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Videos About The Georgia Guidestones

The Geogia Guidestones haunted those few who knew of them, from 1980 when it was erected, until 2022 when it was knocked down.


Hey internet friends. If you were searching for concrete proof of a new world order orchestrated

by those who live in the shadow, look no further than Elberton, Georgia, where you’ll find

the enigmatic and imposing Georgia Guidestones. Located about an hour outside of Atlanta,

these guidestones and their anonymous author have been the center of fierce debate and

intrigue, with its ten guidelines for humanity—ranging from population control to a one world government—all

inscribed into the pyramid blue granite in four ancient scripts along the capstone, as

well as eight modern languages etched into the granite slabs. However, in this video

I’m going to argue that there’s another language to the Guidestones, partially inscribed in

stone, though primarily composed of many moving parts, but to be decoded in layers by a very

specific audience. Are you that audience, internet friends? Do you like puzzles? Mysteries?

How about jokes? Well, make sure not to take the punchline for granite.

Let’s bust this boogeyman wide open.

The year was 1979. That was the year the world’s first anthrax epidemic occurred in Russia,

Saddam Hussein became president of Iraq, China instituted

its one-child per family policy, and in the small town of Elberton, Georgia, a man who

called himself RC Christian was about to put the granite capitol of the world to work on

their biggest project yet. Mr. Christian approached the president of Elberton Granite Finishing

Company, Joe Fendley, with a seemingly kooky idea for a monument, not to be in memory of

a person or an event, but intended to be a guide for the future, with a Stonehenge-like

configuration of six astronomically-aligned slabs, and the identity of the author of these guides

to remain a mystery forever. As the story goes, Fendley was understandably hesitant;

some guy with an obvious pseudonym showed up in his office with a weird idea and claimed

to be representing a group of likeminded individuals. Fendley

knew this project wouldn’t be cheap, and so Mr. Christian was then introduced to Wyatt

Martin, the president of Granite City Bank and eventual financial intermediary for the

guidestones project. While Mr. Christian explained that he chose his pseudonym because of his

Christian faith, a real name was required to begin financing the project, making Wyatt

Martin the only man involved in the Guidestones to know the true identity of R.C. Christian.

The highest point in Elberton County was selected for the monument: a five-acre plot of farmland

where, after being pulled out of the six-mile-wide quarry and customized to Mr. Christian’s

exact specifications, the six massive pyramid blue granite slabs would eventually rest alongside

the time-capsule buried six-feet under ground. Charlie Clamp, one of the workers who helped

etch Mr. Christian’s ten guides into America’s Stonehenge, went on record saying that he

heard “strange music and disjointed voices” as he carved the guides, an account that Clamp’s

son has been quick to dismiss, stating that those disjointed voices his father heard were

frustrated workers cursing as they chipped away at Elberton’s biggest undertaking. Unveiled

on March 22, 1980, the Guidestones not only featured 10 guides of living in multiple languages,

the majority of which were reportedly translated by the United Nations, but the monument itself

served a guide for multiple purposes, with features that allowed the stones to be utilized

as both a clock and a calendar, as detailed on the explanatory tablet beside the stones,

also including a description of the sponsors, a curious misspelling of pseudonym, and a

bit of a twisted teaser, indicating a time capsule buried on the plot of land, to be

opened at a time that has yet to be specified. The Guidestones have been a point of outrage

ever since their unveiling, due to their support of a one world government, hinting at state-guided

eugenics, and a global language like that which existed under King Nimrod during the

construction of the Tower of Babel. In addition to their controversial message, rumors have

swirled about the sponsors, though reportedly, one of the terms upon the monument’s completion

was that the builders destroyed the letters and records of Mr. Christian, so that no trace

of the sponsors may ever be known. The secrecy has only fueled curiosity and speculation,

and over the decades, fingers were pointed at individuals like media mogul, CNN founder,

and one of North America’s largest land owners, Ted Turner, as well as Scientology founder

L. Ron Hubbard as being responsible for the guidestones. However, as time went on, it

appeared that the Guidestones were very much a work in progress. In 1986, just six years

after the Guidestones were erected, Common Sense Renewed—yet another nod to Deist Thomas

