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First Light Created Was The ElectroMagnetic Sun

The light created in Genesis 1:3 is the “ElectroMagnetic sun” in the center of the hollow earth, that generates the electromagnetism that sustains all life on earth.

Genesis 1:3-5 And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. God saw that the light was good, and he separated the light from the darkness. God called the light “day,” and the darkness he called “night.” And there was evening, and there was morning—the first day.

Do you like to be the first to get the Governments Top Secrets when they are revealed? If yes, then this will be a treat!!

It is now apparent, after putting together the given pieces of the puzzle, that the earth is HOLLOW and filled with a heavenly land full of beautiful people. And right in the center of this hollow earth is the ElectroMagnetic Sun, the sustainer of all life on earth. Without the electromagnetism generated by this inner sun, all life would immediately die.

Every cell of every living organism on earth, has a battery, just like your car. The batteries in your cells require electromagnetism to keep them charged up and running. All natural electromagnetism on earth is generated by the ElectroMagnetic Sun in the center of the earth.

DEFINITION – Electromagnetism: Electromagnetism is a branch of physics involving the study of the electromagnetic force, a type of physical interaction that occurs between electrically charged particles. The electromagnetic force is carried by electromagnetic fields composed of electric fields and magnetic fields, and it is responsible for electromagnetic radiation such as light.

Description of Shape and Function of Earth Graphic Featuring the ElectroMagnetic sun.

OVERVIEW – Below is how I described the concepts to the artist I commission to create the graphic above.

The earth is a stationary globe which sits on 4 pillars.

The part we live on is right in the center of the round, stationary globe – we divide the bottom from the top.

We live on a flat plane, that is surrounded by a 200 foot wall of ice, which keeps the water level, like a bowl.

Just beyond the wall of ice is the edge of the globe that we call the dome that covers our flat plane.

In the center of our flat earth plane is the north pole. “Polar Ice Cap” is a lie. The north pole is 4 islands that create 4 rivers that flow downward into the center of the earth.

The sun and moon are inside the dome, very near to us. The sun circles us overhead traveling clockwise as seen from above (as you witness every day).

The stars are in the dome. Thus we see the stars move nightly, yet predictably for thousands of years.

The sky forms a giant timepiece in the sky. The sun tells time of the day, moon time of month, stars time and which year.

The star Polaris has never moved in thousands of years, sitting directly above the north pole.

Directly above Polaris is the Throne of God.

Just under the very top of the globe is a layer of water. This is the “waters above” as taught in the Bible. The stars are floating in the water above. We see them thru the transparent dome, that holds the “air pressure” of this earth realm trapped in here for us.

Our oceans are known as the waters below. The continents are the 30% landmass of the earth.

Down in the lower half of the globe, we have at least 2 known landmasses – Agartha and Shambala – which are both well documented to really exist there.

The ElectoMagnetic Sun is in the center of the lower half of the globe. It’s power keeps every cell of every body on earth, alive. Without it, all life would cease immediately.

The life giving EM is delivered to the earth from 2 directions. 1st it bubbles up through the ground of all landmasses. 2nd The EM Sun generates and projects the EM beam upward thru the hole known as the North Pole. It shoots upward and we call those oozing green lights the Northern Lights, or Aurora Borealis. This beam goes up and smashes into the glass dome and then is spread out all across the face of the flat earth. When it rains down out of the sky, we call that The Shumann Waves – which have no visible color.

Here I have set up a page explaining:

1. How did I come up with this idea in the first place, and

2). How did I wind up with the domain name, spelling the earth backwards – htrae.com – which redirects to this page.

Jesus Healed With The ElectroMagnetism of the Earth.

Luke 8:42-48 As Jesus was on his way, the crowds almost crushed him. And a woman was there who had been subject to bleeding for twelve years, but no one could heal her. She came up behind him and touched the edge of his cloak, and immediately her bleeding stopped. “Who touched me?” Jesus asked. When they all denied it, Peter said, “Master, the people are crowding and pressing against you.” But Jesus said, Someone touched me; I know that power has gone out from me.” Dr Oz, 2011, PEMF, Pulsed ElectroMagnetic Fields therapyThen the woman, in the presence of all the people, told why she had touched him and how she had been instantly healed. 

