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History Was Changed Far More Than We Know

We have all heard the phrase History is written by the winners. The hidden part of the story is that the losers are ERASED or ALTERED from history.

Let me prove to you how our world history has been so thoroughly changed in a very short period of time. The LARGEST LANDMASS on earth, that covers 9 time zones, is what today we call Russia. The fact is that the name Russia did not come into use until sometime after 1812. The name of that landmass prior to 1812 is the most amazing discovery you will  make on this earth. It was so special that they had to destroy it’s very name, so that you have probably NEVER HEARD THE WORD/NAME for this most fabulous of all earthly kingdoms. The name of this country was Tartaria.

Hear are a few items of interest about the Tartarians. The most obvious difference was that they stood between 12 and 15 feet tall. Their other reason for needing to be eradicated was that they were masters of pulling electricity right out of the air for free. Everyone in Tartaria always had all the free electricity that they ever needed, and they knew how to stay healthy and heal any problems with ElectroMagnetism. They were very gentle, kind and loving people. They were very spiritually aware people. Salt of the earth.

Vaccine Drives Spirituality Away, NONOrthodoxy

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John 10:10 The thief comes only to steal, and to kill, and to destroy.

That summarizes the spirit of Romanism very concisely: steal, kill, destroy.

I just never forget that it was ROME that burned the great Library of Alexandria in Egypt. THAT is the essence of who these monsters are. THEY HATE MANKIND and are doing EVERTHING THEY CAN DO TO DESTROY IT – AND YOU!!! Rome wants you UNDER their Luciferian ruler of 6 feet. They want you to pay dearly for your energy needs. They want you sick and to die young. They are always at war and hate everybody else. They are spiritually BLIND – not having a spiritual bone in their body. It was predicted in the 1950’s that the vaccines of the future would be able to TURN OFF your ability to think or be spiritual.

Let’s see what else the nasty spirit of Romanism has in mind for mankind.

Videos That Will Change The Way You Look At Things That You’ve Been Taught

Dolly Webber has been gifted with a powerful voice of reason in sorting out history. Here are some of my favorite videos of hers:



Changing the name of God , exposes the suspicious origin of the excuse – the “Tetragrammaton Code” – by which fake names today are vehemently promoted in the “Christian” world. It details facts behind the fake names themselves and clearly presents a warning for all true Christians who use those names. Their origins are not holy and using those names may involve more than you bargained for. Here is even more details behind the real meanings behind the Tetragrammaton for those who push it today.


Did Jesus Authorize You to Call Him “Yeshua?” Answer: NO!Ever heard the argument “there was no J back then”? J was called an “I” until the 1500’s. But the capital I looked like a J, and an “i” when preceding a vowel sounds like “jay”. King James also was sometimes spelled with an I instead of a J. You could kind of say that “I” was comparable to a maiden name for “J”. 

So if you think that all “I”‘s were pronounced “Y”, then guess what other word started with “I” – “Jews”. I guess we should pronounce that “Yews”?

If you still need more evidence that “I” was pronounced as a “J” before a vowel, check out the earliest version of the King “Iames” version “bible”, referencing also “Iesus”. Capital I in these cases was obviously STILL pronounced as we pronounce “Jay” today.

Beware that today’s Judaisers dig deep to try to get you away from the name of Jesus and from Jesus Himself. But Tyndale knew how to properly translate Greek into English and was killed for doing so. The name of the Son of God is JESUS. There is no other name.

Yeshua is Metatron (Not Jesus)!

In the coming days, Christians will be asked to deny the name of Jesus, and many will do that because they believe the lie that “Jesus” isn’t the real name anyway. What will you do?

For the past decade multitudes of professing Christians have joined a bandwagon to change the name of Jesus to Yeshua. It is based on a lie regarding original New Testament documents allegedly that were Hebrew. However history proves that ALL of the original documents were in fact Greek and thus the name that appeared on all 3,500 original manuscripts was “Iesous” or Jesus. Yeshua is a real person who they are finally introducing to you, hoping that you will agree is Jesus. Find out who that person is and evaluate for yourself: does that person look or sound like Jesus to you?

