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Jesus And Apostles’ Multiple Warnings About Paul’s False Teachings

I Think Paul Gave It His Best Shot. He Did As Good As He Could, Considering His Polluted Lineage, Damaged Corrupted Tree, And Confused Self Image.

Paul had NO IDEA that he was being “set-up” to be THE Anti-Christ!!!

I think that Paul did his level best to further the healing power and good news about Jesus. The problem is that Paul was already so deeply flawed, and totally engulfed in darkness, that there was NO WAY he could span that gulf, that quickly. Paul was cleverly used by Lucifer to get a second jesus, a hip new jesus inserted in between the covers of what we know as The Bible.

I acknowledge that for a serious Christian, this is probably the most outlandish thing you have ever heard. I challenge you to ask, seek and knock, to see if these things are true, or not. I challenge you to prove me wrong.

When you are born and raised in levels upon layers of of a family full of demons, going back generations, there is a foundational problem.

When the very foundation of the existence you are born into (Paul was the Son of the Herod who killed John the Baptists and Jesus) has to do with the murder and subjugation of other human beings, there is a spiritual problem.

Paul was born into, and deeply entrenched into the Babylon Mystery Religion, the direct predecessor to modern Freemasonry. His household growing up was a hub of the elite from all over the world. He would have been exposed to every kind of religion and belief system imaginable. Did you ever wonder how it was that Paul got audiences with high and mighty, secular men of his time – rulers and leaders? Because they all knew him since he was a toddler. He grew up sitting on their laps. So youngster Apollonius of Tyana grew up, found a new calling, starting a new religion, christianity, and he wanted to share it with his old family friends.

His day to day schooling would have included the most exclusive teachers, tutors, and wizards of all sort. Learning the Torah was probably not one of the subjects he was taught. He learned a mysterious gnostic belief, and became a very high ranking member in that organization.

When the demon that knocked him off his horse announced that “I am Jesus”, Paul never questioned him. He went along with the charade.

Paul was simply too far gone, too deeply emerged, body, mild, soul, spirit, into the dark side, to become a truly holy man of God in a few short years.

This same demon continued to mentor Paul, all alone much of the time, to give him “the new gospel” to proclaim. This was the beginning of the gnostic “self realization” that would define Paul’s life, teachings and writings. Yes, THIS new gospel that Paul proclaims:

Now, brothers and sisters, I want to remind you of the gospel I preached to you, which you received and on which you have taken your stand. By this gospel you are saved, if you hold firmly to the word I preached to you. 1 Cor 15:1,2

One thing that you will notice about Paul’s writings is that he gets very loosey-goosey with truth and details. Below you will find our list of 40+ things that Jesus said that Paul directly contradicts, usually with the exact opposite.

Here is a reasonably short and detailed description of how we know that Paul is the son of Herod Antipas (and his only fan Timothy was actually his nephew, named Herod, after his father).

The Real Paul of Royal Descent - The Son of Herod Antipas

The Real Paul of Royal Descent – The Son of Herod Antipas

Pauls Father Herod Antipas Murdered John and Jesus, NONOrthodoxy

Herod Antipas (ruled 4 B.C.-A.D. 39) Jesus called him “the Fox” (Luke 13:32). Received a quarter of his father’s territory (Galilee and Perea). Divorced his first wife and married Herodias, the wife of his brother (who was yet a different “Herod”).

He killed John the Baptist.

Pontius Pilate sent Jesus to see this Herod as part of Jesus’ trial since this Herod was visiting Jerusalem at the time Jesus was sentenced to death. Did you know that Pilate and Herod Antipas became friends that day (Luke 23:12)?

Paul was the Son of Herod Antipas and his first wife Phasaelis, step-brother of Salome, daughter of Herodias. Acts 23:16 mentions “Paul’s sister’s son” and here Luke slips up and reveals that Paul Saul is not a Jew but St. Paul is a Herodian!

Paul was deceptive when he claims: “Are they Hebrews? So am I. Are they Israelites? So am I. Are they offspring of Abraham? So am I.”(2Corinthians 11:22)

“I am a Pharisee, the son of Pharisees.” (Acts 23:6) “Circumcised the eighth day, of the nation of Israel, of the tribe of Benjamin, a Hebrew of Hebrews; as to the Law, a Pharisee;” (Philippians 3-5)

“My manner of life from my youth, spent from the beginning among my own nation and at Jerusalem (Qumran), is known by all the Jews. They have known for a long time, if they are willing to testify, that according to the strictest party of our religion I have lived as a Pharisee.” (Acts 26:4)

“I advanced in Judaism beyond many among my people of the same age, for I was far more zealous for the traditions of my ancestors”. (Galatians 1:14)

“I indeed, am a man, a Jew, having been born in Tarsus of Cilicia, and brought up in this city at the feet of Gamaliel, having been trained up a child, according to the exactitude of a law of the fathers, being zealous of God, as all you are to-day.” (Acts 22:3)

“Paul said to the centurion who was standing by, “Is it lawful for you to flog a man who is a Roman citizen and uncondemned?” When the centurion heard this, he went to the tribune and said to him, “What are you about to do? For this man is a Roman citizen.” So the tribune came and said to him, “Tell me, are you a Roman citizen?” And he said, ‘Yes.’” (Acts 22:25-27)

Inductive reasoning shows that the sister in “Paul’s sister’s son” Acts 23:16 would have to be his step-sister Salome, the daughter of Herodias, the wife of Herod Antipas.

This implies that Paul is a Herodian, the son of Herod Antipas and his first wife Phasaelis who was the daughter of King Aretas IV of the Nabataeans and his queen Chuldu. Herod’s first marriage had been prearranged by Herod the Great to preserve peace with King Aretas IV. (Herod the Great’s mother was a Nabataean.) When Herod Antipas divorced Phasaelis to marry Herodias, John the Baptist opposed him, which lead to his beheading, and it caused a war with the Nabataeans that Herod Antipas lost. It is for this reason that Paul’s ancestry was concealed.

The son in “Paul’s sister’s son” Acts 23:16 would be Timothy (Herod, son of Aristobulus and Salome, the daughter of Herodias) who was made the crown prince of Agrippa II who was childless. His presence is likely because his brother is present: Paul is accused of taking Trophimus (Aristobulus, the brother of Timothy) into the Temple in Acts 21:28-29.

Paul’s relationship is further supported by Romans 16:13:

Greet Rufus (Thomas: Esau had red hair), eminent in the Lord, also his mother (Mariamne II) and mine (Herodias, step-mother).
Salome’s natural father is Herod Thomas and thus would be Paul’s step-uncle. (Herod Thomas is nicknamed Rufus because his father Herod the Great deprived him of his birthright when his mother Mariamme II, daughter of the High Priest Simon Boethus, was found to know of a plot to poison Herod the Great. (Herod Thomas was Rufus because he was like the red haired Esau who was deprived of his inheritance by Jacob.) “Chosen in the Lord” refers to the fact that he is Jesus’ disciple Thomas.) Herod Thomas’ mother Mariamme II would be Paul’s step-grandmother, however it is more likely that Paul is saying that Herodias, being Herod Thomas’ wife, has the role of mother to Salome and therefore also as step-mother to Paul. Romans16:13

Paul’s relationship is also supported by the verses above in Romans 16:10b-11:

“Greet those who belong to the family of Aristobulus. Greet my kinsman (the) Herodian.” Salome’s husband is Aristobulus and is therefore Paul’s step-brother-in-law and they are all Herodians as Aristobulus is the son of Herod of Chalcis, the natural brother of Herodias, both having the same father Aristobulus, who was murdered by his father Herod the Great. This murdered Aristobulus was married to Bernice daughter of Salome, the sister of Herod the Great. (Herod Antipas was step-brother to this murdered Aristobulus as he was the son Herod the Great and his Samaritan wife Malthace.)

Salome’s three sons with Aristobulus were Herod, Agrippa, and Aristobulus; their Christian names were Timothy, Tychicus, and Trophimus. These would be Paul’s nephews since he is the step-brother of Salome, since she is the step-daughter of Herod Antipas.These three nephews of Paul are shown together in Acts 20:4: “He (Paul) was accompanied by … Timothy also, and Tychicus and Trophimus from the province of Asia.” Paul’s association and love for Timothy is not surprising as Timothy would be his nephew.

Paul (Saul) heritage would be 1/8 Edomite (forcibly converted to Judaism by John Hyrcanus c. 125 BC) from his great grandfather Antipater + 1/8 Nabatean-Arab from his great grandmother Cypros + 1/4 Samaritan (resettled by Sargon II king of the Assyrians) from his grandmother Malthace, wife of Herod the Great) + 1/2 Nabatean-Arab from mother Phasaelis, Herod Antipas’ wife. (Paul would have been circumcised to emphasize Jewish heritage and be able to claim that he was from the tribe of Benjamin from his Samaritan grandmother, but certainly not a pure Jew.)

So the truth is now out there and it explains many things such as the Jews adamantly opposing Paul and how he was escorted to Caesarea with a detachment of two hundred soldiers, seventy horsemen and two hundred spearmen (Acts 23:23) and why he was beheaded by Nero as opposed to Peter who was crucified. It also explains why Jesus’ Church was absorbed by the Herodian Church with Paul’s letters becoming paramount in its development.

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Paul Was Chosen, From The Foundations of the Earth, To Lead The Controlled Opposition Against The Fledgling Church

Paul’s new “guide” (who spoke to him directly after being knocked off the horse) let him in on an inside secret, and the reason why Paul was recruited into this position in the first place:

None of the rulers of this age understood it, for if they had, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory. 1 Cor 2:8

But hindsight is always 20/20…

Now the “rulers of this age” realized that they better get busy reversing the damage they had caused. But busy doing what?

What threatened governments ALWAYS do – they set up a CONTROLLED OPPOSITION.

In todays terminology we would call Paul a DISINFORMATION AGENT for the CONTROLLED OPPOSITION.

Definition of Controlled Opposition and Misinformation Agent

Definition of Controlled Opposition and Misinformation Agent

A controlled opposition is a protest movement that is actually being led by government agents. Nearly all governments in history have employed this technique to trick and subdue their adversaries. Notably Vladimir Lenin who said ””The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves.”

Use in a sentence:  Count Mirabeau was part of the controlled opposition, because although everyone thought he was supporting the revolution, in reality he supported the monarchy and was a personal friend of the king. He was a government agent.

What is a disinformation agent?

Disinformation is false or inaccurate information that is spread deliberately. It may include the distribution of forged documents, manuscripts, and photographs, or spreading malicious rumors and fabricated intelligence. Disinformation should not be confused with misinformation, information that is unintentionally false.

In espionage or military intelligence, disinformation is the deliberate spreading of false information to mislead an enemy as to one’s position or course of action. In politics, disinformation is the deliberate attempt to deflect voter support of an opponent, disseminating false statements of innuendo based on the candidates vulnerabilities as revealed by opposition research. In both cases, it also includes the distortion of true information in such a way as to render it useless.
Disinformation techniques may also be found in commerce and government, used to try to undermine the position of a competitor. It is an act of deception and blatant false statements to convince someone of an untruth.

Unlike traditional propaganda and Big Lie techniques designed to engage emotional support, disinformation is designed to manipulate the audience at the rational level by either discrediting conflicting information or supporting false conclusions.

Another technique of concealing facts, or censorship, is also used if the group can effect such control. When channels of information cannot be completely closed, they can be rendered useless by filling them with disinformation, effectively lowering their signal-to-noise ratio and discrediting the opposition by association with a lot of easily-disproved false claims.

A common disinformation tactic is to mix some truth and observation with false conclusions and lies, or to reveal part of the truth while presenting it as the whole.

Again here

As mentioned previously, Paul was already well trained for this sort of subversive occupation. His background in government and religions made him the perfectly trained candidate. Here is where Paul states his rank:

By the grace God has given me, I laid a foundation as a MASTERBUILDER, and someone else is building on it. But each one should build with care. 1 Cor 3:10

Here is what today’s Freemasons say about their MasterBuilder position.

When Paul was out murdering Christians, he had the full blessing of his murderous father, who had previously killed John and Jesus. He might have been COMMISSIONED to kill them, and perhaps being rewarded for his efforts.

Taking a look at his meeting with “the Jesus of Damascus” we see Paul asking “who are you?” the demon lied and said “I am JESUS, whom you are persecuting”. Paul believed him and changed the course of his life forever with this new commissioning.

What Paul did not realize was that he was being recruited to be the ANTI-Jesus-CHRIST and to LEAD the Anti-Christ movement. Lucifer knew he had made a mistake by having Jesus killed, so he had to reverse the Jesus-momentum as soon as possible – no time to waste. They picked this murderous, demon filled man to lead their resistance.

The rest of this post will be showing you the results of this devilish arrangement.

How well has the Controlled Opposition plan worked out for them so far?

From the Concordant Literal, Jesus said: at the coming of the Son of Mankind, will He be finding the faith on the earth? Luke 18:8

Let that sink in for a minute. Will Jesus find THE Faith (that He left behind).

But while everyone was sleeping, his enemy came and sowed weeds among the wheat, and went away. Mat 13:25

Paul’s assignment was to live a life in the fashion of a follower of the real Jesus. Along the way he would be spoon fed mis-directions from the true gospel, which he was to carefully document into his “letters”. The end goal of this life, this MISSION, was to get his Anti-Christ writing INCLUDED inside the cover of the Holy Bible. THAT is where the battle rages, inside your Bible between Paul and all the rest.

Please take a minute and read the article in this post about Pharaoh’s vision of the 7 Fat Cows and the 7 Skinny Cows, and the 7 Fat Wheat and the 7 Skinny Wheat. It shows a clear picture of where we are today, all due to Paul’s writings.

The purpose of this website is to attempt to procure the good, true wheat, and to find the lost Keys of Understanding (Luke 11:52) that have been hidden down through the ages.

Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. 8 For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened. Mat 7:7


Now Who’s Your Daddy?

Both Jesus AND Paul Lay Claim To You As You Father. The Bible calls Jesus our “Everlasting Father”

Isa 9:6 For to us a child is born,
to us a son is given,
And he will be called
Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God,
Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.

Mat 23:9 Do not call anyone on earth ‘father,’ for you have one Father, and he is in heaven.

However, Paul calls HIMSELF OUR FATHER!!!

Even if you had ten thousand guardians in Christ, you do not have many fathers, for in Christ Jesus I became your father through the gospel. 1 Cor 4:15

The way our current Bible is constructed, the Lord allowed his opposite to be placed inside the cover of His Holy Word AS A TEST!!! WHO ARE YOU GOING TO CHOOSE, Jesus or Paul???

Choose you this day whom you will serve. Joshua 24:15

Everything About Paul Was Repulsive And Foreign To What The Real Apostles Learned From Jesus In Person

Paul was very different from the other apostles, he was from a whole different world.

100+ Articles, Videos and Thought Provoking Memes Exposing Paul At Least A False Teacher, At Worse, The Anti-Christ.


25 Historical Proofs The 12 Apostles Utterly Rejected Paul As An Anti-Christ Apostate

25 Historical Proofs The 12 Apostles Utterly Rejected Paul As An Anti-Christ Apostate

25 Historical Proofs The 12 Apostles Utterly Rejected Paul As An Anti-Christ Apostate, NONOrthodoxy.com​CLAIM: “Surely, the apostles would have caught on to these details [i.e., the claims that Jesus spoke against Paul in Revelation 2; in Matthew 5:17 and Matthew 24:4-5, 24-27] or why would God allow Paul’s writings to be a part of what is known to be the Bible for about centuries. ”

Here is my reply.

25 Point Reply Proving Apostles Rejected Paul

However, the apostles did catch on — a fact that the “Jesus of Damascus” tried to delay taking place as long as possible. The earliest church that traces to the 12 apostles known as the Ebion — the Poor — did exclude Paul from canon — a well-known fact that is generally ignored. Here are 12 proofs:

1. After the Jesus of Damascus visited Paul on a road outside Damascus, Paul rushed to Jerusalem to see the 12 Apostles to tell them what happened. However, the Jesus of Damascus told Paul in a trance at the Temple that the 12 apostles will not believe he met the true Jesus, and this “Jesus” told Paul to leave Jerusalem without meeting them for that reason. See Acts 22:14-22.

Importantly, ask yourself why could the Jesus of Damascus not simply have appeared to the twelve as he did to Paul and convince them Paul met the true Jesus? Why did this “Jesus” know the twelve would think Paul did not meet the true Jesus? Once you have this question in mind then all the subsequent proof of the twelve’s ultimate rejection that Paul was in valid prophetic contact with the true Jesus makes sense. Even Paul’s Jesus predicted this yet Paul’s Jesus felt incapable to intervene to change their minds. Then who do you think was this so-called Jesus whom Paul met outside Damascus?

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27 Reason Why You Should Dump Paul

27 Reason Why You Should Dump Paul

27 Reason Why You Should Dump Paul

By Alex Bolt

James rejected Paul:
James 3:8-13 is a rebuke to Galatians 1:3-9
James 3:13-18 is a rebuke to Galatians 2:4-11
James 2:14-26 is a rebuke to Galatians 3:5-12
James 4:11-12 is a rebuke to Galatians 2:11-14
James 1:13-18 is a rebuke to Romans 7:7-11

John warned against Paul:
1 John 4:2-3 is a direct rebuke to Romans 8:3, in that Paul said that messiah came in the LIKENESS of flesh, and not in flesh itself. He clearly identified Paul as a false prophet in these verses.

Peter was against Paul:
His epistle to James (1 Peter and 2 Peter were not written by Peter):
In order, therefore, that the like may also happen to those among us as to these Seventy, give the books of my preachings to our brethren, with the like mystery of initiation, that they may indoctrinate those who wish to take part in teaching; for if it be not so done, our word of truth will be rent into many opinions. And this I know, not as being a prophet, but as already seeing the beginning of this very evil. For some from among the Gentiles have rejected my legal preaching, attaching themselves to certain lawless and trifling preaching of the man who is my enemy. And these things some have attempted while I am still alive, to transform my words by certain various interpretations, in order to the dissolution of the law; as though I also myself were of such a mind, but did not freely proclaim it, which God forbid! For such a thing were to act in opposition to the law of God which was spoken by Moses, and was borne witness to by our Lord in respect of its eternal continuance; for thus he spoke: The heavens and the earth shall pass away, but one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law. And this He has said, that all things might come to pass. But these men, professing, I know not how, to know my mind, undertake to explain my words, which they have heard of me, more intelligently than I who spoke them, telling their catechumens that this is my meaning, which indeed I never thought of. But if, while I am still alive, they dare thus to misrepresent me, how much more will those who shall come after me dare to do so!
Peter explains to Clement that Paul’s accusations in Galatians 2 against him were false:
Galatians 2: 11 But when Peter was come to Antioch, I withstood him to the face, because he was to be blamed. 12 For before that certain came from James, he did eat with the Gentiles: but when they were come, he withdrew and separated himself, fearing them which were of the circumcision. 13 And the other Jews dissembled likewise with him; insomuch that Barnabas also was carried away with their dissimulation. 14 But when I saw that they walked not uprightly according to the truth of the gospel, I said unto Peter before them all, If thou, being a Jew, livest after the manner of Gentiles, and not as do the Jews, why compellest thou the Gentiles to live as do the Jews?
Recognitions of Clement Chapter LXXI: Separation from the Unclean
But Kefa, most benignantly regarding me, lest that separation might cause me sorrow, says to me: “It is not from pride, O Clement, that I do not eat with those who have not yet been purified; but I fear I might injure myself, and do no good to them. For this I would have you know for certain, that everyone who has at any time worshipped idols, and has adored those whom the pagans call elohim, or has eaten of the things sacrificed to them, is not without an unclean spirit; for he has become a guest of demons, and has been partaker with that demon of which he has formed the image in his mind, either through fear or love. And by these means he is not free from an unclean spirit, and therefore needs the purification of baptism, that the unclean spirit may go out of him, which has made its abode in the inmost affections of his spirit, and what is worse, gives no indication that it lurks within, for fear it should be exposed and expelled.”

