How did people pronounce the name of Jesus when He was here? Is there any truth to the fact that there was no J sound since the letter J had not been “invented”? (Answer: No!). Where does the name Yeshua come from? Could it even possibly refer to Jesus? (Answer: No!).
Is the language used by the Jews really Hebrew, or is it a made-up magic language? (Answer: It’s made up, and you will see the proof).
Is there a real Yeshua and what do the Jews believe about him? Should the true Christians be concerned about this? (Answer: Yes).
Not only will you see absolute proof that the rumor going around about the name of Jesus is completely false, but in this video you will see shocking proof of an actual plot behind that rumor – a plot clearly aimed against Christians today just as Christians experienced in the first century.
The Lord led Elizabeth Colizzi to the amazing discovery of those magical amulets – the crowns. She shared this discovery with me so I could include it in this video. She goes into even more detail about the language in this video. I highly recommend Elizabeth C and the truth she presents in this critical last hour. Check out her video for more details concerning the Masoretes and their magic language! • The Masoretic Text of Your OT Bible i… .
And for more ASTOUNDING “hidden” facts about their magical language, check out Elizabeth’s last two videos! • Your OT Bibles Have Been Hijacked By …
• More on the Fake Hebrew Magical Langu…
us that name is Jesus Satan despises that name and so do the judaizers today
who work feverishly to remove the name of Jesus eventually Christians will be killed if they refuse to reject the name
of Jesus a set of laws called the noahide laws were passed into effect at a secret meeting of the US Congress in
1991 those laws call for the beheading of anyone who worships Jesus they are
now on the books in every other country around the world as well all that the Jews need today is the official nod to
enforce them and everything will be ready to go but in the meantime Satan
has launched a full-time campaign to get Christians to renounce the name of Jesus now not based on the noahide laws yet
but on the basis of a lie that sounds very convincing to many people with plenty of help from the false Brethren
and the the Hebrew Roots movement Satan is spreading a lie stating that since there was no J in Greek and no letter J
in English until the 1500s the name of Jesus we spell today with a J is a fraud
with no J there couldn’t have been any J sound they carelessly conclude hoping
that no one knows anything about Greek or early English the zealous Hebrew Roots people want everyone to believe
their conclusion regarding language and then reject the name of Jesus as fraud
people from the Hebrew Roots movement post their lie everywhere they State partial information and they’re grossly
contorted assertion as though it results from actual research and historical
truth when in reality it reflects neither one not only do they purposely
exclude indispensable facts on the matter but by focusing only on the name of Jesus the promoters of this rumor
display a shameful partiality against against the name of Jesus because if
people who spread this lie were really sincere about their concern and if their claims were actually true then they
would be warning us about many other names of people who lived when Jesus lived and whose names would have the
exact same issue if the problem concerning the Jay was a real issue then all those posting on social media would
also warn us to get rid of hundreds of other names that we should discard on the same basis for the same bogus reason
names like James Jude John Joseph that we spell today using a j even though at
the time those people Liv there was no J their names were spelled with an I just
like Jesus’s name was spelled with an i so why such a premeditated effort to
remove only the name of Jesus why so surreptitiously sweep all those other
names under the rug hoping that nobody will see if you smell a rat here you’re not the only one besides all their
efforts to get Christians to deny Jesus Hebrew Roots people also seduce Christians to use a particular name to
replace Jesus with for this lie too they hope that no one will do any real
research to challenge their claim however the new name they have successfully lured sad multitudes of
Christians to use is the strange name Yeshua even though the name Yeshua never
appears in the oldest and most reliable version of the Old Testament we have called the subagent even though the name
Yeshua never appears in any of the original New Testament manuscripts or manuscript fragments found from the
first century all written in Greek and none containing the name Yeshua and even
though the name Yeshua never appears in the highly respected histories written by a Jewish historian named flavius
Josephus not only did Josephus lived during the time that Jesus was here but Josephus also happened to be a Jewish
priest so apparently that was too early for Josephus to get the memo from today’s judaizers about changing the
name of Jesus to a fake name Josephus in all his lengthy detailed histories about
the Jewish people never said one word about Yeshua Josephus spoke respectfully
about Jesus and Josephus called him Jesus if the Hebrew Roots people were
sincere about offering us the new name Yeshua then why did their rabbis hide
the fact that Yeshua was the name of their hero someone made up in their own
magical mystical extra biblical writings of their ult why do the Jewish rabbis
continue to push the name Yeshua while knowing full well that it does not refer to Jesus H it doesn’t take long for any
Earnest follower of Jesus to discover a very dark Unholy trail behind the name
Yeshua why are so many people so committed to get Christians to stop using the name of Jesus often with a
spirit of actual hatred toward their targeted Christian victims some even accusing Christians of anti-Semitism if
they prefer to use the name of Jesus instead I’m talking more about people who seemingly know the truth but they
refuse to use the name Yeshua the question becomes why I believe this is my theory because it’s a deep-seated
anti-Semitism yes the people in the Hebrew Roots movement at least those behind the movement and leading the
movement are definitely hiding something from us about this strange new name
Yeshua what are they hiding why all the accelerated propaganda pushing the name
are we looking at something even more Sinister than we thought and where did the name Yeshua appear from did they
just pull it out of a hat if that is your guess funny or not you happen to be on the right Trail pulling something out
of a hat relates to Magic and Magic not only relates to the world of the the cult which lies at the heart of Judaism
but according to one of its highly treasured writings the Zohar when the Creator created the world he actually
used a magic phrase a magician he takes a hat so I’m going to pull a rabbit out
of this hat tell me what does he say means I will create something from nothing right listen to
this one of the oldest books of the zor which is attributed to arino Abraham the sa we have called the book of creation
at the beginning of the book of creation he describes how God created the world and listen to what the Z says says said
the following shall create through speech
ABAB AB Kadabra during the first century Paul
knew full well that magic laid at the heart of Judaism in his day Paul used the word Bewitched to describe New
Testament believers who became the victims of Judaism Judaism Charmed them and people who who had begun to follow
Jesus became Smitten by that charm trading their salvation for a path
leading to hell judaizers today charm Christians in the exact same way they
Mesmerize them getting them to focus on Jews Israel and Hebrew rather than
focusing simply on Jesus and his kingdom like he commanded the two points of
Focus cannot be combined even though Hebrew Roots people will tell you that they can we have only two sides in the
spirit world either that which is holy or that which comes from Satan when today’s Christians fall into the Trap of
forsaking Jesus first by rejecting his name they too enter a path of death
which is a decision only possible through witchcraft Paul asked judaizers victims of his day who has Bewitched you
and I would ask the same today Jesus offers an entirely New Covenant a new
set of terms between man and the father it defines a whole whole new people of God no longer promoting any one
nationality or any one language Jesus welcomes us all on the same basis with
the same terms no matter what language we speak and no matter what DNA we have
today’s rabbis are not just well-meaning followers of Moses who couldn’t quite
recognize Jesus was the Messiah this was my own naive understanding for a good part of my life and perhaps yours as
well but today’s rabbis are actually stuck in the same Jewish mysticism and
occult beliefs and practices of their ancestors the Pharisees rabbis do not
follow the Bible but openly follow the same Abominations by which they had been
so Unfaithful before and for which the father finalized his relationship with a
certificate of divorce the same practices that Jesus hated and constantly condemned you are about to
see and hear what today’s Jewish rabbis have been hiding about yes Yeshua and why they viciously promote the name
Yeshua their reasons are far more deadly than we first expected if you or anyone
you know is a True Believer in Jesus and at all on the fense about the name Yeshua I encourage you to watch this
video once you see and hear what I’m about to show you I doubt you will ever
