He Dared to Reveal the TRUE Jesus Elites DON’T WANT You To Know!
He Dared to Reveal the TRUE Jesus Elites DON’T WANT You To Know!
He Dared to Reveal the TRUE Jesus Elites DON’T WANT You To Know!
Man/woman are made up of 3 parts: 1) Your spirit was birthed eons ago, and is immortal. 2) Physical body to transport your spirit around earth in order for you to learn your lessons. 3) Soul garment is the recording device for every aspect of your life.
The main, known component to becoming a physical immortal here on earth is to live to 30 years old without losing any male seed. Jesus never lost any of His seed and became an immortal at 30.
Jesus said that “no man take my life” and “I lay down my life”. The fact is there are only 2 ways an immortal can die: 1) lose his male seed. 2) ALLOW his blood to be drained (yes, even immortals can not live without blood).
Peter and John both use the words and idea that we are born again, not of corruptible seed (physical), but of God’s incorruptible seed (spiritual). At 60-Fold status, a follower of Jesus has a seed, from the body of Jesus, implanted into his/her heart.