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So you think the King James Bible is “the Word of God”? His book CONTAINED Words of God (the God of the Bible) but also contained terms which were wrongly inserted at the order of King James, who was a documented homosexual and Freemason. The terms King James ordered to be used in his new translation were Roman Catholic words and concepts which William Tyndale and other Reformers had exposed and rightly discarded from a wonderful English Bible the people already had.

Kings back then used the Bible for power, and so King James wanted to bring back fallacious concepts in order to strengthen his power. Accuracy was the last thing King James wanted for his new “version”. The King James Bible AND King James himself were the reason why Pilgrims escaped to North America. Pilgrims would roll over in their graves if they knew that Christians today practically worship the corrupted version that was forced upon the Pilgrims and which they refused for reasons of righteousness.

If the “god” behind King James and his corrupted version is your god, then you can call it the “word of god”, but that god is NOT the true God of the Bible. You might want to take a closer look at what so many today wrongly call “The Word of God”.

The video presents hidden but factual information concerning King James, those who assisted in his Bible project, and why it was rejected by discerning Christians at the time. It also provides possible clues concerning current Bible changes that are happening and who may have been at the root of them.

today a large number of Christians consider King James and his King James Bible to be divine or nearly divine they

consider the King James Bible to be the only truly inspired Bible assuming it

represents a perfect translation from the original texts and communicates accurately all that God spoke in the

past and wants us to believe today others of us may not go quite so far as to call the King James Bible the only

true Bible but we would give King James a whole lot of credit for all the hard work he did in making sure people could

finally read the Bible in English after all King James did what he did out of sincere motives right hi this is Dolly

Webber and I’d like to share with you some interesting lesser-known facts about King James his friends and his

Bible let’s jump right in King James lived from 1566 to 1625 and by the time

he died he had been king of three different countries England Scotland and Ireland and in 1611 he and those helping

him completed a Bible labeled with his own name the King James 1611 Bible in

his work history of the english-speaking people Sir Winston Churchill stated the following about King James James was

much addicted to his favorites and his attention to handsome young men resulted

in a noticeable loss of respect for the monarchy why did Sir Winston Churchill say such a thing he said it because it

was true King James was openly bisexual but he preferred men and never tried to

hide the fact either when James officially arrived in Scotland at the age of 13 people were

busy already watching him he met a man by the name of Esme Stewart the Duke of

Lenox Esme was almost three times James’s age and also married with five

children as me was a Frenchman who had very fine taste in clothes James and

Esme hit it off immediately they also immediately began displaying their affections for one another in

public much to the shock of those who watch Scottish Calvinists at the time

were so concerned about the Kings public behavior they began speaking out saying

the as me was trying to draw the king to carnal lust another observer stated that

James became in such love with him that in the open sight of the people James would often clasp

Esme around the neck with his arms and kiss him the relationship caused such concern that in August of 1580 to a

group of Presbyterian Nobles led by William Ruffin Earl of gallery took

extreme measures they actually abducted King James forced as me Stewart to leave

Scotland and held King James at the Ruffman castle until Stewart was gone

with the affair behind him James continued to prefer mail company however he was compelled to find a suitable wife

for purely political reasons and decided on a 14 year old woman and of Denmark

the two of them had never met but he married her by proxy their early marriage seemed to work out they managed

to have three children who survived to adulthood however is time when I’m King James’s affection once again shifted

back to young men history records many stories about the two more prominent

male lovers that had called King James’s personal chambers their home his first male companion after Stewart was Robert

Carr a pretty young Scot as James described him he had first been King James’s page but then became his close

male companion that companionship lasted from 1607 to 16:15 but ended when car

fell in love with a woman and decided to marry her other close associates of King James were able to find a replacement

for Carr and his name was George Villiers of George King James is

recorded as saying his legs were wonderful King James was quite proud of

his homosexual relationships not only was he brazenly public about them but he

also defended his relationship to George Villiers before the Parliament in his speech to Parliament King James once

stated the following incredibly blasphemous words and I quote you may be sure that I love the Earl of Buckingham

more than anyone else and more than you who are here assembled for Jesus Christ

did the same and therefore I cannot be blamed Christ had his John and I have my George

so to restate that King James the sixth whose name appears on the front cover of

millions of our Bibles announced to his Parliament that day that Jesus was a homosexual – and his lovers name was

