Heed the warning! Paul, the false apostle: Saul Of Tarsus is a liar and a thief of souls
Heed the warning! Paul, the false apostle: Saul Of Tarsus is a liar and a thief of souls.
Heed the warning! Paul, the false apostle: Saul Of Tarsus is a liar and a thief of souls.
Satan has been granted the authority by Yah to deceive and manipulate whomever he will but thankfully, Satan must announce his dealings – albeit he does so in one crafty form or another.
Paul Denies That Jesus Came In The Flesh. Most Christians will be shocked to learn that Paul taught Jesus did not have truly human flesh.
John’s Epistles Identify Paul As A False Prophet.
Here are multiple proof of Reincarnation in the Bible. Full maturity is obviously not attained in one 80 year life, thus the necessity of multiple lesson periods. Fortunately, God has no shortage of time – but rather, has ALL THE TIME IN THE WORLD to bring His family to maturity.