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1 Corinthians 9 Paul’s Missionary Deception

1 Corinthians 9 Paul’s Missionary Deception

Kaleef K. Karim

1 Corinthians 9 Paul’s Missionary Deception​Paul admits during his ministry, preaching his Paulinism (Christianity of today), he falsely acted in order to draw people to his faith. In the following passage he openly confesses that he used deception for conversion:

“Though I am free and belong to no one, I have made myself a slave to everyone, to win as many as possible. To the Jews I became like a Jew, to win the Jews. To those under the law I became like one under the law (though I myself am not under the law), so as to win those under the law. To those not having the law I became like one not having the law (though I am not free from God’s law but am under Christ’s law), so as to win those not having the law. To the weak I became weak, to win the weak. I have become all things to all people so that by all possible means I might save some. I do it all for the sake of the gospel, that I may share with them in its blessings.” – 1 Corinthians 9:19-23

Paul is confesses here that he acted as a Jew in order to convert them to his faith. He even acted as a pagan so that he can lure them to his religion. The above verse shows that Paul would go in great lengths to spread his religion by deception. Let’s see now what the experts have to say on the above passage.

Loyal D. Rue who is a Professor of religion and Philosophy at Luther college, comments on the passage, he writes:

“In the Christian tradition there is very early precedent for the use of deceptive means for evangelistic purposes. St. Paul himself makes a remarkable admission of his chameleon-like behaviour in the winning converts. Like the consummate used-car salesman, Paul pretends to share the concerns of his immediate audience in order to manipulate them into submitting to his Gospel: “Though I am free and belong to no one, I have made myself a slave to everyone, to win as many as possible. To the Jews I became like a Jew, to win the Jews. To those under the law I became like one under the law (though I myself am not under the law), so as to win those under the law. To those not having the law I became like one not having the law (though I am not free from God’s law but am under Christ’s law), so as to win those not having the law. To the weak I became weak, to win the weak. I have become all things to all people so that by all possible means I might save some.” [1]

In the Book “Shell Games: Studies in Scams, Frauds, and Deceits (1300-1650)” Richard Raiswell says that deception is endorsed in the Bible if it is for just cause:

“In his letter to the Corinthians, Paul describes how he deliberately masqueraded in false colours in order to advance the cause of the faith:

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The Antichrist paulHe was AN antichrist, no doubt.

For those of you who DOUBT that Paul was a false apostle,
please pray for wisdom and read the following text. If you
can explain away all of these facts, you are either blind, or
completely given over to your own delusion and deception.

Who are you going to believe….Paul…..or…..Christ?

This is something that was shown to me by the Spirit of God over 20 years ago, and those who are willing to be intellectually and biblically honest will at least prayerfully study this subject and let the Scriptures explain the Scriptures through the Spirit of God. I know others will have the knee-jerk reaction and will post on the subject in the same fashion.

Paul is a FALSE APOSTLE. His writings, along with the 325 Council of Nicea have led most “christians” into the abyss through division, half-truths, bad doctrine, false teachings, and the flat out heresy of teaching the doctrine of Balaam. Don’t believe it?

Brethren, as Isaiah once said, “Come, let us reason together”……

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Blame Everything On Adam Then Connect Adam to Jesus

Blame Everything On Adam Then Connect Adam to Jesus

Blame Everything On Adam Then Connect Adam to JesusAnother Doctrine of Demons taught exclusively by Paul to bring down Jesus and raise Paul, and “his gospel” up.

Romans 5:14 Nevertheless death reigned from Adam until Moses, even over those who had not sinned in the likeness of the offense of Adam, who is a type of Him who was to come.

1 Corinthians 15:45 So also it is written, “The first man, Adam, became a living soul.” The last Adam became a life-giving spirit.

1 Corinthians 15:46 However, the spiritual is not first, but the natural; then the spiritual.

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Deciding what is "canon". The "Bible" is NOT inerrant. It is a collection of books, largely chosen by cronies of the Roman Emperor and the corrupt Catholic Church

Deciding what is “canon”. The “Bible” is NOT inerrant. It is a collection of books, largely chosen by cronies of the Roman Emperor and the corrupt Catholic Church

Council of Nicea. Deciding what is One of the most popular arguments of those who defend Saul of Tarsus is to claim that the book we call “The Bible” is “inerrant” — not corrupted in any way, with every word being the 100% revealed word from the Most High.

But is that really true?  It is absolutely true that any words spoken by the Heavenly Father or Messiah are 100% truthful and inerrant.  The question, therefore, is whether all of the words recorded in the book we call “The Bible” actually came from the Most High.

First, one must recognize that there are many different “Bibles”.  Roman Catholic and Protestant Bibles, for example, significantly differ from each other.  The Catholic Bible includes several “Apocryphal” books that Protestants have excluded – included the books of Judith and the Maccabees.  There are other “Apocryphal” book that have been rejected by both Catholics and Protestants — including the First and Second books of Esdras, the book of Enoch, and many more.

Although there is disagreement among Christians as to exactly whom decided what books to be included in the book called “The Bible” (with some claiming it was decided upon at the First Council of Nicea in 325 AD, an assembly of supposed “bishops” gathered by Roman Emperor Constantine), it seems clear that the Roman Catholic Church was largely responsible.

Most seekers of truth today who are genuinely attempting to follow the Most High have discovered that the Roman Catholic Church is extremely corrupt, is heavily rooted in Babylonian and other occult doctrines and practices, and was actually a great work of Satan (part of “Mystery Bablyon the Great”) to take over and corrupt the true message from the Messiah and Heavenly Father.

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False Apostle Paul

False Apostle Paul


(1 Samuel 18:29)


(Matthew 5:19.  See this website)


(Revelation 16:14.  See this website)

“And he who shall take away [Deuteronomy 4:2. Revelation 22:19] from one word of these commandments which I teach others [Deuteronomy 18:18,19. Matthew 19:17. 28:20], shall be called ‘a vain person’ [Yeremiah 23:16] of the empire of the desolators [Hebrew: shamem.  Daniel 9:26. 11:16. Matthew 24:15. Yaaqob (james) 2:20. Revelation 17:5. 18:2]; but whoever confirmeth [Deuteronomy 27:26.  Matthew 5:14. 8:4. Acts 21:20] and teaches [them] shall be called ‘great’ [Micah 5:3 (4). 1 Chronicles 17:8] in the Kingdom of Heaven”

(Matthew 5:19)


(Matthew 23:27)

“Every tree which does not produce good fruit is as a leader [Hebrew: ka’ashar.  Isaiah 3:12. 9:15 (16). Matthew 23:24] who will be burned”

(Matthew 7:19.  See this website from the Hebrew)

“I see him, but not now; I behold him, but not nigh; there shall walk forth a Prince [Hebrew: kowkab] out of Yaakob, and a sceptre [Hebrew: shebet. rod of judgement] shall rise out of Yisrael, and shall smash through the regions of Moab (Muslims), and break down all the sons of a [Christ-ian] Substitute [SATAN. Hebrew: Sheth. ‘antiyokus’; ‘baal yeshu’; ‘jesus’; ‘christ’; ‘serapis’; ‘jesus christ’; ‘christ jesus’; ‘lord jesus’; ‘lord yeshua’; ‘logos’; ’emmanuel’; ‘immanuel’; ‘I am’; ‘trinity’; ‘triunity’; ‘oneness’; ‘jehovah’; ‘yehovah’; ‘yahovah’; ‘yahowah’;  yehovih’; ‘jah’; ‘yah’; ‘yahwah’; ‘yahweh’; ‘yahuah’; yahuwah’; ‘yahvah’; ‘yahveh’; ‘yashua’; ‘yahshua’; ‘yahuwshua’; ‘yahshuwah’; ‘god’; ‘lord’; ‘mary’; ‘the cross’; ‘masses’; ‘wafers’; ‘dead popes’; ‘dead demons’; ‘allah’, etc]

(NUMBERS 24:17)

At that time Yeshuwa’ raised himself up and said: Be praised my Father, Creator of heavens and the earth, because thou hast hidden these words from the theologians and the crafty and have REVEALED them to the humble”.
(Matthew 11:25

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False Apostle Paul: A Roaring Lion

False Apostle Paul: A Roaring Lion

False Apostle Paul: A Roaring Lion​Lengthy article, with some inaccuracies (promotion of HolyHoax), but overall good article with many excellent points, especially near end of piece.


False Apostle Paul: A Roaring Lion

by Nikki

Revelation 18:2-6: “And he cried with a mighty voice, saying, Fallen, fallen is Babylon the great, and is become a habitation of demons, and a hold of every unclean spirit, and a hold of every unclean and hateful bird. For by the wine of the wrath of her fornication all the nations are fallen; and the kings of the earth committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth waxed rich by the power of her wantonness. And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come forth, my people, out of her, that ye have no fellowship with her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues: for her sins have reached even unto heaven, and Elohim hath remembered her iniquities.”

Saul/Paul of Tarsus was sent by Satan. His objective was to attain followers of his own antichrist, lawless and false doctrine which he said came soley from “revelation” (hidden) knowledge. We need to realize, that the “jesus” of Paul’s
invention is really the Dragon. Paul hated Yahshua and hated Yahshua’s people. When he couldn’t beat them, he suddenly “became one of them” for the sole purpose of robbing them of truth. By lies, all signs and lying wonders, and by deception, he attempted to deceive even the very elect of Yahweh (Yahshua’s 12 Apostles) but they were not deceived by him. If you are worshipping the “jesus/god” of Paul’s invention, you are worshipping Satan, the Dragon. If you are worshipping Satan and thinking he is Elohim, your soul is in jeopardy because only by embracing the Creator of Heaven and earth and His Word, (As revealed by Yahshua), and by keeping His commandments, will you be saved.

Saul/Paul of Tarsus, was not a true Apostle of the Lamb. He was antichrist. Was he the antichrist? I believe he was antichrist (against- instead of Christ) and thus the false prophet of Revelation. He preached the “man of sin- aka antichrist” instead of the Righteous One. His beastly religion (Christianity) is Satan’s religion by which he makes all nations bow to himself. It is Satan (The Dragon), who gives Christianity its power and its authority over the whole earth. The dragon is being worshipped, every time anything is done in the name the Jesus of Paul’s invention- “the lawless one.” Paul did not preach the Word of Elohim as revealed by Yahshua. He did not preach “Yahweh” who requires true repentance and righteous adherance to Yahweh’s commandments, but instead, a Jesus who winks at and condones sin. He also taught that the law of Yahweh was abolished by Yahshua. The god of Paul’s doctrine, is the god of forces-Satan. This god of forces, is worshipped world-wide and has been, since the Garden of Eden and since the enemy of
Yahweh (Satan) sowed seed (false doctrine) into the field of Messiah, through the false prophet: Saul/Paul of Tarsus.

Daniel 11:38: “But in his place shall he honor the eloah of fortresses; and an eloah whom his fathers knew not shall he honor with gold, and silver, and with precious stones, and pleasant things.”

The Parable of the Wheat And the Tares

Matthew 13:24-30: “Another parable set he before them, saying, The kingdom of heaven is likened unto a man that sowed good seed in his field: but while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares also among the wheat, and went away. But when the blade sprang up and brought forth fruit, then appeared the tares also. And the servants of the householder came and said unto him, Sir, didst thou not sow good seed in thy field? whence then hath it tares? And he said unto them, An enemy hath done this. And the servants say unto him, Wilt thou then that we go and gather them up? But he saith, Nay; lest haply while ye gather up the tares, ye root up the wheat with them. Let both grow together until the harvest: and in the time of the harvest I will say to the reapers, Gather up first the tares, and bind them in bundles to burn them; but gather the wheat into my barn.”

Satan is that enemy of Yahshuah, who by lies and deceit, sowed tares among the wheat in the field of Yahweh, through his false prophet, Saul/Paul of Tarsus. These tares grow together with the wheat, meaning that from the time the good seed and the bad seed were sown, to the time of the harvest, they grow up side by side: how? In the bible. The bible has the Word of Yahweh in it. The bible also has letters from Satan in it: all of Paul’s writings and teachings about the god of forces. The seed which Yahshua sowed, is the Word of the Father which is in Heaven. The seed that Paul sowed, is the word of the father of lies, which came from the abyss. The offspring of the two, are children of Yahweh, the MOST High, and the children of the serpent: Satan, the most low. Together, the good and bad seed grow. Those who see the truth, will escape the destruction of those who believe the lies of Paul. Those who do belong to Yahweh, will reject the word of Satan, repent and adhere to the truth, as revealed in Yahshua. Those who don’t belong to Yahweh, will keep believing the liar, Paul, the false Apostle.

Mystery Babylon the Great is no great mystery anymore since now I know what it is: Satan’s religion of church/state on earth: Christianity. The religion, called Christianity is not the Church of the Most High. It is the church of the most low: Satan. It is the religion of Antichrist and its founder is Saul/Paul of Tarsus, the false prophet. Christianity/Democratic America is like the first (sea) beast, of Revelation 13, having power to perform all signs and lying wonders in the sight of the first beast: which is the ancient Babylonian/Chaldean mystery religion system of Nimrod. It is the worship of many falsehoods and false gods- but essentially, it is based on sun worship and Queen of Heaven worship. Since that’s a whole other subject, I won’t go into detail in this essay.

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From Everlasting to Everlasting - He is YHVH: "Paul, the false Apostle"

From Everlasting to Everlasting – He is YHVH: “Paul, the false Apostle”

From Everlasting to Everlasting – He is YHVH “Paul, the false Apostle”Satan’s contract with the Most High

Those who know Him understand that Yah never does anything in secret.

In contrast, Satan deals deceitfully and takes refuge under the cover of darkness. Satan has been granted the authority by Yah to deceive and manipulate whomever he will but thankfully, Satan must announce his dealings – albeit he does so in one crafty form or another.

Our Father made provisions for His people and always gives us the opportunity to make choices. I grieve for those who are falsely educated, lack discernment or just don’t care. It is by this lack of knowledge and understanding that Yah’s people are destroyed.

Shooting the messenger

Some have accused me of wanting to remove Paul from the Bible. This could not be further from the truth. It is not possible to test truth against falsehood without pitting them against one another. All anyone need do is compare Paul’s teachings to the rest of the Bible to see how it is a new doctrine.

Paul himself tells us in 2 Timothy 3:16 that “All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for [not only] doctrine, [but also] for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness.”

Books authored by Paul or Pauline Disciples

1.Luke, Pauline Disciple
4.1 Corinthians
5.2 Corinthians
9.1 Thessalonians
10.2 Thessalonians
11.1 Timothy
12.2 Timothy
16.1 Peter, Unknown/Controversial
17.2 Peter, Unknown/Controversial

There are only 12 Apostles

Revelation 21:14: And the wall of the city had twelve foundations, and in them the names of the twelve apostles of the lamb.

Acts 9:26: And when Paul was come to Jerusalem, he assayed to join himself to the disciples: but they were all afraid of him, and believed not that he was a disciple.

Contrary to the books written by Paul or his disciples, the new heaven and new earth will not contain Paul’s name as an apostle.

Found in Matthew 10:2-4, Mark 3:16-19, Luke 6:12-19 and Acts 1:13, Yahushua’s Apostles were as follows:

1.Simon who is called Peter
2.Andrew his brother
3.James the son of Zebedee
4.John his brother
8.Matthew the publican
9.James the son of Alphaeus
10.Lebbaeus, whose surname was Thaddaeus
11.Simon the Canaanite
12.Mattathias who replaced Judas Iscariot

Paul’s name is NOT one of them!

Requirements for apostleship as laid out by Yahushua himself

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God Already Appointed Peter the Apostle to the Gentiles

God Already Appointed Peter the Apostle to the Gentiles

God Already Appointed Peter the Apostle to the GentilesThe Holy Spirit had already showed the twelve that Peter (not Paul) was the Apostle to the Gentiles. At the Jerusalem Council, with Paul among those at his feet, Peter gets up and says he is the Apostle to the Gentiles in Acts 15:7:

And when there had been much disputing, Peter rose up, and said unto them, Men and brethren, ye know how that a good while ago God made choice among us, that the Gentiles by my mouth should hear the word of the gospel, and believe.

Peter’s statement in Acts 15:7 means God had spoken to him about his task to preach to Gentiles. We even have evidence what that included. God showed Peter visions of the unclean food so he would know to reach the Gentiles. As a result, Peter had converted Cornelius in Acts chapter 10.

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Heed the warning! Paul, the false apostle: Saul Of Tarsus is a liar and a thief of souls

Heed the warning! Paul, the false apostle: Saul Of Tarsus is a liar and a thief of souls

Heed the warning! Paul, the false apostle Saul Of Tarsus is a liar and a thief of soulsYHVH, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob had created the Garden of Eden and in it He placed not only Adam and Eve but also the Tree of Life (Yahushua) and the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil (Halal HaShatan). Many today simply refer to him as Satan or Lucifer. This is found in the book of Genesis, Chapter 2.

Yah is unchanging. He never changes. He is and does exactly the same today as He did in the beginning; blessings, judgments, mercy, curses and to the very end He still tests His people.

Most believers will say that they believe that Yah allowed His creation, His own perfect garden, to become corrupt for His purpose and to His own end but few will understand that He also allowed this corruption to enter into their very own Bibles and churches.

Malachi 3:6: For I am the LORD, I change not; therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed.

I change not. I change not. I change not. Why is this such a difficult concept? Below, I line up all the ducks.

It is far easier to think that Yah has changed than it is to consider your own blindness and error. Just as Eve was [seemingly] so easily deceived, is it possible that maybe we too have bitten into the other side of that very same apple?

Satan’s contract with the Most High

Those who know Him understand that Yah never does anything in secret.

In contrast, Satan deals deceitfully and takes refuge under the cover of darkness. Satan has been granted the authority by Yah to deceive and manipulate whomever he will but thankfully, Satan must announce his dealings – albeit he does so in one crafty form or another.

Our Father made provisions for His people and always gives us the opportunity to make choices. I grieve for those who are falsely educated, lack discernment or just don’t care. It is by this lack of knowledge and understanding that Yah’s people are destroyed.

Shooting the messenger

Some have accused me of wanting to remove Paul from the Bible. This could not be further from the truth. It is not possible to test truth against falsehood without pitting them against one another. All anyone need do is compare Paul’s teachings to the rest of the Bible to see how it is a new doctrine.

Paul himself tells us in 2 Timothy 3:16 that “All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for [not only] doctrine, [but also] for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness.”

Books authored by Paul or Pauline Disciples

Luke, Pauline Disciple
1 Corinthians
2 Corinthians
1 Thessalonians
2 Thessalonians
1 Timothy
2 Timothy
1 Peter, Unknown/Controversial
2 Peter, Unknown/Controversial

There are only 12 Apostles

Revelation 21:14: And the wall of the city had twelve foundations, and in them the names of the twelve apostles of the lamb.

Acts 9:26: And when Paul was come to Jerusalem, he assayed to join himself to the disciples: but they were all afraid of him, and believed not that he was a disciple.

Contrary to the books written by Paul or his disciples, the new heaven and new earth will not contain Paul’s name as an apostle.

Found in Matthew 10:2-4, Mark 3:16-19, Luke 6:12-19 and Acts 1:13, Yahushua’s Apostles were as follows:

Simon who is called Peter
Andrew his brother
James the son of Zebedee
John his brother
Matthew the publican
James the son of Alphaeus
Lebbaeus, whose surname was Thaddaeus
Simon the Canaanite
Mattathias who replaced Judas Iscariot
Paul’s name is NOT one of them!

Requirements for apostleship as laid out by Yahushua himself

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History of Apostle Paul

History of Apostle Paul

History-of-Apostle-PaulPaul was a Pharisee. One day he had a ‘revelation’. He changed his name from Saul to Paul, and straightway preached his revelations about the ‘Christ’ in the synagogues. Paul continued to have new ‘revelations’ that spoke ‘of’ and ‘for’ a Christ, but he was glaringly silent about the actual life of Yahoshua (Jesus) and his teachings. In Paul’s epistles we find him using the words ‘Christ, Son of God, grace, redemption, resurrection, etc.’, but we learn little or nothing about Yahoshua and his actual teachings. They’re virtually absent from Paul’s epistles. What we learn about are Paul’s revelations. Roughly 50% of the New Testament (13 epistles) is from Saul, a man who neither knew Yahoshua in the flesh, nor was instructed by the apostles. Rather, he taught by unsubstantiated revelation, Ezekiel 13:2-9.

Paul considered himself the ‘apostle’ to the Gentiles, primarily because his doctrine (called ‘that way’, Acts 19:9, 23) was rejected by Jewish Christians and the Asian churches alike; and he was forced to seek converts who knew nothing of Yahudim (Jewish) customs and the Law. Paul’s doctrine was adverse to the teachings of Yahoshua; and he was often in conflict with James, Peter, and John; the real apostles. And by the way, Paul was not an apostle.