Paine—was published by Robert C. Christian and reportedly distributed to “several thousand

political officials and shapers of public opinion throughout the world. All members

of the United States Congress received copies.” In this text, Mr. Christian addressed “open-minded

citizens” with a series of essays about looking to common sense to find pathways to peace,

claiming the Guidestones were erected to “convey certain ideas across time to others”. His

main focus in Common Sense Renewed was the need to control human reproduction, as he

stated that reproduction should no longer be an exclusively personal matter between

two individuals due to the world’s alleged overpopulation problem. Mr. Christian advocated

eugenics and paraded abortion as an lesser evil option amongst other evils, like unfit

parents bringing a child into the world. Mr. Christian’s philosophy has been criticized

as being in direct conflict with what he claims to be—a Christian.Though, perhaps the United

Nations, who translated Mr. Christian’s guides into multiple languages, was a big fan of

his essays, because in 1992, The United Nations Agenda 21 was signed by the United States.

Agenda 21 is a lengthy document listing goals to be achieved globally and is the global

plan to change the way we “live, eat, learn and communicate”, with a hefty focus on “sustainable

development” in an effort to save the environment. Sustainable development claims to be concerned

with the environment, but there are many indications that it is an agenda to restructure the worlds

governments, making all citizens subject to the global collective.More clues that the

sponsors haven’t abandoned the monument appeared in 2014, when an engraved cube was added to

the Guidestones, acting as a cornerstone to the monument. Not too long after it was added,

it was destroyed by the groundskeeper, with pieces of the cube given to filming bystanders.So,

why did Mr. Christian and his shadowy group of sponsors select Elberton, Georgia as the

monument’s location, and what was their true motivation for this monument? Elbert County

is named after Samuel Elbert, a soldier of the American Revolution, governor of Georgia,

and admitted freemason, serving as both a member and Grand Master at two different masonic

lodges in Georgia. Elberton is located between Dewy Rose and Sandy Cross, Georgia, a hundred

miles from Atlanta, the state capitol located on the 33rd parallel, in the state where the

Federal Reserve came to fruition. The freemason connection doesn’t end there. The monument

was built by admitted freemasons like Joe Fendley and his crew, and the design of the

monument reflects masonic themes, from the astronomical functions, to an emphasis on

numerology, and the featuring of languages closely tied with freemasonry. Modern Freemasonry

evolved from the guilds of stonemasons of the middle ages, is now the largest worldwide

fraternal secret society. It’s been dubbed “zionism for gentiles”, because if you Eliminate

the teachings of Judaism from the Masonic ritual, there’s not a whole lot left. But

more importantly, there is a direct connection between Freemasonry and the ancient Babylonian

mystery religions, from which “the ancient pagan religions of Egypt, Persia, Greece and

Rome eventually developed”. These Freemasons are believers in everything old; they thrive

in secret, studying at invisible colleges behind the scenes of ordinary life, and while

most freemasons are low-level masons who joined for social memberships and brotherhood, the

reality is there are high-ranking masonic officials within every level of government.

They are the hidden masters who translate their philosophy into legislation.

Furthermore, it’s been speculated that the Rosicrucians also had a hand in building the

Georgia Guidestones. Rosicrucianism is a “worldwide brotherhood claiming to possess esoteric

wisdom handed down from ancient times” and is closely linked to freemasonry. Elberton

being located between Dewy Rose and Sandy Cross Georgia, as well as the RC in RC Christian’s

pseudonym, is our hat tip of a clue that Rosicrucians might’ve had a hand in building the Guidestones,

as these hints reflect their rose and cross symbolism. What unites these two secret societies

is their practice of working through both symbol and ritual. Any mention of masonic

or secret societal influence in government or popular culture is typically dismissed

as the ramblings of a crazy conspiracy theorist, but here we have the Guidestones, concrete

proof of their influence and intent.; their symbols glinting back at us from these stones.

Thus, followers of the occult are attracted to this site, much to the displeasure of one

local Elberton minister who expressed fear that cattle or even a person would be sacrificed

on top of the guidestones; his worries predated the actual stain on top of the stones, which

might very well be an intentional splatter of paint or some kind of mildew problem. But

nonetheless, every year, all sorts of occult types visit the granite capitol of the world

to view this monument, which is interesting because granite is magnetic, and occultists

are drawn to this area like they have been to Stonehenge or even the Egyptian pyramids,

fueled by the belief that these sites are connected by ley lines or links between the

aforementioned landmarkers said to contain electromagnetic energy, like landmarks on

an energy highway of sorts. While freemasons did take credit for building the Guidestones,

the documentary, Dark Clouds Over Elberton actually tracked down two individuals whom

they believe were behind the RC Christian pseudonym—the misspelling of which, at least

on the explanatory tablet beside the guidestones, spells out “UNTARNISHED CONSPIRACY”.Obviously—major

spoilers ahead. Discovered through saved letters in banker Wyatt Martin’s old IBM computer

case, filmmakers identified friends Robert Merryman and Dr. Herbert Hinzie Kersten of

