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This video, with the help of investigative researcher Trevor Davis, Declaring The Kingdom YouTube and www.SoundingtheAlarm.com,    • HOCUS POCUS–Changing the name of God  , exposes the suspicious origin of the excuse – the “Tetragrammaton Code” – by which fake names today are vehemently promoted in the “Christian” world. It details facts behind the fake names themselves and clearly presents a warning for all true Christians who use those names. Their origins are not holy and using those names may involve more than you bargained for. Here is even more details behind the real meanings behind the Tetragrammaton for those who push it today.    • ALEISTER CROWLEY-TETRAGRAMMATON  

hi I’m Dolly Weber and today I would

like to address the question does God

the Father really have a first name well

do any of you remember those times when

you were a kid and your parents simply

said because I said so

maybe you responded to your own kids

this way especially when they needed a

little reminder that you’re the boss and

they are not and you will answer them

however you want to well we see many

instances where the Lord does this with

us as human beings we ask God questions

and hope for a straight answer

the type of answer we want but in most

cases the Lord does not give us the kind

of answer we want but typically answers

us in some other way his way people ask

him why seeking explanations but he

answers with a command saying trust me

people ask him when Jesus will return

seeking a date but he answers by simply

encouraging us to watch and be ready the

righteous man job in the middle of great

trials asked God many questions and

after waiting quite a while God finally

replied to job but he didn’t supply job

with an answer instead God asked job’s

some questions

the Pharisees caught a woman in adultery

and pressured Jesus for a proper

punishment but jesus replied directing

their attention to something else and

said let him who is without sin cast the

first stone so God is not obligated nor

is he ever motivated to respond to

people’s questions with the type of

answers people want in fact he almost

never gives us the kind of answers we

want but instead refers us to the bigger

picture and that is exactly what God did

with Moses the Lord had set up a meeting

with Moses to tell him about a special

assignment that God had for him the Lord

told Moses that he needed to go back to

Egypt meet with the powerful Pharaoh and

tell Pharaoh that he had to let the

children of Israel go free well Moses

probably took one big gulp after he

heard this and he didn’t respond at all

well to the news we could say that Moses

felt overwhelmed by the assignment and

he immediately told the Lord that he

wasn’t cut out for the job Moses even

suggested to the Lord why don’t you ask

my brother Aaron instead he can do a

better job than I can

at that point the Scriptures report that

God’s anger burned against Moses for

asking him that and while clearly

wrestling with the details of the

mission Moses probably thought that if

he could tell the Pharaoh that someone

else had sent him and Moses was simply

following someone else’s orders then

that would probably take some of the

heat off of Moses

so Moses asked God for a name he could

use for that purpose

in other words Moses asked God what his

name was but God did not give Moses what

Moses was asking for instead of a name

the Lord replied with a sentence when

God knew full well what Moses wanted a

one-word name like everyone else had

but God replied I am Who I am as if to

say that is all you need to know Moses

in fact Christine Hays an Old Testament

professor from Yale addressed this very

dialogue between Moses and God in the

following clip I have seen how the

Egyptians oppress them come therefore I

will send you to Pharaoh and you shall

free my people the Israelites from Egypt

Exodus 3 verses 7 to 10 and Moses Demers

write who me why not my big brother

Aaron he’s a much better public speaker

so the line that he takes I’m slow of

tongue but as we’ve already seen in

Genesis God chooses who he chooses and

his reasons aren’t always fattened Moses

says may I say who sent me he asks for

God’s name the Israelites will want to

know who has sent me and God replies

with a sentence hey gais I share a hey

yay this is a first person sentence that

can be translated I am Who I am or

perhaps I will be who I will be or

perhaps I cause to be what I cause to be

we really don’t know but it has

something to do with being so he asks

who God is God says I am Who I am I will

cause to be what I will cause to be so

Moses wisely enough converts that into a

third person formula okay he will be who

he will be he is who he is Yahweh I

share Yahweh God’s answer to the

question of his name is with this sin

and Moses converts it from a first

person to a third person sentence he

will be who he will be he is who he is

he will cause to be I think most people

think now what he will cause to be and