John George Villiers went on to become King James’s favorite companion

replacing Robert Carr not only in bed but as Earl of Somerset King James also

promoted Villiers to become master of the horse Earl of Buckingham and Lord High Admiral Villiers stood by King

James as loyal bed mate and assistant in rulership until the King died in 1625

that’s interesting these are actual historical records with historical

testimonies on them I wonder why we never learned about these special Friends of the Bible man when we were in

Sunday school we also know that King James was undeniably a freemason on

April 15th 1601 he was initiated at the lodge of Scoon Scotland at the age of 35

in the archives of the actual lodge of Scone in Scotland they keep a document called the Perth agreement that document

attests to several items in the history of the lodge the document states then in

1601 King James the sixth of Scotland at his own request – John Milne who was the

King’s own master Mason and master of the lodge of Scoon was entered Freeman

Mason and fellow craft and during all his lifetime he maintained the same as one member of the lodge of Scone a free

Masonic website out of Canada States the following on the west wall of the lodge Hall used by Lodge Scoon in Perth number

three in Perth Scotland you can see a mural depicting King James kneeling at

their altar in his initiation on that website and from countless other sources we find pictures of that mural as you

can see here the greatest evidence for King James’s heavy involvement with secret societies however comes from the

very pages of the King James Bible itself containing an abundant array of free

masonic Rosicrucian and alchemic symbols starting right on the title page which

you will see in a moment not only was King James himself highly involved in this secret society but he was very

close to another man who was chief of the Rosicrucians at the time and that was Francis Bacon after King James

ascended to the English throne in 1603 he knighted Francis Bacon and then

appointed Bacon to assist in producing the King James Bible and according to

Manley P Hall stated during a lecture on Rosicrucian and masonic origins in 1929

quote the first edition of the King James Bible which was edited by Francis

Bacon and prepared under Masonic supervision bears more Masons marks than

the Cathedral of Strasbourg end quote so who was Francis peak he was a prolific

writer who wrote the New Atlantis from which many people call him the father of the New World Order

Rosicrucians today claimed that bacon even though dead continues to actively transmit secrets Francis Bacon’s

involvement with the King James Bible though substantiated raises great questions not only was he versed in

magic and sorcery as a master mason Rosicrucian and alchemists but Francis

Bacon studied under one of the highest magicians ever recognized by man a man

who passed the baton of his wizardry to Francis Bacon himself that man was John

Dee so who was John Dee John Dee is still recognized today as a magician and sorcerer of greater power and knowledge

than anyone who has followed him in the Black Arts communicating with the use of a stone given to him by a Dark Angel

John Dee entered a realm of necromancy and communication with a specific realm of evil spirits called Mack robes which

involved scrying channeling and Enochian magic he literally entered a demonic portal

the effects of which we may be witnessing even today John Dee cut a

long story short said well we need another approach will not stop with a development hardware keep that going but we’re gonna

need an altogether different approach and he contacted his patrons the Queen

opinion and her coterie Lee’s original Illuminati types and he said what we

need to do is go to a completely higher form of intelligence not

extraterrestrial but pan-dimensional they may be able to help us with us this

is not the first time that such a portal has been opened on our earth and it wasn’t the last John D contacted some

being that Thea’s Lewis refers to as the Mac robes he says that under our level

of perception we have the microbes a couple of hundred years ago if you talk to anybody about microbes and microbial life bacteria that’ll laughed at you

they thought you’re insane a probably locked you up if you described that then we invent a telescope and now it’s

common knowledge right a whole universe of life-forms right beneath our perception of vision well CS Lewis says

there is another level above us on the next level up almost which is the same you can’t have a physical instrument so

much to deal with it the instrument of noticing that and knowing that is the human intuition or shall we say the

human imagination but John Dee being an occultist a magician of great very great

power opened a portal in England in the 14th century the 15th century was open

in England and he contacted beings of a higher grade of intelligence this thing

is a whole study in itself to do with occultism or what have you and he contacted these microbes and these microbes actually don’t like being

pestered by inferior types like him and we can’t say they’re good or they’re

bad you know that those times ain’t gonna work with this but the long story short as his mind is nearly frazzling

with their interaction they actually did Tom oh yeah what’s your problem and they said oh yeah that we have with no

problem without we can help you with that we can you know fix that and he goes well then let’s do it but the only