Fort Dodge, Iowa, as the sponsors of the guidestones. Robert worked at a publishing company, and

was presumably the individual who published Common Sense Renewed in 1986. Dr. Kersten

(whose last name is German for Christian), was a Catholic medical doctor who was ironically

very passionate about birth control as a means of population control. A bit of digging revealed

that Dr. Kersten was allegedly a eugenicist who wanted to create a measurement tool for

race supremacy. And while that documentary wrapped up the mystery very nicely, what was

most interesting to me about this alleged discovery was not the individuals in question,

but that Fort Dodge, Iowa, where the Cardiff Giant, one of the greatest hoaxes of the 19th

century, was carved from stone—just so happened to be the home of our guide stone boogeyman,

RC Christian. Which brings us to the final part of this video.Have you ever seen a card

trick? The magician relies on audience participation in order for the trick to work, emotionally

captivating the audience with his performance. If the audience learns how the trick is done,

it’s no longer emotionally captivating. The magician has no power. Such is the case with

the Georgia Guidedtones. A mystery holds sway over those who don’t understand it. It doesn’t

matter who built the Georgia Guidestones. There is no Guidestone boogeyman. The punchline

is: American taxpayers fund the Georgia Guidestones. The land that the Guidestones is on is owned

by the government—they want you to talk about the Guidestones boogeyman. This monument

is the work of the same mind control cult who pushes their agenda by means of deception

and distraction: they leave a never-ending trail of bread and circuses for those they

view as human cattle. They’ll be herded into divisive debates over American civil war monuments

being torn down while the Guidestones are left untouched and prodded into discussing

and accepting the depopulation agenda through programming in the form of the latest Marvel’s

Avengers movie.The goal is for cattle will never dream of revolution. The goal is for

the cattle to love their servitude. To tell you how the trick works, to name this secret,

is to destroy it. No dynamite or vandalism necessary. Thank you so much for watching,

internet friends. You know I always look forward to your comments. Please subscribe and consider

supporting my channel on Patreon! Bye! .


