Jesus Was Begotten As A New Spirit Being By His Father
The spirit being who squeezed into the body we know as Jesus, was begotten/born, as a new spirit being, from His Father, a spirit being, most likely referred to in the Bible as Melchizedek.
The spirit being who squeezed into the body we know as Jesus, was begotten/born, as a new spirit being, from His Father, a spirit being, most likely referred to in the Bible as Melchizedek.
As we give birth to our children over a period of time, likewise, Jesus, our Father, gave birth to us, His children, OVER A PERIOD OF TIME, which explains why all people come “out of the chute” with varying levels of maturity.
Genesis 1:26 – The purpose of mankind is explained – to gain dominion over the fish of the sea (man’s emotions), birds of the air (thought life), beasts of the field (your body).
You are the exact same as Jesus – 100% god (spirit) and 100% human (body). Only 2 main differences: 1) He can reproduce spirit beings, we can only birth spirit ideas. 2) He was born of a virgin.
Patriarchs were the pattern for what happened previously in Heaven: Abraham begot Isaac, Isaac begot twins: 1) Esau and 2) Jacob (Israel). God (Melchizedek) begot Jesus, Jesus begot twins: 1) Lucifer and 2) Michael.