Paul spent an inordinate amount of time defending himself and his teachings from accusations of guile, lies, and covetousness. None of the real apostles were so accused. Paul’s core philosophy of justification by faith and abolition of Torah Law stands in opposition to Yahoshua’s statements in the gospels. Paul thought nothing of lying or practicing pagan customs if it meant gaining a new convert to his own brand of salvation, Romans 3:7, I Corinthians 10:14-21, 9:19-22.

Paul’s words speak for themselves. His use of personal pronouns in his epistles (I, me, my, mine) is three times that of any other writer. Paul urged his followers to follow him. He preached by revelation. Paul preached his doctrine in the ‘name’ of Christ, but his teachings were not in alignment with Yahoshua’s teachings, John 5:43.

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How Is Paul Anti-Christ?

How Is Paul Anti-Christ?

By easteagle13
How Is Paul Anti-Christ​When someone you don’t know, suddenly shows up in front of your door and claims he is a representative of an important man, will a laminated ID suffice to ascertain if he is really WHO HE CLAIMS, HE IS?
Let us just say, that this man claims, that he was sent by the Roman Catholic Pope, and that you (for the sake of argument) is a pious Catholic. Maybe he is even dressed like a priest, talks calmly and even moves like one.
If what this man is asking you to do will mean you have to entrust your life into his hand, would you just do it as he asks? Would you entrust your future to this man because of the above?
What if he keeps on repeating that the “Pope” sent him? Or what if he makes “better” promises than what you usually hear from the pulpit? Will that make you trust him completely now?
No? Not yet? Why? What would it take for you to completely trust this man?
What if he tells you an amazing story on how he became a faithful(Roman Catholic)? Still NO?
I can understand how you feel. It would take a lot more to make us trust a person with our life, our future and our family’s welfare.
Sadly though, many people do EXACTLY that to an even worse situation. The person they trust with these precious things is someone, they did not even meet IN PERSON.

That man is Paul.

Simply put, these are the claims of Paul:
  • That he was sent by Christ.
  • That Christ revealed to him that the LAW of God has been “crucified” (nullified, abrogated, removed), hence there’s no need anymore to observe them.
  • Faith is enough for “salvation”
  • He is equal if not better than the Apostles of Christ.
  • He is an Apostle because Christ made him so.
  • There’s no need to observe the God ordained festivities (Sabbaths, New Moons, Passover..etc.)
  • He is the “father” of those worshipper that he helped spiritually.
  • That the greatest LAW is to “love your neighbor as yourself”.
These constitute a very little part of a vast number of claims that paul made through his epistles. While claiming concurrently that HE IS A REPRESENTATIVE OF CHRIST.
Now, do we just trust Paul because he said things as so?
What manner of verification can we do?
A failsafe method to check if Paul’s claims are true is to compare Paul’s words, to Christ’s words. Would you agree?
I-35 Holiness Highway

I-35 Holiness Highway – Mr Paul Exposed Again

The I-35 Holiness Highway Mr Paul Exposed Again

Isaiah 35:8-9 (Nicknamed the I-35 Holiness Freeway 🙂
8 And a highway will be there;
it will be called the Way of Holiness;
it will be for those who walk on that Way.
The unclean will not journey on it;
wicked fools will not go about on it.
9 No lion will be there,
nor any ravenous beast;
they will not be found there.
But only the redeemed will walk there,

I (Paul) am from the tribe of Benjamin. Rom 11:1

Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. Matthew 7:15

Benjamin is a ravenous wolf;
in the morning he devours the prey,
in the evening he DIVIDES the plunder.” Genesis 49:27

Again here.

Identifying the False Prophet

JoyBySurprise: “Identifying the False Prophet”


Source: http://www.joybysurprise.com/The_False_Prophet.html

Identifying the False Prophet

Identifying the False ProphetYaHuWaH  Tz’va’ot, Commander of the armies of Heaven.
Military Basic Training 101 – Obey the Commander or you can’t be in the army.

First Things First
In order to understand the information on this page the reader must understand YaHuWaH ‘s abhorrence of pagan institutions, which includes the worship of idols and the observance of days dedicated to pagan gods. He alone is rightfully worthy of all praise, honor, and devotion.

The nation of Israel was warned not to observe pagan practices repeatedly, first by YaHuWaH  Himself (at Mt. Sinai) and then by prophet after prophet after Israel entered the promised land. Time and again Israel suffered wars, captivities, and servitude at the hand of foreign nations because the nation fell into pagan idolatry and YaHuWaH ‘s instructions weren’t followed. He alone is rightfully worthy of all praise, honor, and devotion.

Please read the books of Judges and the Kings to appreciate how furious the Father becomes when His people associate themselves with pagan observances and traditions. He alone is rightfully worthy of all praise, honor, and devotion.

The Goal of a Prophet of YaHuWaH  
The goal of both Eliyahu (Elijah) and John the Baptist was to turn the hearts of the children (of Israel) to their heavenly Father.

This central goal of loving the Father was also confirmed by YAHUSHUA Himself in Matthew 22.
Matthew 22:37  YAHUSHUA said unto him, Thou shalt love YaHuWaH  thy Elohim with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.
38  This is the first and great commandment.

We are commanded above everything else to love YaHuWaH  with all our hearts.

Obedience is the evidence of love.

2 John 1:6  And this is love, that we walk after His commandments. This is the commandment, That, as ye have heard from the beginning, ye should walk in it.

The Goal of a False Prophet
The goal of a false prophet, described in Deuteronomy chapter 13 of YaHuWaH  ‘s military basic training manual the Torah is to turn the hearts of the people away from honoring (obeying) the instructions of YaHuWaH .

Deuteronomy 13:1  If there arise among you a prophet, or a dreamer of dreams, and giveth thee a sign or a wonder,
2  And the sign or the wonder come to pass, whereof he spake unto thee, saying, Let us go after other gods, which thou hast not known, and let us serve them;
3  Thou shalt not hearken unto the words of that prophet, or that dreamer of dreams: for YaHuWaH  your Elohim proveth you, to know whether ye love YaHuWaH  your Elohim with all your heart and with all your soul.
4  Ye shall walk after YaHuWaH  your Elohim, and fear Him, and keep His commandments, and obey His voice, and ye shall serve Him, and cleave unto Him.
5  And that prophet, or that dreamer of dreams, shall be put to death; because he hath spoken to turn you away from YaHuWaH  your Elohim, which brought you out of the land of Egypt, and redeemed you out of the house of bondage, to thrust thee out of the way which YaHuWaH  thy Elohim commanded thee to walk in. So shalt thou put the evil away from the midst of thee.

True Prophets
The mark of a true prophet (YAHUSHUA)Mark 19:16  And, behold, one came and said unto Him, Good Master, what good thing shall I do, that I may have eternal life?
17  And He said unto him, Why callest thou Me good? there is none good but one, that is, YaHuWaH but if thou wilt enter into life, keep the commandments.
The mark of a true prophet (YAHUSHUA): Whoever therefore breaks one of the least of these commandments, and teaches men so, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but whoever does and teaches them, he shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.” Matthew 5:19The mark of a true prophet (John): For this is the love of YaHuWaH , that we keep His commandmentsAnd His commandments are not burdensome.”  1 John 5:3
The mark of a true prophet (Abraham):
Genesis 26:3
  Sojourn in this land, and I will be with thee, and will bless thee; for unto thee, and unto thy seed, I will give all these countries, and I will perform the oath which I sware unto Abraham thy father;
4  And I will make thy seed to multiply as the stars of heaven, and will give unto thy seed all these countries; and in thy seed shall all the nations of the Earth be blessed;
5  Because that Abraham obeyed My voice, and kept My charge, My commandments, My statutes, and My Torah.

Obedience is the evidence of love.

False Prophets

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James, Paul, and the Dead Sea Scrolls

James, Paul, and the Dead Sea Scrolls

by Hanan ben Avraham

James epistle written to refute Paul, NONOrthodoxy​Hello. For my subject, my aim is to use ancient sources that tell us what we know about James, and Paul, and to analyze what they say, and see what use they may have for the religious minded. Little is me but the arrangement of passages I hope will be clear and relevant, and occasional comments.

Have you heard about James the brother of Jesus?*

About his election to succeed Jesus, and about his death, WE ARE NOT INFORMED BY CANONICAL ACTS. We must go to other sources. Eusebius of Caesarea (260-340 CE), Archbishop under Constantine, tells us in his Ecclesiastical History that James was “the lord’s brother, who had been elected by the Apostles to the episcopal throne at Jerusalem,” (E.H. 2.23).

Knowing Jesus would soon depart from them, his disciples, according to the non-canonical Gospel of Thomas, asked him who would lead them, “And Jesus said to them, ‘In the place you are to go, go to James the Righteous, for whose sake Heaven and Earth came into existence,'” (Coptic logion 12).

Palestinian Epiphanius, Bishop of Salamis (315-404 CE), had access to works he said were called the Anabathmoi Jacobou (the ‘Ascents of James’) and the Gospel of the Hebrews (used by ancient Jewish Christians called Ebionites, or the ‘Poor’), both now lost, in which we learn, “once during a drought, he [James] lifted his hands to Heaven and prayed and at once Heaven sent rain…Thus they no longer called him by his name, but his name was, rather, the Righteous One [in Hebrew, the ‘Zaddik’].

“[T]o James alone, it was allowed to enter once a year into the Holy of Holies [the innermost sanctum of the Temple], because he was a Nazirite and connected to the priesthood. Hence Mary was related in two ways to Elizabeth [John the Baptist’s mother] and James was a distinguished member of the priesthood, because the two tribes alone were linked to one another, the royal tribe to the priestly,” (Panarion 30).

He tells us the ‘Ascents of James’ was about the discourses James gave from the Temple to the Jerusalem masses, and says that James was “the First to whom the lord entrusted his throne upon earth.”

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Jesus Setup Peter To Lose His Leadership Position

Jesus Setup Peter To Lose His Leadership Position 

Jesus Setup Peter To Lose His Leadership PositionIn the last chapter of the gospel attributed to John, Yeshua issued this prophecy to Peter.

“Most assuredly, I say to you, when you were younger, you bound yourself and walked where you wished; but when you are old, you will stretch forth your hands, and another will bind you and take you where you do not wish.”

John 21:18 NKJV

If these few words concerning Peter’s future were all we had to go on, what could be determined from them?  It could not include more than a couple of things. One, Peter would be taken where he did not want to go, and two, it was not a good prophecy.  But the narrative comes to the rescue with the interpretation in the next sentence.

“This he spoke, signifying by what death he would glorify God.”

John 21:19 NKJV

First, notice that these words of interpretation are not the words of Yeshua but the commentary of the author. As such, they are open to being questioned. This interpretation is the one that all the disciples had accepted and one that became accepted by the author as well. It was not unusual for Yeshua’s disciples to misunderstand something he said.

So here is the question: How could the disciples possibly get the idea of “death” from Yeshua’s words?  Peter’s prophecy may not have been a good-sounding prophecy, but it certainly doesn’t paint any picture of death! Tradition says that Peter was crucified upside down, but this is only a tradition.  Even if it were true, one can find even less of this picture in Yeshua’s words.  Many translations read, “…you will stretch out your hands…” which is a classic example of how accepted traditional interpretations can play a large damaging role in the translation process.  The Greek word that was translated “out” primarily means to stretch forth in front, toward something or somebody. The King James Version translates this most correctly, “…thou shalt stretch forth thy hands…”.  This is hardly a picture of a crucifixion. Also, the chronological order of the events in the prophecy would be backward if this were a picture of a crucifixion. One translation reads, “…when you are old, you will stretch out your hands, and another will dress you and take you where you do not want to go.”  So are we to believe Peter will stretch out his hands to be crucified first, then someone will dress him on the cross …and then take him somewhere he doesn’t want to go? If he was on the cross, I’d figure he was already at the place he didn’t want to go!  If this were a picture of a crucifixion, Yeshua would have put it in the proper chronological order as he did in the first part of his prophecy when he said to Peter, “…when you were younger, you girded yourself and walked where you wished…”.  If this were a picture of a crucifixion, Yeshua would have said to Peter, …when you are old, another will gird you and take you where you do not wish, and you will stretch out your hands.

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John’s Epistles Identify Paul As A False Prophet

John’s Epistles Identify Paul As A False Prophet

John’s Epistles Identify Paul As A False ProphetJohn’s First & Second Epistle talk in words reminiscent of Revelation 2:2. John speaks in his first epistle about testing those who claim to have come from God. John says you can find them to be false prophets. John writes:

Dear friends, don’t believe everyone who claims to have the Spirit of God. Test them all to find out if they really do come from God. Many false prophets have already gone out into the world (1 John 4:1 CEV).

In John’s epistles, John thereafter gives us several tests that his readers can use to know whether some alleged prophet comes from God.

His spirit [does not] say that Jesus Christ had truly human flesh (sarx, flesh). (1 Jn 4:2.)

We belong to God, and everyone who knows God will listen to us [i.e., the twelve apostles]. But the people who don’t know God won’t listen to us. That is how we can tell the Spirit that speaks the truth from the one that tells lies. (1 John 4:6 CEV.)

These people came from our own group, yet they were not part of us. If they had been part of us, they would have stayed with us. But they left, which proves that they did not belong to our group. (1 John 2:19 ASV.)

Whoever transgresses [i.e., goes beyond] and doesn’t remain in the teachings of Christ, doesn’t have God [i.e., breaks fellowship with God]. He who remains in the teachings [of Jesus Christ], the same has both the Father and the Son. (2 John 1:9 Websters.)

Thus, John gives us several criteria to identify the false prophets even if they “claim to have the Spirit” of God:

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New Testament Reference To Balaam Unmistakably Paul

New Testament Reference To Balaam Unmistakably Paul

New Testament References To Balaam Unmistakably PaulAs Augustine confessed, in 75 AD, Jude, the third bishop of Jerusalem, and thus a subsequent successor to James’ office, as well as another brother of Jesus, writes his epistle in obvious disdain once more for Paul. In Jude, George Reber in The Christ of Paul (1876) Ch. 16, defending Paul, says: “The epistle of Jude is nothing but a bolt hurled at the head of Paul….”

Why? Because in Jude 4 and 11, we read an obvious indictment of none other than Paul for following a different Jesus:

“(4)For admission has been secretly gained by some who long ago were designated for this condemnation, ungodly persons who pervert the grace of our God into licentiousness and deny our only Master and Lord, Jesus Christ. (11) Woe to them! For they walk in the way of Cain, and abandon themselves for the sake of gain to Balaam’s error, and perish in Korah’s rebellion.

Why is this about Paul? This person / persons “secretly gained” admission among Christians, and “perverted” grace / favor as taught by the true Jesus, rendering it “licentious.” This term means “unrestrained by law / lawless”.

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Pharaoh's Dream of 7 Skinny Cows Perfect Mirror Paul's 7 Churches

Pharaoh’s Dream of 7 Skinny Cows Perfect Mirror Paul’s 7 Churches

Pharaoh’s Dream of 7 Skinny Cows Perfect Mirror Paul’s 7 Churches, NONOrthodoxy​In Genesis 41 Pharaoh had a prophetic dream that is a parallel prophecy for today.

He dreamt of 7 ill-visioned skinny cows that devoured, without anyone knowing, the 7 proper-visioned fat cows.

The 7 ill-visioned skinny cows perfectly parallel the 7 churches established by Paul – Crete, Thessalonica, Colossi, Phillipi, Galatia, Corinth, and Rome.

The 7 proper-visioned fat cows perfectly parallel the 7 churches established by Jesus – Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamos, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia, Laodicia.

The 7 churches of Jesus were then assimilated into and devoured by the Pauline churches teaching the false doctrine of salvation by grace through faith, rather than obedience to the law of God, which was the way Jesus taught to His churches.

Jesus warned of this happening when He stated in John 5:43 I come in my Fathers name and you do not receive me, Another will come in his own name, and you will receive him.

Paul begins nearly every one of his letters in his OWN NAME stating ‘I, Paul”.

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Paul And The Pagan Religion of Mithraism, Mystery Solved

Paul And The Pagan Religion of Mithraism, Mystery Solved

Paul And The Pagan Religion of Mithraism, Mystery Solved Paul And The Pagan Religion of Mithraism, Mystery Solved. Mithraism and Christianity merged during the lifetime of Paul in the Hellenistic city of Tarsus, which was an old seaport with a long history of Mithra worship.

Though scholars at the turn of the 20th century understood that Christianity was heavily influenced by Mithraism, there is a recent trend among Christian apologists and revisionist academics to deny this historical debt to paganism. As a case in point, Christian historian Justo Gonzales makes the following remark to refute earlier scholarship on the subject in his 1970 book “A History of Christian Thought”,

Volume I:

“Concerning the relationship between the mystery cults and Christianity, scholarly opinion has varied. During the first two or three decades of the twentieth century, it was thought that the mystery religions constituted a unity based on a common ‘mystery theolgoy,’ and that Christianity was simply one of them, or at most, a distinct religion is which the influence of the mysteries was greatly felt. According to the scholars of that time [e.g., W. Bousset, A. Loisy and R. Reitzenstein], Christianity had taken from the mysteries its rites of initiation—-baptism, its sacramental meals—communion; its ascending stages of initiation—-the orders; and a multitude of details needless to enumerate. But since then, a careful study has been made of the mysteries, and the conclusion reached by almost all scholars is that there was no such thing as a common ‘mystery theology’—at least in the first century of our era. Quite the contrary, the mystery cults differed one from another so much that it is difficult even to explain the term ‘mystery religion.’ Moreover, the mysteries seem not to have reached their full development until the second and third centuries, which is the time when the majority of their characteristics in common with Christianity appear. It follows that such traits can be more easily explained as the influence of Christianity on the mysteries than the opposite, the more so when we learn that already in this period the pagan cults tried to imitate some of the characteristics of the dynamic new faith.”

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"Paul: Apostle or Heretic?" by Robert Sewell

“Paul: Apostle or Heretic?” by Robert Sewell

Paul: Apostle or Heretic?

by Robert Sewell

Paul: Apostle or Heretic?Do the Teachings of Paul and the Church Agree or Contradict Torah?

Christianity was spread mostly by Paul of Tarsus, the self-proclaimed 13th apostle to the Gentiles. Because the Church adopted Paul’s doctrines (and seem to have edited and enhanced them – read The Orthodox Corruption of Scripture, Bart D. Ehrman, ISBN 0-19-510279-7), when you examine the main beliefs and doctrines of the Christian church, they are the same as found in the epistles of Paul (and those believed by laymen to be written by him).

To prove or disprove the doctrines of one is to prove or disprove the other. What are these doctrines? Can we find a list of core doctrines held by all its denominations? I believe such a list can be found in the book Churches of Today In the Light of Scripture, by L. G. Tomlinson, published by the Gospel Advocate Company, Nashville, TN. I have the 10th edition, published in 1962. Let us compare this list to TN”K to see if there is agreement.

Section I of this book is given the title The Great Salvation, which, in three subsections, attempts to explore and explain the issue of salvation, the Christian’s primary concern. First is given the Christian “proof” that the “old” covenant was insufficient for man to obtain salvation. Second is the attempt to show that God has given only one way to gain salvation, that one way being, of course, Jesus. Finally, the Christian’s “new and improved” way of obtaining salvation is given.

On the next three pages are the three subsections (headings in large, bold type), followed by Tomlinson’s “proofs” (in italics). I have rearranged them and tried to group them according to common themes, headed by smaller, bold type. After each proof is my refutation from TN”K (and logic).

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Paul Defeats Jesus' Physical Kingdom By Spiritualizing It Away - 11 Instances

Paul Defeats Jesus’ Physical Kingdom By Spiritualizing It Away – 11 Instances

Paul and the dangers over spiritualizingPaul’s Hijacking of Jesus’ Gospel of the Kingdom would not be complete without his hijacking of the covenant system. He accomplished this by converting all of the literal aspects if Jesus’ teachings, and turning them into “SPIRITUAL” pufferies of a kingdom that would no longer be considered literal, but spiritual. A kingdom in your mind only. This is all part and parcel of his rehabilitation of Jesus from a failed apocalyptic preacher to that of a mediatorial sacrifice who was never meant to establish a literal kingdom but whose kingdom would be spiritual.
Are you on board with Paul’s spiritualization, or do you hold out for a literal physical kingdom fulfillment to Jesus’ kingdom in the future?