the parents do you think oh hey kids get

in the car we’re driving to Georgia

we’re gonna see the granite Museum

Elberton the granny chapels the world

established in 1981 a few months ago we

finally got the chance to stop by the

Georgia Guidestones in Elbert County

Georgia not very far outside of Atlanta

really not as big as I thought it would

be and even though it wasn’t as big as I

had imagined it it was still pretty

overwhelming to see in person after all

the new Ten Commandments and the overall

message towards population reduction in

a new age of reason where humanities and

balance with nature is pretty

overwhelming the first of these

so-called commandments is enough to give

you chills

it reads maintain humanity under 500

million in perpetual balance with nature

and then it talks about guiding

reproduction uniting humanity with a new

living language some of these things on

this list have already happened if you

really think about it because uniting

humanity with a living new language

that’s the Internet and even though

several the messages in the middle

really aren’t as controversial they’re

just kind of general a nice-sounding it

also has a solid eugenics message

talking about guiding reproduction

balancing personal rights with social

duties by which they especially mean

that people cannot reproduce as much as

they want the world population that has

risen geometrically to almost 6 billion

people and could easily exceed 8 billion

searching for a new enemy – – who came

up with the idea that pollution or

global warming water shortages famine

and the like would fit the bill

an alarming and possibly catastrophic

disaster and it closes out with another

chilling line be not a cancer on the

earth leave room for nature leave room

for nature many people outside the

Guidestones monument but there were a

few one lady said to the other did

read the inscription over here it’s not

necessarily a bad thing you can agree

with a lot of things written on there

some of them are very blase by myself

definitely agree that we don’t need

petty officials and petty laws but I

don’t know who could get behind only 500

million people on the planet I would

hate to have it on my conscience to even

suggest much less decide who lives or

dies to wish death upon nine-tenths of

the planet is incredibly bad karma and I

don’t see how you can see that’s

anything but you know that’s enough to

take in especially if it’s the first

time you’ve come across it and Melissa

and I saw it and we looked all around it

but after seeing a video in 2014 about

the new cube that had been put in into

the little bitty slot above the English

tablet it became pretty clear that

there’s some kind of code a coded

message and a puzzle solution to this

bizarre esoteric monument that has not

really been fully appreciated somebody

went to the guy stones and there’s been

a change a new block has been inserted

in the corner this was a picture that

was taken before and you can even see

where the little niche mark was for that

Square to be cut out a lot of people who

did see this cube tried to decipher the

numbers and came up with dates and stuff

it’s good that they tried to decode it

but none of those dates ended up being

of any particular significance but if

you look around at the monument and all

the things that are written and the

tablet that is next to the stones that

supposedly covers up the time capsule

well you’re noticed that they

specifically don’t say when the time

capsule was buried or when it is to be

resurrected and open

well right there could be the

question-and-answer of this unannounced

puzzle one of the conspiracies around

this monument is that once the date is

filled in it’s going to release a bio

weapon that comes from the fact that

it’s very obviously a monument

complaining about overpopulation more

than 30 million people in less than a

year we got the stabilized population on

a voluntary basis everybody in the

world’s got a pledge to themselves one

or two children is it perhaps just

perhaps all the numbers and all the data

needed to solve the puzzle are in place

at this location after all there’s

charts and diagrams explaining the exact

overall height 19 feet 3 inches the

height of the upright stones 16 foot 4

inches the width of the stones 6 foot 6

inches the dimensions of the capstone

which is 1 foot 7 inches tall with a

width of 9 foot 8 inches with a width of

6 foot 6 inches in a length of 9 foot 8

inches as well as the width of the main

upright stones which is also 6 foot 6

inches and so forth on top of that you

have the admitted fact that’s pointed

out in the tablet that the Georgia

Guidestones are in alignment with

several celestial features has the

astronomical features so the channel

through the stone indicates a celestial

pole the horizontal slot indicates the

annual travel of the Sun and the Sun

beam through the capstone marks noontime

throughout the year it’s in alignment

with the 18.6 year lunar declination

cycle and so forth and of course it

features eight languages that have

written out the message in four ancient

languages which are referred to on the

capstone making for a total of 12

languages this is interesting here

the author RC Christian a lot of people

have mentioned and I believe rightly so

that that’s a nod to the Rosicrucians or

the Rosie cross Christian rose and

Kreutz but also they put a pseudonym

they don’t they don’t pay all this money

to erect this thing that’s perfectly

aligned celestially with all this

physical data and spelt something wrong

if you take all of these letters the one

thing I did see that I thought was kind

of interesting it’s an anagram for

untarnished conspiracy what are the odds

of that range is that if this is a

puzzle which it appears to be by use of

the fact that there’s a key then we know

that anagrams are part of it which is a

very Masonic thing because you don’t

spend all this money and effort to erect

this very technically precise and

expensive monument just to make an

obvious misspelling on it and since we

already have this clue of RC Christian a

pseudonym spelled wrong with an N

