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Outer Space Is Fake, Stars Are In The Firmament

Outer space is fake and 100% CGI Mind Control hoax.

The Flat Earth is covered by a dome or firmament that traps us, and the atmosphere INSIDE.

The stars are in the dome, and do their nightly sky dance, in exact replicated pattern, since the beginning of time.

The sun and moon circle inside the firmament.

The image above is called the NASA NBL – Neutral Bouncy Laboratory. This is where NASA creates a great deal of their “space” fakery.

Neutral Buoyancy Laboratory NASA Faking Space In A Pool

As people continue to awaken to the untold truth it seems people are now finally learning about the Freemasonic Luciferian Zionist Fascist Jesuit Illuminati Globalist “Globe” Earth lie that has been indoctrinated into society over centuries. Freemasons have infiltrated every level of society and governance to pull off the biggest global lie in history with the use of television, movies, symbiology, and the school system to indoctrinate you.

This article seeks to shed some insight regarding the history and most undeniable flat earth proofs so that you too can overcome your cognitive dissonance and indoctrination. The key to truly understanding flat earth requires quite a bit of research and mainly common sense. Unlike globe-believers who base all their arguments on complicated science and physics, particularly Newton’s Freemasonic lie called gravity.

Why aren’t physicists further exploring and questioning the existence of gravity and the theories supporting globe earth? We have far more advanced technology now-a-days so it seems abundantly clear that governing forces do not want this theory to become overtaken by another theory, especially a pre-existing theory concealing vast unclaimed resources in every direction. At the same time, they are concealing the hollow portion of earth, which we only know about incidentally.
 The lie of the shape of our earth is the foundational building block to every other lie. The earth is not simply just flat, hollow, or a globe. They do not want you to learn that Earth just like humankind was created in Gods image as a multi-dimensional realm and that He made for us to search and gain understanding. The rulers of this world try to hijack the search with lies and gimmicks, and then cripple us from continuing to do real searching, as God commands.

Why On Earth Would Anyone Trust NASAVIDEO:

Why On Earth Would Anyone Trust NASA?

By Greg Reese

12 Minutes, Watch Here.

Outer Space Is Faked In A Giant Green-Screen Pool

For giggles, here are a couple of videos that show ‘air bubbles in space’

NASA Space is under water

Click To Enlarge

1). Air bubbles in space compilation  2).  Flat Earth video 57 – Smooth Criminal,

And you can find many others. In other words, all “space walks” are performed under water in their NBL. Here are two instances where NASA admits that missions needed to be abandoned due to the astronauts helmets filling up with WATER:

1). Astronaut’s helmet takes on water during spacewalk  2).  Water Leak in Astronaut Helmet Cuts Spacewalk.

But How Can Water Be In Outer Space, On The International Space Station?

Here is how NASA fakes space in a huge pool of water. All green screen and CGI trickery. Not one thing they show you is real. We pay them $70 million dollars PER DAY TO LIE TO US non-stop.

There is not one single solid piece of evidence that the earth is a round, spinning ball. It is 100% lies from NASA’s very beginning in 1958 as an ongoing saga / soar opera, to cover up the ongoing Flat Earth fact.

ISS – International Space Station – Footage is Fraudulent With Massive Green Screen

ISS International Space Station greenscreen trickery fakery

Click To Enlarge

The trickery and fakery inside the “set” that is the ISS is LEGENDAY. And now we can see their trickery and fakery displayed on the outside of the ISS, with this giant greenscreen back wall.

Among my favorite hoax topics is the fraudulence of the International Space Station.

Videos purporting to be from the International Space Station are absolutely not taken from orbit. This has been demonstrated without the slightest shadow of a doubt in many different ways. There are dozens of undeniable anomalies in videos without any acceptable explanation. These are conclusive to anyone who is fairly judging; the ISS footage cannot possibly be shot in a real weightless free-fall orbit environment.

Read this whole, amazing article, exposing EXACTLY how the ISS video’s are faked; Irrefutable Scientific Proof ISS Footage is Fraudulent.

44 Government Documents Prove FLAT EARTH

We have a collection of 44 different Government documents regarding many various subjects related to aviation, military and others, that state that the FOUNDATION of their findings were BASED on a stationary, non-moving, non-rotating earth plane. Watch the video and see the documents.