By calling out “Yeshua” you are literally verbalizing an old Yiddish curse used for centuries by the Jews. Those who hate Jesus already know this. Did you?


How did people pronounce the name of Jesus when He was here? Is there any truth to the fact that there was no J sound since the letter J had not been “invented”? (Answer: No!). Where does the name Yeshua come from? Could it even possibly refer to Jesus? (Answer: No!).JESUS THE FAIRY TALE OF THE LETTER J THE MAGIC LANGUAGE AND THE REAL YESHUA

Is the language used by the Jews really Hebrew, or is it a made-up magic language? (Answer: It’s made up, and you will see the proof).

Is there a real Yeshua and what do the Jews believe about him? Should the true Christians be concerned about this? (Answer: Yes).

Not only will you see absolute proof that the rumor going around about the name of Jesus is completely false, but in this video you will see shocking proof of an actual plot behind that rumor – a plot clearly aimed against Christians today just as Christians experienced in the first century.

The Lord led Elizabeth Colizzi to the amazing discovery of those magical amulets – the crowns. She shared this discovery with me so I could include it in this video. She goes into even more detail about the language in this video. I highly recommend Elizabeth C and the truth she presents in this critical last hour. Check out her video for more details concerning the Masoretes and their magic language!    • The Masoretic Text of Your OT Bible i…  .

And for more ASTOUNDING “hidden” facts about their magical language, check out Elizabeth’s last two videos!    • Your OT Bibles Have Been Hijacked By …      • More on the Fake Hebrew Magical Langu…  


So you think the King James Bible is “the Word of God”? His book CONTAINED Words of God (the God of the Bible) but also contained terms which were wrongly inserted at the order of King James, who was a documented homosexual and Freemason. The terms King James ordered to be used in his new translation were Roman Catholic words and concepts which William Tyndale and other Reformers had exposed and rightly discarded from a wonderful English Bible the people already had.


Kings back then used the Bible for power, and so King James wanted to bring back fallacious concepts in order to strengthen his power. Accuracy was the last thing King James wanted for his new “version”. The King James Bible AND King James himself were the reason why Pilgrims escaped to North America. Pilgrims would roll over in their graves if they knew that Christians today practically worship the corrupted version that was forced upon the Pilgrims and which they refused for reasons of righteousness.

If the “god” behind King James and his corrupted version is your god, then you can call it the “word of god”, but that god is NOT the true God of the Bible. You m

ight want to take a closer look at what so many today wrongly call “The Word of God”. 

The video presents hidden but factual information concerning King James, those who assisted in his Bible project, and why it was rejected by discerning Christians at the time. It also provides possible clues concerning current Bible changes that are happening and who may have been at the root of them.



Christians and their absolute tolerance of magic has been heavy on my heart for several years. In this video I present actual evidence to the reality of – the DEMONIC reality of MAGIC, and why no true believer would take magic lightly nor would they tolerate it in any form.

CHRISTIANS THEIR MAGIC FRIENDS CHRISTMAS and THE KING JAMES BIBLEI present more about why Constantine made a deal with the church of Rome to entice Christians to join in a wicked Satanic celebration, adding the so-called birth of Jesus to the 10 PAGAN sons of gods whose virgin births occurred on December 25th.

The holiday would be nothing without magic. Christians should celebrate Jesus every day of the year, and not Jesus in His speechless baby state. Satan is laughing as Christians join the world that even includes unbelieving Jews who celebrate everything BUT Jesus on December 25th.

Magic has truly entered the hearts, minds and families of the majority of professing Christians. The Lord is saying that it is TIME TO RENOUNCE MAGIC IN EVERY FORM. We are at the end of days and the dangers around every Christian are mounting. Our actual physical Bibles are changing but since most professing Christians embrace magic they do not see those changes.


SUPERNATURAL KING JAMES BIBLE CHANGES – FACT, not (Mandela) EFFECT (Video was altered, see below) 

SUPERNATURAL CHANGES TO THE KING JAMES BIBLE? Words too modern to even be possible!