instead of an M at the end that can be

arranged to spell untarnished conspiracy

it’s a pretty big hint that there may be

some other anagrams either in the

message itself or in the names of the

languages used on the stones and or

having to do with the dates and numbers

given for the physical data of the size

weight dimensions of the Georgia

Guidestones itself somewhere in here

there’s a puzzle people I don’t know if

I’m smart enough to figure it out but

maybe someone out there is or maybe with

the use of a computer they could run

anagram after anagram and number after

number and every conceivable permutation

I don’t know but I’m suspicious that it

could be the case the point is we know

anagrams are part of what has to be used

to solve this very Masonic puzzle and

some people who only want to see on the

surface will say no it’s not a puzzle

it’s not yet another conspiracy buried

within a conspiracy it’s simply a

mysterious monument what the message it

has it has to do with eugenics world

population and breeding but I think

there’s more to it and interestingly

there have been some vandals and

graffiti artists who tried to break open


and reveal the time capsule they didn’t

get far enough to find out what if

anything is there I thought it was

interesting to you that somebody has

actually drawn all over these monuments

and they’ve written things like I am the

light we are all free people aren’t

accepting this yeah somebody try to dig

this up with a tire Jack from their car

basically but there it is

the Georgia Guidestones but if there is

a code maybe it reveals something about

whether or not that’s the actual correct

location how far you have to dig what to

expect or what if anything are the

significance of the missing dates for

placing and opening the time capsule the

whole 2014 affair with this mysterious

cube is just as interesting outwardly an

explanation came forward that it was

just a couple being married and they put

their initials on it and the date of

their marriage and that’s all it was

and they weren’t authorized to do so and

they shouldn’t have and then it was

removed and destroyed but at the same

time it’s very convenient that in this

precisely constructed monument where

there was no room to make mistakes you

keep seeing these conspicuous

misspellings of the word pseudonym a

notch in the top of the pillar where

there’s no notch and the other pillars

what’s the purpose of it is there meant

to be a cube placed in this notch which

contains the solution to the puzzle

which is inherent in this site a puzzle

which seemingly would have to do with

the dates of the time capsule and maybe

something about an important date in the


the only way it really makes sense is as

a possible solution to the mystery of

these stones some kind of puzzle that

has both a numeric and an alphabetic

solution to it it brings to mind another

interesting mystery which still hasn’t

been solved which is openly a cipher

it’s a sculpture called kryptos that was

placed at the headquarters of the CIA in

Langley Virginia and created by the

artist Jim Sanborn unveiled back

November 3rd 1990 so the Georgia

Guidestones is not admittedly a cipher

or a puzzle to crack the code on but

this one is and it’s taking crypto

analysts within the CIA and the NSA as

well as private individuals decades just

to decipher part of it and even though

it’s supposedly just placed there is a

work of art and just for fun and not any

matter of great national importance when

the NSA first crack three out of four of

the messages on this work of art they

classified it and put it in a memo which

has now been Declassified when a guy

from the CIA spent 400 hours from his

lunch hour every day working on it with

pen and paper and then he broke three of

the four it was only published in a

classified internal CIA memo and not

made public enough so that when a

private individual using a Pentium

computer was able to crack part of the

code he didn’t know that anyone else had

actually succeeded in breaking that code

and then at that point people from the

CIA and NSA came forward and took credit

and it’s interesting because they just

Declassified a memo on this CIA crypto

sculpture in 2013 and it reads crypto

sculpture challenge and resolution

information memorandum the crypto

sculpture located at the entrance and in

the courtyard of the new CIA

headquarters consists of a series of

stone pages containing code which begins

as the International Morse and increases

in complexity as the stonework extends

into the courtyard inserted between

these stone pages is a flat copper sheet

engraved with letters and symbols being

ciphered message that is the focus of

the challenge in November a cadre of

crypto analysts assigned to Z group

enthusiastically responded to the

challenge within one month three of the

four cipher systems used to encrypt the

sculptor’s plaintext has been diagnosed

and completely exploited the

cryptography is employed for the

encryption of these three parts involved

two periodic polyalphabetic substitution

ciphers and a keyed columnar

transposition cipher

they say the exploitation of the

sculptor’s first three parts constitutes

a readability of 89% but that final 97


continue to elude solution and that is

still true today

this code still has not been broken in

late 2017 enough so that the author of

the sculpture Jim Sanborn has provided

solutions to two words within those

final 97 characters leaving 86 of the

characters still unsolved and we’ll get

to that in just a second

attached for your review is a brief

description and the plain text arrived

from all their work and deciphering it

so it took professional cryptologists

some time just to break some of the text

and the rest of it remains so far too

hard to crack what they have admitted it

says is between subtle shading and the

absence of light lies the nuance of

illusion it was totally invisible how’s

that possible

they used the Earth’s magnetic field the

information was gathered and transmitted

underground to an unknown location does

Langley know about this they should it’s

buried out there somewhere who knows the

