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The Throne of God Is Above Polaris

The Throne upon which God sits, can be no where other than directly above Polaris, the pole star, directly above the north pole, directly in the center of this earth that is round and flat, like a pizza.

Isaiah 40:22 He sits enthroned above the circle of the earth, and its people are like grasshoppers. He stretches out the heavens like a canopy, and spreads them out like a tent to live in.

From up top, this would be an approximate view of the “circle of the earth”:

God Looks Down Upon Circle of Earth, NONOrthodoxy.com

Orthodoxy wants you to believe that the circle of the earth means it is a round ball. HOGWASH!!!

From His view above it all, it would certainly be round, like looking down on a round coin. The coin is round, and flat. I say the earth is like a pizza, round and flat, except for the mountains of toppings.

Polaris is called the North Star, because it sits in the middle of the round, flat earth sky, and it never moves. It just sits there, every single night of history. Never moving. Stationary.


Georgia- Guidestones View Polaris

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There is a monument in America that 999 out of 1000 Americans have never heard of – the Georgia Guidestones. This monument points directly to Polaris, the North Star (sits directly above the North Pole, direct center of the earth) which NEVER EVER MOVES. For thousands of years Polaris has NEVER MOVED and it never will.

The Georgia Guidestones ARE the least known American monument – hiding in plain sight since 3-22-1980.

One of the many mysteries of the Guidestones is the fact that a hole has been drilled into one of the stones so that every single night of the year, you can look through that hole and see the North Star Polaris – weather and visibility permitting.

We have posted a couple of interesting videos about the Georgia Guidestones – many, many juicy and disturbing details herein:

Ask Jesus to show you personally who He really is to you. Meet Jesus, the Father of your spirit – the REAL YOU!!

Russell Dibird


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