want to call Jesus Yeshua ever again hi I’m Dolly Weber first the phony Claim
about Jesus and the letter J this widespread argument is nothing more than
one big cheap shot attempt to get rid of the name Jesus and nothing more it is
based on a madeup story promoted by people who hate Jesus and vehemently hate his name and I’ll give you some
proof the original Greek texts of the New Testament were translated into English by a Greek scholar his name was
William Tindale Tindale was not only highly regarded for his expertise in
Greek but he was an extraordinarily devout follower of Jesus who even risked
his life for the sake of translating the New Testament accurately once he completed the work the Roman Catholic
Church found him killed him and publicly burned his body at the stake we can see
here what tindale’s translation looked like on these Pages we see the name of Jesus spelled beginning with an i they
pronounced the eye like a j and called him Jesus just as we pronounce the name today and now spell his name with a J
and Jesus wasn’t the only name like this take a look at these other names we recognize names we today spell with a J
pronounced with a J sound though at the time those names were spelled beginning with an i how could that be wouldn’t the
name Jesus have been pronounced Yus the answer is no it would have been
pronounced just like we pronounce it today Jesus back then up until the 1500s
in fact the eye had two jobs one was to be a vowel the letter i as we see in
these screenshots showing the familiar names of Isaiah and Israel in those
situations the I was pronounced like I or I the other job was to be a consonant
the J sound like in the names Jesus John James and so forth it was pronounced
like a J in the common words such as judge joy and just all of these words
began with an i but they were pronounced as though they started with a J just like we pronounce today so how did
people know back then which was which well the rule was quite simple if the I
comes before a consonant such as the letter s in Israel or Isaiah then you
pronounce the I like a vowel and if the I comes before a vowel such as e o or a
as we see in these examples then you pronounce the I like a consonant like the letter J in the same way judge joy
and just start with the letter i that comes before a vowel and so those words
too would be pronounced as though they were spelled with a J this was not rocket science people knew how to
pronounce the i in those names and words just as we know to pronounce the letter
P like a p in the word popcorn but pronounce it like an f and the word
phone all languages have their rules in English did too if the I came before a
vowel you pronounce it like a J Around the early 1500s the printing press was greatly expanding its use primarily in
the task of printing tindale’s Bible so for the sake of more clarity concerning the letter i someone suggested splitting
up the two jobs of the letter I let the I do the job of the vowel I as it always
has but assign its consonant job to a new letter let’s call it a j and change
the I only slightly and then that’ll be what the J looks like notice the J was
introduced as a familiar sound but under a new name they did not invent a new
sound on the contrary it was precisely because they already had hundreds of
names and other words that used the J sound that’s why they assigned a new letter to help out the letter i in this
way and so around 1524 the capital J was given its own symbol and referred to by
its own name j taking over for an old job of the letter I but actually that
was not the first time that a j was used in this way the lowercase j was actually
introduced into English in the 1200s though not made official until much later Tindale did not use the lower case
J in his translation though he could have Not only would the J denote a sound
already familiar in the English language but in both the lowercase j and the uppercase j they looked an awful lot
like and even identical to the letter i j was a familiar face to the English
language though not officially recognized until 1524 in the block style Greek letter
Iota take a look at the lower case what does it look like yes the lowercase Iota
or I is a backwards J so the new letter J practically was an I just backwards
and it did one of the jobs that the letter I used to do but that’s not all take a look at what the handwritten
capital I looked like back then it virtually was a j though at the time it
was called an i isn’t that amazing no doubt instances of names and places
beginning with a J sound were the predominant use of that capital letter I thus they took the same symbol a capital
I in cursive and made that a j as we can easily see the J was not actually a
whole new letter neither could it really be said that it was invented the J symbol was simply a slight variation of
the I symbol in both the upper and the lowercase versions and it would be more
accurate to say that the letter I got a new job description with part of its old job reassigned to a close relative so
when people promote the LIE stating that there was no J until it was invented in
the 1500s they are as we can see very deceptively leaving out the fact that
the J sound had existed for centuries and that the symbol formally used for
the J sound was simply given to another letter a new tweak if you will this often reminds me of when a woman gets
married and takes on her husband’s name that woman now becomes known by a new name but do we say that she just got
invented did she become a new person part of the I’s job was to be a Jay and
finally they decided to give its job to another symbol a symbol that no doubt reminded the readers of an i and they
knew how to pronounce the new symbol again again if you were to read the original Tindale Bible or an earlier
version of the Geneva Bible as we can find online you would find countless names beginning with a capital I that
you would immediately recognize and know how to pronounce intuitively however if you follow the basic pronunciation rule
for the letter I back when the name of Jesus began with an i I’m sure you would become quite proficient with how to
pronounce the I again if the I precedes a vowel then it sounds like a J if the I
precedes a consonant then it sounds like an i simple simple when people back in
the day read the name i s o u s whether in Greek or in English they knew to
pronounce the I or Iota like a j his name was Jesus what Hebrew Roots people
don’t want you to discover is that we find the same rule of pronunciation used on words in the secular world back then
here is a poem called the tragic iCal history of romeus and Juliet it was published in 1562 and years later
Shakespeare used this poem to write a play he called Romeo and Juliet published in 1597 notice the J of Juliet
in the original poem was expressed with an i if we didn’t know any better we would pronounce that Juliet right
according to the Hebrew Roots people that’s how we should pronounce it what’s the rule the I comes before vowel the
letter U so you pronounce it Juliet here Shakespeare continued to use the letter
i for his title and when the title was expressed in cursive there we see the capital I which as I mentioned today we
would call A J because it is a j but at the time it was still called an i a title page of the King James Bible also
shows the name James as in King James expressed with an i instead of a j so
did people pronounce the king’s name as yames no they pronounced it James just
as it was written when they used the letter i for the J sound everyone knew to pronounce his name James because the
I came before a vowel the letter A thus the I was pronounced like a consonant
the letter J can we see how misleading the half story about the letter J is how
devilish for those in the Hebrew Roots movement to deceive and mislead people by half truths to trick them into
discarding the name of Jesus all by pretending to have an upper hand in historic knowledge and how to pronounce
old languages but an even more devilish double standard hit me as I pondered their deception two other words came to
my attention two words that the Hebrew Roots movement for some reason haven’t mentioned anything about consider the
words Jew and Jews they were spelled beginning with an i before the J was
introduced but they are pronounced today as beginning with a J and spelled today with a J right just like the name of
Jesus so why did the Hebrew Roots people fail to bring these two words to everyone’s attention telling us they
would have been pronounced U and U’s and therefore telling us that they are phony
names because there was no J until the 1500s clearly those who Proclaim that
Jesus is a phony name do not have any problem with the name based on history itself or language they have a problem
with Jesus himself and they will do anything they can in including cheating and lying to get true Christians to stop
using the real name of Jesus which is Jesus so who are these people who are so
actively pitching a phony name for Jesus let’s open the curton hiding the answer
to that question starting with a short testimony from Steve and Jana Denon they
produce a program called Israeli News live and they also used to be Zionist
Christians before it was Israeli News Live we started off as a Teaching Ministry but very Pro Zionist I come
from a Jewish background both my parents were Jews they were non in practicing Jews but I still come from that
background I’d given my life to Christ when I was 8 years old even though I believ the Lord Jesus Christ as Savior I
was still very much a pro Zionist type believer looking at the scriptures more from the scoffield type glasses Israeli