Georgia Guidestones Prove Flat Earth

Georgia Guidestones prove flat earthHave you heard of The Georgia Guidestones..?

They are often referred to as The American Stonehenge, due to perceived connections to occult hierarchy.

It is a monument, that was secretly built in 1980, in a cow pasture in rural Georgia. (The monument was destroy in 2022 in what appears to be a lightning strike.)

This weird structure has messages inscribed all over them. Cryptic messaging in various languages, with many hidden meanings, is what makes them “famous”, especially with conspiracy researchers.


Which means you can “read” certain elements in the sky using the provided cutouts in the stone.

Read more here.

The Spin of the Earth


Spinning earth graphicThey tell us that they earth is spinning at 1100 miles per hour at the equator. That is faster than the speed of an average bullet. Sound travels at around 700 mph, so they say the earth is spinning at one and a half times FASTER than sound…

Do you want to know why it is illegal, in the United States, to fly an airplane fast enough to cause a sonic boom – going faster than the speed of sound? Because of the utter DESTRUCTION it causes to infrastructure here on the surface of earth. Sonic booms destroy buildings from their foundation up. It shakes them to their core. Afterwards they must be demolished because their integrity has been so severely compromised. So airplanes are not allow to go faster than 700 mph, but the earth spinning that fast is no problem. Right.

If we are spinning so fast, just imagine ANY change to the speed would throw things around everywhere… The chaos would be beyond imagination. Here is a video that shows this point very clearly.

Why Do They Tell Us It’s Spinning?


Because in the mid 1500’s, the Catholic church declared that they have figured out the earth is not flat and stationary, as had been known by everyone on earth for thousands of years. Instead, they posited, that the earth was in fact a round, spinning ball, hurdling through space.FLAT EARTH, 666


And how did they make this astounding new discovery? With the magic of MATHEMATICS!! Yes, the emerging Catholic teachers, had done a little cypherin, and low and behold what they found changed the world. They discovered that the earth is on, or has a, tilt. The tilt of the earth, they claimed was 6.66 degrees. Then they figured out the earth has an angle. The angle of the earth is 66.6 degrees. Then they found the curve of the earth. The curve can be measured at .666 feet per mile, squared. And then it was easy to calculate the speed that the earth travels around the sun – 66,666 miles per hour. After that, many of the numbers switched over to 18. 18 billion this and 18 billion that. Of course 18 = 6+6+6.

Are you beginning to see a pattern here? It looks like the fingerprints of Lucifer all over this smelly heap of garbage.

Click here to read 33 Examples of 666 In Modern Science And Globe Model.


The Curve of the Earth

Horizon always rises to the level of your eyes


There simply is NO EVIDENCE of any curve of the earth. It does not exist. No matter how high up we go, a curve has never been seen, because it does not exist. If the earth was a round ball, then the higher up you go, the round horizon would be falling down, beneath the level of your eye so that you would need to look down to see the retreating earth.

But that is NOT what we see. If the earth was flat, then no matter how high up you go, the horizon would always rise to the level of your eye, as in fact you see in ALL honest photos. The horizon ALWAYS rises to the level of your eye.

And then there is the problem that we see too far. If the earth was a ball, we would only be able to see a certain distance before the ball “falls” down out of sight. The problem for the globe believers is that with the new camera technology, namely the Nikon P90X, what was previously thought to have “gone over the horizon” can easily be zoomed back into focus. Here is a great video that shows off these amazing skills.

But Where Did The Curve Go?

guinness world record photo proves flat earth

Click to enlarge. Back button to return.

The Natural Physics of Water Prove Flat Earth

water requires container ice wall antarticaIt is part of the natural physics of water and other fluids to always find their level and remain flat.  If disturbed in any way, motion ensues until the flat level is resumed.  If dammed up then released, the nature of all liquids is to quickly flood outwards taking the easiest course towards finding its new level.

“The upper surface of a fluid at rest is a horizontal plane. Because if a part of the surface were higher than the rest, those parts of the fluid which were under it would exert a greater pressure upon the surrounding parts than they receive from them, so that motion would take place amongst the particles and continue until there were none at a higher level than the rest, that is, until the upper surface of the whole mass of fluid became a horizontal plane.”  -W.T. Lynn, “First Principles of Natural Philosophy”

Read more here.

