Htrae Is Earth Spelled Backwards

htrae is Earth spelled backwards Russell Dibird NONOrthodoxy_com
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Htrae Is Earth Spelled Backwards

Here We Attempt To Portray The True Shape of Htrae, Our Earth Home Spelled Backwards

Where Did The Idea Come From?

Two things collided in my head.

1. I learned that the part of the earth we live on is Flat, covered by a dome, or firmament that contains the stars, and much more.

2. I learned that ElectroMagnetism is directly responsible for ALL LIFE in our realm. Nothing that is alive, can continue life without ElectroMagnetism every single second of it’s life – otherwise instant death. I knew that this ElectroMagnetism was being generated somewhere, and then distributed all across this realm.

I read “The Smoky God”, about a man and his son who set out on a fishing trip, around 1820, and wound up spending a year with the gentle, wise giants who live in the center of our hollow, inner earth. And what powered that whole underworld was a warm, glowing “sun” at the base – they called it The Smoky God. Freemasonry knows it as The Black Sun.

Then I just kept thinking about it, until this version, with all of the clues I’m aware of, built into the graphic.

You can visit this post where I share the exact directions I gave to the graphic artist who produced this final version for me.

 How Did I Get The Domain ?

My friend, J. Michael Palka was a big fan of Merlin the Magician, and he registered and, a children’s book that he created, back in September 1999.

He lost interest in the project and on a whim, I bought it from him in around 2008, where I’ve just been sitting on them both.

In April 2023, someone floated around Facebook that they leaned that if you spelled Flat Earth backwards, it redirects to haha, cute. But then it finally dawned on me – HEY WAIT!!! Look what I got…

So I logged in and redirected the domain to my post called “First Light Created Was The ElectroMagnetic Sun“. It took right off, gaining visitors from all over the world. People will always be curious to learn about this place we call home.

Happy Seeking 🙂

Russell Dibird