The Purpose of Life Is To Gain Personal Dominion
Genesis 1:26 – The purpose of mankind is explained – to gain dominion over the fish of the sea (man’s emotions), birds of the air (thought life), beasts of the field (your body).
Genesis 1:26 – The purpose of mankind is explained – to gain dominion over the fish of the sea (man’s emotions), birds of the air (thought life), beasts of the field (your body).
The subject that Jesus spoke about, perhaps more than any other, is that if you follow His words, you will never taste death, and become an immortal, like He was.
Jesus said there are 3 responses to His message, NOT the 2 offered to us of heaven or hell. His 3 options are 30, 60, 100. 30-Fold is coming towards Jesus. 60_Fold has been tested and found worthy of a Holy Seed. 100-Fold is Firstfruits.
When The Son of Man Returns Will He Find THE Faith? Jesus knew that the traitors who would “own His name” here on earth would undermine every single truth that He taught, to the point where He wondered if He would be able find the same version of truth remaining from what He left 2000 years ago.
The Firstfruits Rapture Timing Predicted By Pattern – The 10th Day of Nisan