One of the greatest documentaries of our time – MUST WATCH!! RING OF POWER EMPIRE OF THE CITY – Narrated by Dolly Webber

City of London + City of Vatican + City of Columbia (Washington, DC) are the 3 independent states within states which composes the empire of the city. The first is financial control over earth economy, the second is religion control over the earth and the third one is military control over the earth. Together they make the very unholy trinity which forms the Egyptian pyramid that we can see on the back of the privately owned federal reserve note that is used as American dollar to maintain the colony in debt and under the Queen. Many people realize that this mystifying situation, in which an alleged democratic and self-governing nation is actually controlled against the will of the people, is a clear indication that there must be a very powerful and well-financed occult organization which plans and directs world affairs, and for lack of a more specific identification the suspected secret organization is popularly referred to as the International Financiers, Banksters cartel or “The Crown corporation”

The Producer is an experienced, award-winning documentary filmmaker who, as a child, learned that her father was a member of the secretive cult of Freemasonry. She recalls many arguments between her parents over her father’s secret meetings and the exclusion of women from the brotherhood. The Masonic ring that her father wore had been passed down from father to son over the generations. When she asked her father about the meaning of the letter “G” and the compass and square on his ring, she got no response. As an adult, she decided to investigate. That investigation grew into four years of intensive research into the identity and history of the diabolical globalists who she calls the “Ring Of Power”. Their goal is one World Empire and one world ruler.

Jehovah Is LORD Yahweh Is A Devilish Deception

Yahweh false godJehovah is the proper English translation of the Hebrew Tetragrammaton (YHVH). The minions of Satan in the Hebrew Roots (a.k.a. Sacred Name) movement have hoodwinked their followers into using the name Yahweh in place of Jehovah. They ignorantly think that Yahweh is the correct pronunciation of the Hebrew Tetragrammaton (YHVH), rather than Jehovah. They are wrong. Yahweh is a satanic trap set for the unlearned and gullible. It subverts people into worshiping a devil, Yahweh, in place of God Almighty, Jehovah. God’s name is Jehovah, and Yahweh is a heathen tribal god.

James White promotes the Legacy Standard Bible (LSB) as being more accurate than the King James Bible. The LSB replaces God’s name, Jehovah, with the name Yahweh. Using the name Yahweh is not a different way of pronouncing God’s name. It is a replacement of God. Indeed, James White is emphatic that God’s name is NOT Jehovah. He claims that God’s true name is Yahweh, and it is impossible for his name to be Jehovah. “Yahweh is unquestionably the best pronunciation of the Divine name. Jehovah is not even possible.” James White and the LSB have rejected the true God, Jehovah, and replaced him with a heathen tribal god, Yahweh.

John MacArthur, a world-famous preacher and President of the Master’s University and Seminary, announced the publication of the Legacy Standard Bible (LSB) by making particular note of the use of Yahweh in place of Jehovah. MacArthur states that it is of utmost importance that Christians know God’s name. He states that changing Jehovah to Yahweh is one of the principal reasons he considers the LSB “a priceless treasure—an amazing effort.” But he obfuscates what he has actually done. He claims he is more reverent to God by stating his name, which he thinks is Yahweh, instead of the LORD. But he does not reveal that he is changing the name of the eternal God from Jehovah to Yahweh. To understand that, you would have to read Exodus 6:3, Psalms 83:18, Isaiah 12:2, and Isaiah 26:4 in the LSB.

Read more here.

Videos Showing That Yahweh Is A False God.

Yahweh is the Beast https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f0guEC9ciIY

Yahweh is…a DESERT PAGAN God! – Dr. Gene Kim https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BLgshZe4T8w

Revealing LORD Satan https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S7AAIWpPYi4

The Georgia Guidestones PREDICT YOUR MURDER!!!

The Georgia Guidestones ARE the least known American monument.

They are VERY DISTURBING for a large variety of reasons, number one being the first “commandment” engraved on the granite stones: Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.