News live was mainly looking at the geopolitical Spectrum from more of a Biblical aspect and we really grew very
rapidly in popularity with this program and always from my own heart very sincere in what I believed and very
passionate about it survived a suicide bombing in Israel in 2004 by the grace of God but as we built the ministry
there then things began to change and my wife first began to notice a lot of things and she had me read one book
called The Holocaust victims accuse which really was Jewish rabbis talking
about what they went through during the Holocaust and how it was the the Zionist leaders that were turning their backs on
them and allowing other Jews to go to the Holocaust camps that really began to wake me up because of being of a Jewish
background I went deeper into my just searching Roots even as a Believer I
went in I got more involved with the kabad organization I would visit rabbis and then built friendships with them
actually became a member of the kabad organization for more than 20 years it’s kind of like joining a church you know
you just next thing you know you just sign the thing that you have joined it’s not not like some part of the elite sect
of the kabad organization but we had very strong ties with them and we would
go not all the time going to the synagogue and stuff but I had business relationships with them because of the
moving business we owned we had a lot of relationships with the rabbis throughout South Florida uh Northwest Florida as
well and the deeper you get into the circles like this the more you begin to learn the way Jewish people actually
think of course living in Israel you learn that as well and as far as a go a gentile they’re very much looked down
upon When you mention like a donkey I can’t tell you how many times I’ve sat there with doctors and lawyers just
being friends and then they forget that I’m actual believer in some cases they didn’t even know I was a Believer maybe
I didn’t say anything to them at the time and they would say Steve that’s just Gentiles what are you worried about
the Gentiles for you know they’re going to be our slaves one day and things like this just always stuck in the back of my
mind they openly talk about Gentiles being slaves absolutely absolutely well
I’m originally from east Europe former Czechoslovakia and I came to Christ in
2010 my background is that I’m from kind of mixed household my mother was not
Jewish she was a gentile so in Israel they consider me a gentile they don’t consider people whose father is Jew they
don’t consider them Jewish so I am labeled often as anti-semitic when I
speak all because we just bring bring to light the teachings of Judaism which
while in Israel of course when you there you start noticing things but because of
our Zionist approach to prophecy and to Bible in general and we were in a circle
of zist Christians I started to research a lot Jewish roots and jewishness and I
wanted to know what it is that Judaism is about what does Judaism believe so I
started to study their writings and there are writings include talmud Zohar
cabala shulan which is their Jewish law or or it’s called halaka and I started
to listen to a lot of teachings by Rabbi I would open up a lot of videos that
kabat Rabbi would specifically teach on halaka and on talmud and explain certain
things and I started to see that there is a huge discrepancy between Christianity and Judaism that
Christianity has absolutely nothing to do with Judaism judeo Christianity as
often as referred to is oxy Moran statement it’s diametrically opposed and
I started to see that basically they actually are the enemies of Christianity
Judaism as we know it today is basically phism Judaism is not true Faith it’s
nothing that God has given so I I started to notice that we have the same
battles today as first century Christians as apostles and that our enemies are the same enemies as enemies
of Jesus and it was the Pharisees with their oral law you see a lot of Christians today especially in Zionist
circles they think that Judaism is about Old Testament that Judaism is just the
Old Testament all they believe the Jews they just believed in Moses law and they practice the law of Moses they have 613
Commandments most of these Christians are not familiar with the talmud Zohar
and kab and where this 613 mpot comes from and what they’re all about so I started to
study what they’re about and what the talmud teaches and I noticed that there is actually a plan there is a plot and
that’s a plot against Christianity and I could not logically understand why would
Christian leaders form friendships with Jewish rabbis at first let me bring you
one of the books here the secret Doctrine in Israel by weighty w a i t
what it explains is the basically secret doctrine of the Zohar what is behind
Zohar and you have to understand that the soul of the talmud is Zohar and the
soul of Zohar is cabala the occultism or sorcery as I refer to it now this
particular book it doesn’t speak against it it only explains what it is what the secret Doctrine is and here in a preface
it actually speaks of the secret tradition in Israel together with some account of the manner in which it
influenced Christian scholarship in Europe during 16 17 and 18 centuries it
seems like this is plot that is not new this has been pre-planned long long time
they’ve been infiltrating Christian churches and universities and organizations for centuries exactly to
change the gospel to change the gospel and completely put a virus in
Christianity I call that a virus you know 11 of the Pharisees and today’s
Christianity especially here in America has a virus and we have to identify what the virus is but it’s basically the same
problem as apostle Paul has it’s a judaizing judaizing of Christianity but they also brought in occultic practices
as far as I was studying this I came to a really shocking information what is
actual secret doctrine of the Zohar it’s not pretty I don’t really recommend that people who are not strong in faith it’s
a book for the purpose of researching what the doctrine of actual cabala Zohar
and talmud is what Judaism is about because once you understand what Judaism
is about you start understanding that this bridges that Christian ministers are making with Pharisees or rabbis
today those are a very dangerous Bridges and on one side you know it’s always
Christians that submit to the Jews it’s always Christians that have to agree not to preach Jesus to Jews you see the Jews
they don’t compromise they will never compromise what they believe but the Christians are ready to compromise and
why because they have walles for teachers who have actually made Bridges with the Pharisees the enemy of Christ
but in this particular book I just want to read you a little bit what got me understanding what the plot is against
Christianity it says here according to the midash talo the Messiah will bring
eternal peace which of course was understood by the Israelites as peace for Israel plus that which may follow
extermination for all who did not enter by conversion into the house of Jacob so
basically what they teach is that if Gentiles or Christians do not attach
themselves to the Jews they will be exterminated and of course we are well
known for our noahide laws that we brought this to a light so then you go to talmud and you start reading what is
the plan for Gentiles you see Judaism is a two-tier system Judaism puts the wall
of partition back it’s the Jews and non-jews and according to Judaism
non-jews are different species there are humans but they’re not at the level of
the Jews Jews are supposedly Divine they’re light of the world they’re The Chosen they have life of Hashem inside
of them that’s the way they explain life of God inside and the Gentiles they can
never achieve it they’re different species they are on animalistic level and the only way for Gentiles to make it
to the world to come is to attach themselves to the Jews and how do they
do that well through the noahide laws seven noahide laws when we got attacked for bringing out the noahide laws it was
suggested that only a small percentage about 2% of radical Jews in Israel
actually believe this but that’s the furtherest thing from the truth but even if it were a small percentage you have
to keep in mind it’s that percentage that control the world governments at least 30% of all Jews hold the talmud as
a sacred writing as the oral law of God and it’s held in higher regard than the Bible itself it’s held in higher regard
than the Bible itself I know that some will try to play that down and say that’s not true but that is totally false it is known by any Orthodox Jew
that the talmud has more preeminence than that of Moses or the prophets themselves the talmud has more
preeminence than that of Moses or the prophets themselves what are some of the more shocking statements in the talmud
the shocking statements there are many there yeah there are many let me kind of clarify because they do get kind of
misquoted a little bit but it still holds true like for example when it speaks about in the talmud some people
try to say that it condones a sexual relation or pedophilia between a man and a boy as long as he is under 9 years of
age it said it’s not considered homosexuality it doesn’t really condone it but what it does is it it minimizes
the offense so they write in the T if the boy is under 9 years of age then
it’s not considered a homosexual act that’s actually written in the talmud and I have the entire Cino talmud on my
bookshelf in my office but the reason why they do this is because they know that the law of Moses would command that