Thunder Proves Flat Earth

Thunder Proves Flat EarthThe Earth naturally generates thunder – with the Thunder CLAP. But what we hear next – the long and multiple reverberations that we hear after the initial clap is the sound of the clap bouncing off of the firmament, then back down to earth surface, then back up to the dome, and on and on.

Watch and hear this video that recreates the reverberating clap.


Satellites Are Fake Communications Run Through Under Sea Cables

Submarine Communications Cable Map 2022 - Satellites Are Fake

The Earths internet connections are not transmitted by thousands of satellites as NASA states, but rather thousands of kilometers of sea floor “submarine communication cables” as seen on the Submarine Cable Map 2022 which depicts 486 worldwide cable systems.

The Name NASA Means To Deceive

NASA means deceive

I’m not sure what the source is for this pic, but in this case, the word is not pronounced “naSa” but rather “nâSHâʼ” (with the “sh” sound as opposed to the “s” sound). Strong’s defines this word as: Strong’s # 5377 – naw-shaw’; a primitive root; to lead astray, i.e. (mentally) to delude, or (morally) to seduce:—beguile, deceive, × greatly, × utterly.

NASA, The serpent never speaks truth, NONOrthodoxy

Interestingly enough, the word is first introduced in Genesis 3:13…

And the Lord God said unto the woman, What is this that thou hast done? And the woman said, The serpent beguiled me, and I did eat.

The word “beguiled” in the KJV comes from this Hebrew word, which as seen above means “greatly deceived.” Eve was deceived by a  נָחָשׁ (Hebrew: “nachash” translated as “serpent”). This graphic fills in the rest of the picture – the NASA “swoosh” IS a serpent tongue.

GlobeCraft: Gotta’ Craft To Globe

GlobeCraft: Gotta' Craft To Globe

This slogan: GlobeCraft: Gotta’ Craft To Globe, was created to mirror, mimic and mock the vociferous Globe believing Facebook crows who love to howl: “gotta’ lie to flerf” (flat earth).

NO person that I know, who has woken up to the Flat Earth reality LIES on purpose. We give out erroneous information occasionally, but it is usually due to the massive coverup within Government hiding truth from us, that forces us to make guesses with the information that is at hand. We the people simply do not have the resources available to test these things for ourselves, so we are at the mercy of the GOV/D…

In 2015 NO ONE had even heard of Flat Earth. Only 8 years later and WE ABSOLUTELY DOMINATE the entire space of the shape of the earth – AND WE ARE JUST GETTING STARTED!!!!!

The utterly disgusting parroting by the demon-class: “gotta lie to flerf” is a distraction from the fact that their whole world system view is based on Freemasonic GlobeCraft lies and deceptions… The Mason’s actually claim jurisdiction over the moon via Buzz Aldrin and the dozens of other Mason’s that have followed in his shoes. NASA is one great big money laundering, spell casting, lie producing monster.

They didn’t realize that a SLEEPING GIANT is just waking from his slumber. Flat Earth proof is expanding at an exponential rate, at this point in history.

The Occult Roots of NASA and the Ongoing Fraud

Jack Parsons Occult Founder NASAIn my lexicon, NASA stands for: Never A Straight Answer. If you ever happened to start poking around NASA and the Apollo moon landings, a keen eye and open mind will bring you to the conclusion that it was a staged hoax. In fact the pure hard scientific evidence and analysis irrevocably reveals the fraud among many. Think about that, the greatest feat accomplished by man is an elaborate Hollywood production that cost the American taxpayer a cool 30 billion. Imagine what James Cameron could create with a budget like that.

But to be quite frank, it pisses me off more that NASA has built up a money-sucking colossus composed of lies, hoaxes and misinformation. The American taxpayer derives virtually no benefit from NASA’S existence and alleged scientific contributions derived by supposed explorations and experiments in space. Absent of any other sources to verify, we have had to prostate ourselves to the so-called “experts” despite irrefutable evidence that NASA is nothing more than an elaborate financial embezzler and pseudoscience peddler.

In short, once fraud is detected everything that sits upon it is now in question. Your credibility is shot! Who would disagree with the logic of found fraud destroys the validity of everything? It’s reasonable, predictable and has the power to instantly change the direction of one’s perception, even those that were held sacred. Fraud has no limits by those who engage in it and it’s been around along time. Do you think real fraudsters stop at just one fraud? Or do you think they keep going and going until they die or get caught? The answer is a simple one. Why would you ever stop lucrative fraudulent activity if you haven’t been caught? So the chance for systemic fraud once initial fraud is found becomes a virtual certainty.