trouble was that in order to do it the information that they had to pour through his consciousness he very

quickly realized would take literally thousands of years to manifest in physical time when the information start

transmitting through his work and his work was called Enochian magic for those who happen to be into that what we you

know when you see all those lovely pictures and quaint images of magicians and circles and all these symbols around in the you know the five pointed

pentagram in Eliza have you ever noticed how many of those symbols are actually planetary symbols for the start I mean

we’re talking of top ism yet they’re mostly symbols of the plants because that also in some subject that’s been

put before us totally erroneously I go into that in the in the book but what that really is all about and why planetary symbols are used so often so

when you start translating into his Enochian those quaint things you see in museums all that information that was

pouring down it was too big for his consciousness and Edward Kelly and some other people that he work with so he had

to get all his counterparts in Europe to get on the ball with us so all his Illuminati families and black nobility

intelligence of people you know they were all working simultaneously at the same time but then obviously history

would notice this wouldn’t it that all of these families start getting into what looks like the occult so they sold

that back to us as a period in history when suddenly there was a renaissance of esoteric knowledge in the world and

everybody was into it as if it’s sort of something like a vogue thing you know and I’m not saying things like that

don’t happen but all over the planet all these rich families and rich people start getting into the occult they’ve

got to put it before us in this quaint way just like to put swashbuckling movies of Errol Flynn in front of you you know to tell you something before

john dee died he passed his secret knowledge onto francis bacon bacon using

that knowledge played a major role in the king james bible project but what exactly was francis Bacon’s role we do

know that after the book was completed and otherwise ready to print bacon held on to it for almost a year so

what was he doing with it for all that time could Francis Bacon have used what

Dee taught him such as how to transform matter like we are seeing in the supernatural changes today taking place

in the King James Bible without question the King James Bible was presented to the world completely wrapped in magic by

taking a look at the title page at the King James Bible we do not see a Christian scene but rather a traditional

Rosicrucian scene it depicts the progressive stages in which the Kabbalistic man can achieve immortality

we also see the alchemy son the Masonic all-seeing eye all over this

priests robe the Rosicrucian mother bird with her young picking at her breast

while showering with her blood from a self-inflicted wound also on the title

page we see the Satanic ancient Egyptian Phoenix bird with its elongated neck and

wings that come to a particularly shaped point just as a satanic Phoenix you see

here we also see a man with an X conspicuously shaped out of two logs

crossing his chest and this is the Illuminati and Masonic sign of Osiris

the Egyptian Sun God and the coming Messiah Antichrist at the very top of

the page we see Hebraic letters identified by an Orthodox Jewish scholar as a Kabbalistic tetragrammaton written

in a way that only an occultist would write it the King James Bible was

saturated with the prominent Masonic handshake found all throughout the genealogy charts the King James Bible

contained for the producers of the King James Bible to include so much

Rosicrucian imagery especially in a book intended for Christians to read

definitely reflected a campaign that was going on at the time in 1606 a very

mysterious document began to circulate in Europe and in England called the fama

this is the first word of a string of Latin words the fama and two years later the confessor and

what these were were announcements that an alchemical brotherhood was seeking

recruits it was these are the primary documents of Rosicrucianism now

Rosicrucianism was based on a fiction and a fictional person Christian

Rosencrantz who was imagined to have lived almost 200 years earlier in the

1540s and been a great Alchemist and it was claimed that his tomb had been

recently opened and that there were books inside it which set the stage for

the alchemical revolution of the world notice how this occult mind always tries

to reach back in time to give itself validity so and Christian Rosencrantz

was claimed to be the author of a series of books the chief of which is called

the chemical webbing what this was all about I believe and the Rosicrucian

enlightenment makes it fairly clear was Dee during the period when he had been

in Bohemia had set out to lay the

groundwork for an alchemical revolution in Central Europe and he had made Johan

Andre and Michael Mayer his agents in this plot and it was a plot a plot to

meddle with European history and to turn the Protestant Reformation toward an

alchemical completion they felt that that that Luther and HUS and these

people had only gone so far and that the culmination of throwing off the yoke of

the church would be the establishment of an alchemical kingdom in Central

Europe note the similarities in the picture shown in that clip to the

opening theme depicted on the title page of the King James Bible although King

James for the public eyes stated that he hated magic in the occult his life stated otherwise completely otherwise as

