by Russell Dibird | May 14, 2022 | False Teachers
Saul of Tarsus – The People’s Choice. It is a very, very simple thing to prove that saul of tarsus is a false shepherd.
All that any of you need to do is use our Creator’s word that His only begotten Son testified to measure that which saul spoke.
Yehshua testified to the writings of Moses and the prophets.
And He testified against saul.
He even warned us that one would come in his own name and that you would follow this man instead of following Him.
Saul did not come in YEHWEH’s name.
He came in his father satan’s name.
He came representing a different pathway than that which YEHWEH’s true servants testified to.
Yehshua told us that we can know the false shepherds by their fruits and that their fruits would be lawlessness.
Lawlessness is violation of His Father’s Torah.
For those of you who think that Peter validated saul in 2nd Peter, Yehshua prophesied to Peter that he would be bound by another and that this would happen.
He did so the 3rd and final time that He appeared to His disciples after His resurrection.
He did so in His very last words that are recorded that He spoke to His disciples.
YEHWEH’s word testifies that He rose up king saul to be a foreshadow of saul of tarsus.
Today I will share with you how it does.
by Russell Dibird | May 14, 2022 | False Teachers
Saul Aka Paul-The False Prophet and Self Made Apostle. It is a common misconception amongst the Christians that Paul and Jesus’ Disciples were unanimous in their preaching of a crucified Jesus. Christians believe that Paul and the Disciples were preaching the same doctrine and everyone believed in the divine Jesus who came to be crucified for the sins of the world. However, if one carefully examines the bible, that person would see that Paul and the disciples were not preaching the same doctrine and did not believe in the same Jesus (pbuh).
The Apostles in Jerusalem heard that Paul has been preaching a different doctrine in Corinthia and Galatia. Paul was telling them not to follow the law anymore and that they don’t have to eat kosher meat anymore or to be circumcised (according to Genesis 17::14, the covenant is broken if there is no circumcision) etc. So the Apostles went to Galatia and Corinthia and convinced everyone that Paul is wrong, when Paul heard about this he went straight back to the cities.
“I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting the one who called you by the grace of Christ and are turning to a different gospel”. [Galatians 1:6]
It says different Gospel, so obviously the disciples were teaching them a different doctrine and it was not just minor issues.
by Russell Dibird | May 14, 2022 | False Teachers
Paul/Saul of Tarsus, deceiver, liar, and FALSE APOSTLE. Well aware that this post will be seen by many as “heretical”….I am posting it anyway. This is something that was shown to me by the Spirit of God over 14 years ago, and those who are willing to be intellectually and biblically honest will at least prayerfully study this subject and let the Scriptures explain the Scriptures through the Spirit of God. I know others will have the knee-jerk reaction and will post on the subject in the same fashion.
Paul is a FALSE APOSTLE. His writings, along with the 325 Council of Nicea have led most “christians” into the abyss through division, half-truths, bad doctrine, false teachings, and the flat out heresy of teaching the doctrine of Balaam. Don’t believe it?
Brethren, as Isaiah once said, “Come, let us reason together”…
by Russell Dibird | May 14, 2022 | False Teachers
Paul or Jesus? Paul was carefully positioned by Satan to lead the masses astray. The Most High allowed it as a way to test HIS people. Satan’s plan has worked out rather well for him throughout the years, thanks to Paul. Notice how churchianity adores him and puts great focus in his teachings. Although, it remains to be seen who has the last laugh!
by Russell Dibird | May 8, 2022 | False Teachers
Was Saint Paul Related to Herod? 7 Reasons Paul was Herodian. Paul was originally a Herodian. By “Herodian” I mean that he seems to have connections with the family and court of the Herods. Theologically, Saul/Paul favored the theology of the Pharisees before his conversion but his family connections relate him to the inner circle of Herod Agrippa.