that sentence gets shortened to Yahweh

this is the Bible’s explanation for the

name Yahweh and as the personal name of

God some have argued that the name

Yahweh expresses the quality of being an

active dynamic being this God is one who

brings things into being whether it’s a

cosmos from chaos or now a new nation

from a band of runaway slaves but it

could well be that this is simply God’s

Way of not answering Moses his question

we’ve seen how the Bible feels about

revealing names and the divine being who

struggled and wrestled with Jacob sure

didn’t want to give him his name

so I’ve often wondered if we’re to read

this differently Who am I I am Who I am

and never you mind and when we read the

book of Revelation we recognize the same

spirit in which the father replied to

Moses that day in Revelation 1 verse 4

we receive a greeting from the father

again identifying himself in the very

same way that he identified who he was

to Moses grace and peace to you from him

who is and who was and who is to come

and from the seven spirits before his

throne he was clearly referring to God

the Father and again in verse 8 of

chapter 1 John writes on behalf of the

father the following I am the Alpha and

the Omega says the Lord God who is and

who was and who is to come the Almighty

in these verses the Holy Spirit confirms

that the only way God refers to himself

is not by a one-word label which we call

a name but by his exclusive infinity as

one who is eternal in time and space and

infinite in attributes God’s message

conveys that he requires no surname and

it is impossible to even give him a

surname remember names were God’s ideas

not ours he has assigned names and used

names throughout history and throughout

scripture names allow us to identify one


being apart from all other human beings

or one kind of animal apart from all

other kinds of animals and so forth and

the Lord loves to assign names according

to dominant characteristics that the

Lord gave a person or the roles that

they play for the Lord the name Moses

means drawn out because Moses was drawn

from the Nile River to be saved and used

by God to save others the name David

meant beloved or friend of God because

David would become the man whom God

would describe as a man after God’s own

heart Paul’s name meant small or humble

as he became nothing in order to win

others for Jesus the name Israel meant

one who struggles with God and so refers

to those of us who know God by way of

his son Jesus and grow in our faith

through such struggles we see countless

other names in Scripture which clearly

summarize the character or role of the

person to whom that name was assigned

the Lord even changed people’s names

when their status change Jacob became

Israel after prevailing with an angel

Saul became Paul after meeting Jesus

Abram became Abraham after God affirmed

his covenant with him yet for a person

who is infinite in attributes infinite

in what he does and whose testimonies

outnumber the very sands of the sea God

has chosen and for good reason not to

name himself as though he were a mere

man or any other mere creation God

clearly refrained from naming himself

and woe to those who would go ahead and

insist on giving him a first name anyway

what is the name of the sky that

question is foolish the sky has no name

it is the only one of its kind and the

idea of naming it is nonsense it simply

is what it is the sky how much more does

this apply to the one and only infinite

God who created the universe when Jesus

was on earth he talked about God but he

certainly never used a first name for

him he simply called him God or Lord

Jesus also called him father or Abba and

invites those of us who truly follow

Jesus to refer to Jesus’s father as our

Father also this Jesus clear

he told his disciples when he taught

them how to pray in the following manner

beginning with our Father nowhere in the

Old Testament that Jesus used called the

Septuagint or in the over 53,000

original manuscripts and manuscript

fragments found from the New Testament

was God ever assigned a first name his

conversation with Moses was read at face

value stating that God supplied no first

name but simply I am Who I am even early

Christians like Justin Martyr knew that

God had no first name Justin Martyr was

a staunch defender of the faith during

the second century and he wrote the

following regarding whether God had a

first name names are given for the

purpose of describing and distinguishing

things in as much as they are many and

various but no one existed before God

who could give him a name nor did God

himself consider it right to give

himself a name in as much as he is one

and alone as he himself testifies

through His Prophet saying I God am the

first and I am the last and beside me is

no other God therefore God when he sent

Moses to the Hebrews did not mention any

name but mystically declared himself to

be the one and only God by saying I am

he that liveth so why do we hear so many

