus introducing him
through the backdoor first we know that
all of the original New Testament
manuscripts were written in Greek not
we know that all of the original New
Testament manuscripts contain the name
of yay Seuss or Jesus not Yeshua and we
also see how a group of wicked Jesus
haters deliberately harmed Jesus’s name
by dropping the S at the end of it but
what’s the big deal as long as we know
in God knows who were referring to does
the actual name really make a difference
I’m glad you asked the name makes a huge
there is only one name that can save us
The Name of Jesus
in the book of Acts Peter had healed a
man who had been crippled all of his
life and the Judaizers were angry about
it Peter then shouted to the crowd let
it be known to all of you and to all of
the people of Israel that by the name of
jesus christ the nazarene whom you
crucified whom God raised from the dead
by his name this man stands here before
you now healed for there is salvation in
no one else there is no other name under
heaven that has been given to people by
which we must be saved Paul preached to
the Philippians for
this reason also God highly exalted him
and bestowed on him the name which is
above every name so that at the name of
Jesus every knee will bow of those who
are in heaven and on earth and under the
earth and that every tongue will confess
that Jesus Christ is Lord and Luke 10 we
read that Jesus sent out 72 people to
minister in his name by doing the same
works they had seen Jesus do and when
those 72 returned they reported Lord
even the demons submit to us in your
name the name of Jesus is the name that
holds the power the name Yeshua was
never given power from the Father and
therefore it has no power demons do not
respond to the name Yeshua they only
respond to the name Jesus the correct
name most certainly does matter if a
little girl was searching for buried
treasure in a big sandbox wouldn’t you
get suspicious if an older child came
along and adamantly told that little
girl to stop digging if there’s really
nothing to find and leave the kid alone
don’t find it out soon enough right so
it is with those who adamantly protest
Modern Day Judaizers
the name of Jesus do you remember how
the Jewish leaders hated to hear people
preach in the name of Jesus when the
Jewish leaders released Peter and John
from jail they strictly forbid them from
speaking or teaching at all in the name
of Jesus don’t you find that suspicious
the Jews wanted desperately to hush the
name of Jesus then and their modern-day
brothers and sisters try to hush the
name of Jesus today for the very same
reason the name of Jesus represents the
power of God and those who hate Jesus
hate that fact various modern-day
Judaizers today while falsely claiming
to be true Christians show a mysterious
promotion of the name Yeshua while they
literally Mock the name of Jesus and
those who speak his name one of those
men is the founder of el-shaddai
ministries and calls himself rabbi mark
Biltz here the following clip so think
about this
no one spoke English anywhere in the
entire world
2,000 years ago let alone in the Middle
East if you ask one of the disciples
where Jesus was they would have no idea
who you were talking about
so that could not be the name whereby
people can be saved if you ask one of
the disciples where Jesus was they would
have no idea who you were talking about
so that could not be the name whereby
people can be saved
something wrong here something wrong
here another one of those men is
prominent in the Hebrew movement and
promotes his recent book the return of
the kosher Pig
he calls himself rabbi itzhak Shapira
and makes a clear distinction between
Jesus and Yeshua Yeshua he says is the
real Jewish Messiah and he is welcome
but Jesus he’s the wrong guy and we
don’t want him around listen to the
following clip you know what but if you
bring Jesus
you bring the wrong guy don’t bring us
Jesus but if you bring Jesus you bring
the wrong guy
don’t bring us Jesus 2000 years who say
it’s Inquisition in Holocaust they tried
it it didn’t work bring the real issue
of the Jewish Messiah in reality issue
Who is the Real Yeshua
what happens to be an actual person and
that person clearly is not Jesus so who
is the real Yeshua 40 years after Jesus
returned to the Father a man calling
himself rabbi Yishmael been Elijah wrote
a book called the third Enoch in the
book he presented fabricated magical
myths and one of the mythical characters
he introduced was an arc angel called
who or what is the matter Tron the name
Metatron itself may be revealing there
are numerous possible etymologies for
the name Metatron however some scholars
such as Philip Alexander believe if the
name Metatron originated in heck alot
Merkabah texts such as three enoch then
it may be a magic word similar to a dear
iran and dr. baron if so this figure
aligns with the magic arts as are the so
called angels believe it or not Metatron
is gaining in popularity right up
through today even among many professing
christians the myth claims that Metatron
began as a man named Enoch who lived on
earth and then went to heaven where he
was promoted to become an angel an arc
angel in their myth they call the
creator Yahweh and assign the title of
lesser Yahweh to this Metatron they