if you have a homosexuality then that person is to be stoned so they don’t want the rabbis to be guilty if they end
up getting caught so they minimize it same thing with they minimize if a little girl under the age of three years
old it’s depending on the rabbi depends on whether it’s 9 years old or three years old in the talmud would consider
no different than if the girl would to be defiled as if you poked her in her eye in other words it’ll just heal back
it’s no big deal Jesus himself he’s written about they don’t use his name they normally use balum when it’s
written in the talmood but I can literally show you right in the talmood right in the notes where it says on
there that balum is a substitute in coded language in the tal mode for Jesus and they say that he is in hell and be
and boiling in feces that type of thing those are some of the more bold things that a lot of people are more aware of
but there are tons of things many times unbeknown to the followers here they’re
being taught tamic and Zohar prophecies and the people have no idea that this is what they’re being taught Shalom from
the Eternal City of Jerusalem I’m here with Ariel Coen Alo all right what a pleasure and
uh he’s been teaching me how the rabbis study the word of God it’s a little bit different from the way that Christians
study it we really we’re just at the surface but the rabbis they can really go layer after layer and one of those
layers is just taking the the letters of the Hebrew words and they look at the value because each letter has a
numerical value and that’s called gatria we’re looking at some gatria now is gatria from God well you have to be the
judge G gatria to begin with of course it is numerology olog I always call it
like tarot cards it’s really a shame that this is actually entered into the church to begin with but gatria the
numeric value was borrowed from the Greeks the Greeks borrowed it from the Egyptian Hebrew never had this
originally Hebrew never had this originally and this is what a lot of people are totally forgetting and of
course pastors are becoming more like as the scripture describes them hirings they don’t care about the flock
whatsoever and this numerology whether it be through Bible codes whether it be
through the numeric value ends up making Havoc of the word of God and this is the
reason why we have in Judaism for example they’re looking for the Messiah to come but they don’t tell you well now
they’re becoming more open they call it the Nash Masia which is the serpent Messiah is what they’re looking for and
they say that the word serpent Nash and mashia has the same gometric value that
should be the first sign that this is demonic in in the first place there’s no longer the people looking for the way
God said he reveals himself it’s very dangerous it’s very dangerous Steve Denon described the talmood which in the
words of Brandon T ward in his article what does the talmood say about Jesus is
a vile book that Slanders Jesus Christ it’s a book filled with perversion and
filth a book that declares Jews can lie cheat steal and murder Gentiles there is
no other vile book like this in the entire world we could compare the talmud
with the Satanic Bible and if it were just one random book loved by just a few
extreme rabbis that would be one thing but the talmood is followed more than the Bible by all Orthodox rabbis for
anyone wanting Jewish citizenship in Israel they must be approved by an
Orthodox Jewish rabbi as an orthodox Jew therefore they too must be followers of
the talmood I think we need to take a closer look at this town mood especially
when all Jewish citizens in Israel and all Orthodox rabbis must take the town
mood seriously greates of the rabbis were established and thousands of new
laws formulated there those same phes who killed Jesus Christ remained the
Undisputed rulers of Judaism in Babylon the Pharisees codified their oral
Traditions into the Babylonian talet the written form of that oral tradition
which Jesus so bitterly rebuked the talid reveals how deep was Israel’s apostasy the talid also helps us
understand the basis for christs and flattering descriptions of the Pharisees Jesus described the Pharisees as
Hypocrites children of Hell blind guides fited sers full of dead men’s bones he
even described the Pharisees as children of their father the devil a murderer from the beginning the talmud confirms
Christ’s word in the talmud in tretis Sanhedrin an extensive passage describes
the right of the Pharisee to kill anyone just as long as he did so indirectly as one of dozens of examples the Talma
tells us that if one bound his neighbor and he died of starvation he is not liable to execution in such an indirect
manner the Pharisees also killed Christ manipulating the Romans to actually wield the spear and sword the Pharisees
claimed as their descendants do today that since the Romans were the direct cause of the death of Christ it is the
Romans not the Jews who are guilty Christ also called the Pharisees adulterers an adulterous generation the
talet provides generous loopholes for adultery it says the penalty for adultery does not include sex with a
minor the wife of a minor or the wife of a heathen the talet also encourages seduction of unwed adolescent girls
called designated Bond Maids but it’s important how such rapes are performed with the designated bondade one is
guilty only in the case of natural connection but not in the case of perverse connection the Pharisees reason
that rape in a perverted manner is outside the jurisdiction of the law normal rape however was punishable in
Babylon sexual perversion of every kind had been a way of life for millenniums
the Pharisees were deeply influenced by such practices in three of the major treatises of the talmid are found
extensive passages which give legal endorsement to seduce and marry 3-year-old baby girls in fact many of
the greatest rabbis of the talmud including Sim s Ben Yohi upheld this privilege today in Israel thousands of
Jews go to meon every year to venerate the memory of Simeon Ben Yohi one of the
most respected rabbis in the history of Judaism in one of dozens of endorsements of child sex Simeon Ben Yohi said a
proelite under the age of 3 years and a day is permitted to marry a priest agreeing with Ben Yohi the great rabba
said when a grownup man has intercourse with a little girl it is nothing or when the girl is less than this 3 years and a
day it is as if one put the finger into the eye the footnote to this passage says as tears come to the eye again and
again so does virginity come back to the little girl under 3 years the same section confirms that sexual activity
with small boys is in the same category the Intercourse of a small boy is not regarded as a sexual act in addition to
adulterers Christ in the story of the Good Samaritan portrayed the Pharisees as racial bigots too self-righteous to
respond to the suffering of one who was not a Jew it is true because of the wickedness of the Canaanites which
included sodomy and infant sacrifice Israel had been commanded by God to be harsh in her treatment of the
inhabitants of the land god made it clear that the Canaanites were not simply to be avoided but destroyed by
the time of the New Testament this method of preserving God’s kingdom by separation and the sword had become
obsolete God no longer made a racial difference between men but the Pharisees were unfazed by God’s new agenda the
talmud was finally written down nearly 5 centuries after Christ yet its critical even homicidal attitudes toward Gentiles
might have been lifted out of the Book of Joshua however the quickest way to grasp the talmudic view of Gentiles is
not directly from the talmid but from the Jewish encyclopedias if we quote an isolated opinion from a talmid a rabbi
May quickly object saying but that is not the overall opinion of the talmid that is not the definitive view what the
Jewish encyclopedia provides us is a a definitive overview of perhaps hundreds
of Rabbi statements on any subject giving us accurate summaries of what the talmud generally teaches in its article
on Gentiles the Jewish encyclopedia begins to Define what makes a Jew so different from a gentile according to
the rabbis only Israelites are men Gentiles they class not as men but as Barbarian since Gentiles are not men in
the fullest sense the Gentile is not a neighbor of a Jew further since Gentile
laws were too crude to admit of reciprocity meaning too crude to be taken seriously the Gentile was forever
beneath the Jew Gentiles were outlawed by God from the beginning and thus had no property rights the almighty offered
the Torah to the Gentile Nations also but since they refused to accept it he withdrew his shining legal protection
from them and transferred their property rights to Israel who observed his law since the Talman outlawed the child or
issue of a gentile as that of a beast a gentile had as little legal rights in a
Jewish Court as did an animal the talet states that if a gentile Sue an Israelite the verdict is for the
defendant the Israelite conversely if the Israelite is the plaintiff he obtains full damages because the talmid
conspires against Gentiles if a Jew was ever caught telling a gentile what the
talmud really says such a person deserves death so vile was the nature of a gentile that the great Simeon Ben Yohi
said the best of among the Gentiles deserves to be killed the best of snakes ought to have its head crushed Jews
however are exalted beings in the taled worthy of Praise Christ described the Pharisee who blessed himself saying I
