He Dared to Reveal the TRUE Jesus Elites DON’T WANT You To Know!
He Dared to Reveal the TRUE Jesus Elites DON’T WANT You To Know!
He Dared to Reveal the TRUE Jesus Elites DON’T WANT You To Know!
Did Jesus Authorize You to Call Him “Yeshua?” Answer: NO!
The God of the Old Testament, who spoke to Moses on the mountain, and many other appearances, was the same spirit who later incarnated as Jesus.
The male seed used to fertilize the egg in young virgin Mary, was lifted from the body of her fiancé, Joseph, making Jesus’ physical body 100% human.
Vision of Peter Was About Men, NOT Food. The “vision of Peter” was about whether MEN were clean, or unclean. It NEVER ONCE refers to DIETARY REGULATIONS – they have not changed from the Old Testament. PORK IS STILL UNCLEAN and downright harmful to eat!!