To further muddy the waters, NASA was founded by Satanic worshiping occultists and black magicians. This is not idle rumor but fact. NASA is a Military-Hollywood-Pseudoscience-Satanic Cartel, whose true aim is to use taxpayer funding to promote and profit by developing and deploying pseudoscience technology and methodology. The first fraud in my opinion is the true origins of NASA and the cast of characters that had significant influence. Go to NASA and search for them and you’ll find whitewashed bios or no information available.

Read the rest of this fascinating Deep Dive exposing the occult roots of NASA here.

Freemasons In Space

NASA Full of Masonic Rituals

The landing of the Apollo 11 mission is an inspiring moment in the history of the human species, however today, 50 years after that milestone, conspiracy theories continue to open debate. One of the many is that which ensures that the entire mission to the Moon was influenced by the desires of Masonic lodges and their rituals.(Masonic connections)

Given that Freemasonry has several of its roots buried in the wisdom of Ancient Egypt and that, as we will see later, many senior officers at NASA are Freemasons, the conspiracy theory holds that the ultimate goal of Apollo 11 was to carry out an ancestral ritual to “establish communication” with a “deity of the beginning of time”.

Next, the journalist and writer Gabriel Muscillo delivers an exhaustive investigation where he analyzes this and other shocking proclamations that seem to reveal a mixture of half-truths, speculation and strange coincidences. Read his full expose here.

NASA Is Not A Space Agency

NASA Not A Space Agency

Exposing 10 of NASA’s Deceptions

I’m not expecting you to take my word for it, but after a great deal of research I’ve come to the conclusion NASA is not a space agency. I used to think it was. In fact, until very recently it never occurred to me to scrutinize anything NASA said or did. But now that I’m questioning everything, I’ve discovered abundant evidence everywhere that NASA lies about everything.

Well, maybe they don’t lie about every single itty-bitty thing. However, they certainly lie about all the big stuff. I would even go so far as to say the folks at NASA are the biggest liars telling the biggest lies. Here’s my own list exposing 10 of NASA’s deceptions.

1. NASA Lies About the Earth

NASA works hard trying to convince us we live on a spinning ball hurling through space. Yet, all the scientific evidence points to a flat non-rotating earth, including NASA’s own technical documents. I cover this in more detail in my article titled 9 Knowers Who Know the Earth is Flat.

2. NASA Lies About the Sun

According to NASA, the sun is 93 million miles from earth. Yet, if that were the case, then all the crepuscular rays coming through the clouds would appear vertical. Using the actual science of measuring the angles of the suns rays and tracing them to their point of convergence (a.k.a the source) proves the sun is actually quite close — more like 3,000 miles away — and smaller than the earth.

Read the other 8 Lies here.

Why NASA Lies About Everything

55 Years NASA Lies About Everything

In a previous article, I dropped the truth bomb that NASA is Not A Space Agency. I made the bold assertion that NASA lies about everything, followed by a brief summary of my research findings exposing ten of NASA’s deceptions. If you haven’t yet read it, I recommend doing so before continuing. After all, having a basic understanding of what NASA lies about lays the groundwork for why NASA lies.

So, why does NASA lie? Why do they want us to believe earth is a spinning ball hurling through space as the result of some gigantic cosmic explosion? Why do they want us to think the sun, moon, and stars are so far away, and the universe contains billions upon billions of galaxies? And why have they teamed up with Hollywood to push the idea of space travel, when even Bill Nye The Science Guy states, “The earth is a closed system. We cannot leave the earth. There is no place to go.”

It’s crazy how NASA lies about everything. The earth is flat and stationary, but they tell us it’s a round ball in perpetual motion. The sun moves in a cycle above the earth, but they tell us the earth moves in a cycle around the sun. The sun, moon, and stars are very near, but NASA tells us they are very far away.

Whatever the truth is, NASA tells us the opposite. Then, when we ask to see the scientific evidence in support of their claims, they send Michelle Thaller to explain things.

Read more here.

39 Proofs NASA Is A Satanic Money Laundering Deep State Bastion

NASA Is A Satanic Freemason Moneylaundering & Mind Control Bastion Serving the Deep State?

