by Russell Dibird | Jul 1, 2021 | Pattern Plan
Here is a Trinity scenario that any 5 year old can understand: Jesus’ Father (Melchizedek) begot Jesus, a new spirit being, then Jesus begot Michael, His new son. Now we have 3 generations of family that operate as one, all 3 united in purpose.
by Russell Dibird | Jul 1, 2021 | Jesus' Words
Jesus Had To Disguise That He Was Our Father With Language. When Jesus says “I say the things I hear my Father say”, he was giving us marching orders to say the things that we heard Him, our Father Jesus say, while here on earth.
by Russell Dibird | Jul 1, 2021 | Jesus' Words
Jesus said there are 3 responses to His message, NOT the 2 offered to us of heaven or hell. His 3 options are 30, 60, 100. 30-Fold is coming towards Jesus. 60_Fold has been tested and found worthy of a Holy Seed. 100-Fold is Firstfruits.
by Russell Dibird | Jul 1, 2021 | False Teachers, Mankind Plan, Pattern Plan
Eternal Torment In Hell Doctrine Is Demonic. A loving Father would NEVER, EVER consider inventing a whole new kind of skin, not ever seen before, to allow His precious children, that He gestated and bore, to be tortured mercilessly, time without end. This is the doctine of demons.
by Russell Dibird | Jul 1, 2021 | Pattern Plan
Heaven (and hell) are not end goals, but rather, minute by minute results. The moments of your day, your thoughts and actions, are either worth preserving (heaven – gold, silver, precious stones), or destroying (hell – wood, hay, straw).
by Russell Dibird | Jul 1, 2021 | Jesus' Words, Pattern Plan
Contrary to what Paul wrote, God’s law is still in FULL EFFECT!! Jesus said He did not come to remove the law but to fulfill it. He did this by showing us a life lived in full dominion over His birds/thougts, fish/emotions, beast/body.
by Russell Dibird | Jul 1, 2021 | Jesus' Words, Pattern Plan
Vision of Peter Was About Men, NOT Food. The “vision of Peter” was about whether MEN were clean, or unclean. It NEVER ONCE refers to DIETARY REGULATIONS – they have not changed from the Old Testament. PORK IS STILL UNCLEAN and downright harmful to eat!!
by Russell Dibird | Jul 1, 2021 | Factoid
New Testament Word Grace Means Enablement
by Russell Dibird | Jul 1, 2021 | Pattern Plan
Jesus used the earth’s natural electromagnetism as a modality of healing and general explanation for His unexplainable miracles.
by Russell Dibird | Jul 1, 2021 | Jesus' Words
Cannabis Was Main Anointing Oil Ingredient Used in the Bible. Jesus took on the title of Christ, which means ANNOINTER, then He personally anointed many people, with cannabis compounds. Before Jesus, cannabis was exclusive to rituals performed by the priest class, He brought it to the people.