exact location only WW this was his last

transmission 38 degrees 57 minutes 6.5

seconds north 77 minutes 44 seconds west

ID by Rose now they’ve claimed that WW

is William Webster from the CIA

supposedly the only person that Jim

Sanborn told the solution to because

supposedly they wanted to make sure that

his work of art was not going to be

anything embarrassing to the agency it’s

not for instance a solution to the JFK

assassination and these coordinates go

to the CIA headquarters so supposedly

there’s something invisible and

identified in some way by Earth’s

magnetic field

buried under or near CIA headquarters

hmm pretty intriguing and not too much

different from the time capsule buried

at the Georgia Guidestones

the third message of the crypto

sculpture reads slowly desperately

slowly the remains of the passage to

breathe that encumbered the lower part

of the doorway was removed with

trembling hands I made a tiny breach in

the upper left-hand corner and then

widening the hole a little I inserted

the candle and peered in the hot air

escaping from the chamber

caused the flame to flicker but

presently details of the room within

emerged from the mist X can you see

anything q and this was taken from the

writings of Howard Carter who broke into

and explored the tomb of Tutankhamun in

Egypt back in the 30s and so it’s worth

noting that this Jim Sanborn who also

apparently knows codes and some pretty

interesting information apparently has

done a lot of art dealing with magnetism

the Coriolis effect secret messages

mysteries of atomic reactions and that

his father worked at the Library of

Congress so perhaps he’s privy to some

actual secret knowledge nevertheless the

year after the NSA Declassified the

document with their partial solution Jim

Sanborn came forward with new clues in

the crypto sculpture and supposedly he’s

worried that he’s going to die before

anybody can solve it and the first word

that he revealed from these final 97

characters was the word Berlin and so

for years people were thinking this was

the Berlin Wall and perhaps it is but

then in 2014 he revealed a second word

from these remaining 97 letters which is

the word clock and he gave an interview

with Wired magazine explaining that he’s

fascinated with the famous Berlin clock

which is no ordinary clock at all it’s a

set theory clock that has special

mathematical principles it looks like

some kind of mutant traffic light and it

features a yellow light a row of red

lights another row of red lights a row

of smaller yellow lights and then a row

of 4 more yellow lights and it works

like this a lamp at the top of the clock

blinks every two seconds while a row of

red lamps beneath it represents five

hours red lights on a second row to know

one hour each and the time is calculated

based on the number of lights

illuminated so in other words two lamps

on the first line equals ten hours five

plus five and the second line if there

are say three lamps lit equals three

hours so five plus five plus three

equals 13 hours or one p.m. on a 24-hour

clock but apparently this code has so

far been too difficult even

for the CIA or NSA to crack at least as

far as they’ve admitted may have

something to do with this set theory

clock which itself is some kind of

cipher or could be compared to or

equated with the cipher within the text

so who knows how complicated this is to

break they’ve already done everything

with the substitution alphabets and the

other kind of ordinary sophisticated

things that have cracked earlier codes

including the Enigma code in World War 2

well maybe when you apply some kind of

secret about this nobody knows and any

rate I don’t have the solution to the

crypto cipher or to the Georgia

Guidestones but they’re both very

fascinating and I feel the Georgia

Guidestones a particular with its eerie

anti human message its declaration of a

sort of new world order or control over

reproduction and human civilization and

development and use of resources perhaps

has some very important mysteries still

to be revealed

this one isn’t sponsored by the federal

government no one knows the true purpose

or how sinister its unveiling may prove

to be at some point in the future

they’ve portrayed themselves as friendly

and wise guardians of humanity but

perhaps they’re too twisted to see how

dark their own views really are for

ordinary people and humanity the very

idea of reducing the population down to

500 million suggests that more than 90%

of the existing people on this planet

should die or should die out and not be

allowed to reproduce which is pretty

drastic to say the least we took in the

monument and you know we had to move on

down the road like everyone else but I’m

still contemplating what the real

meaning is to this day I guess the point

of the crypto sculpture is that the

final message hasn’t been deciphered and

seemingly couldn’t be deciphered without

knowledge of the Berlin clock and

perhaps some other clues that are buried

within likewise solving the Georgia

Guidestones at least requires decoding

and enough to understand what the

question is that is being posed for

which there’s a solution which could be

a date or some kind of code

that seems to be related to these very

obvious blank spots on the time capsule

and the outlying clue of

misspelled word pseudonym no one would

carve something in stone at great

expense and have a simple typo you

understand it’s revealed to be an

anagram and perhaps there are other

anagrams encoded messages buried within

the text of the guide stones and the

dimensions and factoids that seem to be

thrown in your face when you visit and

read all the inscriptions at this

mysterious and dark monument anybody got

an idea out there

History Has Been Charged Far More Than We Know, NONOrthodoxy

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57 Stolen Bible Keys Restored

Woe to you experts in the law, because you have taken away the keys to understanding.
Luke 11:52

Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.
Mat 7:13-14

Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.
Matthew 18:3

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