39 Proofs NASA Is A Satanic Money Laundering Deep State Bastion


The conspiracy theorists claim that NASA landed twelve Freemasons on the “moon”, but they remain noticeably silent when asked to explain the following simple facts that all prove that THE CONSPIRACY THEORISTS ARE WRONG. Nowadays, even NASA openly admits that it never yet brought humans past Low Earth Orbit. Only around 39 proofs are listed here, but a total of more than 1000 proofs exist that can be found all across the internet:

  1. The end of the “Great Apollo Debate” actually came in 2001 when still-unknown “White Hats” (friends and helpers) within NASA gave official footage to the young director Bart Sibrel for his documentary “A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Moon”. That official NASA film gave forensic proof that all three Apollo 11 “astronauts” Armstrong, Aldrin and Collins had an ALIBI: They were in “Low Earth Orbit” at 8:29 PM on the 200th day of the year, 20 Jul 1969. The Sibrel documentary is available in EN and DE. See also here:


  1. The expected steam-cloud did not appear when the Apollo11 heat-shield at 1500°C hit the ocean at 10°C. The expected giant steam-cloud was not seen. A giant steam-cloud should have been visible for a radius of 50 km, as you also expect if you throw a hot iron into a cold bathtub, but no steam whatsoever showed up for the alleged Apollo11 splashdown. Today, we know there was no steam-cloud since NASA faked the splashdown by throwing the “ReEntry Capsule” along with the “astronauts” from a Lockheed C-5 Galaxy;

Read the other 37 proofs here.

What Does The Bible Say About The Shape Of The Earth?

Here are 100 Bible verses that say that the earth is Flat.

Here are 800 Bible verses that say that the earth is Flat.

Here are the Bible verses that say that the sky / sun moves, and the earth is stationary.

World’s Oldest Computer Proves Flat Earth

Worlds Oldest Computer, Antikythera

Click To Enlarge

The world’s oldest computer, the Antikythera, was designed to work with the stars in the night sky.

Here is an odd fact. This computer would work the exact same today, as the day it was built, because the night sky NEVER CHANGES. The reason is that the stars are a reoccurring dance, that changes a little bit every night, yet never changes over time.

Once you challenge the idea that the earth is a round spinning ball, it falls apart like a house of cards in a tornado of truth.

Flat Earth Videos Watch And Learn

Flat Earth Videos

Undeniable Flat Earth Video Proofs

Eric Dubay does an excellent job of compiling the 200 major undeniable proofs that the earth is stationary and flat in his book: “The Earth Is Not a Spinning Ball.” The contents of the book are also available online at The Atlantean Conspiracy. In the event the following video is removed from YouTube here is a BitChute archive. If you watch only one video from this entire article please make it this one. Like I said it takes some research to fully understand flat earth, but if you invest the time you will be fully convinced.

Watch all of the videos here.

Do Your Own Research

One of the best ways to educate yourself on this subject is to watch some of the countless videos that have been created to help you see the difference between the round spinning ball earth that you were taught, verse the flat and stationary earth that you see and feel. We try to assemble the best of the best Flat Earth Videos here.

Many people are not aware that the “Flat Earth Movement” and their obsession with understanding our home is NOT about the geography and topography of earth.

The term Flat Earth itself is a catch phrase for knowing the fact we are recovering heliocentrists. Flat Earthers observe that we’re not on a spinning globe.. not a belief… which would be faith based and not scientific at all.

None of us have explored the outer regions of this realm much less proven it’s physical reality.

Flat Earth is about being alert and having a sense of self amongst a sea of followers in a corrupt society with a culture of money and war. Sadly FE has no community, no school, no church, no center, no curriculum, no leaders and political affiliations. I do not know any flat earthers that follow the Flat Earth Society.

We know that Real Science is Observable, Measurable and Repeatable. And we know it’s not easy to admittedly think differently than most mainstream “Normies”.

Here are 10 Repeatable Proofs Of A Flat, Non-Rotating Earth.

Repent and renounce Roman Catholic orthodoxy and the Freemasonic trickery, lies and deceit, in ALL it’s forms and names.

Your Daddy, the Lord Jesus Christ is waiting to reveal His True Light, directly into your heart. Just ask Him, He’s in there, waiting to say hi.

Keepin’ It Flat ~

Russell Dibird

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