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As we bring forth our children over a period of time. Likewise, Jesus the Father of our Spirits gave birth to us, His spirit children, OVER A PERIOD OF TIME.

This is why all people come out of the chute with varying levels of maturity.

You have heard a wise person referred to as “an old soul” or “an old spirit?” Have you ever stopped to think about the mechanics of what is behind that term? On the other hand, do we speak of small, selfish, pathetic little people as having a “young soul?” Well that is often the case. The simple fact is that some of us have been around longer than others. It is a matter of birth order.

Let’s say I have 4 children. In a snapshot in time, you would see that my 4 kids are aged 15, 10, 5 and newborn. Now, you might say “you have 2 very mature children and 2 very immature children.” Well NO DUH!!! Now take a new snapshot, 20 years later. The whole scenario may radically change. Perhaps, it’s completely flipped on it’s head and the youngest is THE MOST MATURE due to the age of the spirit within.

Spirit Children can be born on the same day with different ages…

Consider the vast chasm of time that must have existed between the spirit birth of say a Bach, or Beethoven, and then contrast to the most selfish, self absorbed, sniveling little person you have ever met. Obviously a great deal of time passed between the two.

The reason why we are not to judge other people is that we don’t know where they started. Some people are living up to and beyond what was expected of them. Similarly, others are woefully short compared to what they started with.  If they have “hidden their lamp under a bowl” (Luke 11:33), then that person is far behind his/her potential and what was expected and agreed to this time around.

Orthodoxy wants to simply sweep this entire subject under the rug. They do not want you talking or thinking about “spirits”, especially not your own. Since nothing is taught about it, people fill it in with their imagination. Also, it is not an approved question to ask. Therefore, people assume that their spirit was a part of the package which came with the seed and egg that started their body. This is life VOID of spirit and only focused on body and soul only with true spirit left out of the picture.

Wouldn’t you LOVE to know the date in cosmic universal time that your spirit was first conceived and birthed by it’s parent, Father Jesus?

I think that one of the most eye opening details we will find out in the afterlife is WHAT WERE THE SPIRIT AGES of the people who were around me during my life? Who performed ABOVE expectations and who performed BELOW expectations for their respective ages. Take for instance a Bach or Beethoven, with their math and music prowess. They were born with an obvious great degree of previous experience. So did they live up to the vast amount of potential that they possessed, or could they have actually done even better? We can ask this exact same question of every human on earth – did you live above or below what you promised before you got here.

How about you? Are you doing better than expected, or are you letting life get the best of you? If the latter is the case, if your life is difficult every step of the way, then consider making a serious change. Stop lying to yourself and others. Stop stealing from yourself and others. Stop cheating yourself and others. It is as simple as asking Jesus if you can wear His yoke for a change. Once you do, He will immediately reward you for your correct decision. Give Him a try, He will NEVER reject you coming towards Him, but will always welcome you as His own very son or daughter.

Russell Dibird


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