claim that Metatron is an angelic
go-between for their God Yahweh and all
of mankind and obviously a fallen angel
assumes this role is Metatron because he
channels regularly through many Metatron
followers today hello everyone its
Michelle Patterson here with angel souls
and this is our weekly angelic message
for the week beginning October 21st 2019
and we have Metatron stepping forward to
answer this question welcome this is
Christian Taylor this is a meditation to
connect to the energy of Archangel
Metatron for guidance and healing so
what does Metatron have to do with
Yeshua the short answer is Metatron
according to the Cabalists is Yeshua in
fact a growing number of pseudo
Christian organizations are stating this
as a fact that Yeshua who they have
convinced you to think is Jesus is
actually the Archangel Metatron listen
to the following statement by so-called
rabbi itzhak Shapiro
we pray God hears that I’m going to tell
there is only one way to get this
collect call mates be near Zoar Dave the
Prairie in English may it be your will
that at the sounding of the shofar that
we blow today we will be as a sod fabric
that twill with the fear of the one in
charge to TL as you accepted Elisha
blessed be his name and assure that
Yeshua was called the Prince of the face
who has been Prince Metatron may you
fill us with His mercy blessed be your
name Lord of mercies yes sure I was
called that Prince of the face who is
been Prince Metatron shockingly we find
Who is the Archangel Metatron
many other Judaizers rubes including
even Jews for Jesus now fully embracing
Kabbalah and fully confirming that
Yeshua is this angel called Metatron in
advertising there is a tactic called
bait and switch that’s when the seller
advertises certain known items at an
apparent bargain but fully intends to
substitute inferior goods at the time of
purchase and so Yeshua promoters have
done with unsuspecting followers of
Jesus who thought that by speaking of
Yeshua they referred to Jesus but all
along Yeshua is now coming to light as a
new-age demon spirit also known as the
Archangel Metatron what a blasphemous
bait and switch are you one of the
Christians that bought it if you were to
further examine details about this
Metatron aka Yeshua you would see
nothing but the occult the God of the
Bible and His Son Jesus have nothing
remotely in common with this Kabbalistic
character according to the book of
Jesus could never be an angel or
anything close to an angel Jesus is the
radiance of God’s glory the exact
representation of God Jesus is as much
superior to the Angels as his name is
superior to the Angels all God’s angels
worship Jesus so-called rabbi itzhak
Shapira presents incredible in
blasphemous details about Metatron
and the endgame they are bringing any
astute Bible believer readily recognizes
those details as matching many elements
of the Antichrist and his agenda yet
such Shapira states the following about
yeshua christianity is Edom and when
Yeshua comes back he is going to destroy
Christianity as an entity does that
sound like Jesus to you as if we need
any more evidence to reevaluate renaming
Jesus I have one more piece of evidence
that you’re not gonna believe when we
say Yeshua we are verbalizing an acronym
for an old Yiddish curse yamok chameau
may his name and his memory be
today the names Yeshua and Yeshua are
used interchangeably as referring to
Jesus and unknown to most Christians is
the fact that yeshu or Yeshua also
abbreviated Y s is a well-known acronym
for a Yiddish curse widely known and
gladly spoken against Jesus by those who
hate him it is used 26 times against
Jesus in the Talmud and also used on
other arch enemies of the Jews including
Joseph Stalin Adolf Hitler Josef Mengele
and Haman in the new version of Esther
on an interview with Benny Hinn
so-called rabbi Shapiro and so called
rabbi Jonathan bernis president of the
Jewish voice discussed the curse when
the topic came up rather unexpectedly
and we have a 2,000 year history of
animosity and persecution sadly in the
name of Christ and Christianity but as a
result of that in the sages decision to
reject Jesus as the Messiah he became a
curse word in Judaism he became the he
became the unco sure thing that the
Christians embraced but representing to
the Jewish community pain and suffering
and persecution even the name of Yeshua
Yeshua is a cursed one know who wore the
issue Yeshua is he much more visible may
his name be blotted for eternity blotted
out for eternity is that what it means
literally that’s what it’s named and of
course most Jews say don’t connect
shoot and understand that right every
Jew it is his name now please understand
is this is the name our people know him
is by what blasphemous Devils would
deceive Christians not only to exchange
the true name of Jesus with a
counterfeit but to replace his name with
an actual curse word it’s time for all
true followers of Jesus to wake up and
call their master Jesus by his rightful
name Jesus the name that signifies
salvation not the name that signifies a
curse those who tell us lies about Jesus
hate Jesus and whoever denies that Jesus
is the Christ such a person is the
Antichrist denying both the father and
the son I look forward to talking to you
next time the Lord bless you