a Master Mason King James had to pass through three degrees which identically

matched the first lower orders of witchcraft and as we can clearly see a

project which he would have stated he did for God he in fact did for other gods and clearly for other purposes

today there are a few conservative Christians still around who would confront this so-called Bible hero about

his overt and lifelong homosexual activities many conservative Christians

would also questioned him about his overt and unholy involvement with secret societies yet strangely there is one

denomination that touts itself is both Christian and conservative and it vigorously markets as no other group

does the idea that King James Bible is the only inspired Bible that

denomination also happens to be the group that supports firing pastors who speak up about Freemasonry I’m speaking

about the Southern Baptists they boast the highest percentage of members actively involved in Freemasonry though

claiming to be both conservative and Christian is there any connection between their conspicuous tolerance of

Freemasonry and their conspicuous promotion of the King James Bible

they stayed vigorously that the King James Bible is the only acceptable Bible to use just as the Freemason King James

also stated and why would this Freemasonry tolerant group be waging a

campaign now right when clearly supernatural demonic changes are

happening to the King James Bible but there is more not only was King James irrefutably

homosexual and also visibly a devoted freemason but he happened to be an

arrogantly power-hungry King and believed controlling people by using religion in

March of 1610 King James delivered one of his most famous speeches a full two

and a half hours long before Parliament when he said the state of monarchy is the supremist thing upon earth for Kings

are not only God’s lieutenants upon earth and sit upon God’s throne but even

by God himself they are called gods King James considered himself

answerable to no one he refused to keep answering even to Parliament and

eventually dissolved it the other threat to King James and his power was the

recently published Geneva Bible contrary to what many of us knew the Bible already had been translated into English

and it was an extremely accurate translation thanks to people like William Tyndale John Huss huldrych

zwingli Myles Cloverdale John Knox John Wycliffe and other reformers Christians

already had an English translation of the entire Bible by 1560 and it was

extremely popular it was also extremely accurate and that is what King James did

not like about it not only did the Geneva Bible contain accurate translation of the original text into

English but the Reformers also added notes in the margins to ensure that Christians clearly understood what the

Scriptures really said compared to what the Pope’s and bishops had been teaching them for centuries you see for centuries

the Roman Catholic Church and then the Anglican Church with only few variations promoted a hierarchical church system by

purposely mistranslating the original manuscripts by telling the people that the manuscripts said one thing when they

really said something else religion based government’s forced compliances onto the people as though the Scriptures

taught the rigid rules the Pope’s and kings were enforcing not until Christians had access to scriptures for

themselves could they prove that those rigid rules came from the Kings and not from God herself the Reformers had made

great strides to expose the ungodly religious system and King James despised

what the Reformers had done to his absolute power reformers showed that

script teach the priesthood of all believers not just one power man at the top the

believers themselves are God’s anointed ones and God rebukes even Kings for their sake according to the scriptures

we do not confess our sins to a priest and then pay him penance but rather go

freely to the Father through the blood of Jesus in a very power hungry move King James would force the Geneva Bible

out of the Christians hands replacing it with a new version that would be the only version allowed the only authorized

version eventually the King even made it a felony to be found with the Geneva

Bible King James enlisted the services of people like Francis Bacon his Bishop

Richard Bancroft and the translators the exact number of which is reported as

between 47 and 54 King James laid down 15 specific stringent rules for the

expressed purpose of regaining those ecclesiastical terms that had been lost due to the translational accuracy of the

Geneva Bible following the Kings rules the translators successfully replaced accurate word translation with church

hierarchy word translation although they used the accurate New Testament translation prepared by William Tyndale

for which he had been strangled and burned at the stake they successfully tweaked it by deliberately miss

translating all that they could in order to promote a chain of command the translation people was changed to a word

meaning temple the translation serving was replaced with a word meaning office

the translation older an adjective was replaced with a word meaning a

particular office a noun the translation guide among was replaced with rule over

the word office is not even found in the original text yet King James put it

there and supported its use wherever the translators could fit it in for those of you who would like to hear

more details about those deliberate word changes made by the King James translators under the orders of King