thank thee Lord that I am not as other men an imminent talmudic Rabbi says the same blessed be thou who Hast not made
me a or Gentile there is a special antagonism between the talet and Jesus
the talet attacks him everywhere it can even his mother Mary the talet said was a who mated with carpenters she
who was the descendant of princes and governors played the Harlot with carpenters it naturally followed that
the scribes declared Christ to be a bastard in its article on Jesus the Jewish encyclopedia says that Jewish
writings defame Christ it is the tendency of all these sources to belittle the person of Jesus by
ascribing to him illegitimate birth magic and a shameful death Jesus according to this article was considered
one of the three worst enemies of Judaism who came to an ignoble end the talet says they subjected him to four
deaths stoning burning decapitation and strangling the talet also says he is now
in Hell punished with boiling hot excrement what is Christ’s advice as he speaks to us out of hell the Jewish
encyclopedia quotes Jesus as telling us above all to bless the Jews he says
further their wellbe do nothing to their detriment whoever touches them touches even the apple of his eye Christians as
followers of the false prophet Jesus also deserve death the Jewish encyclopedia again Recaps the talmud’s
position a gentile observing the Sabbath deserves death the testimony of a Christian was not admitted in evidence
in Jewish courts and an Israelite who found anything belonging to one who was a Christian was forbidden to return it
to him the Pharisees through their talmud thus gave the Jews an ethic which encouraged bigotry and isolation but it
did worse than that it invited persecution by the 11th century the inhabitants of Babylon growing weary of
the self-righteousness and dishonesty of the Jews expelled them to the West so what would Christians do if they learned
that all pastors secretly follow the Satanic Bible in this way most rabbis today including those actively promoting
the Hebrew Roots movement follow the talmud which we might as well call a satanic bible although Jewish rabbis
today refer to the Torah they do not follow the Torah that we think they follow which would be the actual first
five books of Moses that’s what the Hebrew Roots people want us to believe but when Jews refer to the Torah they
secretly refer to their own man-made writings called their oral Torah nothing more than the teachings of men the same
teachings that Jesus constantly condemned the Pharisees for the concepts
ideologies and wicked rules of the talmud come straight from Satan himself
and Satan shares many of his thoughts and ideas through the world of the ult that brings us to the next thing we find
behind that curtain cabala cabala means to receive or to channel messages from
evil spirits Jewish Mystics down through the centuries have allowed themselves to channel from Satan and then go on to
describe fantasies hidden codes mysterious meanings to numbers and letters and special relationships
between those elements called correspondences cabalists describe conclusions doctr and correspondences no
more rational than those of someone high on LSD yet this particular realm of channeling called cabala provides the
basis not only for Alchemists Freemasons rosac crucians luciferians but cabala
provides the entire framework for Judaism itself cabala is nothing more
than sorcery although this would shock many people who bought the ticket into the Heber Roots movement the sorcery of
cabal even admitted by one of judaism’s main websites is the heart of Judaism
not God cabala without kabala there is no [Music]
Judaism Melancholia 1 is the accepted name of a large 1514 German Renaissance engraving of an
enigmatic winged angel figure thought by most to be a personification of Melancholia which means black bile in
Greek the humor or body liquid thought by Alchemist to be governed by the planet Saturn with head and hand staring
ahead as the area is strewn with symbols related to Alchemy geometry or
numerology such as The Hourglass scales and Compass behind the figure is a
ladder leading beyond the frame and a structure with an embedded magic square this 4×4 magic square of 16 integers has
columns rows and diagonals that sum to 34 a common emblem of both folk and
philosophical magic esoteric interpretations of this engraving reveal a deeper meaning linked through the
cabala of the high angel of Jewish mysticism Metatron Albert Pike quoting
from transcendental magic sums up the importance of cabalism as a key to Masonic esotericism saying quote one is
filled with admiration on penetrating into the sanctuary of the cabala at seeing a Doctrine so logical so simple
and at the same time so absolute the necessary Union of ideas and signs the
concentration of the most fundamental realities by the Primitive characters the Trinity of Words letters and numbers
a philosophy simple as the alphabet profound and infinite as the word theorems more complete and luminous than
those of Pythagoras a theology summed up by counting on one’s fingers an infinite
which can be held in the hollow of an infant’s hand 10 ciphers and 22 letters a triangle a square and a circle these
are all the elements of the cabala these are the elementary principles of the written word reflection of that spoken
word that created the world it was Manley P hall who said that quote few realize the influence exerted by
cabalism over medieval thought both Christian and Jewish it thought that there existed within the sacred writings
a hidden Doctrine which was the key to those writings the theories of cabalism are inextricably woven with the tenants
of alchemy hermeticism Rosicrucianism and Freemasonry the words cabalism and
hermeticism are now considered as synonymous terms covering all the Arcana and esotericism of antiquity so what is
this big secret that is allegedly revered by The Alchemist and therefore the calist and guarded by their veils of
symbolism from the uninitiated masses and hidden beneath the veneer of modern
abrahamic religions according to esoteric Legends Solomon understood the mysteries of the cabala he was also an
alchemist and a necromancer being able to control the demons and from them and other inhabitants of the invisible
worlds he secured much of his wisdom the esoteric interpretation of Salvation was
not about Redemption of the Jewish people from slavery amongst other people but instead had to do with an inner
salvation an esoteric process of mystical healing and restoration of
one’s own soul through a term called tun Olam which means repairing the world and
has to do with the luronic Cabala’s idea of freeing leftover Divine Sparks of
light that permeated existence after creation Madame Helena blavatsky was the
19th Century’s most famous Mystic occultist and medium co-founding the
theosophical Society in 1875 she aimed for a synthesis of science religion and
philosophy blaty taught that within each individual human there’s an eternal Divine facet which she referred to as
the higher self or inner God and that uniting with this higher self results in
wisdom when she says wisdom she’s not referring to the kind of knowledge that one acquires through reading books but
rather it is defined as a Divine intuition six sense or inner guidance
that is most commonly acquired through entering into an altered state of consciousness the term for this practice
is called mysticism where one surrenders the ego through various techniques and
merges with what some refer to as God and others believe is one’s own subconscious mind according to the
cabala which is considered esoteric Jewish mysticism as it appeared after the 12th century but really is much
older chakma is the 10th sepharad at the top of the right Axis on the tree of of
Life corresponding to the left eye or the right hemisphere of the brain chakma
is associated in the soul with the power of intuitive insight and it’s the goal of Calis to extract such Insight from
the superconscious realm according to the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn the name of God is associated with
chakma the name of God associated with chakma is Jehovah and in the teachings
of sex magician aliser Crowley chakma is represented in accordance with terms
like tetragramaton which in the occult unlocks the meaning behind astrology the
tarot the mysteries of the Bible cabala the enoan magic of John D Helena
blavatsky stated that the published works on the cabala do not contain the inner secrets of the wisdom the
unwritten cabala is transmitted orally and needs seven keys to unveil them the
present cabala according to blavatsky originated from the secret doctrine of the caldan and Egyptians and that the
authentic cabala was to be found in the caldian book of numbers in the possession of Persian sufis in Judaism
mosiah or Messiah is traditionally believed to be a king with political
implications associated with the return for certain Jewish sex to Israel after
the Babylonian exile lanic cabala enjoyed broad dissemination in the 1500s
thanks to the invention of the printing press in the previous Century Jews from around the world for the first time had
access to occult literature about the deeper meaning of their faith and the popularity of Jewish mysticism soared a
key aspect of luran cabala is that it required active participation to set the
stage for the arrival of the Messiah to bring about conditions that would initiate or directly expedite the
Fulfillment of Jewish Messianic prophecy in other words instead of simply waiting for God to act the luronic perspective
expected Jews to play an active role in bringing forth God’s Kingdom on Earth
