The Great Law Conundrum of Christianity

The Great Law Conundrum of Christianity
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The Great Law Conundrum of Christianity

Alright so what is a ‘conundrum?’  Websters defines ‘conundrum’ as a confusing and difficult problem or question:

So here’s the conundrum, Christianity teaches that the ‘Law’ was put away at the Cross.    But is this true?  1John 3:4 Whosoever committeth sin transgresseth also the law: for sin is the transgression of the law.

So if the Law was made null and void at the Cross, then sin no longer exists, not just for them, but for everyone.  Then that beggars the question, ‘just what are Christians saved from?’  What do they need the Son of God for?  The very name of Yahshua means ‘He will save His people from their sin.’

If there is no law then there is no sin.

John also says ‘if we say we have no sin we are a LIAR and truth is not in us.’

Perhaps the woebegone Christian would do him or herself a great favor if they sought to understand what the Law is.   Psa 119:142 ‘…Thy LAW IS THE TRUTH’

The Law of YHVH and Truth are synonymous.  They are also interchangeable.  The Law is the Truth and the Truth is the Law.

So in essence Christianity is teaching that the TRUTH was put away at the Cross.  So if the Truth was put away and was rendered null and void at the cross.  Then the woebegone Christian is left with nothing but the LIE.

Further Proverbs 6:23  For the commandment is a lamp; and the law is light; and reproofs of instruction are the way of life:

So again not only is the Law of YHVH Truth it also the LIGHT.  And again the woebegone Christian is left with nothing but darkness and falsehood, because according to Christianity Truth and Light were made null and void at the Cross.

So if the Truth and the Light are no more then one would tend to come to the conclusion that Christianity is in fact Anti-Christ or if you will Anti-Truth, Anti-Light.

For the sake of definition ‘Christ or Messiah means Anointed One, Yahshua defined the anointing as ‘The Spirit of Truth.’

Now that’s get a bit complicated for the Christian, because most of them claim to have been filled with Holy Spirit who is the Spirit of Truth.  But how can this be?  Because for them the Truth is null and void.  So just what spirit have they been filled with?  Can’t be the Holy Spirit because He reminds of the Words of Yahshua and Yahshua said the Law was forever and ‘not one jot or tittle from the law would pass till all was fulfilled.’  Well, Yahshua has not yet returned so all has not been fulfilled.  Therefore according to Yahshua the Law/Truth/Light is still in absolute effect.  So where does that leave the Christian?

This article originally found at

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