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Paul Denies That Jesus Came In The Flesh

Paul Denies That Jesus Came In The Flesh

Paul Denies That Jesus Came In The FleshMost Christians will be shocked to learn that Paul taught Jesus did not have truly human flesh.

Before we address this point, let’s distinguish this next point from what has preceded. This `human flesh’ issue is a completely independent ground to evaluate Paul. John could be talking about Paul on the issue of leaving their group (1 John 2:19) and not listening to the twelve (1 John 4:6), but not be addressing Paul on the `human flesh issue’ in 1 John 4:2. One point does not necessarily have anything to do with the other.

That said, let’s investigate whether this issue of `human flesh’ in 1 John 4:2 applies to Paul as well.

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Paul Directly Contradicts Jesus Dozens of Times

Paul Directly Contradicts Jesus Dozens of Times

Dozens of Instances Where The Other Bible Writers, or Jesus, Directly Contradicts Paul The Apostate.​25. Mark 7:14‑23; Luke 7:34 Romans 14:21; I‑Corinthians 8:13

Either we ought, or we ought not, to maintain some particular diet for religious reasons. Yet Paul agrees with neither the OT’s dietary rules (kashrut) nor the Savior’s remarkable midrash (commentary) thereupon.

26. Matthew 12:19 (Isaiah 42:2); Luke 10:7 Acts 17:16‑34, 20:20

Paul preActshes house‑to‑house, as well as in the streets and squares— contrary to Christ’s paradigm.

27. Matthew 6:5‑6 I‑Timothy 2:8

Paul demands the very same outspoken prayer which Christ condemns as exhibitionist; the Savior states that one should only pray in solitude and in secret, never openly.

28. Matthew 18:1‑4; Mark 9:33‑35; Luke 14:7‑11 II‑Corinthians 11:5‑12:13

Paul’s recounting of his travels is insubordinately boastful and rivalrous; rather than humble, respectful and obedient, toward those who preceded him in the Discipleship.

29. Matthew 5:43‑48, 7:1‑5, 9:10‑13, 18:21‑35; John 8:2‑11 I‑Corinthians 5; Galatians 5:12; Tit 3:10‑11

The Gospel attitude toward wrongdoers is merciful, yet Paul’s is frankly inquisitional. Is ‘turning someone over to Satan for the extermination of the flesh’ intended to mean delivering him to the secular authorities for execution (as in John 19:17‑18)? Are we to love our enemies or condemn and castigate them?

30. Matthew 23:8‑12 Acts 20:28; I‑Corinthians 4:15; I‑Timothy 3:1‑13

Paul introduces the terms ‘father’ and ‘deacon’ and ‘bishop’ to designate religious leaders— the very sort of title (along with ‘pastor,’ ‘minister,’ etc.) which Christ had explicitly prohibited. Indeed, the passage in Matthew would seem to preclude any kind of hierarchy in the Discipleship other than simple seniority (thus PRESBUTEROS, ‘elder’, in Acts 21:18, Jasher 5:14, I‑Peter 5:1, II‑John 1) by which criterion Paul was obliged to submit to the original Apostles, quite contrary to II‑Corinthans 11:5 & Galatians 2:6.

31. Gen 17:10; Luke 2:21 Acts 16:3(?!); Galathians 5:2; Phlpenas 3:2; Titus 1:10‑11

Saying that it is necessary ‘to gag (EPISTOMIZEIN) circumcisionist dogs’ is conceptually inappropriate in an Apostolic context. In any event, even if Christ referred to that custom parabolically; as in Th 53, he certainly did not forbid its physical practice.

32. Luke 11:27‑28; John 4:1‑30, 11:20‑35, 20:11‑18; Th 21 I‑Corinthians 14:34‑35; I‑Timothy 2:11‑15

Various women speak up boldly to the Savior. Later, Mariam Magdalene as first witness (!) of the resurrection is sent by Christ to ‘angel’ (AGGELLW: p66* )* A B) his rising to the Apostles themselves. This is not a teaching of mere female submissiveness or keeping quiet in the Convocation!

33. Luke 7:36‑8:3, 10:38‑42, 23:55‑24:11; John 12:1‑3; Th 61b, 114; Phillipians 59 I‑Corinthians 7:1‑2; Ephesians 5:22‑24

The Gospels represent women as an intimate part of Christ’s entourage; thus rescinding the punishment of husband‑domination in Genesis 3:16. Paul emphatically opposes any liberated role for females.

34. Matthew 3:11‑17, 28:19‑20; Philippians 73, 96, 115(!) Romans 6:3‑4; Colossians 2:12

The Gospels endorse John’s Baptism in water as signifying repentance and cleansing vis‑à‑vis the Torah, and which furthermore is explicitly to be undertaken ‘in the Name’. Paul, however, sees Baptism as a metaphorical or participatory dying!

35. Luke 23:43; John 5:24, 8:51; Th 1, 18, 19, 111; Ph 43 I‑Thessalonias 4:16‑17

Christ teaches that his Disciples will not experience death, regardless of martyrdom, whereas Paul writes of ‘the dead in Christ.’

36. Matthew 5:17‑19, 19:16‑19; Luke 16:29‑31; Acts 21:17‑24(!!); 4QMT:C.26b‑31 Romans 7:6; Galatians 3:10, 5:18

If the entire Torah; the decalogue in particular, but also the remaining mitzvot(moral rules) such as Leviticus 19:18 et passim, is in effect until the sky and earth pass away, then the Mosaic Law is not an obsolete curse from which believers are absolved. This was the very topic at issue when, after Paul had completed his three missionary journeys, ‘all of the Elders’ (!) in Jerusalem required him to take the Nazirite vow, to prove his continuing adherence to the Law of Moses. (‘The works of the Torah…will be reckoned to you as righteousness’; from the Dead Sea Scrolls)

37. Matthew 7:21, 11:2‑6!, 19:16‑19, 25:31‑46; John 13:34!, 14:21, 15:10; Jasher 2:14‑26 Romans 3:28, 10:9; I‑Corintians 15:35‑44

Christ says that one’s calling him ‘Lord’ is not enough, but rather that the Disciple’s total obedience is demanded; both the OT and the Gospels require obedience to a plenitude of divine commandments, with resultant fruitful deeds. Indeed, it was precisely by his works; and not merely by his faith, that Christ proved his own authority to John the Baptist! Paul on the other hand states that a simple confession of faith, along with a belief in Christ’s (merely spiritual, not corporeal) resurrection, suffices, a thoroughly antinomian doctrine. (This subject must be carefully distinguished from that of forgiveness; both among humans and between God and humankind, as a pre‑eminently innovative tenet in the Gospels. For of course absolution logically presupposes a transgression of the rules, not their abrogation; compare e.g. Ezekiel 18 with Matthew 6:14‑15.)

38. Genesis 49; Judges 2:16 ff.; Matthew 19:28; Acts 1:13‑26; Revelation/Ap 2:2, 21:14 I‑Corinthians 9:1‑2; II‑Corinthians 11:5‑13

39. Acts 9:7 Acts 22:9

In the propositional calculus of modern logic, ‘p & not‑q’ is the truth‑functional negation of ‘q & not‑p’. Thus ‘they heard but did not see’ directly contradicts ‘they saw but did not hear’. Yet this famous event on the Damascus road was the sole original justification for Paul’s supposed commission in independence of Peter/Kefa and the other Apostles.

11. Acts 9:26‑29 Galatians 1:17‑2:1

Did Paul then travel immediately; or seventeen years later! from Damascus to Jerusalem in order to meet with the entire Apostolic circle?

*** 1 Corinthians 15:46 However, the spiritual is not first, but the natural; then the spiritual.

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Pauline Insanity Regarding The Law of God

Pauline Insanity Regarding The Law of God

Pauline Insanity Regarding The Law of GodThis is a rather typical response by Christians when concerning the Law:

I follow the Messiah. Not the Law. In so doing I follow my Father’s will. By adhering to the Law, you reject Christ/Messiah Jesus/Yeshua. Thereby you reject God/YHWH.

Of course the ‘commenter’ is citing Galatians as he thinks Paul has the authority to nullify The Word of YHVH.

But even Paul in Rom 7:12 nullifies his own argument over Galatians.

When Paul says the Law is holy, righteous and good. And yet the Commenter is just faithfully citing Galatians. But apply Rom 7:12 to what he said and you get, ‘By adhering to that which is holy, righteous and good you reject the Messiah and you reject YHVH.’

Crazy don’t you think?

On one hand Paul condemns anyone doing the law as having fallen from the truth.  And  he is claiming that if you do that which is holy righteous and good you have fallen from the truth.

If we let the Word define the Law rather than letting Paul doing it for us, then the things this apostate said about the Law appear as they really are which is utterly ridiculous.

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Pauline Insanity Part 2 – Paul Says Torah Was A Curse

Pauline Insanity Part 2 – Paul Says Torah Was A Curse

Pauline Insanity Regarding The Law of GodPaul says the Torah was a curse imposed upon Israel by YHVH to show them how sinful they were.

So let’s take a look at this further proof that Paul was indeed insane.

The Torah came down out of Heaven, Hard to believe anyone could dispute that.  However that being true, then one would have conclude that there was a curse in Heaven.  I doubt anyone in their right mind would agree that that’s so, and yet this is what Paul said.

Now then John declares that YHVH is Love.  So again Paul says that Love is imbued with a curse, how can anyone reach that conclusion?  If the Law is a curse as Paul says then the one that gave it and called anyone blessed that does it, is also cursed.  Why?  Because that’s flagrant duplicity.   Anyone seeing the blasphemy here?

So, according to Paul,  Marriage with YHVH is a curse.

Yahshua said that the Torah/Law was prophesy or rather prophesied of Him as did the Prophets.  All the prophets testified according to the Law/Torah, so that in essence makes the prophets and all they said a curse too.  And yet the prophets testified of Yahshua.  Yahshua fulfilled the Law/Torah, according to Paul that simply means that Yahshua fulfilled a curse or The Curse.

But what did Yahshua say?  It is fitting for us to fulfill ALL Righteousness.  What Paul calls a curse, Yahshua plainly says is righteousness.

So here we are again, If the Torah came down out of Heaven and the Torah is a curse then that means again that there was a curse in Heaven, that is if Paul is true.  But if that’s the case then the Christian by virtue of his undying loyalty to Paul must agree that Heaven is no place they should ever want to visit or dwell, because that same Law that came down out of heaven is the same Law that is in Heaven and if they are to dwell there then they must at some time yield to the Law.  But if they won’t do it now, they never will.

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The Pauline Conspiracy WHOLE BOOK In 4 Parts

The Pauline Conspiracy Pt 1 of 4

Saul Paul False Apostle​Saul of Tarsus, better known as Saint Paul, has sometimes been a controversial figure in Christianity. The Gospels by themselves would feature as important wisdom literature, but Paul’s Epistles demonstrate the building of the real theology of Christianity. Although some dislike the apparent cultural inflections in the Epistles, without the theology of Saul of Tarsus there is no Christian Doctrine.

In this in-depth scholarly thesis by victor, he systematically analyses the letters of Saul – to set up his ultimate prosecution, and the accusation that Saul of Tarsus did not simply usurp the embryonic Jersusalem Church under Jesus’s brother James, but that he also corrupted the entire original message of Christianity as it was then into something utterly alien.

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Paul Is Hermes The Divine Trickster

Paul Is Hermes The Divine Trickster

Paul is Hermes The Divine Trickster“Paul is called Hermes in Luke’s book of Acts because heathen listening to Paul thought he was the Greek deity named Hermes.
Hermes was known for several things. He was the emissary and messenger of the gods. He was also considered the protector of human heralds, travelers, thieves, merchants, and orators. And of great significance is he was also regarded as “the divine trickster,”.

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Paul is that false apostle that the Lord spoke about in Revelation 2:2

Paul is that false apostle that the Lord spoke about in Revelation 2:2

Paul is that false apostle that the Lord spoke about in Revelation 2:2Proving that Paul is the false apostle from Revelation 2:2 is very easy thing to do. Also proving Paul is a false prophet is very easy to do.

What is hard is for people to do is to accept that fact. It is an emotional shocker to discover this for most.

It is like finding out that your spouse has been cheating on you, lying to you all along and doing so with a big smile on their face!

Also when you find out that Paul is the false apostle of Revelation 2:2 all sects of the Christian religion everywhere is destroyed because it is solely invented by the false apostle Paul.

Paul’s bogus sect that Paul alone invented “the Nazarenes” Acts24:5 and Paul’s disciples of Paul’s bogus sect were first called Christians at Antioch! Acts 11;26

Act 11:26 And when he had found him, he brought him to Antioch. So it was that for a whole year they assembled with the church and taught a great many people. And the disciples (only of Paul) were first called Christians in Antioch.

None of the seven churches (of pagan sun god worship practices) that Paul started are ever mentioned in the book of Revelation. Why? They are Torah-less! Part of the proof for not being Torah observant, not under the law, is that they meet on Sunday each week, they celebrate December 25th as their god’s birthday which is really the rebirth of the pagan sun god day and Christians practice for many things of pagan sun imagery worship. All Christianity practices and teaches for lies, the lies of the false apostle Paul. Does your pastor or leadership teach for the false apostle Paul? Then he or she is a liar too.

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Paul Is The Consummate Cult Leader Having All The Characteristics

Paul Is The Consummate Cult Leader Having All The Characteristics

Paul Is The Consummate Cult Leader Having All The Characteristics

(1) Every cult leader has a checkered past from which he was delivered by his newly found religion or philosophy.
1 Timothy 1:12 – I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who has strengthened me, because He considered me faithful, putting me into service, 13 even though I was previously a blasphemer and a persecutor and a violent aggressor. Yet I was shown mercy because I acted ignorantly in unbelief; 14 and the grace of our Lord was more than abundant, with the faith and love which are found in Christ Jesus. 15 It is a trustworthy statement, deserving full acceptance, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, among whom I am foremost.

(2) Cult leaders have a eureka moment that is from the great beyond of some nature.
Acts 22:6 – And it came to pass, that, as I made my journey, and was come nigh unto Damascus about noon, suddenly there shone from heaven a great light round about me. 7 And I fell unto the ground, and heard a voice saying unto me, Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou me? 8 And I answered, Who art thou, Lord? And he said unto me, I am Jesus of Nazareth, whom thou persecutest.

(3) Cult leaders claim to have a special insight or new take on things having a new and improved version.
Ephesians 3:1 – For this cause I Paul, the prisoner of Jesus Christ for you Gentiles. 2 If ye have heard of the dispensation of the grace of God which is given me to you-ward: 3How that by revelation he made known unto me the mystery; (as I wrote afore in few words, 4Whereby, when ye read, ye may understand my knowledge in the mystery of Christ) 5Which in other ages was not made known unto the sons of men, as it is now revealed unto his holy apostles and prophets by the Spirit.

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Paul or Jesus?

Paul or Jesus?

by Ronda Zeoli

Paul or Jesus?In order to understand the lies and deceptions of Christianity, we
must start at the beginning of Christianity. It will come to a
surprise to many, I’m sure, that time and time again one can find
Paul being credited as to the start of Christianity. After all,
over half of the New Testament was written by Paul or his followers.

What is the problem with this? Paul was a self proclaimed Apostle,
never was he appointed by Yahshua like the REAL twelve were. Paul
NEVER even laid eyes on Yahshua.

Paul’s new religion had the advantage over other salvation-cults of
being attached to the Hebrew Scriptures, which Paul now
reinterpreted as forecasting the salvation-death of Yahshua. This
gave Pauline Christianity an awesome authority that proved
attractive to Gentiles thirsting for salvation. Paul’s new doctrine,
however, met with disapproval from the Jewish-Christians of the
Jerusalem Church, who regarded the substitution of Yahshuas’ atoning
death for the observance of the Torah as a lapse into paganism. Paul
was summoned to Jerusalem by the leaders James (Jesus’ brother),
Peter, and John to explain his doctrine.

Paul was carefully positioned by Satan to lead the masses astray.
The Most High allowed it as a way to test HIS people. Satan’s plan
has worked out rather well for him throughout the years, thanks to
Paul. Notice how churchianity adores him and puts great focus in
his teachings. Although, it remains to be seen who has the last

Again, what is the problem with this? Paul taught a different
gospel than that of Yahshua. Yahshua came to fulfill the laws of
the Torah, and therefore, the Most High. He came to lead the people
back to the Most High God.

Paul was basically the inventor of fast food religion, where it’s
okay to spend the week in sin as long as you ask for forgiveness at
the end of the week. Paul didn’t teach people how to have a one on
one relationship with the Most High. He didn’t teach people about
the Laws of the Torah and their importance, or the importance of
keeping the feasts. In fact, he taught against them instead.

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Paul/Saul of Tarsus, deceiver, liar, and FALSE APOSTLE

Paul/Saul of Tarsus, Deceiver, Liar, And FALSE APOSTLE

Paul/Saul of Tarsus, deceiver, liar, and FALSE APOSTLEWell aware that this post will be seen by many as “heretical”….I am posting it anyway. This is something that was shown to me by the Spirit of God over 14 years ago, and those who are willing to be intellectually and biblically honest will at least prayerfully study this subject and let the Scriptures explain the Scriptures through the Spirit of God. I know others will have the knee-jerk reaction and will post on the subject in the same fashion.

Paul is a FALSE APOSTLE. His writings, along with the 325 Council of Nicea have led most “christians” into the abyss through division, half-truths, bad doctrine, false teachings, and the flat out heresy of teaching the doctrine of Balaam. Don’t believe it?

Brethren, as Isaiah once said, “Come, let us reason together”..

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Paul Says - Including 32 Matrix of Antinomies

Paul Says – Including 32 Matrix of Antinomies

Paul Says - Including 32 Matrix of Antinomies​The Jews have put so many things in the Scriptures that are not true by lying scribes, that it behooves us to examine Paul.

We are told in 2 Timothy 2:16:

“Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.”

We are also told in 1 Thessalonians 5:21:

“Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.”

To modern Christians, the question “Was Paul an Apostle?” will appear unreasoned, illogical or even mad. But since ongoing research steadily uncovers discrepancies in Paul’s doctrines, it must be established whether or not Paul was an “apostle.” Whether you or anyone else likes it or not. This study is not a personal attack because of ill feelings, but solely in the interest of truth.

How can one account for the difference between Christianity as preached by Yahshua and modern Christian doctrine? This can only be answered by knowing the influence of Paul on modern Christian doctrines. Paul is one of many who left a permanent mark on the pages of history. In whatever form they appear on the stage of the world, they always play a leading role. Through his INCONSISTENT and CONTRADICTORY actions, Paul became an enigma for the world of religion, a fact that leaves those capable of reasoning greatly perplexed. Who does Paul claim to be?

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Paul Taught A Different Gospel Than Jesus Did

Paul Taught A Different Gospel Than Jesus Did

Paul taught a different gospel from Jesus, NONOrthodoxyIt is a common misconception amongst the Christians that Paul and Jesus’ Disciples were unanimous in their preaching of a crucified Jesus. Christians believe that Paul and the Disciples were preaching the same doctrine and everyone believed in the divine Jesus who came to be crucified for the sins of the world. However, if one carefully examines the bible, that person would see that Paul and the disciples were not preaching the same doctrine and did not believe in the same Jesus (pbuh).

The Apostles in Jerusalem heard that Paul has been preaching a different doctrine in Corinthia and Galatia. Paul was telling them not to follow the law anymore and that they don’t have to eat kosher meat anymore or to be circumcised (according to Genesis 17::14, the covenant is broken if there is no circumcision) etc. So the Apostles went to Galatia and Corinthia and convinced everyone that Paul is wrong, when Paul heard about this he went straight back to the cities.

“I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting the one who called you by the grace of Christ and are turning to a different gospel”. [Galatians 1:6]

It says different Gospel, so obviously the disciples were teaching them a different doctrine and it was not just minor issues.

The Disciples of Jesus (pbuh) remembered Paul’s persecutions towards the followers (early Christians) of Jesus. They were very suspicious of Paul. So when he finally came to them (41 B.C.E.) they didn’t believe his lie. They looked at him as a spy.

“And when Saul had come to Jerusalem he tried to Join himself with the Disciples but they were all afraid of him. And did not believe that he was a Disciple.” [Acts 9:26]. As you can see the Disciples didn’t trust him.