this new European cabala as opposed to the older caldian version is unanimously
attributed to Laura and was extremely popular at the time and still is the most broadly disseminated and used
cabalistic system taught Today part of this cabalistic method included ways of interpreting the supernatural
relationship between events and time offered through letters and numbers the magical emphasis given to the
numerological value of dates contributed greatly to the widely held expectations
and hope placed on the coming of a messiah at the time the rapid spread of the teachings of Rabbi Isaac laua and
his lauran cabala resulted in a grafting of the then current theories of the cabalist onto the traditional Jewish
view of the role and personality of the Messiah this new philosophic paradigm and the estimation of many scholars
provided a spiritual justification for proactive Zionism and therefore the
events that directly brought about the modern formation of Israel the Jews were not some small remote desert tribe with
a unique religion that got lucky and grew powerful through Banking and Usery but are part of the same ancient
religious Mystery Schools spread globally which dominated the hallene there was a point where Jewish
spirituality had a choice to go the islamist Sufi path or to take the path
of what would become cabalan the 13th and 14th centuries it took the cabalistic path classical kabala is very
much involved with living inside of myth there’s a chain of mythologies that you
sort of buy into from the mythology of the Zohar and Shimon barai to the
mythology of theat Renaissance to the ongoing preoccupation with cidic Rees as
individual theologians right how can this actually carry over to me into my
relationships and into my career this and that well it comes from that notion of tun which means fix right and as
people’s lives become more complicated and they maybe even make some missteps they think more of how do I reclaim
recover and fix my situation and the imagery of classical cabala has always
been very good for that sometimes there’s an emptiness that underlies existence and sometimes we have to draw
on the reality of The Emptiness or to find an empty space within ourselves a
meditative space a space which holds within it that which can’t be quantifi it’s an internal place that defies
description right and therefore is sort of nothing defies description and
therefore is sort of nothing so yeah I think classical Cala works well for this
time we’re living in so yeah I think classical kaaa works well for this time
we’re living in today many Christian parents would tell their kids not to have anything to do with a fortune
teller at a Carnival and rightly so yet on Sundays many of those same parents
link arm in-arm with a vast religious group that comes from the exact same world that those Carnival fortune
tellers come from Dean Loper in her book cabala Secrets Christians need to know
exposes the imminent dangers posed by cabala in its Insidious and sneaky way
as it cozes itself right into our Christian World it permeates all facets
including as you heard the term Shak that comes right out of the Zohar and
not the Bible so here much of the Christian World uses the term shakina thinking that it’s a scriptural
reference to the Holy Spirit when in fact it refers to the feminine half of
the Jewish god who is half male and half female in the last clip we heard a rabbi
speak about cabala and all of the mythologies it contains kabala is very
much involved with living inside of myth there’s a chain of of mythologies that
you sort of buy into in Titus 114 Paul warned to have nothing to do with Jewish
myths and the Commandments of men how many of us knew that Paul referred to actual myths the same myths that lie at
the very heart of Judaism today the Zohar is the primary writing through which all those mythologies and the
mythological doctrines are expressed for the rabbis to learn and quote from the Zohar is sacred to Jewish rabbis along
with the talmud and Jewish rabbis hold the Zohar in much higher regard than the
Bible itself here’s just a little taste of what the Zohar teaches the Z loves
questioning you know you could say that’s really that’s really one of the great things of all Jewish teaching of midash andic rabbis and going back to
Abraham questioning and challenging God so the zor is challenging our current theology the zor is dissatisfied with
that picture of God seated up in heaven running the show it it presents an alternative to that which really does
allow you a lot of leeway a lot of room for imagination it’s really learning from my monies it’s really the Zohar
even though you know in a simplistic way you could say my monties is the rationalist the Zohar the mystics how
could the two ever get along but the kabalists grow up on my monties so they learn from my monares that you shouldn’t
say what God is you should say what God is not and they take that to the extreme of saying God is not this or not that
God is no thing so saying God is nothing really draws from from my monarchies what do you think the zoh has to you
uniquely to offer people today who searching for spirituality I could point to three things one is what we’ve just
talked about that ultimately God is beyond all names that the only term that that really accurately depicts God is
infinity and so but if we’re going to talk about God the Zohar insists that we balance the masculine with the feminine
and that’s a very important corrective because all Western religion is so dominantly male so dominantly
patriarchal and you know Mary Daly the feminist once said as long as God is male the male is God so unless we revise
our vision of God we’re not going to achieve social equality and gender equality so the Zohar insists God is
equally masculine and feminine the Zohar insists God is equally masculine and feminine and of course the feminine half
of God is known as sh that word is not invented by the kabala but the Zohar really takes it and runs with it and you
could say the main character in The Zohar is the sh yeah I think you know we could learn from Yung Carl Yung really
says Every Man Has a hidden feminine part within him every woman a hidden masculine part so the thing is to become
fully who you can be not to be boxed into one predetermined the third element so infinity and masculine feminine but
the third maybe most intriguing is the Zohar teaches that God needs us so God
is somehow incomplete with that our active participation the the that we have an effect on God that that we you
could say we actualize the Divine in the world it’s a beautiful name for the sh one cist calls the
sh secret of the possible say God is potentially here God’s potentially in the world or potentially in our lives
but unless we cultivate an ethical spiritual lifestyle God remains uh un
actualized and incomplete besides the talmud and the Zohar rabbis also rever
other rabbis often quoting the sages of old as though quoting God himself he’s
got the PHD he’s got knowledge it must be good and I can tell you race in Israel we learn the same way whatever
the rebi I tell you it says this come from the mouth of God you don’t question this they also virtually worship one
particular man named my manes a Jewish philosopher who lived during the 12th century myones was an extreme talmudist
and virtually all rabbis today regard myones as the highest human authority in
Judaism if you truly want to follow Torah I will go to the highest Authority
the highest Authority in Judaism my mon this we are about to hear the shocking
secret of those promoting the name Yeshua but there is one more secret hiding behind that curtain that I’d like
to show you first and that is the magic language used by the Jews the Jews have
convinced the world to call that language Hebrew but their language is no more Hebrew than it is Swedish Italian
or even Pig Latin and I’m about to show you by the time Jesus came to Earth the only Old Testament Scrolls to survive
were Greek Scrolls that had been translated from the actual Hebrew scrolls about 2500 years ago the
translation project was critical because the authentic Hebrew scrolls were hundreds of years old and literally
falling apart so the Old Testament Scrolls translated into Greek were the only copy of the original Old Testament
Scrolls that anyone would have from there on in the authentic Hebrew scrolls would never be seen again as the Hebrew
scrolls were aging the Hebrew language was aging and even becoming extinct the
Jews gradually stopped speaking the language starting about 400 years before Jesus and they took on the ways and
languages of the people around them by the time Jesus arrived no one had been speaking authentic Hebrew for 200 years
when Jesus came the Jews in Judea spoke Aramaic which is not Hebrew the Jews
outside of Judea spoke Greek along with practically everyone else Jesus spoke Greek most of the time when he
ministered and also used those Greek Scrolls called the sep Tu agent to read Jesus also knew Aramaic and occasionally
used Aramaic phrases at key events in his life and Ministry such as when he raised a girl from the dead and just
before taking his last breath on the cross he said llama llama sakani which
meant for this purpose I came it did not mean why have you forsaken me father as
the phrase has erroneously been translated after Jesus returned to heaven the same Jewish rabbis who had
killed Jesus continued to plot against him they maintained their positions of leadership in Jerusalem and established
many talmudic acmy as we already heard through theirm they wrote down all of
those Wicked laws and traditions and constructed the writings we call the talmud those talmudic Jewish rabbis