The “power” that runs the human body is the electromagnetism that powers all living things in this world. The source of this electromagnetism is the  first light created in Genesis 1:3 And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. This “light” is the Electromagnetic sun, that is in the center of our hollow earth.

Read more and watch a great video by Dr Oz on this subject.

United States And All Nations of the Earth KNOW Earth Is Flat

44 Government Proof Flat Earth

Here is a video compilation of 44 different official government documents that begin with the foundational understanding that the earth is flat and stationary – NO curve and NO spin. ALL of the nations of this earth are controlled by Satan, as seen by this world wide deception in every government.

Watch the video 44 Government Documents Prove FLAT EARTH here.ARMY RESEARCH Propagation of Electromagnetic Fields Over Flat Earth

In 2001, the US Army Research Laboratory published a report
called “Propagation of electromagnetic fields over flat Earth” (PDF).


Inner Earth Civilizations

George Willis Emerson’s classic tale. Join Olaf Jansen, along with his father, as they voyage to the long lost paradise at the center of the Earth. ‘The Smoky God.’ Within its pages, you will discover the incredible story of Norwegian seamen Olaf Jansen and his father as they stumble upon a land beyond the North Pole and inside the Earth. Their encounters with giant inhabitants and other remarkable discoveries will astound you. Watch / Listen to the whole book here.

Smoky God Olaf Jansen Hollow Earth

Agartha the Hidden Civilization of Inner Earth Truth or Lore

VIDEO: Agartha the Hidden Civilization of Inner Earth Truth or Lore. There’s an ancient mystery of connected tunnels across the world… could these paths lead to the legendary Hollow Earth kingdom Agartha deep under the Himalayas? Who (or what) lives in Agartha? What kind of lost knowledge might they hide from mankind?

Watch this EXCELLENT, nearly one hour long video documentary: Agartha the Hidden Civilization of Inner Earth Truth or Lore here.Agartha, Inner Earth and Sun, Tunnel Entrances

OR here is a collection of around 10 different videos, all by the same creator, Mr. Mythos coving every aspect of the Inner Earth.


Here is a HUGE Collection of Articles And Books Regarding The Inner Earth And It’s Realms, all in one, massive “skyscraper” page of one on top of another.

Read The Inner Earth & Realm of Aghartha here.

Entrances to Inner Earth – ROBERT SEPEHR

Entrances to Inner Earth - ROBERT SEPEHR


VIDEO: Entrances to Inner Earth – ROBERT SEPEHR. The Inner Earth is a concept proposing that our planet contains massive inhabited subterranean caverns that at some time contained, or still are home to, entire human civilizations. There are allegedly numerous entrances around the world, particularly in the polar regions, that are said to lead deep underground into these mythological Inner Earth Kingdoms.

Watch Entrances to Inner Earth – ROBERT SEPEHR here.

Freemasons Know About The Inner Earth And How Our Realm Operates

Freemasons, Hitlers Nazi Party and various occult groups have referred to the ElectroMagnetic Sun as the Black Sun. Below are some of their representations of their black sun. The Secret Society of the Freemasons, love to hide the truth in plain sight.

Masonic Black Sun Meme, Hiding Truth In Plain Sight, NONOrthodoxy.com

Below is a secret video of a high degree freemason drawing this following image,
all based on the Hollow Earth and ElectroMagnetic Sun powering the whole world:

Black Sun Was First Light Created, NONOrthodoxy.com

Orthodoxy wants to keep your mind in prison of lies and deceit about EVERYTHING that God has done, made or said. Orthodoxy is here IN LEAGUE with the purveyors of the round spinning ball brain washing cult!!

Leave othodoxy. It is not your friend. As quickly as possible you need to UNlearn what you were previous gaslit with – all lies from the pit!!

Russell Dibird

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[…] realize that the part we live on is flat, for one simple reason – it is flat. So if in fact the earth is flat and unmoving, and you believe that it is a globe, then you are out of sync with the universe, whether you […]

Christopher Colin Greene

Great Information!