Why NASA Lies About Everything

55 Years NASA Lies About Everything
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Why NASA Lies About Everything

The Truth Is Always In The Evidence

In a previous article, I dropped the truth bomb that NASA is Not A Space Agency. I made the bold assertion that NASA lies about everything, followed by a brief summary of my research findings exposing ten of NASA’s deceptions. If you haven’t yet read it, I recommend doing so before continuing. After all, having a basic understanding of what NASA lies about lays the groundwork for why NASA lies.

So, why does NASA lie? Why do they want us to believe earth is a spinning ball hurling through space as the result of some gigantic cosmic explosion? Why do they want us to think the sun, moon, and stars are so far away, and the universe contains billions upon billions of galaxies? And why have they teamed up with Hollywood to push the idea of space travel, when even Bill Nye The Science Guy states, “The earth is a closed system. We cannot leave the earth. There is no place to go.”

It’s crazy how NASA lies about everything. The earth is flat and stationary, but they tell us it’s a round ball in perpetual motion. The sun moves in a cycle above the earth, but they tell us the earth moves in a cycle around the sun. The sun, moon, and stars are very near, but NASA tells us they are very far away.

Whatever the truth is, NASA tells us the opposite. Then, when we ask to see the scientific evidence in support of their claims, they send Michelle Thaller to explain things.

NASA’s Michelle Thaller

Wikipedia claims Michelle Thaller is an astronomer and research scientist with a Ph.D., who is working as the Assistant Director for Science Communication at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center. A video of Thaller shows her saying, “My main job now is communicating science.” But she also admits she can’t read a scientific paper to save her life. You would think this would be a problem for a research scientist and science communicator, but Thaller solves it by saying there’s no such thing as the scientific method.

This grossly unscientific approach to science gives NASA license to say whatever they want without bothering to back it up with any proof whatsoever. So, that’s exactly what Thaller does. She opens her mouth, and what comes out is truly bizarre.

“There’s no such thing as life really,” Thaller declares in the same video. “We’re very complicated rocks. We’re a chemical reaction that got complex enough to become conscious.”

But in Thaller’s case, evidently not quite conscious enough.

NASA Doesn’t Want Us to Know God

When I put it all together, it seems clear NASA is intent on taking God out of the picture. They don’t want us to believe we were created in the image of God, and they don’t want us to believe the earth was created specifically for our habitation.

Morris Kline, the 20th-century mathematician, recognized the motive behind NASA’s grand-scale deception. “The heliocentric theory,” wrote Kline, “by putting the sun at the center of the universe . . . made man appear to be just one of a possible host of wanderers drifting through a cold sky. It seemed less likely that he was born to live gloriously and to attain paradise upon his death. Less likely, too, was it that he was the object of God’s ministrations.”

Some people might say the reason NASA doesn’t want us to believe in a divine Creator is because they don’t believe in a Creator themselves. However, nothing could be further from the truth. I’m quite certain the people running the show at NASA know God is real. They know, but they don’t want anyone else to know.

If they were atheists, they wouldn’t work so hard trying to hide God. But they aren’t atheists. They are something far more sinister.

NASA’s Lies Begin with its Beginnings

In order to understand why NASA lies about everything, we need to go back to the beginning of the United States space program — to a top secret project called Operation Paperclip. Although few Americans are aware of what took place, the shocking reality is nearly 500 Nazi scientists were recruited by the U.S. government toward the end of World War II. When they immigrated, many were given positions in what would later become NASA.

One of the key figures in Operation Paperclip — a rocket scientist named Wernher von Braun — was tasked with the development of rocket technology. While von Braun was working to launch our fake space program, Walt Disney went to work on the public, trying to sell us on the idea of space travel. I remember it well.

As a child, I grew up watching The Wonderful World of Disney on Sunday evenings. Either before or after the feature movie, Mr. Disney himself would appear on screen talking to the viewing audience. He’d be standing next to a desk with a globe of the fake ball earth, and he’d hold up models of rockets and talk to us about going into space.

At the time, I thought Walt Disney was just a nice man who made fun movies for kids. I had no idea he was part of a massive deception, and that half a century later I would discover I had been lied to my entire life.

Swallowing the Truth Pill

The truth pill is hard to swallow, but here’s what I’ve learned about Walt Disney, and about C. Fred Kleinkneck (the head of NASA at the time of the Apollo missions), and about the first astronauts: they were all Freemasons. In fact, over the course of NASA’s history, the number of astronauts involved in Freemasonry is astonishing — and no mere coincidence.

If you think Freemasons are merely a fraternal organization, you might not see the problem. I suspect most lower-level Masons see it as nothing more than a social club. But just like the rest of us, they are being deceived.

In reality, Freemasonry has a very evil agenda. High-level Freemasons are enemies of humanity and enemies of God. The reason I say this is because the god they serve is none other than Lucifer himself, whom they also call Baphomet.

If you find this hard to believe, or you think the Freemasons within NASA keep their satanic practices to themselves, all you need to do is look at the evidence.

NASA’s Satanic Symbols and Rituals

All NASA mission patches contain occult symbols, and their alleged space missions are steeped in satanic ritual. According to William Cooper, “Another revelation to those who understand the symbolic language of the Illuminati is the hidden meaning of the names of the Space Shuttles.”

I did a bit of research on this and learned that when the space shuttle names are strung together it creates a sentence that some believe has deep meaning in Freemasonry. It reads, “A Colombian Enterprise to Endeavor for the Discovery of Atlantis . . . and all Challengers shall be destroyed.” Was it really an accident, then, when the Challenger shuttle was destroyed in an explosion shortly after lift-off in 1986? When it comes to NASA (and everything else controlled by Freemasons), nothing is as it seems.

The NASA logo itself is quite telling. NASA says the red V shape represents aerodynamics, but Freemasons love double meanings and they love hiding the truth in plain sight. So I don’t think it’s any coincidence the red V looks a lot like the forked tongue of a serpent. In addition, if you use the those two red lines to make the letter T, and combine it with NASA, you have all the letters needed to spell “Satan”.

Although the masses of people are for the most part unaware, virtually everything NASA does is permeated with satanism. Their one aim is to serve their evil master, and their evil master’s one aim is to keep you from knowing your Good Master.

That’s why NASA lies about everything. They lie because they serve their father the devil, who is a liar and the father of lies (John 8:44).

“There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn’t true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true.” ~ Søren Kierkegaard

This article originally found here: https://salinachristaria.medium.com/why-nasa-lies-about-everything-d665a3c046bd


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