The current world population will hit 8 billion in the next few years. The Guidestones predicts a population target number of 500 Million, which is a 94% reduction in the world’s population.

Let that sink in.

It reminds me of the line opening the movie Goldfinger. James Bond is CAUGHT and getting ready to be killed when he asks “So now I suppose you want me to confess”, to which the villain says “No, Bond, I WANT YOU TO DIE”!!!

The Romanized New World Order WANTS YOU DEAD AS A HAMMER!!!

As we look at this monument now, we see it for it’s predictive nature, how the New World Order is HIDING IN PLAIN SITE their future PLANS THEY HAVE FOR US.

Another way to view these messages is to look at what they would be saying to post-apocalypse catastrophe survivors. In case of catastrophic flooding it has been suspected the location in the mountains near Atlanta was chosen because this area will remain above sea level. The messages on the monuments give clues that there are buried time capsules and hidden messages – but the time to reveal them is not clearly revealed.

Georgia GuidestonesWikipedia says: “The Georgia Guidestones is a granite monument erected in 1980 in Elbert County, Georgia, in the United States. A set of 10 guidelines [like a new Ten Commandments for a New World Order in which population reduction is central] is inscribed on the structure in eight modern languages, and a shorter message is inscribed at the top of the structure in four ancient language scripts.

This was not a cheap undertaking, but a massively expensive project involving linguists, engineers, and astronomers.

The monument stands at a elevation of 750 feet above sea level, and is about 90 miles east of Atlanta, 45 miles from Athens, and 9 miles north of the center of the city of Elberton.

Georgia Guidestones Population 500 Million

One slab stands in the center, with four arranged around it. A capstone lies on top of the five slabs, which are perfectly astronomically aligned. An additional stone tablet, which is set in the ground a short distance to the west of the structure, provides an overview on the history and purpose of the monument. The structure is oftentimes referred to as the “American Stonehenge”…. There has been controversy around this monument since it was first discovered, due to the anonymity of the owners/authors, and their complete devotion to population control, eugenics, and internationalism – all sound targets of distain by freedom loving people.

That the Georgia Guidestones have generated controversy is an understatement.  The Guidestones were paid for by an anonymous man going by the name “R.C. Christian” which could indicate involvement of the Rosicrucian Society.  On the overview is inscribed: “Author: R.C. Christian (A Psuedonyn)”. Very odd. Pseudonym is spelled wrong (in granite) – with an N instead of an M. We assume, it’s on purpose, with a hidden meaning. The whole line is a perfect anagram for “pure, evil conspiracy”.

Since I like to watch and post informative videos, I’ve been called a “youtube christian”…  haha.. I have posted a couple of excellent videos exposing the Georgia Guidestones here, if you’d like to check them out.

Star Forts And Star Cities

If “vibration” is the behavior of energy, then the earth should exhibit a vibrational signature. The world grid ley lines map shows the pattern of what some call sacred geometry vibrational energy.

Star Forts, 319 In The World, Energy Centers

Click to enlarge, back button to return.

Many ancient cultures built mysterious structures in these specific locations.  We don’t know exactly how they chose some areas to build monuments and buildings. Many of the sacred sites are remote or challenging to navigate the terrain.  So they must have had some compelling reasons to do so. We’ll examine a few of these sites which seem to have something in common.

Over 319 Star Fort’s are listed on Starfort.com. The official narrative is beginning to sound more and more questionable as more evidence and perspective is coming forward. They say that the first Star Forts were built as early as the early 1500’s. This is attributed to the Romanov’s who were conquering vast areas of Tartary. According to these historians, star forts, or bastion forts, were built, as they maximized defensiveness against cannonball impacts and offered better protection and better views of the battlefield for those inside the fort. That sounds like a fairy tale, once you look into what these things are really about.