Paul said, “But be it so, I did not burden you nevertheless, being crafty, I CAUGHT YOU WITH GUILE.” [2 CORINTHIANS 12:16]

Definition of GUILE: means ruse, sharp practice, treachery, trickery and wiliness.)
“For if the truth of God hath more abounded through my lie unto his glory; why yet am I also judged as a sinner?” [Romans 3:7]


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Paul The Conceited Claimed To Be The Greatest Disciple

Paul The Conceited Claimed To Be The Greatest Disciple

Paul The Conceited Claimed To Be The Greatest DisciplePaul The Conceited Claimed To Be The Greatest Disciple

Paul, the greatest apostle!

Paul’s view of himself as an apostle didn’t stop at only claiming to be an apostle. He also did what he could to communicate to his followers that he topped them all. He even had the nerve to belittle the very apostles that Yahshua had called and trained for three and a half years to be his witnesses! Among this braggadocio’s self-flattering quotes are the following.

“For I consider that I am not at all inferior to the most eminent apostles”. ….”As the truth of Christ is in me, no one shall stop me from this boasting in the regions of Achaia.” 2 Corinthians 11:5,10

Sometimes, as though he knew he should be ashamed of challenging the stature of Yahshua’s 12, he would preface his boast with a statement of unworthiness. No doubt he hoped people would embrace him as the greatest of apostles because he was so humble.

“For I am the least of the apostles, who am not worthy to be called an apostle, because I persecuted the church of God. But by the grace of God I am what I am, and His grace toward me was not in vain; but I labored more abundantly than they all…”. 1Corinthians 15:9,10

Aside from the fact that it was a lie to suggest the ministry had been split up between Jews and Gentiles …as though he had exclusive rights to the Gentiles and the 12 were to stay with the Jews…, Paul even had the gall to condescend specifically on Peter, James, and John when he belittled them to the Galatians.

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Paul The False Apostle

Paul The False Apostle

By Scott Nelson

Paul: The False ApostleThus far, I have shown that Paul’s concept of God’s foreknowledge, and his doctrine of predestination not only do not exist in Yahshua’s words or the Hebrew Scriptures, but there is much evidence to the contrary to be found in them. We might call this the DNA evidence against him (Doctrine Not Accurate). It is an important part of the case against him. But it is by no means all the evidence there is against his supposed authority. There is more than enough evidence to suggest that he was not even a true apostle of Yahshua… let alone the greatest apostle who ever lived as he is so often eulogized.

There are a number of historical facts, including things that both Yahshua and Paul said as recorded in the Bible, that leave us with some very compelling evidence against his apostleship being recognized in heaven.

There are several interesting facts surrounding this case that should be noted and kept in mind.

His apostleship was unrecognized by others.

Of the 22 times in the Bible where Paul is referred to as an “apostle”, only twice is he referred to as an apostle by someone other than himself! These two instances came from the same person. Not from Yahshua, or any of the original apostles, but from Paul’s close traveling companion and personal press secretary Luke. Both accounts are found in Luke’s record of the Acts of the Apostles, (chapter 14:4,14). Here Paul is referred to as an apostle along with Barnabas. By this time in the story, Luke would have been very accustomed to Paul calling himself an apostle, and he would no doubt have been in agreement with Paul’s assessment of himself. By these statistics alone, it is evident that Paul is by far his own biggest fan… and his side kick Luke was his number two fan. This leaves no one else anywhere in the Bible going on record recognizing his apostleship!

“I wanna talk about me!”

No other epistle author in the Bible wrote like Paul. This would be true on a number of levels, but one aspect is of particular interest when we are considering how Paul views himself. He had a way of drawing attention to himself with his usage of personal pronouns. When it comes to how often he uses words like, “I”, “me”, “my”, or “mine”, the overall rate in his epistles is almost three times that of his next closest rival. There are a number of reasons why many scholars today believe Paul was not the author of the book of Hebrews. One obvious reason is, in the other epistles credited to him, Paul doesn’t hesitate to identify himself along with his supposed credentials. The author of Hebrews is strangely silent on these matters. Many scholars believe Barnabas was the author of Hebrews, but I think Apollos is a far better candidate… but that’s a different subject. The point is, no one knows for sure. But Paul certainly couldn’t be in the running as the author of Hebrews when one also considers the statistical rate of the personal pronoun usage. The author of Hebrews refers to himself only 9 times, which is approximately 1.3 personal pronouns per thousand words. To help put this in perspective, let’s compare the book of Hebrews to the book of Romans. They are both relatively large books of similar length, divided into 13 and 16 chapters respectively. Yet in only the first half of the first chapter of Romans, which is 16 verses worth, Paul uses twice as many personal pronouns as the author of Hebrews uses in his entire book! In the book of Romans, Paul refers to himself 103 times, which is rate of about 18.2 per thousand! That is 13x greater than Hebrews. In 1 Corinthians, Paul refers to himself 175 times, in 2Corinthians 103 times again, and in the relatively short book of Galatians, he refers to himself 69 times which is a rate of 25 personal pronouns per 1000 words!

It should be evident that Paul is at least as concerned with making a statement about himself as he is in communicating what he believes to be the truth about God.

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Paul the False Apostle of Ephesus

Paul the False Apostle of Ephesus

Paul the false apostle of Ephesus“Why all the Sunday “Christian” churches are doomed to hell “

This such an easy concept to understand about

“the testing of prophet” from the Bible

The Commandments of God’s are the “preeminent standards” and are to be kept forever !

The commandments God came first ! before the prophets and apostles

Sense all the prophets and apostles came after the giving of “the Commandments of God”

All of the prophets or apostles have to pass or fail the test of prophet or apostle as found in Deuteronomy 13:1-5 No matter what any other person else where in the Bible may declares about a particular person, prophet or apostle.

All prophets or apostles must pass the test of a prophet found in Deuteronomy 13:1-5

And this is the test ! If the prophet or apostle teaches to take you off of any of the laws of God, off of Torah (the first five books of the Bible), or away from any of the commandments of God or if that prophet or apostle teaches that “we are not under the law any more because of this or that reason” or that we don’t need to keep this particular law or that particular commandment of God any more then we “commanded” to treat that person as a false prophet or false apostle. This per the instructions given in the commandment of God as found in Deuteronomy 13:1-10. This is easy to understand ! God made this easy for anyone to understand.

So you as a professing “commandment keeper of God ” spot a false prophet or false apostle by what that prophet teaches, then you must “fully reject” the teachings of that false prophet or false apostle or else YOU will fail God’s test for YOU as found Deuteronomy 13:1-5 If you fail God’s test, “by not rejecting a false prophet or false apostle”, then God will allow you to follow that false prophet into hell !

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Saul Paul False Apostle

I first heard Paul was a liar back in 1975, through the Teacher of the revelation of 1960.  The first documentary on The Dead Sea Scrolls” served as a witness to this very important truth.  Peter wrote the following about Paul and his teachings in his letter to Clement: “bad instruction, vain boasting, and other such evils have filled the whole house of this world like some enormous smoke preventing those who dwell in it from seeing the Founder aright.”  Jesus was the founder of true Christianity, whose teachings Paul perverted.  Peter goes on to say that Paul is the source of these errors, and that his visions deluded him.

The following are from the Homilies and Recognitions of Clement: “Our lord and prophet, who has sent us, declared to us that the Evil One, having disputed with him for forty days, but failing to prevail against him, promised that he would send Apostles from among his subjects to deceive them. Therefore, above all, remember to shun any apostle, teacher or prophet who does not accurately compare his teachings with James…the brother of our Lord…and this, even if he comes to you with recommendations… The Assembly of the Lord, which was constituted in Jerusalem, was most plentifully multiplied and grew, being governed with the most Righteous ordinances by James… James is preaching in the Temple when an unnamed enemy accompanied by an entourage of followers, bursts in.  The ‘enemy’ taunts James’ listeners and drowns out his words with noise, then proceeds to inflame the crowd, with reviling and abuse, and, like a madman, to excite everyone to murder, saying, What do ye?  Why do ye hesitate?  Oh, sluggish and inert, why do we not lay hands upon them, and pull all these fellows to pieces?… Much blood is shed; there is a confused flight, in the midst of which that enemy attacked James, and threw him headlong from the top of the steps; and supposing him to be dead, he cared not to inflict further violence upon him.”

Who would have had ‘an entourage of followers’ at this time?  Who is this angry unnamed enemy that is trying to silence the one called James the Righteous”?  James is in the Temple, preaching to the Jews; those adhering to the law, which Paul, by this time is calling rubbish.  James’ obedience to the law would have earned him the Righteous epithet, which was appropriate for the time. Paul would have been considered an enemy to those adhering to the carnal law through external works, and also to those adhering to the spiritual law through internal works.  We are to keep away from any teachings that do not agree with the teachings of James, and when it comes to works, the teachings of Paul and the teachings of James do not agree.  Paul  rejects both the carnal and the spiritual law, which he has substituted with his own law, which he calls the law of Christ,” found only in the Pauline Epistles.

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Paul The Platonist - Christianity is the end times delusion VIDEO

Paul The Platonist – Christianity is the end times delusion

Paul The PlatoistSo many people are waiting for an “antichrist” to come – but ignore that he’s IN YOUR BIBLE and has been deceiving people since Christianity started. I want you to PRAY about this study, not just hear it and respond. PRAY. FAST. DIG INTO THE WORD. COMPARE scripture side by side. Paul is the antichrist. Paul is a pagan, who got you to worship ANOTHER GOD.

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Paul Used A Revealing Alias On 10 Occasions - Apollonius of Tyana

Paul Used A Revealing Alias On 10 Occasions – Apollonius of Tyana

Apollonius of Tyana was alias for PaulPaul is an alias name used for Apollonius of Tyana. Paul is a westernized version of the “Pol” from his real name Apollonius.

The person Apollonius of Tyana was born in Asia minor. The apostle Paul claims to be raised is Tarsus! And so dose Apollonius. The are so many parallels between the persons of Paul and Apollonius which proves beyond any doubt to be one in the same person

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Paul vs. Jesus: 25 Contradictory and Incompatible Statements

Paul vs. Jesus: 25 Contradictory and Incompatible Statements

Paul vs. Jesus: 25 Contradictory and Incompatible StatementsThe following statements from Paul’s letters are symptomatic of deep differences between the doctrines of Paul and Jesus — much as a fever is symptomatic of an infection in the body.  You can read a discussion of their differences in Paul: the Stranger, my book that exposes Paul as a liar and a false prophet who did not know Jesus.  The most significant difference is in their salvation doctrines as derived from their interpretations of the crucifixion.  In these fundamental areas, Paul’s errors and false gospel are obvious to anyone who follows Jesus as teacher and listens carefully to Jesus’ words.  Very seldom does anyone in Christendom so listen to Jesus as to receive his Word of Truth, even though the gospels repeatedly quote his Word.  The reason?  The churchmen get to everyone first with false Pauline doctrine, which then stands between them and Jesus, blocking the Light.  His words come through but not his message.  My hope is that this list will motivate you to remove the blindfold and see the Good Shepherd as he is.

Paul Was Drunk On His Own Grandiosity And Self Importance

Paul Was Drunk On His Own Grandiosity And Self Importance

​From a thread over at TruthSeekers, the link is on the side panel.

Over on the thread ‘A Systemic Neglect of the Message’ I was staggered by what some had to say concerning Salvation being found in the ‘Sinner’s Prayer.’

For those who are unfamiliar with Rom 10:9 it goes like this: If you shall confess the ‘lord Yahshua and shall believe in your heart that God raised Him from dead, you shall be saved.’

That Paul was a false prophet, a self confessed liar, a self confessed deceiver, etc is no contest. He is a remarkably corrupt tree. Paul is the LEAVEN of Christianity and the Messianics. There are numerous articles here on ‘Truth Seekers’ for any one that desires to know the truth about Paul. Let’s face it, Paul accused the Apostles of the Lamb of being ‘Angels of Light, who had transformed themselves into ministers of righteousness.

2 Cor 11:13 For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ. 14 And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. 15 Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works.

Can you believe that? I mean that he had the gall to accuse the 12 of being satanic deceivers.

Is the truth in Paul? Here he looks more like the ‘Accuser of the Brethren.’

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Paul Was Marked On His Hand By The Serpent Who Bit Him

Paul Was Marked On His Hand By The Serpent Who Bit Him

Paul bit hand serpent snake NONOrthodoxy​My Bible shows me that the evil Saul of Tarsus received the mark of the beast in his hand (ACTS 28). Then, the people thought he was a god (Saul did not deny it) for not dying and for the miracles he performed in his own power. They brought him many gifts. The mark of the beast is the poisonous snake that both Moses and Jesus (himself) lifted up on a pole for our sins. Saul showed contempt for this “Grace” by shaking the beast off into the fire, in order to send a message to Jesus that it is Jesus, not the Devil, that will end up in the Lake of Fire.

Remember, it is the Benjamites who killed/raped Jesus-type the Concubine to death just like the people of Sodom and Gomorrah wanted to rape Jesus back in Genesis.

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Paul’s Three Conflicting Conversion Stories

Paul’s Three Conflicting Stories Regarding His Conversion On Road To Damascus

Paul Saul Knocked Off Horse, NONOrthodoxy.comOver the years, Paul gave three different accounts of his conversion on the road to Damascus. The problem is that all three version have conflicting stories, making us wonder what parts are true facts, or invented stories?

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Peter’s Life After Jesus’ Setup To Be Replaced

Peter’s Life After Jesus’ Setup To Be Replaced

Peter's Life After Jesus' Setup To Be ReplacedWith Saint Peter, we get a long look at the life and times of a man in the eye of the storm. Of Jesus’ apostles, Peter’s story is most engaging – for at least three reasons:

  • More is written in the New Testament about Peter than any other apostle; he is also reputed to be the author of two canonical epistles and perhaps a non-canonical gospel.
  • Both for Jesus and subsequently for Paul and James, Peter is the whipping boy – the person constantly caught in the middle between competing desires to do the right thing and simultaneously to please those whom he values.
  • Most fundamentally, Peter represents the apostle who attempted to stake out middle ground between opposing views of what Christianity was really about. Peter’s moderate position found no allies. Christendom has faced the consequences of an on-going struggle for its soul ever since.

So, get prepared! It’s time to consider the man front and center in shaping a community that has energized followers of Jesus the Christ – both then and now.

Background of Peter the Apostle & Writer

Most of what we know about Peter is not from his own (reputed) hand, but from what others have to say about him. Of the twelve apostles, Peter receives far more mention from the gospel writers.

Peter is cited as a source of information for the Gospel of Mark. The early second century church patriarch, Papias writes about Mark’s reliance on recollections of Peter in writing the Markan gospel.

However, Papias also notes that: “Peter used to adapt his teachings to the occasion, without making a systematic arrangement of the Lord’s sayings, so that Mark was quite justified in writing down some things just as he remembered them.” In short, Peter acted on the fly, a characteristic noted both in the New Testament (prompting rebukes from Jesus) and later – possibly prompting a loss of leadership status in the early church.

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Saul Aka Paul-The False Prophet and Self Made Apostle

Saul Aka Paul-The False Prophet and Self Made Apostle

Saul Aka Paul-The False Prophet and Self Made ApostleIt is a common misconception amongst the Christians that Paul and Jesus’ Disciples were unanimous in their preaching of a crucified Jesus. Christians believe that Paul and the Disciples were preaching the same doctrine and everyone believed in the divine Jesus who came to be crucified for the sins of the world. However, if one carefully examines the bible, that person would see that Paul and the disciples were not preaching the same doctrine and did not believe in the same Jesus (pbuh).

The Apostles in Jerusalem heard that Paul has been preaching a different doctrine in Corinthia and Galatia. Paul was telling them not to follow the law anymore and that they don’t have to eat kosher meat anymore or to be circumcised (according to Genesis 17::14, the covenant is broken if there is no circumcision) etc. So the Apostles went to Galatia and Corinthia and convinced everyone that Paul is wrong, when Paul heard about this he went straight back to the cities.

“I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting the one who called you by the grace of Christ and are turning to a different gospel”. [Galatians 1:6]

It says different Gospel, so obviously the disciples were teaching them a different doctrine and it was not just minor issues.

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Saul of Tarsus - The "Beast" of Rev 13:3 - The Abomination Which Makes Desolate

Saul of Tarsus – The “Beast” of Rev 13:3 – The Abomination Which Makes Desolate

Saul of Tarsus - The “At that time Yeshuwa’ raised himself up and said: I thank thee, my Father, Creator of heaven and earth, because thou hast hidden these words from the learned and the crafty and have REVEALED them to the humble”. (Matthew 11:25 Hebrew vsn. Emphasis mine)

“The prophecy concerning The Place of The Dead (Christ-ianity). One calleth unto me out of Seir (Babylon the great. Revelation 18:2): ‘Watchman what about the twister away of the light? Watchman what about the twister away of the light?

The watchman said: ‘The first light (Revelation 22:16) cometh, and also the twister away of the light – if ye will inquire, inquire ye; return, come'” (Isaiah 21:11,12)



“I WILL NOT JUSTIFY THE UNGODLY” (Exodus 23:7. Proverbs 17:15)


(Matthew 8:22. 16:12. 23:3. John 4:21. 17:20. Revelation 21:14)

THE DEVIL and FALSE APOSTLE ‘Paul’ “ROARS” (Jer. 6:23) his diabolical invitation THROUGH HIS CHRISTIAN MESSENGERS

(Daniel 11:38. Acts 17:23. 23:6. Philippians 3:5. 1 Corinthians 4:16)



(Matthew 24:14,15 translation from original Jewish Version. See this web site)


“…AS LIGHTNING…” (Luke 10:18)

“I HAVE COME IN MY FATHER’S NAME….If ANOTHER COMES IN HIS OWN NAME, you will receive him” (John 5:43)

“YESHUWA’ said to them “I SAW SATAN FALL, AS LIGHTNING, FROM HEAVEN” (Luke 10:18. Revelation 12:9).


“…for it pertains to the appointed time of THE END… and on THE WING OF ABOMINATIONS WILL COME ONE WHO MAKES DESOLATE…”

“From the time that the regular sacrifice is abolished and THE ABOMINATION WHICH MAKES DESOLATE is set up, there will be 1,290 days.
(Daniel 8:19. 11:31. 12:11)

The “regular sacrifice” was “abolished” (Daniel 8:19) when Yeshuwa’Mashiyach “lay down his life for his friends” (John 15:13).


“Little children, IT IS THE LAST HOUR (THE END); and as ye have heard THE ANTIMESSIAH SHALL COME, even NOW there are MANY ANTIMESSIAHS; this is how we know that it is THE LAST HOUR (THE END)” (1 John 2:18)

“…the twister away of the light…” (Genesis 1:5. Isaiah 21:12)

In Genesis 49:17 we are warned by the holy spirit of Yehvah Elohiym, that from among the tribe of “DAN” would come “SATAN THE ENCHANTER” who would “be an ENCHANTER (Hebrew: nachash) alongside THE WAY; A HORNED SNAKE in the path (way-side) that bites the horses heels, so that its rider falls backward” (Genesis 49:17. Matthew 13:19. Rev. 12:9).

The blessed name “THE WAY” (Genesis 49:17) is that of Yeshuwa’ the Messiah who declares that he is the “only WAY to THE FATHER” (John 1:23. 14:6).

The EVIL LETTERS of ‘Paul’ in christ-ian bibles are those of the “ENCHANTER alongside THE WAY” causing “MANY” to “FALL BACKWARDS” (Genesis 49:17) from BELIEVING IN YESHUWA’ MASHIYACH and HEARING and OBEYING his blessed words.

Yeremiah prophesied concerning the MANIFESTATION, at “DAN” in SYRIA, of THE ANTI-MESSIAH ‘Paul’ and the “DESOLATIONS HE AND HIS CHRISTIAN MESSENGERS would cause IN ALL THE LAND: “From Dan is heard the snorting of his (ANTI-MESSIAH ‘PAUL’) horses; At the sound of the neighing of his stallions (Pauline appointed Christian ministers) the whole land quakes; For they come and devour the EARTH AND ITS FULLNESS, The city (YERUSHALEM) and its INHABITANTS.(Yeremiah 8:16,17 Revelation 18:2).


