Pauline Insanity Part 2 – Paul Says Torah Was A Curse

Pauline Insanity Regarding The Law of God
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Pauline Insanity Part 2 – Paul Says Torah Was A Curse

Paul says the Torah was a curse imposed upon Israel by YHVH to show them how sinful they were.

So let’s take a look at this further proof that Paul was indeed insane.

The Torah came down out of Heaven, Hard to believe anyone could dispute that.  However that being true, then one would have conclude that there was a curse in Heaven.  I doubt anyone in their right mind would agree that that’s so, and yet this is what Paul said.

Now then John declares that YHVH is Love.  So again Paul says that Love is imbued with a curse, how can anyone reach that conclusion?  If the Law is a curse as Paul says then the one that gave it and called anyone blessed that does it, is also cursed.  Why?  Because that’s flagrant duplicity.   Anyone seeing the blasphemy here?

So, according to Paul,  Marriage with YHVH is a curse.

Yahshua said that the Torah/Law was prophesy or rather prophesied of Him as did the Prophets.  All the prophets testified according to the Law/Torah, so that in essence makes the prophets and all they said a curse too.  And yet the prophets testified of Yahshua.  Yahshua fulfilled the Law/Torah, according to Paul that simply means that Yahshua fulfilled a curse or The Curse.

But what did Yahshua say?  It is fitting for us to fulfill ALL Righteousness.  What Paul calls a curse, Yahshua plainly says is righteousness.

So here we are again, If the Torah came down out of Heaven and the Torah is a curse then that means again that there was a curse in Heaven, that is if Paul is true.  But if that’s the case then the Christian by virtue of his undying loyalty to Paul must agree that Heaven is no place they should ever want to visit or dwell, because that same Law that came down out of heaven is the same Law that is in Heaven and if they are to dwell there then they must at some time yield to the Law.  But if they won’t do it now, they never will.

Paul also claimed that the Torah was an impossibility for anyone to keep.  Yet where O Christian can you find anything in all the Commandments that are too hard for you to do.

All the Law is contained within the Ten Commandments, Proverbs 6:23 ‘The Commandments are the Lamp and the Torah/Law is the light and the reproofs of instruction are the way of life.’

King David says in Psa 19 that it’s the Torah/Law is perfect and converts the soul.  So what then?  Now we have a curse that’s perfect and a curse that converts the soul to righteousness.  Utterly insane!  But that is the way of Paul, INSANITY!

David also said that the Torah is the TRUTH.  Not ‘a’ Truth’ but THE TRUTH.  Don’t forget that the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Truth. Okay so now according to Paul the Truth is a curse and no man can do the truth.  Did YHVH ever at anytime say this?  NO, HE did not, HE said the Torah is not too difficult for ANYONE!

So here is where the rubber meets the road.  The Christian can either put his faith in YHVH or Paul but you can not do both.  Which should be evident and very clear.

YHVH says ‘Keep the Commandments and live.’  Or you can have the flip side, forsake the Commandments and DIE.

Peter said to Yahshua that ‘you have the Words of Eternal Life.’

Yahshua magnified the Torah and made it majestic.  So what, Yahshua made the curse majestic?  That Yahshua preached the curse?  That Yahshua commanded His disciples to keep and do the curse?

Yahshua also said that those who do the Commandments and teach others also to do them that they would be called great in the Kingdom.  So then again according to Paul Yahshua is promising greatness to those who perform the curse.  Again, INSANITY!

Paul claims those same Ten Commandments are a ‘Yoke of Bondage.’ Gal 5:1

Who are you going to believe Christian?  But that’s a no-brainer, they are going whole HOG after the king of Swine.

So Paul also claims that Yahshua was a curse, Gal 3:13.  So then according to Paul, God so loved the world that He gave the curse…’  Come on Christian, how can you possibly swallow that?  But you have already and that’s the tragedy.

Nobody can possibly look upon Yahshua the Messiah and claim He was sent as a curse.

Have they forgotten that Yahshua is the Word of YHVH?  So you tell me, is the Word of YHVH cursed as Paul claims?

So Yahshua was filled with the fulness of the Holy Spirit, yet according to Paul this was the manifestation of the curse.  At best Paul is utterly blasphemous and at the worst?  Paul is utterly blasphemous and completely insane.

Paul also claimed in Gal 3:21 that the Law could not give life.  And yet YHVH says that in keeping His law is life.  That His Law is Life.  Pro 13:14 The Torah/Law of the wise is a fountain of Life, to depart from the snares of death.

So now you know why Yahshua said ‘Depart from ME, you which have forsaken the Torah, I never knew you.  Why didn’t He know them?  Because they are the dead.  Yahshua also clearly said that YHVH is the God of the Living, not the dead.

Here’s another clincher for the Christian, they that turn away their ear from hearing and doing the Law, even their prayers are an abomination to YHVH, Proverbs 28:19

Tell me this, who in their right mind would ever want to become an abomination and yet this is what Pauline Christianity is.  They have en masse fulfilled all the requirements for becoming an abomination as long as they hearken diligently to Paul.

This article originally published


Saul Paul False Apostle

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