people calling the Father by strange

first names today we hear jehovah

yahushua and yahweh and all sorts of

other crazy made up names for the lord

many people even argue viciously over

those names and end up demonizing those

of us who use the words God or Lord just

as Jesus used since the father clearly

refrained from naming himself where on

earth do these names and all the wicked

arguing about them come from the answer

lies in the Masoretic text nearly 1000

years after Jesus was born certain men

called the Nazarites decided to produce

a Hebrew rendition of the Old Testament

however right off the bat their motives

were suspect these men devoutly rejected

Jesus as the true Messiah and also by

that time Hebrew was a completely dead

language on a spoken and unknown

what would be the advantage for

non-believing Jews to rewrite the Old

Testament into an unknown or virtually

secret language which the Lord only

could have caused to wither and die

nearly everyone at the time spoke Greek

and had full access to the Old Testament

in Greek the very same version that

Jesus himself used called the Septuagint

surely if it was good enough for Jesus

was it not good enough for the world

particularly when it was written in the

language that most everyone spoke yes it

was perfectly fine but perfection and

accuracy were not with the mass reads

were after by their finished product and

the blatant modifications we identify

today the motives of the Jesus hating

Nazarenes became very clear they

determined to make strategic

modifications to the Old Testament in

order to undermine Jesus as the

prophesied Messiah and also to undermine

the Father no one else knew Hebrew and

thus the mazza reeds barged through the

Old Testament texts at will answerable

to no one scrutiny over the accuracy or

integrity of the mazarites and their

work consequently the Mazarin

successfully altered and removed major

portions of text from what they had

pretended to translate into Hebrew and

by no surprise just one of those devious

alterations was the insertion of a

brand-new made-up name for God unnamed

nowhere ascribed or even heard up for

God for over 2500 years before then well

what other types of devious changes did

they make the Old Testament Septuagint

that Jesus used contains 62 books many

of which Jesus quoted from directly

himself but the Mazarin chose to remove

23 of those very rich books and excluded

them from their Masoretic text which

then only contained 39 books then we

have the book of Esther in the

Septuagint the book of Esther contained

many wonderful references to God in his

deep interactions with Esther and

Mordecai and their deep faith but the

mazarites deleted not only all records

of those interactions between Esther and

Mordecai and the Lord but they also

remove any Ref

is that all to God entirely from their

version of Esther that’s right

Esther now contains not even one single

reference to God thanks to the mazarites

third the Septuagint contained many

references to the coming Messiah certain

books contain prophecies that were

reflected in amazing detail by the life

of Jesus confirming that Jesus truly was

the Messiah but that Jesus hating

mazarites removed those references and

excluded the books that they were

contained in from the Masoretic text

then along with all of these nefarious

changes and many others that one can

easily research the mazarites for the

first time fabricated and announced a

first name for God they concocted a

scheme reporting that God didn’t really

mean what he said to Moses but he was

speaking in code giving his first name

by way of a sentence wink wink nod nod

and they called that code the

tetragrammaton using the four Hebrew

characters describing what God did say

to Moses the Jesus hating Nazareth’s

and their kabbalists associates

fabricated a blatant lie stating that

God did give himself a name after all

but it was a secret name a name God

didn’t really want anyone to actually

say out loud oh really

Satan loves secrets and codes but God

never used secrets and codes ever on the

contrary the Father longs for intimacy

and full disclosure from us he wants us

to feel like family and call him dad and

hopefully as often as possible another

person who really liked that code was

Aleister Crowley

according to Rosemary Gilley in the

encyclopedia of magic and alchemy

Aleister Crowley loved the

Tetragrammaton which he referred to as

the lost word proudly claimed that the

Tetragrammaton is so powerful that it

should never be uttered or even thought

and he enthusiastically recommended it

to all his students as he said let the

magician earnestly seek this lost word

Crowley said for its pronunciation is

synonymous with the accomplishment of

the great work and by great work

the enlightenment of the magician since

Aleister Crowley just happened to be one

of the foremost occultists and magicians

in the world and since people today

often refer to him as the beast or mr.

