by Russell Dibird | May 8, 2022 | Factoid, False Teachers
Open Your Eyes To Paul’s True Nationality He Was A Herodian Jew. Paulus (aka Saulus) claimed in his letters in the Greek New Testament that he was of the tribe of Benjamin (Phil 3:5), but the historian Josephus exposes this as not being true. This article will demonstrate that Paulus/Saulus was in fact a member of the Herodian royal family. The Herodians were Idumean (Edomites) who converted to Judaism and embraced the identity of the tribe of Benjamin.
by Russell Dibird | May 7, 2022 | False Teachers
Paul Defeats Jesus’ Physical Kingdom By Spiritualizing It Away. Paul’s Hijacking of Jesus’ Gospel of the Kingdom would not be complete without his hijacking of the covenant system. He accomplished this by converting all of the literal aspects if Jesus’ teachings, and turning them into “SPIRITUAL” pufferies of a kingdom that would no longer be considered literal, but spiritual. A kingdom in your mind only. This is all part and parcel of his rehabilitation of Jesus from a failed apocalyptic preacher to that of a mediatorial sacrifice who was never meant to establish a literal kingdom but whose kingdom would be spiritual.
by Russell Dibird | Apr 15, 2022 | Factoid, False Teachers
Paul’s Use of Thesis, Anti-thesis, & Synthesis – Is Paul a Freemason? Are Churches Masonic Lodges?
by Russell Dibird | Oct 7, 2021 | False Teachers
Beware of Paul The Ravenous Wolf Jesus Warned Of
by Russell Dibird | Oct 3, 2021 | False Teachers
Memes About Paul The Apostate False Teacher Anti-Christ