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OT Patriarchs Are A Pattern of Our Heavenly Family

Abraham begot Isaac, Isaac begot twins: 1) Esau and 2) Jacob (Israel).

Jesus’ Father (Melchizedek) begot Jesus, Jesus begot twins: 1) Lucifer and 2) Michael.

Heavenly Patterns are revealed by the 4 Patriarchs in Genesis. This shows us the layout of the heavenly family – WHO GAVE BIRTH TO WHO?

FLESH PATTERN: Abraham > Isaac > 1). Esau + 2). Jacob
SPIRIT REALITY: Melchizedek > Jesus > 1). Lucifer + 2). Michael

Abraham = Melchizedek FATHERED Jesus
Isaac = Jesus. Who FATHERED TWINS the first time around:
TWIN #1 = Esau = Lucifer who’s TITLE is THE DEVIL (1/3 of the Fathers’ spirits followed him, INCLUDING YOU AND I AND ALL PEOPLE).
TWIN #2 = Jacob = Michael who’s TITLE is THE HOLY SPIRIT (The HOLIEST OF ALL US BROTHERS who remained faithful to the common father we all share – Jesus.)

NOTE: There is much confusion regarding “The Holy Spirit”. We have found that the confusion is based on that term being used in the Bible as a Title, an Attitude, and a Position. Here we attempt to bring some illumination to this topic.

What Is The Trinity?

First of all we must comprehend that the Bible is a book about SPIRIT BEINGS – that is why we call it our “spiritual” life, it supposed to be about SPIRITS.

God is spirit (spirit is God) John 4:24 / Flesh gives birth (begets) to flesh and spirit gives birth (begets) to spirit. John 3:6

The Trinity being referred to by church people is about spirit beings. We see the words of Jesus that spirit begets spirit. Father (spirit) has a son (spirit). The son grows up, then does what is natural, he becomes a father, by having a son. You have three independent beings, all “on the same team”, “singing from the same songbook”. Each one an individual, and each one united as ONE IN PURPOSE for the family unit.

Do you remember the TV show Bonanza? Imagine Little Joe having a son who turns 20. Now you have a “trinity” in that household – Grandpa, Dad and Son.

Here is the same concept of the structure of our heavenly family, that fathers have sons, who grow up to have sons. This concept is so simple and obvious that even a 5 year old child can understand it. But your church rulers don’t want you to fall for the obvious. They want to keep you dependent on them to understand “the mysteries of God” – the “trinity” being one of their cornerstones of confusion.

Here are the other articles on this site regarding the topic of Trinity’s.

Don’t get caught up in a church that allows, even encourages confusion, like this one:

Acts 19:32 The assembly was in confusion. Some were shouting one thing, some another. Most of the people did not even know why they were there.

That church sounds like fundamental orthodoxy.

Brush off confusion, and instead find the true fellowship with your Father Jesus. He is in your heart where He is hoping you will look for Him, because that is the ONLY place where He can be found.

Russell Dibird


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