666 why in the world would Aleister

Crowley promote the Tetragrammaton the

very code by which the new fake names

for God have been introduced and pushed

to the world hmm

out of that code the Hebrew roots and

sacred name movements promote two

different names for God and we now have

reason to believe that those names along

with the Tetragrammaton code itself are

satanic in nature in other words when

people use those names and that code

just as Crowley said those people

without realizing it are lifting up and

most likely conjuring up evil spirits

and not at all the Holy Spirit madam

Helena Blavatsky is known today is

another foremost occultist

and philosopher who co-founded the

Theosophical society in 1875 Blavatsky

identified who the real jehovah is as

she states in her book the secret

doctrine Jehovah esoterically Elohim is

also the serpent or dragon that tempted

Eve and the dragon is an old glyph for

the astral light which is the wisdom of

chaos so in other words Madame Blavatsky

comes right out and tells us that

Jehovah refers to Satan himself is it

just a coincidence that the name Jehovah

happens to be one of the fake names

introduced for the God of the Bible

today the other name Yahweh has dark

pagan origins as well we read over and

over in the Bible that God constantly

commanded his children to stay away from

other gods one of those other gods was a

Canaanite God named Yahweh whose image

you see here the name was written as yhw

very similar to how it is written by the

fake name promoters today yahweh was the

god of metallurgy and was primarily

worshipped by the and a small

tribe among them called the key Knights

who worked with metal and were thus

known as

canaanites smelters is it just a

coincidence that the name Yahweh happens

to match one of the fake names

introduced for the God of the Bible


so the Meza reads for the first time in

over 2600 years claimed to have broken a

code and figured out that God’s first

name was Jehovah or Yahweh all along

sound familiar

that’s because your Bible and nearly

every other Bible today is based on the

Masoretic text and it’s nefarious

alterations which King James chose to

use in place of older and more accurate

versions of the Old Testament one would

have to ask why did King James decide to

use the Masoretic text well came James

decision comes as no surprise to those

of us who are familiar with the full

story of King James and why he wanted to

make a Bible of his own he too was not

motivated by accuracy or simply putting

Bibles into the hands of those who had

no Bible King James as well had clear

ulterior motives for promoting certain

ideologies over accuracy particularly in

regards to the New Testament and the

finished product

including the corrupted New Testament

translation along with the corrupted

Masoretic text were plainly depicted on

the interior cover pages of the King

James Bibles and true Christians right

away recognized that the King James

Bible itself was a corruption those

Christians were called the pilgrims that

we all learned about in school and as we

know those pilgrims risked their lives

to come to America to escape tyranny of

a wicked King and guess who that King

was it was King James himself who was

forcing his corrupted Bible down the

throats of Christians you can see the

front cover from the 1611 King James

Bible it is absolutely saturated in

Rosicrucian and free Masonic imagery and

I go into greater detail about that in a

video that I did earlier which I will

link in my description you can also see

that right at the top are the four

Hebrew words that the Mazza reads

announced were a code for God’s name so

they could finally fabricate a name for

God and promote it under an academic

sounding excuse and according to someone

who knows Hebrew today the manner in

which those Hebrew characters were

written on these cover pages was a cult

in style and not in any way authentic

who would be so anxious to get on a

first-name basis with the one who for

centuries had been known merely as God

or Lord or father who would say that

none of those names were acceptable and

would prefer to be on a first-name basis

instead well would we approach the bench

in a court of law and ask the judge for

his first name

if pulled over for speeding would we ask

the officer to tell us his first name as

parents would we want our children to

start talking to us on a first-name

basis there is only one individual who

matches the description of one insisting

on using a first name and speaking to

God on a first-name basis there is only

one individual who from the beginning of

time wanted to make himself equal to God

and would never call him God Lord or

father that individuals name is Satan

beyond any shadow of a doubt it was

Satan who just had to find a first name

to call God it was Satan who operated

through the missouri’s who created the

name and the supposed hebrew translation

by which they snuck that name and other

devious alterations into the Old

Testament texts make no mistake that God

definitely knows how to name people and

how to announce their name he sent

angels to the shepherds and there he

announced the name of Jesus by name not

by code he sent an angel to Zechariah to

announce the name of John by name not by

code if God had wanted to name himself

he would have done so by name and not by

any phony tetragrammaton code God is not

nor was he ever Jehovah Yahweh

or any other phony fabricated name

people have come up with so what do we

call them

well how about Lord of lords mighty God

everlasting father or better yet how

about just simply dead but as for those

who insist that God was secretly giving

us his first name bicode Who am I I am

Who I am and never you mind

I look forward to talking to you next

time the Lord bless you

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57 Hidden Bible Keys Restored

Woe to you experts in the law, because you have taken away the keys to understanding.
Luke 11:52

Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.
Mat 7:13-14

Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.
Matthew 18:3

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