hated the Septuagint because the Septuagint presented the prophet’s descriptions of the coming Messiah and
those descriptions clearly pointed to Jesus the rabbis knew that if the Jewish people started reading the septu they
would know that Jesus was the Messiah and that would not make those rabbis very happy so those rabbis came up with
a plan to make their own Old Testament that way they could chop up the content
in the subagent discard and change all those annoying references to Jesus and
then present the finished product in a whole new book of their own they also decided to create a new language so they
could write down their new book in their own magical way the talmudic Rabbi
started their new Alphabet by first taking the letters of the Aramaic alphabet and then adding a whole
assortment of special dots and points and even a few magical decorations
called amulets now those rabbis could accommodate any interest in the Old Testament by offering their own Chop
Chop version and erroneously say that it was Hebrew besides I think we could call this an early instance of controlled
opposition don’t tell the people not to read the old test just keep them away from the real
version and the accurate version by offering them your Chop Chop version to read instead no doubt those cabalist
rabbis had no real interest in the true contents of the Old Testament anyway they had little regard for the prophets
and According To Jesus didn’t even follow Moses like they claimed remember when Jesus told the Pharisees if you
truly followed Moses then you would believe me because Moses wrote about me
the entire task to make up the language and copy down all of the chop chop Old Testament would last nearly 9 centuries
but the foundation for this new work was laid down by three talmudic cabalist
rabbis first Rabbi AKA a highly revered talmudic Rabbi that Jews refer to as
chief of the sages he was a leading contributor to the talmud itself and a principal founder of rinic Judaism he
also loved doing the chop chop cleanup of the subagent references to Jesus
because Rabbi akba hated Jesus with a passion next came Rabbi Aquilla of copi
initially converting from paganism to Christianity Rabbi aquilla’s devout love
for astrology led him to reject Jesus and move on to Judaism there Aquilla and
his love for astrology fit right in to make him become a talmudic Jew and work
as a student under Rabbi AKA Rabbi Aquilla gladly helped AKA in his chop
chop project of the
language side by side you can see that the new letters were only a modification of Aramaic letters Aramaic is not Hebrew
and neither was the new language those rabbis were making up even though they wanted everybody to think it was Hebrew
in the book of creation from the Zohar seph yet Zer the same book that tells us
the Creator created by saying Abracadabra we actually read the cabalist instructions and beliefs behind
those changes the rabbis were making to the Aramaic letters am by definition have special powers to
protect or bring good fortune and good cabalists attach amulets even to letters
in this case crowns in order to give those letters themselves actual demonic
power such was the nature of what the cabalist rabbis did to create a set of 22 letters that would not only be used
by talmudic rabbis for their Chop Chop version of the Old Testament but that same language would become the most
widely used Language by magicians in the 21st century Western World truly those
calist rabbis accomplished what they set out to do they made a language not mirrored after speech but created solely
for the purpose of making a magical language for occult use and also to
present their Chop Chop Old Testament Rabbi Aquilla finished his thing in 130
ad and then came along Rabbi yose Ben Hala to put the finishing touches on the
project he was one of aka’s top five students and also impressively studied
under the main writer of that greatly revered book called The Zohar Rabbi Yosi even sat on the Sanhedrin so with great
occult knowledge and power of his own this last Rabbi perfected and standardized the language with all of
its dots and points and magical crowns the language was constructed engineered
and made from scratch it was not made to record a spoken language like all other
languages this one was different and no one could even speak it for 2,000 years
after they started to make it up if you would like to cross check all of this I invite you to listen to the following
Rabbi whose statements confirm what hidden history shows us but today’s popular narrative leaves out but when
you realize that these are just grammatical decisions the way the language was constructed the way the
language was constructed constructed the story of Hebrew in the 20th century is the Amazing Story of an engineered
language where people decided that they were going to create a language almost out of nothing the story of Hebrew in
the 20th century is the Amazing Story of an engineered language an engineered
language where people decided that they were going to create a language almost out of nothing it wasn’t a spoken
language and in 1924 when the techon was open in Israel the decision was originally made that classes would be
taught in German because that was the only thing that made sense because how in the world are you going to teach Sciences in Hebrew when the professors
don’t know Hebrew and the students don’t know Hebrew and people forced them the Zionist movement said it’s impossible to
open a school that’s going to be in German and so you know they struggled and they created it from around the year
one until the year 1900 there was hardly anybody in the world who was speaking
Hebrew on a on a regular basis after the foundation for a new engineered language
was carefully laid by 160 ad more in more talmudic rabbis called mazarites
continued to work on the chopped up sepagan text and continued writing it into the new magical language for a few
centuries afterwards during the 10th Century the project was complete and by that time no one questioned the idea of
calling the new language Hebrew and no one really noticed how much of the
to today refer to that finished Chop Chop book written in a magic language as
the mastic Old Testament written in Mastic Hebrew that is the so-called
Hebrew version which was later translated into English that King James chose for his new Bible that Chop Chop
version of the Old Testament believe it or not is the Old Testament version most of our Bibles contained today you will
hear multitudes of people today promote this phony Hebrew they claim that it is
special They even tell you that learning the language will get you closer to God and if you listen long enough to what
certain of their rabbis say you’ll hear about hidden secrets secret meanings
secret codes and Supernatural relationships found within the chop chop version of the Old Testament due to the
magic language they made up let’s hear some of those occult Secrets now as rabbis discuss who Yeshua really is what
he’s really like where he is right now why all the secrecy about his true
identity and the shocking reasons why the Jews and judaizers have been putting
so much pressure on innocent Christians to call Jesus by a fake name Yeshua
instead of Jesus first Yeshua is a snake the Hebrew word snake it’s a word Nash
it’s equivalent in the mathematics of the Hebrew letters to the word Messiah it’s the same HEB World Serpent and
messiah in Hebrew are they have the exact same mathematical value actually
Yeshua is currently in Chains like a prisoner and he also resembles a pig
there is a passage in Psalm 146 that says that the Lord will loosen the
prisoner okay the question become who is the prisoner who is he talking about in
the Sun the sages of old and when I’m talking the sages of old I’m talking even before yeshua’s time even says that
this prisoner the word prisoner in Hebrew can mean forbidden the Lord going to take something that is forbidden
uncer like a serpent something that is very unclean we all AG agree and he will
heal Israel just like in number 21 is going to be the Messiah who is resemble
a pig Yeshua is a pig and when he comes back he will uncover himself and people
will see that he was clean after all Hebrew is a a funny language every
animal has a meaning okay the name of the animal have a meaning and the pig
actually the word pig mean to come back the Hebrew word kazil is
rooted Kaz is come from the word Kazar and they said this is the picture of the Messiah he will appear as a pig which is
a symbol of uncleanliness for the Jewish people and when Iram return he will will
uncover himself unmask himself and he will be the cleanest purest but who says
that that the the Jewish people Yeshua is the prodal son he’s been a bad boy by
going to the Gentiles but don’t worry he’s coming back home to Zion in
Passover we drink four cups of wine they represent the four children you know
they four types of Jews in the world you have the wise one you have the wicked one you have one that is in listent one
and you have one that doesn’t know how to ask and then there is a fifth cup it’s called the cup of Elijah nobody
know what it is it’s the fifth cup KES take the word Kesh flip the letter what
the name you get mashia Kesh mashia you get it you know Hebrew yeah now the
question who is this fifth son who is he called in Judaism The Prodigal Son do
you want to know who is the prodal son the prodical son is the Messiah himself he appear Wicked he doesn’t say he
Wicked where is he going he’s going to the Gentiles he’s going to be with the gentille but he’s coming back home Yeshua has no clothes on and has lost