James I will include that information at the end of this video you will hear how the original Greek word actually translates

and how in why it was deliberately changed clearly by King James very own

admission his translation of the Bible was not an accurate translation if you

are looking at accuracy from the original scriptures his priority was power and historical record proves that

as soon as King James presented his new version of the Bible true Christians

immediately recognized it for what it was they soundly rejected quote the

wicked Bible from that wicked King and I quote maybe now we can understand why

without even reading it the artwork revealed its purposes Christians at the

time knew what those images were and also knew the satanic power they contained Christians could also see that

the Reformers notes had been discarded and that words foreign to the text now appeared words they knew didn’t belong

there finally King James officially outlawed the Geneva Bible he enacted a

law to make reading it or owning it a felony some Christians kept their Geneva Bibles

and faced arrest and imprisonment because of it there was going to be only one Bible allowed now the only

authorized the authorized King James Bible get it authorized meant allowed as

opposed to not allowed those who had the means and the courage came to America

many of them did not survive the trip you know the pilgrims we’ve all heard

about the pilgrims how many of us ever knew that it was King James they were escaping from how many of us ever knew

that it was the 1611 King James Bible with its demonic art and its deviant

word changes that force them to leave now we know now we know the artwork on

King James Bible by its own magical imagery clearly unveils the deeply

occulta clone on which the King James Bible was well even as the Lord has been revealing in

this last hour those with a demonic agenda in the world do what they do

hidden in plain sight we see this in a Super Bowl halftime shows corporate

logos movies and commercials and so it was with the King James Bible from the

very beginning in the book of John we read the following in the beginning was the word

Jesus not the Bible and the Word was with God Jesus not the Bible and the

Word was God Jesus not the King James Bible nor any other Bible he was with

God in the beginning through him all things were made without him nothing was made that has been made in him Jesus not

the Bible was life and that life was the light of all mankind the word always referred to Jesus and never to any Bible

leave alone the King James Bible let’s look to Jesus the author and finisher of our faith listen for his voice obey what

he tells you and never ever follow the voice of a stranger I look forward to

talking to you next time the Lord bless you you are about to hear proof of wicked

word changes ordered by King James in order to promote a very wicked church

hierarchy this narration comes from the great ecclesiastical conspiracy by

George Davis and Michael Clarke grab a snack and let’s go the word deacons

although the King James Version is called a translation we should note that in some places it is not a translation

but a paraphrase we should be leery of all such portions of Scripture a word-for-word translation would have

left the readers to decide the truth for themselves but that was unacceptable this brought about use of entire phrases

to redefine one Greek word in order to promote the ecclesiastical paradigm one such case is found in first Timothy 3:13

for they that have used the office of a deacon well purchased to themselves a good

degree and great boldness in the faith which is in Christ Jesus the words have used the office of a deacon were all

used to define one Greek word the aquannia which is defined as to be a

servant attendant domestic to serve wait on from Strong’s Concordance the words

have used the office of a deacon or a paraphrase of one greek word the aqua nail which simply means to serve it is

only translated have used the office of a deacon in first Timothy 3:13 throughout the rest of the New Testament

deeakron l never implies office or rule but the service of a slave to his master

the words have used the office of a deacon were clearly an attempt to redefine what was once descriptive of

the loving service of a slave and make it a hierarchical office Romans 6:1 is

one of the most revealing passages I commend unto you Phoebe our sister which is a servant the aqua knows of the

church which is at King crea to translate the Greek word D aqua knows as servant when applied to a woman

Phoebe what it was normally transliterated deacon when applied to a man reveals the translators bias for to

them a woman could not hold an office and the idea of serving being an office was what they were trying to justify the

Greek word dia Cronos should be translated servant in every instance the word office throughout the entire New

Testament the word offices found nowhere in the Greek text in connection with the ecclesia yet it

is so used five different times in the King James Version one instance is when the King James translators tried to

preserve their old ecclesiastical words and imply office rather than service in Romans 11 13 for I speak to you Gentiles

in as much as I am the apostle of the Gentiles I magnify mine office the Alcona nowhere else in all of the New

Testament is this word dia Konya translated mine office let us look at a

few other passages in which the Greek word dia Konya is used as this will give us a greater sense of its meaning in