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Saul of Tarsus - The People's Choice

Saul of Tarsus – The People’s Choice

It is a very simple thing to prove that saul of tarsus is a false shepherdIt is a very, very simple thing to prove that saul of tarsus is a false shepherd.
All that any of you need to do is use our Creator’s word that His only begotten Son testified to measure that which saul spoke.
Yehshua testified to the writings of Moses and the prophets.
And He testified against saul.
He even warned us that one would come in his own name and that you would follow this man instead of following Him.
Saul did not come in YEHWEH’s name.
He came in his father satan’s name.
He came representing a different pathway than that which YEHWEH’s true servants testified to.
Yehshua told us that we can know the false shepherds by their fruits and that their fruits would be lawlessness.
Lawlessness is violation of His Father’s Torah.
For those of you who think that Peter validated saul in 2nd Peter, Yehshua prophesied to Peter that he would be bound by another and that this would happen.
He did so the 3rd and final time that He appeared to His disciples after His resurrection.
He did so in His very last words that are recorded that He spoke to His disciples.
YEHWEH’s word testifies that He rose up king saul to be a foreshadow of saul of tarsus.
Today I will share with you how it does.

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Summary of Major Arguments Proving Saul of Tarsus is a False Apostle and Teacher

Summary of Major Arguments Proving Saul of Tarsus is a False Apostle and Teacher

Summary of Major Arguments Proving Saul of Tarsus is a False Apostle and TeacherThis subject of the teachings of Saul of Tarsus is of the UTMOST importance, impacting the eternal salvation of us all.  It is one of Satan’s most amazing and important deceptions in all of history.  Probably 99% of all “Christians” are deceived regarding this man and his doctrines.  It is one of Satan’s most successful frauds and lies.  And yet, paradoxically, once one sees the truth, it is so incredibly obvious.

As I imagine occurs with most people who stumble upon an extremely eye-opening truth, as occurred with me upon learning of the New World Order agenda, I was lead to also question the “orthodox” beliefs promoted by the “Established authorities” in our society in many other areas – including, the doctrines taught by the “mainstream” churches, and possible deception in the area of the Bible.  The Messiah made clear that there is GREAT deception in the area of religion.  He repeatedly warned against false prophets, and specifically stated that “For the gate is small and the way is narrow that leads to life, and there are few who find it.” (Matthew 7:14)  And it states in Revelation that Satan “deceives the whole world.” (Revelation 12:9).

This is a very hard truth for most people to accept.  At one time, I would have felt the same way.  Not to insult the intelligence of the reader, but just let me stress a straightforward truth.  In order for any of us to advance in knowledge of the truth, we must be willing to consider views that may initially shock us and that we may be preconceived to reject strongly.  For instance, recall how you (and I as well), may have at one time initially strongly rejected the idea that 9/11 could have been perpetrated by criminals controlling the U.S. government.

The evidence against Paul is simply overwhelming.  Saul of Tarsus (aka Paul) is a false prophet and false Apostle.   Please understand that I have come to this conclusion after about 8-9 years of research and reflection, and second-guessing myself, and with deep thought and consideration.

I imagine that some may be considering stopping reading right now.  I implore you the best I know how to not do so, and to just give me a few more minutes of your time.  This is such an absolutely crucial issue of the highest importance.  I believe that if you calmly and logically consider the points I subsequently make, you will see that my argument has validity ON THE EVIDENCE – which, at the least, I believe will cause you realize some legitimate questions and do your own research on the matter. 

One could literally write an entire book detailing the MANY problems with Paul, but in the interest of brevity, the following is an outline of several of the major arguments and pieces of evidence demonstrating that Saul of Tarsus is a false prophet and teacher:

And let me stress that you look up the passages I reference to confirm what is being presented.

Major points (not exhaustive of the arguments against Saul/Paul):

1) Most importantly, Saul/Paul taught against keeping the commandments of YHWH, saying that “the law has been abolished” (Ephesians 2:15), that “no one is justified by the law” (Galatians 3:10-14), and that “we are not under the law” (Romans 6:14). Yet Yahushua the Messiah taught the exact opposite.  In Matthew 5:17-18 the Messiah states: “Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfill.  For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.”  And He specifically said that we must obey and keep the commandments in order to obtain eternal life, as he told the rich man in Matthew 19:16-21 who asked him what he should do in order to have eternal life, saying “if thou wilt enter unto life, keep the commandments”. And in Matthew 7:21-23 the Messiah said, “Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven”.

2) – 20)

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The 12 Rested In Their Title of Apostle. Paul Constantly Badgered That He Was One Too

The 12 Rested In Their Title of Apostle. Paul Constantly Badgered That He Was One Too

The 12 Rested In Their Title of Apostle. Paul Constantly Badgered That He Was One TooPaul was not at all shy about calling himself an apostle. In fact, in nine out of thirteen of his books, he introduces himself as an apostle of Yahshua, and in each case states in some way that his apostleship is by heavenly decree.

Here is the question. Should we automatically believe the testimony of a person who makes grandiose claims about themselves when all we have for confirmation of their claim is little more than their word and maybe a statement or two from their best friend?

If so, then we should likewise confirm those like Jim Jones and David Koresh. Unless there is obvious corroborative evidence to support such claims, all of them should be taken with a very large grain of salt.

Unlike Paul, a true prophet or apostle does not have to go to such extraordinary lengths to convince the world they are who they say they are.

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The Apostle Paul Was A Deceiver! He was Satan In The Flesh! An Antichrist!y

The Apostle Paul Was A Deceiver! He was Satan In The Flesh! An Antichrist!

by Sherry Shriner

The Apostle Paul Was A Deceiver!

The Apostle Paul Was A Deceiver! He was Satan In The Flesh! An Antichrist!He was Satan In The Flesh! An Antichrist!

Matthew 24:4-5 states you will be deceived by people that come using Jesus’ name. Consider the parable of the sower. Jesus was warning us then that as soon as His Gospel was preached, the enemy (Paul) would be there to steal the truth!

***The real (untranslated) name of Jesus is Y’hoshua (pronounced like the name Joshua but with a Y, YoHoshua, some pronounce his name as Yeshua). All refer to the Son of God who came as the promised Messiah who died on the cross for our sins and rose again.

Now before you throw a tantrum and wonder why I haven’t been struck by lightening straight from the throne room of God, I can prove to you that Paul was a Fraud using his own words. Of course, if you’re a female, and you’re in the ministry, you already know he was, you probably just didn’t realize it! For to be a female and in the ministry of the Lord, you had to turn your back on Paul to follow Jesus. Congrats! You figured it out! You refused to buy into the lie pie Satan tried to sell you as Paul!

I’m going to make some startling points to wake your mind up into the truth, so hear me out, then I’ll go through and explain each one and give you all the proof you need to see for yourself that what I’m saying is indeed the truth.

Paul was Satan in the Flesh

Paul was never recognized as an apostle by the Disciples OR Jesus

Paul was never trained by the disciples, the men who walked, talked, and broke bread with our Saviour. He received his knowledge from “revelations.”

Paul’s account of his Damascus Road Experience changed every time he told it, thus the disciples knew he was lying.

Paul declared he was teaching another Gospel of which he himself was the Father

Paul declared he himself was the son of God

Paul issued his own commandments and laws for people to adhere to

Paul taught the exact Opposite of what Jesus and His real disciples did.

Paul worked to destroy and undo everything Jesus and His disciples did and were doing.

Paul was never repentant for being the greatest persecutor of Christians at that time! He boasted about it! Over and Over!

Paul said God’s law was a Curse. Jesus said it was a blessing. Who’s lying?

Paul condemned Jesus and His disciples for false teachings, he condemned Jesus Himself for having long hair in 1 Corinthians 11:14, something approved in Numbers 6:5 and Judges 13:5.

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The Excommunication of Mr Paul

The Excommunication of Mr Paul

THE EXCOMMUNICATION OF MR PAULAt the end of 1992 a book was published titled, “The Dead Sea Scrolls Uncovered” by Eisenman and Wise (Element books). This book offers fifty excerpts from long suppressed segments of these historic documents, placed in caves almost 2000 years ago and not discovered until 1947 and 1952.

In 1952 a team of scholars was appointed to piece together and decipher this wealth of material. But, instead of disseminating it to the world, these men withheld it, publishing only skeleton portions.

In autumn of 1991 this monopoly was broken by the Huntington’s Library in California. The library announced that it would release photographs of the scrolls, which it had secured from authorities at the time of the 1967 six day war. They had argued that at such an unstable time the scrolls could be in jeopardy of destruction and that photograph copies should be held in America for safe-keeping.

The series of scholars, Catholics and Jewish, who previously had held exclusive control over the scrolls, long maintained that there was nothing of interest in the unreleased materials. They said that no light would be shed on the early days of Christianity. They were wrong.

One portion, numbered 40266, is titled by Eisenman and Wise, “The Foundation of Righteousness (The End of the Damascus Document: An excommunication text).”

It appears to be the excommunication of Paul from the Christian Community. The document was prepared for a convocation of the followers of Christ at the time of the Pentecost, “to curse those who depart to the right (or to the left) of the Torah,” that is, the law of Moses.

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The false prophet Saul of Tarsus is a great "test" from the Most High to determine who truly loves Him

The false prophet Saul of Tarsus is a great “test” from the Most High to determine who truly loves Him

The false prophet Saul of Tarsus is a great Upon discovering the argument that Saul of Tarsus is a false apostle, many must wonder to themselves, “why were Saul’s writings allowed to be included in the Bible?”.

Is it possible that the Heavenly Father would allow his true word, laws, and religion to be corrupted?

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The Mark of The Beast Is The Cross

The Mark of The Beast Is The Cross

Mark beast of the beast, cross, NONOrthodoxy“Barukha YEHVAH Elohey Yisrael”
(1 Samuel 25:32)

[Transliterated into English – YEHVAH]
(Genesis 4:26. Exodus 3:14. 1 Chronicles 16:36)
(Deut. 6:4,13. Isaiah 9:6. 64:8. Matthew 6:9 John 4:23)
“For all the peoples walk everyone in the name of his elohyim; and we will walk in the name of YEHVAH, OUR EVERLASTING FATHER, WHO IS OUR ELOHIYM, forever and ever.”
(Micah 4:5 Isaiah 64:8)


[Transliterated into English – Yeshuwa`]
“You will call His name Yeshuwa’ because He will save My people from their punishments”
(Isaiah 53:8. Matthew 1:21)



(MATTHEW 24:15.  1 YOCHANAN 2:18. Hebrew vsns.)
(Daniel 9:27. 11:31. 12:11. Matthew 24:14,15. A vision of John 13:1)

(Exodus 4:8)

“and the mark of Satan [Hebrew: owth hasatan.  Revelation 13:16] brings out another satan, there will be division between ye; how will his kingdom stand?”
(Matthew 12:26. See this website)
(Revelation 14:11)
(Revelation 16:10)



“And he cried as a lion (Revelation 5:5. 10:3): ‘Upon the watchtower I stand, O ADONAY, I stand continually in the daytime, and I am set in my post all the nights’
“And, behold, there came a troop of men, horsemen by pairs. And he spoke and said: Fallen, fallen is Babylon [Revelation 18:2] ; and all the graven images of her mighty ones [Hebrew: Sheth. Antiyokus; ‘yeshu’; jesus’; ‘serapis’; ‘christ’; ‘jesus christ’; ‘christ jesus’; ‘trinity’; ‘triunity’; ‘oneness’; ‘jah’; ‘yah’; ‘yahweh’; ‘yahvah’; ‘yahwah’; ‘yahveh’; ‘yahuah’; ‘yahuwah’; ‘yahushuah’; ‘yahshuwah’; ‘yashua’; ‘yahshua’; ‘jehovah’; ‘yehovah’; ‘yahovah’; ‘yahowah’; ‘yehovih’; ‘yaweh’; ‘baal-yeshu’; ‘baal’; ‘god’; ‘lord’; ‘alpha and omega’; ‘mary’; ‘wafers’; ‘the cross’; ‘dead popes’; ‘dead demons’; ‘zeus’; ‘hey-zeus’; ‘evolution’; ‘allah’; etc] are broken unto the ground.

O thou my threshing, and the wheat (Matthew 13:30) of my floor [Matthew 3:12], that which I have heard from YEHVAH of hosts, the Mighty One of Yisrael, have I declared unto you.
The prophecy of doom concerning The Place of The Dead (Christ-ianity. Hebrew: dumah).  One calleth unto Me out of Devil mountain (Hebrew: Seir.  Revelation 18:2): ‘Watchman what about the twister away of the light (Adversary: Hebrew: law-yel-ah)? Watchman what about the twister away of the light?

The watchman (Revelation 18:1) said: ‘The first light (Yeshuwa’ Mashiyach. Revelation 22:16) cometh, and also the twister away of the light (jesus christ. Acts 22:8.  Adversary: Hebrew: law-yel-ah) – if ye will inquire, inquire ye; return, come’
(Isaiah 21:8,9,10,11,12)

The devil and false prophet ‘PAUL’ set up “LEVIATHAN…THE TWISTER AWAY OF THE LIGHT…THE DESOLATOR…THE ABOMINATION…WHICH CAUSES DESOLATION” (Genesis 1:5.  Isaiah 21:11,12. 27:1. Daniel 9:27. 11:1. 12:11. Matthew 24:14,15) and announced to his christ-ian followers: “THE UNKNOWN gOD…him I declare to you” (Daniel 11:38,39. Acts 17:23) and urged them to ‘call upon the name of jesus christ’ (Romans 10:13.1 Corinthians 1:2) and ‘Let all god’s angels worship him’ (Hebrews 1:6. Paul’s CORRUPTION of Psalm 97:7).

It is written in Yoel 3:5 (2:32) and Acts 2:21 that “WHOEVER WILL CALL UPON THE NAME YEHVAH WILL BE SAVED” (Joel 3:5 (2:32). Acts 2:21).

The devil and false prophet ‘Paul’; whilst daring to quote from Yoel 3:5; urges his christ-ian followers NOT; to “CALL UPON THE NAME YEHVAH” (Yoel 3:5. Acts 2:21); but to INSTEAD ‘Call upon the name of jesus christ (666) our lord; both theirs and ours’ (Romans 10:13. 1 Corinthians 1:2)” whom he also described as “THE UNKNOWN gOD” (Daniel 11:38,39. Acts 17:23).
“…the beast [Antiyokus Epiphanes (‘god manifest’) Book of the Hasmoneans 1:10] that was and is not and [yet] is present [‘jesus christ…god manifest in the flesh’ (1 Timothy 3:16)]”
(Revelation 17:8)
(Book of the Hasmoneans 1:10.  Matthew 24:15)
“…the BEAST
that was and is not
and [YET] is present”
(Revelation 17:8)
‘jesus christ’
‘let all god’s angels worship him’
[Hebrews 1:6. ‘Paul’s’ Satanic command to Christians
The BLASPHEMOUS NAME: “the name of the lord jesus christ (Hebrew: yeshu notsry. Spanish: heyzeus. Greek: heysous ho nazaraios and heysous christos. Latin: ie-sus chrestus’. English: jesus the nazarene)” (1 Corinthians 1:2) is the “NAME OF BLASPHEMY” (Revelation 13:1) and the name of “THE DESOLATOR…THE ADVERSARY OF MASHIYACH…ANTIYOKUS EPIPHANES…THE ABOMINATION…WHICH CAUSES DESOLATION” (Daniel 9:27. 12:11. Book of the Hasmoneans 1:10. Matthew 24:15. 1 Yochanan 2:18); “ABADDON AND APPOLUON” (Revelation 9:11); ‘my lord ascended on high’ [Adoniyqam. Ezra 2:13]’ (Revelation 13:18); “jesus christ he ascended on high” (Ephesians 4:8,10); “BAAL-ZE-BUB THE PRINCE OF DEMONS” (Matthew 12:24);  WHICH CHRISTIANS CALL UPON, USE TO BLASPHEME and CURSE, SAY THAT THEY ARE ‘SAVED BY’; PRAISE; WORSHIP; SING TO and in whose authority commit “MURDERS” (1 Cor 5:4,5).

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The Mystery of the Abomination of Desolation Revealed! by Bernard Harland

The Mystery of the Abomination of Desolation Revealed!

by Bernard Harland.

Mystery of the Abomination of DesolationMarch 22, 2012 AD

Mat 24:15 When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand:)

Mark 13:14 But when ye shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing where it ought not, (let him that readeth understand,) then let them that be in Judaea flee to the mountains:

A holy place is where one would expect to find the holy God. A holy place is where one would expect to find righteousness, goodness and truth. However, one ought not find lies in God’s holy place because lies are an abomination to God. The abomination of desolation spoken of by Daniel the prophet is the lies of Satan standing in God’s holy place where they ought not be standing. These lies of Satan are in God’s holy Bible. Genesis 3:4 is one such abomination of desolation standing in God’s holy place. The lie found in Genesis 3:4 caused the desolation and death of Adam and Eve. Adam and Eve did not obey the holy commandment of God because of the abomination of desolation spoken by the serpent in Genesis 3:4. This abomination in Genesis 3:4 is a perfect example of the other lies that Satan has successfully placed in God’s New Testament holy place.

In Genesis 2:16 God gives Adam a good and holy commandment to extend Adam’s life.

Example #1 The Truth of God

Gen 2:16 And the LORD God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat:

Gen 2:17 But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.

Twelve verses after God gives his commandment in Genesis 2:16-17 the serpent states, “Ye shall not surely die” in Genesis 3:4.

Example #1 An Abomination of Desolation
The Lie of the Serpent

Gen 3:4 And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die:

Gen 3:5 For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.

The serpent’s words “ye shall not surely die” are just the opposite of what God said. These words of the serpent are lies; however, the words of God are true. The serpent’s words are an abomination of desolation.
There are many scriptures in the New Testament that do the same thing as the serpent’s words in Genesis 3:4-5. They prevent Christians from doing what Christ commands in the Four Gospels. The Four Gospels contain the true commandments and teachings of Christ the Son of God. However, after the Four Gospels many lies can be found that say just the opposite. These ungodly and antichrist Scriptures found in the New Testament Holy Bible are the Abomination of Desolation spoken of by Daniel the prophet standing in the holy place.

I will show twelve of the many lies found in the New Testament that Satan has injected into God’s Holy Bible. The only way one can detect these lies is by comparing them to the truth of the words of God and Christ. I will show the true teaching of God and Christ first, and then I will show a scripture after the Four Gospels (concerning the same topic) that says just the opposite. The New Testament scriptures that say just the opposite of what Christ teaches in the Four Gospels are lies injected into the Holy Bible by Satan just as he did in the Garden of Eden. These lies are designed to prevent a Christian from doing the things that Christ says that would extend the Christian’s life.

John 8:51 Verily, verily, I say unto you, If a man keep my saying, he shall never see death.
If a Christian does what Christ says, Satan cannot kill him. Satan is a murderer; his goal is to make sure you don’t do what Christ says.

Luke 6:46 And why call ye me, Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I say?

If a Christian believes the Abomination of Desolation he will not do what Christ says.

#1 A True Teaching of Christ

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The Paul Paradox – The Matrix of Antinomies

The Paul Paradox – The Matrix of Antinomies

From the Willie Martin Archive

The Paul Paradox - The Matrix of AntinomiesThose who study the New Testament may well note that popular ‘red‑letter’ editions of the text, with Christ’s words thus highlighted, contain virtually no such rubrics thruout the Epistles of Paul. With the sole exception of the eucharistic formula at I‑Corinthians 11:24‑25, he does not quote any sayings of the historical Yeashúa/Jesus, either as found in the written Gospels or from a contemporaneous oral tradition.

Indeed furthermore, he never even once alludes to the panorama of the Savior’s biography, from the Nativity up to the Passion, which fills the pages of the first four books of the New Testament. This is, on the face of it, a most puzzling omission. (¹although, astonishingly, at Acts 13:24‑25 he does quote John the Baptist!; Acts 20:35, on the other hand, is actually a citation from Thucidides’/

Peloponnesian War, while Ac 26:14 is in fact a line from Euripides’ Bacchae!)

Beyond this remarkable lack of historical concern, however, there is an even more enigmatic aspect of Paul’s record in the New Testament. For an objective, philosophical reading of the documents would seem to reveal a number of logical contradictions, both within his biography and also between his theology and that of the Evangelists. It must be emphasized that these anomalies are conceptual rather than empirical in nature.