It appears as if the Tartarians created Star Forts and Star Cities as a vibrational frequency eco-system, built on earth lay line energy points. The flow of energy would provide a sense of peace, joy and harmony within the community. The Star Cities are a self-contained environmental communities for the benefit and good living of its inhabitants. Star Forts are structures that were designed and built with sacred geometric patterns that represents the cosmos metaphysically or symbolically. They appear to be a microcosm of the universe. More evidence of our very mysterious past.

Learn more here about Star Forts and Star Cities.

The Great Pyramids of Gizeh in Egypt ARE In The Bible

Egypt’s Great Pyramids of Giza

Click To Enlarge

Isa 19:19 In that day there will be an altar to the Lord in the heart of Egypt, and a monument to the Lord at its border. 20 It will be a sign and witness to the Lord Almighty in the land of Egypt.

Jer 32:20 You performed signs and wonders in Egypt and have continued them to this day, in Israel and among all mankind, and have gained the renown that is still yours.

Still one of the largest pieces of architecture ever constructed, the Great Pyramid has long been the subject of wonder as to when it was built, by whom, and most importantly, why. The conventional explanation is that it was built during the reign of the Pharaoh Khufu by skilled Egyptian laborers as a funerary monument. In the 19th century, in the absence of hard information other than detailed studies of its dimensions, a whole class of speculation grew up which has been called ‘pyramidology.’ The pyramidologists came to believe that the Great Pyramid encoded advanced knowledge of the physical universe, and the course of human history.

This book, Miracle In Stone, by Dr Joseph A. Seiss is one of the primary texts of pyramidology. It is presented here in it’s complete form. It is an amazing compilation, written from a set of lectures, about the Great Pyramids and the Bible. It was written in 1877 by the same man who wrote about the two separate raptures.


The Great Reset Mudfloods of 1812

Around 1812 God opened up the flood gates of rain and saturated the earth with so much water that turned to mud and then began to shift around and bury a great deal of what had been here previously.

Mudflood Evidence Right Under Our FeetThis section of history is a complete diversion and now being pieced together with photographic evidence of buildings having 2, 3 or more lower floors completely engulfed by mud, after which the buildings were simply remade with a new “street level”, the previous 2nd or 3rd or 4th floor.

Untold numbers of old buildings, all across the world are known to have their bottom floors encased in dirt. It appears as if the whole world was suddenly covered with a layer of mud from a flow that goes up to several stories high and in some cases even completely engulfing buildings in the mud.

There is tons of evidence coming out now that buildings that are only a few hundred years old, had their lower levels buried in mud. The windows and doors of the upper floors of buildings are quite often found to be at ground level and occasionally even found to be completely buried underneath the surface of the mud that covered the entire area.

Learn more here.

California Used To Be An Island

Island of California“California was named for a fantasy island as imagined by Garci Rodriquez de Montalvo in one of his novels of chivalry, Las Sergas de Esplandián (The Deeds of the Esplandián), first published in 1510.”

Every single ancient photo of the west coast of North America shows California as a separate island off the coast of the mainland.

California seems to have since its earliest days been thought of as a place of mystery named as it was for the Queen Calafia who ruled the island with female Amazon warriors. This mythology was not borne out on maps printed contemporaneously. Gerard Mercator in 1538, Abraham Ortelius in 1570 (seen below from the California An Island Map Collection Sanford Library) , and Cornelis Van Wytfliet in 1597 show California as a peninsula. This was about to change—in 1602, the viceroy of New Spain, Gaspar de Zúñiga y Acevedo, conde de Monterey, appointed Sebastián Vizcaíno, a merchant, to head a new expedition that would examine the California coast and make new maps. Vizcaíno made several voyages up the coast of California and met with mixed success. In 1611 he moved from his current charge of exploring the California coast to a post in Japan, marking the end of systematic exploration of the coast which lasted for 150 years until 1769.


America Before 1900 Is Unrecognizable and Illogical 

CHILAGA / Chicago COVERUP in 1890s Newspaper ArticlePlease stop for you quick moment, sit back, and ask yourself this one, simple question.

What would Chicago Illinois look like in the year 1893?

PLEASE, THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT that you imagine and solidify your idea of what Chicago would have looked like in 1893?