Luke 10:40 dia Konya is translated as much serving but Martha was cumbered

about much serving the Konya and came to him and said Lord thus thou not care

that my sister has left me to serve alone ben-hur therefore that she help me was

Martha magnifying her office or was she just serving what was the nature of her service was it domestic or clerical the

a Konya is translated my service in Romans 15 31 to do you service in 2nd

corinthians 11:8 and service in Revelation 2:19 as you can see the ax Konya speaks of service to others not

official tenure another instance is found in Romans 12 for for as we have many members in one body and all members

have not the same office the Greek word that was translated office here is praxis which has absolutely nothing to

do with office praxis means a doing deed and the above passage is descriptive of

the functioning of the individual members of the body of Christ not every member has the same function praxis

in no way implies an elite caste of official ministers defined by title or office this was a very clever

mistranslation designed to overwrite relational body ministry with hierarchy this is the only instance in which

praxis is translated office we find this extremely interesting especially considering that this obvious miss

translation is in the context of the every member participation of the body of Christ praxis is correctly translated

in Romans 8:13 for if you live according to the flesh you will die but if by the spirit you put

to death the deeds practice of the body you will live new King James Version again the word

office is never used in relation to the ecclesia neither the Greek noun Heredia

a priest office Luke 1:9 Hebrew seven five nor the Greek word higher a tail is

to officiate as a priest Luke 1:8 are used regarding the community of Christ in the original text

the concept of office or a special priest class is alien to the purpose and nature of the body of Christ where

differences are defined by function not by managerial positions the arm has a

different function than the leg but does that make one better than the other thus ruling over the operation of the other

according to the teachings of the New Testament the Old Covenant priesthood has been discarded and in its place is

the priesthood of all believers a priesthood that functions relationally rather than hierarchically true first

century serving was not done in the context of a religious service it was done in the context of life in general

in the homes and on the streets wherever the needs were there the faithful and Christ served there was no altar pulpit

or pew no starting time or final benediction there were no clergy and no lady or spectators but a royal

priesthood consisting of all believers they were not building a church they were serving Christ and encouraging

others to do so and in that Jesus built the church the word bishopric now let us

consider another old ecclesiastical word that has been used to advance this notion of office bishopric is a strange

sounding word that appears only once in the New Testament in Acts chapter 1 verse 24 it is written in the Book of

Psalms let his habitation be desolate and let no man dwell therein and his bishopric a peaceful pace let another

take one of the definitions of a Pisco pace is visitation which we feel comes

closest to capturing its true meaning visitation speaks of a work not an office nevertheless the term bishopric

sure sounds official it is important to note here that the word visitation throughout the Old Testament primarily

applies to the judgment of God upon the nations even Jerusalem the city of peace would no such judgment standing on a

hill overlooking his beloved City Jesus wept as he the following words if you even you had

known today the things which belong to your peace but now they are hidden from your eyes for the days will come on you

when your enemies will throw up a barricade against you surround you heaven you in on every side and will – you and your children within you to the

ground they will not leave in you one stone on another because you didn’t know the time of your visitation episcopate

Luke 19 42 to 44 WB Jesus selected the Apostles for this specific purpose just

as he stood before the High Council as a divine testimony against them so these men he selected stood before the

governors and kings of the nations for a testimony against them and he shall be brought before governors and Kings for

my sake for a testimony against them in the Gentiles Matthew 10 18 they were to attest to a new Kingdom with a new king

this could explain why they were not long upon this earth they were as ill-treated as their Savior was they

were not called to execute judgment upon the ecclesia but to lift the standard of the gospel of the kingdom before all

including governors and kings they filled up the measure of Jesus’s sufferings it was a thankless job

rewarded by stripes and imprisonment and finally death they had been called to suffering the Lord spoke to Ananias

regarding this call on Paul’s life saying for I will show him how many things he must suffer for my name’s sake

ax 9/16 and KJV all commented on this further in 1st Corinthians 4 9 saying

for I think that God has displayed us the Apostles last as men condemned to death for we have been made of spectacle

to the world both the angels and to men they knew the Fellowship of his sufferings they drank deeply from his

cup let everyone who aspires to be an apostle fully understand the job description it is not an opportunity to

be first and rule over God’s Saints but to glorify Him in being set forth as last appointed to death as the filth of

the world and the offscouring of all things as a testimony and a witness do

you still want the job the word elders the Greek word translated elder by the

King James translators is pres beauty rose according to W evine pres Boutros

is an adjective the comparative degree of precipice an old man an elder of

age weather of the elder of two persons the eldest of a person advanced in life

a senior how is it that the Greek adjective pres Boutros older or elderly

mysteriously became a noun represented in the english text by two official sounding titles ie presbyter

