by Russell Dibird | Jul 1, 2021 | Pattern Plan
Heaven (and hell) are not end goals, but rather, minute by minute results. The moments of your day, your thoughts and actions, are either worth preserving (heaven – gold, silver, precious stones), or destroying (hell – wood, hay, straw).
by Russell Dibird | Jul 1, 2021 | Jesus' Words, Pattern Plan
Contrary to what Paul wrote, God’s law is still in FULL EFFECT!! Jesus said He did not come to remove the law but to fulfill it. He did this by showing us a life lived in full dominion over His birds/thougts, fish/emotions, beast/body.
by Russell Dibird | Jul 1, 2021 | Cosmos, Jesus Spirit Father, Jesus' Words, Mankind Plan, Pattern Plan, Prophecy
When The Son of Man Returns Will He Find THE Faith? Jesus knew that the traitors who would “own His name” here on earth would undermine every single truth that He taught, to the point where He wondered if He would be able find the same version of truth remaining from what He left 2000 years ago.