by Russell Dibird | May 15, 2022 | False Teachers
The Pauline Conspiracy Pt 2 of 4. It was a city which had fostered a society of ‘loose moral character’, and even having accepted Paul’s teachings, saw no reason why they should have to give up their sexual practices.
Obviously this problem would be accentuated in Paul’s mind since he took a stand on the opposite side of the scale, absolute abstinence. How then might he consider himself an authority on marriage, and the social and marital differences between husband and wife? Your guess is as good as mine, but he does.
by Russell Dibird | May 15, 2022 | False Teachers
The Pauline Conspiracy Pt 3 of 4.
by Russell Dibird | May 15, 2022 | False Teachers
The Pauline Conspiracy Pt 4 of 4.
by Russell Dibird | May 14, 2022 | False Teachers
Paul vs. Jesus: 25 Contradictory and Incompatible Statements. The following statements from Paul’s letters are symptomatic of deep differences between the doctrines of Paul and Jesus — much as a fever is symptomatic of an infection in the body. You can read a discussion of their differences in Paul: the Stranger, my book that exposes Paul as a liar and a false prophet who did not know Jesus. The most significant difference is in their salvation doctrines as derived from their interpretations of the crucifixion. In these fundamental areas, Paul’s errors and false gospel are obvious to anyone who follows Jesus as teacher and listens carefully to Jesus’ words. Very seldom does anyone in Christendom so listen to Jesus as to receive his Word of Truth, even though the gospels repeatedly quote his Word. The reason? The churchmen get to everyone first with false Pauline doctrine, which then stands between them and Jesus, blocking the Light. His words come through but not his message. My hope is that this list will motivate you to remove the blindfold and see the Good Shepherd as he is.
by Russell Dibird | May 14, 2022 | False Teachers
Paul is that false apostle that the Lord spoke about in Revelation 2:2. Proving that Paul is the false apostle from Revelation 2:2 is very easy thing to do. Also proving Paul is a false prophet is very easy to do.
What is hard is for people to do is to accept that fact. It is an emotional shocker to discover this for most.
It is like finding out that your spouse has been cheating on you, lying to you all along and doing so with a big smile on their face!
Also when you find out that Paul is the false apostle of Revelation 2:2 all sects of the Christian religion everywhere is destroyed because it is solely invented by the false apostle Paul.
Paul’s bogus sect that Paul alone invented “the Nazarenes” Acts24:5 and Paul’s disciples of Paul’s bogus sect were first called Christians at Antioch! Acts 11;26
Act 11:26 And when he had found him, he brought him to Antioch. So it was that for a whole year they assembled with the church and taught a great many people. And the disciples (only of Paul) were first called Christians in Antioch.
None of the seven churches (of pagan sun god worship practices) that Paul started are ever mentioned in the book of Revelation. Why? They are Torah-less! Part of the proof for not being Torah observant, not under the law, is that they meet on Sunday each week, they celebrate December 25th as their god’s birthday which is really the rebirth of the pagan sun god day and Christians practice for many things of pagan sun imagery worship. All Christianity practices and teaches for lies, the lies of the false apostle Paul. Does your pastor or leadership teach for the false apostle Paul? Then he or she is a liar too.