and elder among 54 translators in the King James panel at least one of them

should have known the difference between an adjective and a noun they changed the translation of the Greek word pres Boutros which was

formally translated preached by the papacy to elder Tyndall’s translation of the word they did however do all that

was within their power to give the term elder the same priestly and hierarchical connotation in his book entitled the

royal priesthood karl koecher’s side exposes this conspiracy revealing how the Catholic Church through sophistry

sought to make pres Boutros elder into a priestly office aloof from the rest of

the believers i quote the original word which is mistranslated priests by the roman catholic version is the greek pres

Boutros which literally means an aged person the word for priests is high eros

nothing can be more palpably misleading than the deliberate translation of a word to justify a practice thus changing

the Bible to suit a human system rather than changing such a system to suit the Bible end quote

the difference between the orthodox model of leadership today and the first century model is that one says do as I

say while the other says do as I do one is positional and the other is relational the world is starving for

examples people are desperately looking for Heroes someone to show them the way the first century elderly understood

that the only power they possess to influence others was the power of love and of their example perhaps you’re

asking but doesn’t the Bible say that elders are responsible to rule over the flock it is amazing how much one little

word can change the meaning of a passage of Scripture such is the case with this word over take for instance Paul’s words

to the Ephesian elders in acts 20:28 which reads take heed therefore unto yourselves and to all the flock over n

which the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers to feed the Church of God which he hath purchased

with his blood this is a deliberate mistranslation it could be nothing else for it required that the simplest Greek

preposition and which means in or among which is used 2700 times in the New

Testament and is nowhere else translated over should be translated over only here

and that in the context of leadership Peter instructs the presbytery of his day regarding the nature of their work

reminding them of the perimeters set by the lord himself neither as being lords over Kotaku real gods heritage but being

in samples to the flock 1st Peter 5 3 the Greek word Tata Kure Oh translated lords over in the above

passage is a compound verb consisting of kata down and Hui a will to exercise

lordship category a will describes how a Lord typically relates to a minion he

relates down kata because he is thought to be above or over it is certain that

Peter was remembering the words of Christ who said you know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them Tata

Corrie hey whoa it shall not be so among you Jesus forbids his followers to Lord down

upon each other instead he reminds us that he who would be great must be a servant and whoever would be first must

be a slave even as the Son of man came not to be served but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many see

Matthew 20 25 to 28 in his commentary on 1st Peter 5 3 William MacDonald wrote

elders should be examples not dictators they should be walking out in front of the flock not driving them from behind

they should not treat the flock as if it belonged to them this strikes at the very heart of authoritarianism many of

the abuses in Christendom would be eliminated by simply obeying the three instructions in verses two and three the

first would abolish all reluctance the second would spell the end of commercialism the third would be the

death of official ISM in the church because the true church is relational not institutional it makes sense only in

a social context of family context in every truly healthy family there is second third-generation communion you

have the grandchildren the parents and the grandparents in that context the grandparents are the

elders they possess the wisdom of years and if godly are in a position to teach by their words an example as no other

family member can Satan has done all he can possibly do to destroy the very concept of family and to encourage the

young in disrespect for the elderly ignoring their counsel thus we have witnessed the breakdown of the family in

the church the church is a family it began in the heart of a loving father who sent His only Son to bring many sons

to glory Oh what manner of love the father has bestowed upon us that we should be called the sons of God the

word the house of God the people of God are the ecclesia not a church building or a system of worship the called out

ecclesia is the household of God this brings us to a verse that is among the most misleading passages in the entire

New Testament but if I tarry long that thou mayest know how thou oughtest to behave thyself in the house of God