Here then is the matrix of antinomies, along with a brief statement of the apparent logical contradiction in each case (the original Greek should always be checked, at least via Adolph Knoch’s superlative interlinear, The Concordant Literal Translation, as modern translations often blur these very discrepancies):

· 1. Acts 9:7 Acts 22:9

In the propositional calculus of modern logic, ‘p & not‑q’ is the truth‑functional negation of ‘q & not‑p’. Thus ‘they heard but did not see’ directly contradicts ‘they saw but did not hear’. Yet this famous event on the Damascus road was the sole original justification for Paul’s supposed commission in independence of Peter/Kefa and the other Apostles.

· 2. Acts 9:26‑29 Galatians 1:17‑2:1

Did Paul then travel immediately; or seventeen years later! from Damascus to Jerusalem in order to meet with the entire Apostolic circle?

· 3. Matthew 22:41‑45 Romans 1:3

Paul asserts that Christ is descended from David, which Christ himself in the Gospels explicitly denies (the synoptic genealogies merely providing the OT background to this transcending self‑assertion).

· 4. Luke 2:49, 19:45‑46 Acts 17:24

The Gospels endorse the OT designation of the Temple in Jerusalem as the very House of the LORD. Paul nevertheless proclaims to the Athenians that God inhabits no sanctuary made by human hands.

· 5. Acts 1:15 I‑Corinthians 15:6

How can Christ have appeared to over 500 Brothers at a time (prior to the ascension) when the entire Discipleship numbered only 120?

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The Problem of Paul

The Problem of Paul

The Mythmaker: Paul and the Invention of Christianity

As a Talmudic scholar, I have found that knowledge of the Talmud and other rabbinical works has opened up the meaning of many puzzling passages in the New Testament. In my earlier book on Jesus, Revolution in Judaea, I showed how, in the Synoptic Gospels, Jesus speaks and acts as a Pharisee, though the Gospel editors have attempted to conceal this by representing him as opposing Pharisaism even when his sayings were most in accordance with Pharisee teaching. In the present book, I have used the rabbinical evidence to establish an opposite contention: that Paul, whom the New Testament wishes to portray as having been a trained Pharisee, never was one. The consequences of this for the understanding of early Christianity are immense.

In addition to the rabbinical writings, I have made great use of the ancient historians, especially Josephus, Epiphanius and Eusebius. Their statements must be weighed in relation to their particular interests and bias; but when such bias has been identified and discounted, there remains a residue of valuable information. Exactly the same applies to the New Testament itself. Its information is often distorted by the bias of the author or editor, but a knowledge of the nature of this bias makes possible the emergence of the true shape of events.

For an explanation of my stance in relation to the various schools of New Testament interpretation of modern times, the reader is referred to the Note on Method, p. 206.

In using the Epistles as evidence of Paul’s life, views and ‘mythology’, I have confined myself to those Epistles which are accepted by the great majority of New Testament scholars as the genuine work of Paul. Disputed Epistles, such as Colossians, however pertinent to my argument, have been ignored.

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The Problem With Paul

The Problem With Paul

The Problem with PaulPaul was a Pharisee. One day he had a ‘revelation’. He changed his name from Saul to Paul, and straightway preached his revelations about the ‘Christ’ in the synagogues. Paul continued to have new ‘revelations’ that spoke ‘of’ and ‘for’ a Christ, but he was glaringly silent about the actual life of Yahushua (Jesus) and his teachings. In Paul’s epistles we find him using the words ‘Christ, Son of God, grace, redemption, resurrection, etc.’, but we learn little or nothing about Yahushua and his actual teachings. They’re virtually absent from Paul’s epistles. What we learn about are Paul’s revelations. Roughly 50% of the New Testament (13 epistles) is from Saul, a man who neither knew Yahushua in the flesh, nor was instructed by the apostles. Rather, he taught by unsubstantiated revelation, Ezekiel 13:2-9.

Paul considered himself the ‘apostle’ to the Gentiles, primarily because his doctrine (called ‘that way’, Acts 19:9, 23) was rejected by Jewish Christians and the Asian churches alike; and he was forced to seek converts who knew nothing of Yahudim (Jewish) customs and the Law. Paul’s doctrine was adverse to the teachings of Yahushua; and he was often in conflict with James, Peter, and John; the real apostles. And by the way, Paul was not an apostle.

Paul spent an inordinate amount of time defending himself and his teachings from accusations of guile, lies, and covetousness. None of the real apostles were so accused. Paul’s core philosophy of justification by faith and abolition of Torah Law stands in opposition to Yahushua’s statements in the gospels. Paul thought nothing of lying or practicing pagan customs if it meant gaining a new convert to his own brand of salvation, Romans 3:7, I Corinthians 10:14-21, 9:19-22.

Paul’s words speak for themselves. His use of personal pronouns in his epistles (I, me, my, mine) is three times that of any other writer. Paul urged his followers to follow him. He preached by revelation. Paul preached his doctrine in the ‘name’ of Christ, but his teachings were not in alignment with Yahushua’s teachings, John 5:43.

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To Bind The Strong Man

To Bind The Strong Man.

To Bind The Strong Man, mr paulPosted on January 24, 2015 by Mishayah

In the years to come and yes there will be years to come, you and I and all who have come out of Pauline Christianity will be known as ‘forerunner’s’ and forerunners are indeed YHVH’s special forces, messengers of truth, and this is the work of YHVH. Think about it for a minute, the True Gospel that was taught by Yahshua has been virtually lost for 2000 years until now. What a magnificent work the Father has placed in our hands.

When Yahshua looked out over the great harvest he was not looking at a people who were totally ignorant to YHVH, I mean come on, these folks were raised with the Torah. But like us they had fallen under the spell of religion, and they like us were deceived by their leaders. Those leaders of Judea were the Paulinists of their day. They had supplanted the Torah, the Word of God with the “Traditions of the Elders’ the word of man. We are living in a mirror image of that time.

He sent forth His Word and healed them, ‘The Sun of Righteousness rising with healing in His wings’ this is a promise to those who will yield to implanted Word of Truth that was sown in them. YHVH is my shepherd. Think about it, the Word of Truth is my Shepherd, think about it, the Word of Truth is the Lamb of God. Now you know what was slain before the foundation of the world, The Word of truth. Now the Lamb of God only takes away the sin of the world IN those that follow Him.
The healing power of the Commandments as they are hand written upon your heart and mind are so powerfully manifest. Wings always speak of the Commandments and again there is awesome healing power for the soul as those Commandments are hand written upon the heart. I mean every time YHVH does this you are literally LIT up inside and anything that is dark or darkness is revealed in that light and you have a choice at that moment and yes it’s only a moment, you have a choice to either flee with the darkness or stand firm in the light like Moses did. If you choose to stand you will experience the most profound healing that you never knew could possibly exist.

To bind the strong man, to bind the lying spirit. Paul is a manifestation of the dragon, and guess what? It’s YHVH Himself that plucks this critter out of us, first He exposes it, yeah, there’s a dragon working in us before this happens and yes, I’ve seen it. It makes you sick that this thing was hiding deep within, it’s a lying voice that mimics the Holy Spirit speaking forth the dribble of Paul and lawlessness, it abides in our ignorance.

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Was Paul a false apostle? Scripture reveals he preached "another" gospel.

Was Paul a false apostle? Scripture reveals he preached “another” gospel.

Posted By MichaelEden
July 31st, 2003, 07:18 PM

Paul taught a different gospel from Jesus, NONOrthodoxy“I know that you cannot tolerate wicked men, that you have tested those who claim to be apostles but are not, and have found them to be false.” Revelation 2:2 (NIV)

“Then understood they how that he bade them not beware of the leaven of bread, but of the doctrine of the Pharisees and of the Sadducees” Matthew 16:12 (KJV)


Was the apostle Paul a false prophet? Did Paul preach ‘another’ gospel than that of Jesus Christ? Why wasn’t Paul chosen as one of the original twelve, or chosen to replace the apostle that betrayed Christ? Why did Paul’s ‘conversion’ result in blindness, when Christ performed miracles of restoring sight to many in the gospels? Why does Paul brazenly admit to things like:

(stealing) “I robbed other churches, taking wages of them, to do you service.” II Cor 11:8

(boasting) “Since many are boasting in the way the world does, I too will boast.” II Cor 11:18

(speaking NOT on behalf of Lord) “That which I speak, I speak it not after the Lord, but as it were foolishly, in this confidence of boasting” II Cor 11:17

(trickery and deceit) “Yet, crafty fellow that I am, I caught you by trickery!” II Cor 12:16

We’ve been warned before about “devils in disguise” as “angels of light”… Here is a scriptural look into the mind of a deceiver – via the pages of Corinthians I and II. The devil’s in the details:

(Paul urges the Corinthians to imitate him, rather than Christ)

“Even though you have ten thousand guardians in Christ, you do not have many fathers, for in Christ Jesus, I became your father through the gospel. Therefore I urge you to imitate me.” I Cor 4:15/16


(Paul decides to pass judgment on someone)

“And I have already passed judgment on the one who did this, just if I were present.” I Cor 5:3


(Paul decides to consult with Satan, not Jesus, concerning the man he passed judgment on)

“hand this man over to Satan, so that the sinful nature may be destroyed and his spirit saved on the day of the Lord.” I Cor 5:5

(Paul thinks he is better than anyone else)

“I wish that all men were as I am.” I Cor 7:7

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Were There Twelve or Thirteen Apostles?

Were There Twelve or Thirteen Apostles?

By a contributor L. Bolta

13th apostle Paul, illuminati eye, pyramid, NONOrthodoxyFrom the canon that we have today, both Paul and Mathias are referenced as apostles; but how can this be? If we accept both as apostles, it just doesn’t add up because we then have a total of thirteen or fourteen and any first grader beginning elementary bible lessons can tell you that there are twelve apostles and twelve only.

To begin, we recall that Mathias was initially chosen in Acts 1 to replace the fallen Judas but several years later, Paul enters the scene also claiming apostleship. Who are the twelve apostles or were there actually thirteen? If we accept Yahushua’s (Jesus’) statement in the final chronology of the bible, there can only be twelve apostles:

Rev. 21:14 And the wall of the city had twelve foundations, and in them the names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb.

Paul and Matthias apparently are duking out for the 12th spot left by Judas.

So what gives; are there twelve or thirteen? Who was the 12th?

To begin this inquiry, here are some references supporting both Mathias’ and Paul’s apostleship:

Supporting Mathias

(Acts 1 20-26):

20 For it is written in the book of Psalms, Let his habitation be desolate, and let no man dwell therein: and his bishoprick let another take. 21 Wherefore of these men which have companied with us all the time that the Lord Jesus went in and out among us, 22 Beginning from the baptism of John, unto that same day that he was taken up from us, must one be ordained to be a witness with us of his resurrection. 23 And they appointed two, Joseph called Barsabas, who was surnamed Justus, and Matthias. 24 And they prayed, and said, Thou, Lord, which knowest the hearts of all men, shew whether of these two thou hast chosen, 25 That he may take part of this ministry and apostleship, from which Judas by transgression fell, that he might go to his own place. 26 And they gave forth their lots; and the lot fell upon Matthias; and he was numbered with the eleven apostles.

Supporting Paul:

Rom_1:1 Paul, a servant of Jesus Christ, called to be an apostle, separated unto the gospel of God, 1Co_1:1 Paul, called to be an apostle of Jesus Christ through the will of God, and Sosthenes our brother, 2Co_1:1 Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God, and Timothy our brother, unto the church of God which is at Corinth, with all the saints which are in all Achaia: Gal_1:1 Paul, an apostle, (not of men, neither by man, but by Jesus Christ, and God the Father, who raised him from the dead; Eph_1:1 Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God, to the saints which are at Ephesus, and to the faithful in Christ Jesus: Col_1:1 Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God, and Timotheus our brother, 1Ti_1:1 Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ by the commandment of God our Saviour, and Lord Jesus Christ, which is our hope; 2Ti_1:1 Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God, according to the promise of life which is in Christ Jesus, Tit_1:1 Paul, a servant of God, and an apostle of Jesus Christ, according to the faith of God’s elect, and the acknowledging of the truth which is after godliness;

Don’t let the frequency of explicit references to Paul’s apostleship add credence to his selection, as all references to his apostleship come from Paul’s own writings! There are no references to him being given that title by any of the other eleven apostles or even Yahushua himself.

Long before Paul, the criteria for determining the replacement apostle were established by the remaining eleven apostles:

Acts 1:21-22 Wherefore of these men which have companied with us all the time that the Lord Jesus went in and out among us, Beginning from the baptism of John, unto that same day that he was taken up from us, must one be ordained to be a witness with us of his resurrection.

The candidate had to have accompanied them all the time that Yahushua went in and out among them; from the baptism of John and to when they were together and witnessed with the apostles His resurrection. Hence, Paul simply could not have qualified, as he was just not there!

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Where The Churches Went Wrong: The Deception of the Ages By Sherry Shriner

Where The Churches Went Wrong: The Deception of the Ages

By Sherry Shriner

Where The Churches Went Wrong: The Deception of the Ages.It’s always been a battle zone. The war of the denominations and who is the most doctrinally correct. The Baptists were sure they were the only one’s who had religion and God right, everyone else was wrong. The Lutherans, Methodists, Catholics, Pentecostals, Episcopalians, Presbyterians, Messianic temples and everyone else were and are the same. With over 27,000 different sects and branches of religion today, exactly which one has it all right?

None of them.

We have a different branch and different denomination for every disagreement imaginable over theology. If religion is man’s attempt to find God, theology is the foundation the religion is based on. And that’s where the problem is because somewhere God has been replaced by man’s attempt to define Him.

Years ago I kept wondering what the real church was. What did the apostles really preach? What were the real beliefs back then compared to what they are now? What exactly was the early church and what did they believe? It was this journey to find the truth from Yahweh that so much of today’s deceptions would be revealed to me by Him.

When you start to search and seek Him for answers the most obvious things will start to stand out to you. The most glaring is the obvious distinction that there are two different gospels. The one the apostles taught and the one being preached today in the churches. When you study the early church you realize that the churches today resemble almost nothing like the early ones.

When you take this even further you will begin to realize that not only do the teachings of today resemble nothing of what the apostles taught, there are two different Saviors presented.


The Church of the Apostles

It was James who led the early Apostles and it was Peter upon whom the church would be built. Yet today you wouldn’t know it or even think it. Walk into any assembly anywhere and the Pauline doctrines are dominant. Why does it matter? Because Peter and Paul are night and day. Peter was an apostle with a mantle from Yahweh to build His church, and he did, but the latter Pauline Christians rejected it and took over Christianity. Paul was a self-proclaimed apostle, whom the apostles rejected as an apostle, but accepted as a brother.

There were blatant disagreements and arguments between Paul and the Apostles. There were only 12 apostles, not 13. “And on the wall of the city had twelve foundations; and in them the names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb” Rev.21:14. In the beginning there were 12, and at the end there are 12. There never have been 13. And it was Paul who created the offices of leadership to vilify himself as an apostle.

When does the light go off that Paul was a wolf? How much information does anyone need that this self-proclaimed apostle was a snake? Yahweh has not appointed an apostle since the twelve. Period. Even in the codes you will not find anyone as an apostle. Just prophets and watchmen. The office of apostle has been closed.

After 300 years of persecutions, most of the apostolic doctrines had been destroyed and lost. They were ultimately replaced with little resistance from the newer believers with a compromise of Mithraic paganism that had been introduced by Paul. It took 300 years for Satan to destroy the early church and persecute Yahweh’s believers so he could implement his own strategy to infiltrate and overpower the church with himself. And he did it as Mithra, and through Mithraism.


Early Christians

The first believers were called Judahites. At that time, there were two groups of Jews, the Judahites and the Edomites. The Edomites were hybrids and Cain’s seed and had mixed with the Judahite Jews making up more notably the Pharisee branch. Perverting and legalizing the Pentateuch i.e. Old Testament/Torah was of great importance to them and they kept its laws, keeping the sabbath and performing circumcision as a sign of the Covenant. Yet they tortured the legalisms of the law to benefit themselves in social status and wealth.

Belief in Yahushua as the Messiah was spreading largely among the Judahites who referred to themselves as People of the Way or simply Judahites, and those who adopted the belief in the Messiah and His teachings were also adopted in and referred to as Judahites as well.

This sect within the Judahites believed Jesus/Yahushua was the promised Messiah. He was not popular and incited much anger from the legalist Scribes and Pharisees because He had tried to make people aware of the real application and intent of the law of the Torah which had been watered down by the infiltrating alien hybrid and Edomite Jews and misapplied putting the people into bondage. The legalists had taken over and led the people into error and oppression while claiming it was the truths in the Torah law. They manipulated it and used it to benefit themselves, and Yahushua tried to lead the people back into the real intent and truths of the Torah provoking much wrath against Him for doing so.

From the time Moses had received the laws from Yahweh, the entire Jewish social system had been laid down in the Torah. The Torah, among other things, states that all are equal and that no person may oppress or exploit another, that all have the right to be free and to be independent masters of their own fate. It was their Constitution and Bill of Rights.

For instance, every person is entitled as a matter of right to social security. This means that people are entitled to be supported by the community not only when they fall on hard times but also to maintain their independence as independent breadwinners for their families. For example, the community had to provide backup funds to those who needed them and they had to be provided as and when required. To prevent people being exploited through their need these funds had to be provided without charging interest and such loans were cancelled every seventh year if the borrower had been unable to repay them.

The country’s wealth and this applies particularly to productive capital, belongs to all equally and had to be shared among everyone. This equal and fair distribution of the community’s wealth was to be updated at regular intervals.

The role of those who were rich is seen to be that of administering their wealth and money on behalf of and for the community and not that of getting rich at the public’s expense.

The laws of the Torah (books of Moses) were to be followed and applied by the Judahites as a matter of law in their daily lives. However it was these laws the rich detested and had the intent of the laws changed to suit themselves thereby oppressing the people and getting rich off this oppression. Yahushua tried to reinstate the intent and purpose of the laws and have them applied correctly. This is why the rich and powerful rose up against Him and His teachings of the law.

After Yahushua died and arose, His apostles continued in the example He had set, observing the feasts, the laws, and the Commandments. Nothing was to be changed. The sacrificial laws had been fulfilled with the ultimate sacrifice of the Son of the Most High, but the other laws of the Torah were to be observed. And this is where churchianity replaces and redefines the law with grace and begins outright disobedience to God’s laws.

Most in the churches today believe that the Old Covenant, the Laws of the Torah and Moses were done away with after Yahushua arose from the dead. This isn’t true.

The New Covenant, the New Testament, transformed the Old Testament, it didn’t abolish it. The two reconcile each other. The one doesn’t replace the other. Some commands of the law were transformed by their fulfillment while others were superceded by the Words of Yahweh Himself. This was true in the Old Covenant also when Solomon’s Temple superceded the ancient tabernacle.

For instance, it was Yahushua’s sacrifice that fulfilled the requirements of and for a sin offering. Other commands were re-prioritized instead of abolished. The Biblical Holy Days/Festivals (especially Passover) weren’t abolished but took on new meanings. If you wonder why we don’t stone people any more it’s because the penalties for our sins were executed already in Yahushua’s death. So as you see, the New Covenant doesn’t abolish the Old Covenant, it upholds it! What still stands is clean and unclean foods, keeping the Sabbath, and other tenants of the laws that the churches have thrown out and ignored over time. As believers it is our responsibility to let the Holy Spirit write the Old Covenant Laws on our hearts so that we know what to obey and how to obey it. He will guide and direct us.

A lot of people feel a yearning today that they should be celebrating the feasts and moving away from abominable foods. This is by the Holy Spirit’s guidance. Yahweh is trying to lead those who seek Him into the way they should go just as the New Covenant said would happen. We need to heed His Spirit and follow His guidance. It isn’t a messianic vs. protestant vs. catholic thing, it’s just being led by Him and following Him. Divisions and denominations aren’t of Him when we are supposed to be unified as one. Leave the churches if they’re not preaching and teaching His truths and follow Him yourself if you have to.

Some points to consider:

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Paul The Herodian

Open Your Eyes To Paul’s True Nationality He Was A Herodian Jew

Open Your Eyes To Paul’s True Nationality He Was A Herodian Jew

Open Your Eyes To Paul's True Nationality He Was A Herodian JewPaulus (aka Saulus) claimed in his letters in the Greek New Testament that he was of the tribe of Benjamin (Phil 3:5), but the historian Josephus exposes this as not being true. This article will demonstrate that Paulus/Saulus was in fact a member of the Herodian royal family. The Herodians were Idumean (Edomites) who converted to Judaism and embraced the identity of the tribe of Benjamin.