all his glory Aaron lost two things in Edom he lost his clothes just as Yeshua
today he’s lost his clothes as a Jewish Messiah and he lost his glory just as
Yeshua Lost His glory amongst the house of Israel Yeshua today he’s lost his
clothes as a Jewish Messiah Yeshua Lost His glory amongst the house of
Israel Yeshua has another identity and he is associated with other gods his
other identities are Metatron and Prince of the face he Associates with one
particular strange god named tarel May It Be Your Will that at the sounding of
the chaar that we blow today we will be as a s fabric that is Will with the fear
of the one in charge Tel the one in charge Tel as you accepted Elijah
blessed be his name and Yeshua Yeshua who is called the prince of the face who
is been Prince Metatron Yeshua who is called the prince of the face who is
been Prince theatron may you fill us with his Mercy Blessed Be Your Name Lord
of Mercies in this clip we saw one of the most blatant proofs that the Jews do
not at all associate Yeshua with Jesus of Nazareth this clip comes from the
talwood and we already know that the talwood has nothing good to say about
Jesus in fact wherever it can it says horrible things about Jesus so in this
reference to Yeshua AKA Metatron and Prince of the face by virtue of its
location in the talmud and the fact that it describes Yeshua in a glorious way we
know that the talmud itself prove proves that the Jews know that Yeshua is not
Jesus besides that if we want even more blatant proof we see in the various footnotes found in the talmood citing
various code names for Jesus in all those Blasphemous passages about Jesus
that when code names are used instead of Jesus those footnotes state that the
code names apply to Jesus the talmud knows his name is Jesus and even uses
the name Jesus in footnotes not Yeshua furthermore in this previous clip we
hear Yeshua described as a prince but Jesus is a king he is a king above all
other kings all power and authority were given to him by the father a prince by
contrast has only limited power and yet we might ask what about the reference to the Prince of Peace in Isaiah 9:6
doesn’t that passage refer to Jesus yes it does refer to Jesus but remember that
Chop Chop version of the old Testament made up by the cabalist mazarites well we can thank them for using the word
prince in that passage it wasn’t there in the original text the original septu
translation of Isaiah 96 simply read I will bring peace upon the rulers peace
and health however Jesus referred to a Prince when he spoke about Satan in John
14:30 Jesus said I will not speak with you much longer for the prince of this
world is coming and he has no claim on me Prince in that statement refers to
Satan likewise Yeshua Prince Metatron and Prince of the face refer to Satan as
well so the Jews have knowingly and deliberately passed along the name of their Antichrist hero the name Yeshua
for the purpose of conning millions of Christians into using that name instead of Jesus but there’s more Yeshua doesn’t
want the Jews to wait for him he’s waiting for the Jews they have to call call him in by using the name of Yeshua
in order to anoint him and make him come remember that we heard from lauana
cabala that the Jews play an important part in speeding up the return of their Antichrist Messiah we the Jewish people
have to call and say anoint him as Messiah any Act of messiahship has to
start with the people not with god with the people a lot of Christians say that we are waiting on Messiah it’s wrong
Messiah is waiting upon us the Jews are getting pretty antsy for the return of their so-called Messiah
and it appears that Christians aka the nations are causing an annoying delay in
that process my madis which is arguably the most important Rabbi of the Middle
Ages says in this 12th principle I believe in a perfect faith in the coming of the Messiah even if will delay I will
await him every day until he comes but that’s not with its end it says whoever not await and expect him he’s a heretic
in the Torah of Moses we must have to look at the Jewish people and said to them who is your Messiah who is your
high priest this is the challenge today there is a spiritual obstacle to there is a spiritual obstacle today and I’m
telling you the key I believe the key today is with the Nations actually the key today with the Nations actually
returning to the jewishness of their faith returning to the jewishness of their faith Jews want the Christians to
know Yeshua is not returning to them he is returning to the Jews listen to me
Christians he is not returning to the church he is returning to Israel listen
to me Christians he is not returning to the church he is returning to Israel not
only is Yeshua not coming for the Christians that is for their benefit but
as soon as Yeshua gets freedom from Edom or Christianity Yeshua will crush
Christianity that is he will destroy Christianity as an entity in Isaiah
chapter 63 the day of the great and terrible day of the Lord it says that the Lord will come out from a place
called Edom and he will crush Edom it says that the Lord will come out from a
place called Edom and he will crush Edom in Jewish understanding Edom is really
talking about Christianity Christianity is adom Christianity is adom ome name
was isav Edom name in the scripture is isav isav isav if you turn the letter
isav flip them around you get the name Yeshua if you want to have a separate
entity called the churches inside from Israel not only that you will not meet
Yeshua but in the last days you will be destroyed you will be destroyed do you
still think that Jesus and Yeshua are the same person or has the Holy Spirit
opened your eyes before it was too late I really hope that he has and now just
before the final warning I’d first like to thank Trevor Davis of declaring the kingdom and sounding thee and Elizabeth kizy of Elizabeth C YouTube channel for their
outstanding research and immeasurable contributions to the content of this video and most of all a big thank you to
the Holy Spirit who is our faithful teacher and always willing to lead us to the truth by his hand even in a world
saturated with lies the Lord bless you as you take this matter seriously there
is no joining to Yeshua without the house of Israel if you love Yeshua you have to take upon yourself a Jewish
identity there’s no other way around if you want to have a separate entity called The Church aside from Israel not
only that you will not meet Yeshua but in the last days you will be destroyed I
believe to kick the Christians in the butt and tell them go further in so that
you will be with us read about all the Prophecies of what God is going to do
with Edam with Christianity he will destroyed the entity the church as we
know it because when he’s returning listen to me Christians he is not returning to the church he is returning
to Israel and this is the call problem today with you Christians you think that
Jesus is returning to the church but he is not returning to the church he is
returning to Israel who do you think that that Yeshua belonged to the church
he is returning as a groom to the bride Israel is called the bride in Isaiah
chapter 63 the day of the great and terrible day of the Lord it says that the Lord will come out from a place
called Edom and he will crush Edom in Jewish understanding Edom is really
talking about Christianity Christianity is adom Moses when he was brought up
where was he brought up in Egypt what did he destroy Egypt it says that the Lord will come out from a place called
Edom and he will crush Edom we let Yeshua inside the land of Edom and we
say Yeshua we love you so you’re a prisoner Yeshua you’re a prisoner you
are not returning home and a matter of fact the Book of Ecclesiastes chapter 4 says that the Messiah will resemble a
prisoner it says that the Lord will come out from a place called Edom and he will
crush Edom and now I can be honest with you we know exactly who he is like you
show you in the prayer but there is one part I left out because I felt it might be too shocking for your audience we
know where he’s at where Yeshua is at today you ready he is with the Christians he’s with the Christ
Christians and we called upon him to come back home to Zion in yum kipur it’s basically say live live Christianity and
come back to Zion it literally says that in the prayer Hebrew is a very Dynamic language the word Pig Kaz is rooted in
the Hebrew word Kaz to return the pig will become clean again he will change
the midash explained that that a lot of things will turn into physical when Messiah come the rabbis explained to us
Messiah relat to the Hebrew Nash a serpent well how can a serpent be a
mashiah I mean serpent is something evil and wicked and they explained that something that appear in the shell in
the kipa on the outside is T is unclean in the inside represent the highest
level of kadha Holiness mhia you know what Israel need today they need Yeshua
they need Yeshua but if you bring Jesus you bring the wrong guy don’t bring us Jesus even
the in the Torah the it says that that the highest Mal of hasem is called kazel
the pig of God or the pig is God the pig of God or the pig is God the pig of God
or the pig is god let’s go to Exodus 4 verse 22 and you will tell Pharaoh so
says the Lord my son my oldest son Israel who is the Son of God the Son of
God is Israel the Son of God is Yeshua too the second that we separate Yeshua
from Zion he cannot return bring the real Yeshua the Jewish Messiah bring the
real Yeshua but if you bring Jesus you bring the wrong guy don’t bring us Jesus don’t bring us Jesus don’t bring us