Jesus Was Begotten As A New Spirit Being By His Father
The spirit being who squeezed into the body we know as Jesus, was begotten/born, as a new spirit being, from His Father, a spirit being, most likely referred to in the Bible as Melchizedek.
The spirit being who squeezed into the body we know as Jesus, was begotten/born, as a new spirit being, from His Father, a spirit being, most likely referred to in the Bible as Melchizedek.
The God of the Old Testament, who spoke to Moses on the mountain, and many other appearances, was the same spirit who later incarnated as Jesus.
As we give birth to our children over a period of time, likewise, Jesus, our Father, gave birth to us, His children, OVER A PERIOD OF TIME, which explains why all people come “out of the chute” with varying levels of maturity.
Genesis 1:26 – The purpose of mankind is explained – to gain dominion over the fish of the sea (man’s emotions), birds of the air (thought life), beasts of the field (your body).
Man/woman are made up of 3 parts: 1) Your spirit was birthed eons ago, and is immortal. 2) Physical body to transport your spirit around earth in order for you to learn your lessons. 3) Soul garment is the recording device for every aspect of your life.
“The Life is in the Blood”. At approximately 10 weeks of age, the blood begins to circulate in a human fetus. This is the point where Jesus shoehorns one of His spirit babies into this fetus, to begin a new life together.
The spirit that is burning in your chest right now at 98 degrees, is the REAL YOU, begotten by your Father Jesus. It was birthed long ago by it’s parent, the spirit being who squeezed into one of these bodies and lived among us, who we know as Jesus.
Here are multiple proof of Reincarnation in the Bible. Full maturity is obviously not attained in one 80 year life, thus the necessity of multiple lesson periods. Fortunately, God has no shortage of time – but rather, has ALL THE TIME IN THE WORLD to bring His family to maturity.
You made a PACT with your Father, Jesus, before you agreed to take on the assignment He proposed – gender of the fetus, birth order, location, etc. YOU PROMISED HIM that you would do better this time, no excuses!!
You are the exact same as Jesus – 100% god (spirit) and 100% human (body). Only 2 main differences: 1) He can reproduce spirit beings, we can only birth spirit ideas. 2) He was born of a virgin.