Aiko’s which is the church ecclesia of the Living God the pillar and ground of

truth first timothy 3:15 there’s a very simple conclusion that bishop bancroft

and king james hoped that the reader would make house of god equals the church equals a temple with its

priesthood and ceremonies the use of the term house of God which was used

exclusively of the temple in the Old Testament was very crafty on their part although the Greek word boy Coase is

often translated house for home it most often refers to the occupants of a house I eat the household or family boy Coase

speaks of a family not a building a household rather than a material house if you look at its usage throughout the

rest of the New Testament you cannot avoid this conclusion the literal translation of glucose is household

family those who live in the same house the Bible library CD there’s a great

difference between the houses that we live in and our households there’s an old saying a house does not make a home

neither does a church building make those who enter it the ecclesia of God our houses are dispensable but our

families are not the important thing is the family let us advance a new equation

Boyko s’ equals household of God equals congregation of God equals family of God

Boyko s’ is always associated with family not a material building or temple it does not refer to

the place or building where the Oikos or family meet but of the family itself the household the word rule over you may be

asking by now don’t the scriptures say that elders are to rule over the ecclesia and is

apparent that the selection of English word rule was with design to promote this ecclesiastical conspiracy the use

of the words rule or have the rule over to lend weight to the argument that the church is hierarchical was a

masterstroke that we are still reeling from today what is the English definition of the word rule to exorcise dominating power

or influence a new century dictionary noun the right and power to govern or

judge authority command control domination Dominion mastery might power

sway force weight supremacy words that mean the opposite of rule include the

following servility antonyms servitude antonin weakness antonym the american

heritage dictionary you will note here that the English definition of the word rule is devoid of any connotation of

service as the word servitude is listed among its antonyms this alone should

arouse our suspicions considering that christ-like leadership is servanthood the King James translators have Paul

telling Timothy let the elders that rule we’ll be counted worthy of double honor especially they who labor in the word

and doctrine 1st Timothy 5:17 King James Version referring to this dr. Norman

Park wrote these writers made short shrift of the claim that elders have the authority to rule they knew the history

of the 1611 version and the determination of King James to confer on both Bishop and King the Divine Right to

rule no bishop no King hence his demand that the greek word priest me be

rendered rule though it actually carried no connotation of authority power or governance it merely meant that elders

should be foremost in zeal knowledge quality of life and concern for the well-being of the church a quality which

rightfully should be embodied in All Saints in a very real sense then ruling was not the preserve of the few but the

duty of all dr. Norman Park it shall not be so among you how is it that the word

rule which in the mind of the english reader board dictatorial overtones found its way into the text Paul wrote not

that we have dominion over our Co your faith but our fellow workers for your

joy for by faith you stand 2nd Corinthians 1:20 for new King James Version Paul counted himself as a fellow

worker not as one who ruled over the flock of Christ knowing that one stands by faith in God not by the scaffoldings

of domineering men the word obey now let us look deeper into the damage done by

the King James translators in promoting a ruling class among the ecclesia Hebrews 13:17 is another verse that

seems to be loaded in favor of those who would rule over the Saints the English words rule and ruler in a Christian

context can only rightly refer to Christ he is our sovereign our king and ruler

he is our Lord those among us who are so impudent and deluded that they can refer

to themselves as rulers should blush ruler does not roll well off the Christian tongue even the most Victor

toriel among us intuitively knows that the idea of ruling over others stands in stark and tifos to the example and

teachings of the serving Messiah with this in mind let us look at Hebrews 13:17 obey them that have the rule over

you and submit yourselves for they watch for your souls as they that must give

account that they may do it with joy and not with grief for that is unprofitable to you Hebrews 13:17 know the word / is

not in the original Greek but was added so we should dismiss it and all that it

implies the King James scholars translated key words in this passage with supposed English equivalents that

bear much more autocratic overtones than did the Greek for instance the Greek word pay though that was translated obey

appears only 55 times in the New Testament it is only translated obey 7

of those times it would sound ridiculous to use the English word obey in most of the other passages where the Greek word

pay though appears you be the judge the word obey pay though is in the passive voice and simply means to be

persuaded quote faith o to persuade ie to induce one by words to believe to

make friends of to win one’s favor gain one’s goodwill or to seek to win one

strive to please one to tranquilize to persuade unto ie move or induce one to

persuasion to do something be persuaded to be persuaded to suffer oneself to be persuaded to be induced to believe to

have faith in a thing to believe end quote fair and Smith Greek lexicon also quote

patho to persuade to win over in the passive and middle voices to be persuaded to listen to acts 5:40 passive

voice they agreed the obedience suggested is not by submission to authority but resulting from persuasion

end quote W evine expository dictionary of New Testament words

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57 Hidden Bible Keys Restored

Woe to you experts in the law, because you have taken away the keys to understanding.
Luke 11:52

Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.
Mat 7:13-14

Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.
Matthew 18:3

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