Once you have your image of Chicago, 1893 in mind, click here (opens in a new tab) to see what Chicago REALLY looked like in 1893. This is a quick 10 minute video that gives us a bit of background to the truth of the situation. Once you learn that Chicago was previously known as CHILAGA on ancient maps, you can never un-learn it.

Now watch as Gene Wilder narrates an amazing 2 hour movie of watercolor tour of the 1893 Chicago World’s Fair: Expo Magic of the White City Narrated by Gene Wilder 1893 Chicago World’s Fair Full Movie

It now appears that there was a thriving civilization here in North America BEFORE WE GOT HERE. And that the “World’s Fairs” were staged so they could have an excuse to TEAR THEM DOWN. The excuse being that “we just built them to be temporary”.

Now let’s take a look at a video of an accumulation of images in and around Los Angeles California, during the 1800’s. I think that you will agree that these images generally CAUSE more questions than they answer. Mostly empty streets with huge, ornate buildings, in a time of ox and cart. Things just don’t add up as they have been presented to us in the official historical narratives.

The Tartarians Were Already Here!!! Churches, cathedrals, mosques, and other buildings of worship were originally built by them. They usually had unique features like they were aetheric power stations, water stations, and sound resonating acoustical healing centers. Many buildings now used by governments, museums and religionists use as places of worship in our present day originally functioned as unknown uses when first built by the Tartarian Empire.

Tartarian buildings are more similar in function to pyramids and temples found across the world than what we are lead to believe by mainstream peer reviewed science. Through ingenious engineering, intricate architecture, and advanced technology, the Tartarians transformed the earth into a circuit board powered by the aether. Just like the ancients did with the pyramids and temples.

The crosses on top of Tartarian buildings were used as aetheric electrical antennas which were connected to the rebar embedded throughout the building’s structure. There is more about these buildings that we don’t know, than what we do.



Flat Earth – the 800 Pound Guerilla In The Room

Horizon always rises to the level of your eyes

Click to enlarge

Every nation and and culture on earth new that the earth was a flat surface, covered by a dome, and not moving. It took the Catholic church and it’s factory of lies and disinformation, to topple generations of witnessed wisdom. The Catholics, and their army of miseducation Jesuits, keep this lie running along as the main stream narrative. The

Is the earth a round spinning ball, or a flat and motionless plain?

What about all the movement we see in the sky?

More on Flat Earth in general, and utter fraud and fakeness that IS NASA specifically



Antartic Region Filled With Anomaly’s

Antartic Anomoly machine exposed iceOn Google Earth an image surfaced of a strange metallic machine technology of some sort, buried partially beneath the ice of Bristol Island, South Sandwich Islands, Antarctica. In the following video clip from January 31, 2013 you can see where the image was found, as Google Earth has since removed the image as part of their flat Earth censorship campaign.

Watch the video on how and where this was found using Google Earth here.

Today’s “Jews” Are NOT Hebrew, But Instead Ashkenazi Europeans

This is a HUGE topic, so I created this whole page on the subject of Today’s Jews Are NOT Hebrew, But Instead Are Ashkenazi Europeans. This topic dovetails into the fact that the Rothschild Dynasty stole Palestine and then misnamed it intentionally.

They Added An Extra 1000 Years To Our Calendar

Most ancient paintings, when they displayed the date, did NOT begin the year with the number 1, but rather they begin with a small letter i (I). It appears as if they stuffed an extra thousand years onto our calendars.

Read more here.

This is JUST THE TIP OF THE ICEBERG of our history, and our minds, being changed.

Interesting factoid:  The definition of the word GOVERNMENT:

Ment = Mental or Mind AND Govern = To Control THERFORE Govern-Ment EQUALS Mind Control. In the words of George Carlin: “I have certain rules I live by… My first rule, I don’t believe ANYTHING the Government tells me”. Wise advice.

Much love always, brothers and sisters in your continued quest to find everything that Daddy Jesus has in store for you 🙂

Russell Dibird

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