Josephus had to have known about Paulus/Saulus given that he was from the same generation of Josephus’s father, and that he was familiar with two Roman procurators of Judea and at least two high priests, and he was the at the center of an uproar in Jerusalem, the kind that would have been of major concern and interest to Josephus as the chronicler of that city’s history up until the day of its destruction in 70 AD. So the idea that Josephus had absolutely nothing whatsoever to say about Paulus/Saulus is simply ridiculous. He did have something to say about him:

“Costobarus also, and Saulus, did themselves get together a multitude of wicked wretches, and this because they were of the royal family; and so they obtained favor among them, because of their kindred to Agrippa; but still they used violence with the people, and were very ready to plunder those that were weaker than themselves. And from that time it principally came to pass that our city was greatly disordered, and that all things grew worse and worse among us” (Antiquities, 20.9.4).

Granted, this picture seems to conflict with the image of the “Saul of Tarsus” most of you were taught to love. It’s a very different picture. So how can we be sure Josephus was really talking about Paulus/Saulus of the Greek New Testament when mentioning Saulus of the Herodian Edomite royal family? First, because the date Josephus puts this Saulus in Jerusalem, and the commotion that took place in the city on his account on that particular date, fits perfectly with what we read in the Book of Acts when Paulus/Saulus was in Jerusalem and was supposedly arrested at that time. I will show you in this article that he was not really arrested at all. That whole story in the Book of Acts is a fabrication designed to make sure you do not put two-and-two together and figure out who Josephus was really talking about. Second, because the Greek New Testament exposes Paulus/Saulus, and third because Paulus/Saulus exposes himself in his own words.

Consider carefully the following 10 points:

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Paul Was The Son of Herod Antipas – Royalty

Paul Was The Son of Herod Antipas – Royalty

Paul Was The Son of Herod Antipas – RoyaltyHerod Antipas become the step-father of Salome (the daughter of Herod Thomas) when he married her mother Herodias and since he was already the father of Paul from his first wife Phasaelis, Salome and Paul sister and brother. Salome’s first son was Timothy.

Acts 23:16 mentions “Paul’s sister’s son” and here Luke slips up and reveals that Paul Saul is not a Jew but St. Paul is a Herodian!

Paul was deceptive when he claims:
“Are they Hebrews? So am I. Are they Israelites? So am I. Are they offspring of Abraham? So am I.”(2Corinthians 11:22)

“I am a Pharisee, the son of Pharisees.” (Acts 23:6)

“Circumcised the eighth day, of the nation of Israel, of the tribe of Benjamin, a Hebrew of Hebrews; as to the Law, a Pharisee;”

(Philippians 3-5) “My manner of life from my youth, spent from the beginning among my own nation and at Jerusalem (Qumran), is known by all the Jews. They have known for a long time, if they are willing to testify, that according to the strictest party of our religion I have lived as a Pharisee.” (Acts 26:4)

“I advanced in Judaism beyond many among my people of the same age, for I was far more zealous for the traditions of my ancestors”. (Galatians 1:14)

“I indeed, am a man, a Jew, having been born in Tarsus of Cilicia, and brought up in this city at the feet of Gamaliel, having been trained up a child, according to the exactitude of a law of the fathers, being zealous of God, as all you are to-day.” (Acts 22:3)

“Paul said to the centurion who was standing by, “Is it lawful for you to flog a man who is a Roman citizen and uncondemned?” When the centurion heard this, he went to the tribune and said to him, “What are you about to do? For this man is a Roman citizen.” So the tribune came and said to him, “Tell me, are you a Roman citizen?” And he said, ‘Yes.'” (Acts 22:25-27)

Inductive reasoning shows that the sister in “Paul’s sister’s son” Acts 23:16 would have to be his step-sister Salome, the daughter of Herodias, the wife of Herod Antipas. The son would have to be Timothy, Trophimus, or Tychicus (all shown as traveling with Paul).

“Paul’s sister’s son” Acts 23:16
This implies that Paul is a Herodian, the son of Herod Antipas and his first wife Phasaelis who was the daughter of King Aretas IV of the Nabataeans and his queen Chuldu. Herod’s first marriage had been prearranged by Herod the Great to preserve peace with King Aretas IV. (Herod the Great’s mother was a Nabataean.) When Herod Antipas divorced Phasaelis to marry Herodias, John the Baptist opposed him, which lead to his beheading, and it caused a war with the Nabataeans that Herod Antipas lost. It is for this reason that Paul’s ancestry was concealed.

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The Real Paul of Royal Descent - The Son of Herod Antipas

The Real Paul of Royal Descent – The Son of Herod Antipas

Pauls Father Herod Antipas Murdered John and Jesus, NONOrthodoxy

Herod Antipas (ruled 4 B.C.-A.D. 39) Jesus called him “the Fox” (Luke 13:32). Received a quarter of his father’s territory (Galilee and Perea). Divorced his first wife and married Herodias, the wife of his brother (who was yet a different “Herod”).

He killed John the Baptist.

Pontius Pilate sent Jesus to see this Herod as part of Jesus’ trial since this Herod was visiting Jerusalem at the time Jesus was sentenced to death. Did you know that Pilate and Herod Antipas became friends that day (Luke 23:12)?

Paul was the Son of Herod Antipas and his first wife Phasaelis, step-brother of Salome, daughter of Herodias. Acts 23:16 mentions “Paul’s sister’s son” and here Luke slips up and reveals that Paul Saul is not a Jew but St. Paul is a Herodian!

Paul was deceptive when he claims: “Are they Hebrews? So am I. Are they Israelites? So am I. Are they offspring of Abraham? So am I.”(2Corinthians 11:22)

“I am a Pharisee, the son of Pharisees.” (Acts 23:6) “Circumcised the eighth day, of the nation of Israel, of the tribe of Benjamin, a Hebrew of Hebrews; as to the Law, a Pharisee;” (Philippians 3-5)

“My manner of life from my youth, spent from the beginning among my own nation and at Jerusalem (Qumran), is known by all the Jews. They have known for a long time, if they are willing to testify, that according to the strictest party of our religion I have lived as a Pharisee.” (Acts 26:4)

“I advanced in Judaism beyond many among my people of the same age, for I was far more zealous for the traditions of my ancestors”. (Galatians 1:14)

“I indeed, am a man, a Jew, having been born in Tarsus of Cilicia, and brought up in this city at the feet of Gamaliel, having been trained up a child, according to the exactitude of a law of the fathers, being zealous of God, as all you are to-day.” (Acts 22:3)

“Paul said to the centurion who was standing by, “Is it lawful for you to flog a man who is a Roman citizen and uncondemned?” When the centurion heard this, he went to the tribune and said to him, “What are you about to do? For this man is a Roman citizen.” So the tribune came and said to him, “Tell me, are you a Roman citizen?” And he said, ‘Yes.’” (Acts 22:25-27)

Inductive reasoning shows that the sister in “Paul’s sister’s son” Acts 23:16 would have to be his step-sister Salome, the daughter of Herodias, the wife of Herod Antipas.

This implies that Paul is a Herodian, the son of Herod Antipas and his first wife Phasaelis who was the daughter of King Aretas IV of the Nabataeans and his queen Chuldu. Herod’s first marriage had been prearranged by Herod the Great to preserve peace with King Aretas IV. (Herod the Great’s mother was a Nabataean.) When Herod Antipas divorced Phasaelis to marry Herodias, John the Baptist opposed him, which lead to his beheading, and it caused a war with the Nabataeans that Herod Antipas lost. It is for this reason that Paul’s ancestry was concealed.

The son in “Paul’s sister’s son” Acts 23:16 would be Timothy (Herod, son of Aristobulus and Salome, the daughter of Herodias) who was made the crown prince of Agrippa II who was childless. His presence is likely because his brother is present: Paul is accused of taking Trophimus (Aristobulus, the brother of Timothy) into the Temple in Acts 21:28-29.

Paul’s relationship is further supported by Romans 16:13:

Greet Rufus (Thomas: Esau had red hair), eminent in the Lord, also his mother (Mariamne II) and mine (Herodias, step-mother).
Salome’s natural father is Herod Thomas and thus would be Paul’s step-uncle. (Herod Thomas is nicknamed Rufus because his father Herod the Great deprived him of his birthright when his mother Mariamme II, daughter of the High Priest Simon Boethus, was found to know of a plot to poison Herod the Great. (Herod Thomas was Rufus because he was like the red haired Esau who was deprived of his inheritance by Jacob.) “Chosen in the Lord” refers to the fact that he is Jesus’ disciple Thomas.) Herod Thomas’ mother Mariamme II would be Paul’s step-grandmother, however it is more likely that Paul is saying that Herodias, being Herod Thomas’ wife, has the role of mother to Salome and therefore also as step-mother to Paul. Romans16:13

Paul’s relationship is also supported by the verses above in Romans 16:10b-11:

“Greet those who belong to the family of Aristobulus. Greet my kinsman (the) Herodian.” Salome’s husband is Aristobulus and is therefore Paul’s step-brother-in-law and they are all Herodians as Aristobulus is the son of Herod of Chalcis, the natural brother of Herodias, both having the same father Aristobulus, who was murdered by his father Herod the Great. This murdered Aristobulus was married to Bernice daughter of Salome, the sister of Herod the Great. (Herod Antipas was step-brother to this murdered Aristobulus as he was the son Herod the Great and his Samaritan wife Malthace.)

Salome’s three sons with Aristobulus were Herod, Agrippa, and Aristobulus; their Christian names were Timothy, Tychicus, and Trophimus. These would be Paul’s nephews since he is the step-brother of Salome, since she is the step-daughter of Herod Antipas.These three nephews of Paul are shown together in Acts 20:4: “He (Paul) was accompanied by … Timothy also, and Tychicus and Trophimus from the province of Asia.” Paul’s association and love for Timothy is not surprising as Timothy would be his nephew.

Paul (Saul) heritage would be 1/8 Edomite (forcibly converted to Judaism by John Hyrcanus c. 125 BC) from his great grandfather Antipater + 1/8 Nabatean-Arab from his great grandmother Cypros + 1/4 Samaritan (resettled by Sargon II king of the Assyrians) from his grandmother Malthace, wife of Herod the Great) + 1/2 Nabatean-Arab from mother Phasaelis, Herod Antipas’ wife. (Paul would have been circumcised to emphasize Jewish heritage and be able to claim that he was from the tribe of Benjamin from his Samaritan grandmother, but certainly not a pure Jew.)

So the truth is now out there and it explains many things such as the Jews adamantly opposing Paul and how he was escorted to Caesarea with a detachment of two hundred soldiers, seventy horsemen and two hundred spearmen (Acts 23:23) and why he was beheaded by Nero as opposed to Peter who was crucified. It also explains why Jesus’ Church was absorbed by the Herodian Church with Paul’s letters becoming paramount in its development.

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Was Paul Related to Herod? 7 Reasons Paul was Herodian

Was Paul Related to Herod? 7 Reasons Paul was Herodian

Was Paul Related to Herod? 7 Reasons Paul was Herodian
by Dr Taylor Marshall

Was Paul Related to Herod? 7 Reasons Paul was HerodianSaint Paul says that he is of the tribe of Benjamin and a Hebrew of Hebrews (Phil 3:5). In my book The Catholic Perspective on Paul (2010), I assembled a historical biography of Saint Paul and showed how his life informed his theology. Since then, I have been trying to fit another piece of the Paul puzzle – Paul’s relation to Herod.

Herod’s family tree

Paul was originally a Herodian. By “Herodian” I mean that he seems to have connections with the family and court of the Herods. Theologically, Saul/Paul favored the theology of the Pharisees before his conversion but his family connections relate him to the inner circle of Herod Agrippa.

Here are the reasons demonstrating that Saul/Paul had Herodian connections

Timaeus was Plato’s Most Popular Book

1. Saul/Paul was highly educated both in Hebrew Scripture/Tradition but also in Greek philosophy. He seems familiar, for example with Plato’s Timaeus. He is Hebrew, but he also dabbles in Gentile learning and culture. This is the Herodian style: Jewish identity, loyalty to Jerusalem, familiar with the priests, but appreciative of Gentile power and learning. Sounds like Paul…

2. Saul/Paul was a Roman citizen. Jews were not typically citizens. We learn that Saul/Paul gained his Roman citizenship by birth. This means that his parents were Hebrews with Roman privilege. In the first century, Hebrews with Roman privilege were linked to the Roman appointed rulers of Palestine – the Herod’s.

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Paul The Babylon Mystery Religion Adept & High Priest

Paul Was The Highest Level Freemason

Paul Was The Highest Level Freemason

Paul Was Highest Level Masonic Babylon Mystery Religion, NONOrthodoxyIn Genesis 40-42 Pharaoh had a prophetic dream that is a parallel prophecy for today.

He dreamt of 7 ill-visioned skinny cows that devoured, without anyone knowing, the 7 proper-visioned fat cows.

The 7 ill-visioned skinny cows perfectly parallel the 7 churches established by Paul – Crete, Thessalonica, Colossi, Phillipi, Galatia, Corinth, and Rome.

The 7 proper-visioned fat cows perfectly parallel the 7 churches established by Jesus – Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamos, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia, Laodicia.

The 7 churches of Jesus were then assimilated into and devoured by the Pauline churches teaching the false doctrine of salvation by grace through faith, rather than obedience to the law of God, which was the way Jesus taught to His churches.

Jesus warned of this happening when He stated in John 5:43 I come in my Fathers name and you do not receive me, Another will come in his own name, and you will receive him.

Paul begins nearly every one of his letters in his OWN NAME stating ‘I, Paul”.

Jude warned of this happening when he stated in Jude verse 4: For certain individuals whose condemnation was written about long ago have secretly slipped in among you. They are ungodly people, who pervert the grace of our God into a license for immorality and deny Jesus Christ our only Sovereign and Lord.

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Paul's Use of Thesis, Anti-thesis, & Synthesis - Is Paul a Freemason? Are Churches Masonic Lodges? - VIDEO

Paul’s Use of Thesis, Anti-thesis, & Synthesis – Is Paul a Freemason? Are Churches Masonic Lodges?

Paul was Freemason, presents Thesis, Antithesis, Synthesis, NONOrthodoxyPaul uses the Hegelian Dialectic to keep you dazed and confused.

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ILLUMINATI, MASONRY, and CATHOLICISM -- Masonic Symbols in Catholic Churches and Subliminal Messages

ILLUMINATI, MASONRY, and CATHOLICISM — Masonic Symbols in Catholic Churches and Subliminal Messages

ILLUMINATI, MASONRY, and CATHOLICISM -- Masonic Symbols in Catholic Churches and Subliminal Messages

Mystery Babylon – The Great Harlot and the Illuminati / Masonic / Catholic Connection

Revelation 17:1 And there came one of the seven angels which had the seven vials, and talked with me, saying unto me, Come hither; I will shew unto thee the judgment of the great whore that sitteth upon many waters

Mystery Babylon and the Tower of Babel

The name, Mystery Babylon carries with it a sense of wonderment and intrigue. What is the “mystery” of Mystery Babylon? Babylon was an ancient city located some miles from Baghdad in modern Iraq. It later became an extensive empire that controlled the Middle East and beyond, but, what is this “Mystery Babylon”?

The land of Mesopotamia is called the “Cradle of Civilization”. It was here, in the land of Shinar, or Babylon, that Nimrod set up the tallest tower in the ancient world: the Tower of Babel. Babel, a city founded by Nimrod, according to Genesis 10:10, was the center of a world government that served Nimrod, the mighty hunter. This kingdom centered in Babel was started sometime after Noah, his wife, and Noah’s three sons and their wives arrived with enough animals to repopulate the world. Nimrod was the great-grandson of Noah and the son of Cush (see Genesis 10). He started a religion of sun-worship that led people away from the true God, the Creator, to serve and worship the creature (the sun, the moon, stars, etc.).

According to the writings of many ancient historians, traditions, and numerous facts, we have learned that Nimrod started a religion that spread throughout the whole world, as a result of the division of tongues (or languages) that happened at the tower of Babel, when God confused the languages. Prior to this dispersion, people everywhere had the same language.

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The Connection Between Freemasonry and the Mystery Religions

The Connection Between Freemasonry and the Mystery Religions

Ancient Babylon Mystery Religion Predecessor To Freemasonry

There is certainly no shortage of testimonies by Masonic authorities as to the relationship of Freemasonry and the Mystery Religions. According to Joseph Fort Newton, Masonry is the “spiritual descendant” of the Mysteries. Joseph Fort Newton was a 33″ Mason who served as Past Grand Chaplain of the Grand Lodge of Iowa and Past Grand Prelate of the Grand Encampment of Knights Templar of the United States. In his book, The Builders, he states : “Masonry stands in this tradition; and if we may not say that it is historically related to the great ancient orders, it is their spiritual descendant, and renders much the same ministry to our age which the Mysteries rendered to the olden world.

In his book, The Meaning of Masonry, W.L. Wilmshurst, the Past Provincial Grand Registrar (West Yorks) makes the following statement : “It remains with the Craft itself whether it shall enter upon its own heritage as a lineal successor of the ancient Mysteries and Wisdom–teaching, or whether, by failing so to do, it will undergo the inevitable fate of everything that is but a form from which its native spirit has departed.

The book, Freemasonry Its Hidden Meaning, by George H. Steinmetz, published by Macoy Publishing and Masonic Supply Company, calls the “teaching of the Mysteries, the true parent of Freemasonry” and states that Freemasonry is a descendent or reincarnation of the Mysteries. It is entirely out of harmony with the profound teaching of the Mysteries, the true parent of Freemasonry. If Freemasonry is the actual descendant or, if one prefers, the reincarnation of the Mysteries, back of its “veil of allegory,” then must be concealed a deeper truth than expounded in the various lectures of the degrees.

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Paul The Homosexual

Gossipy Gay of the Gaps Question Was Paul Gay?

Gossipy Gay of the Gaps Question Was Paul Gay?

Appalling Bodies Paul and the Queer


Not that there’s anything wrong with it, but could it be that the apostle Paul was gay? If he was, can you imagine how much he would have struggled with it? We may know better; however, like other Jews and Christians of his time, I’m sure Paul thought there was plenty wrong with it.

Now then, it’s therefore our duty to take a closer look and to employ cherry picking and the argument from ignorance in order to finally settle the long debated controversy and find Paul guilty of being fabulous.

1. Paul Never Married
I know, I know. Not every near-middle aged adult who has never married is gay, but I’m trying to start a rumor about Paul, right? And the Stigma of The Never Married is rule number one in Gay Rumors for Dummies.

“To the unmarried and the widows I say that it is well for them to remain unmarried as I am.” 1 Corinthians 7:8

Now sure, he could have been a widower. But c’mon, man. Hear me out. In 1 Corinthians 7:1-7, Paul advises that it’s best not to have sex at all, but if you’re going to, then it’s OK for “each man to have his own wife and each woman her own husband.” And in verses 6 and 7 he says “This I say by way of concession, not of command. I wish that all were as I myself am.”

In other words, Paul says that he doesn’t need to marry a woman because he doesn’t exactly find women irresistible. You do the math.

2. Paul Struggled With an Unnamed Infirmity
In his letter to the believers in Galatia, Paul reminds them that when he first announced his “condition” to them, they didn’t ridicule him:

“You know that it was because of a physical infirmity that I first announced the gospel to you; though my condition put you to the test, you did not scorn or despise me, but welcomed me as an angel of God, as Christ Jesus.” Galatians 4:13-14

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Paul Had Sexual Hang-Ups

Paul Had Sexual Hang-Ups

Paul sexual dysfunction

Paul had sexual hang-ups. Perhaps the reason for this can be found in early writings. The early Jewish-Christians, called the Ebonite’s, wrote that Paul was not a Jew by birth.  This belief is found in the writing of Epiphanius in the 4th century, which states;

“They declare that Paul was raised in a pagan household.  He went up to Jerusalem and when he had spent some time there, was seized with passion to marry the daughter of the high priest; and this was the reason he became a proselyte (Jew) and went through the Jewish ritual of circumcision. But when the lady rejected him, he flew into a rage and wrote against circumcision and against the Sabbath and the Jewish Law” (Pamarion 30.16.6).

In Paul’s mind, he went through a very painful surgery/circumcision for nothing.  Being rejected would have given Paul a reason to hate Jews and women. Epiphanies continues, “After being rejected by the priest’s daughter, he then found employment in the service of the high priest as a police informer and enforcer.” But, that is another story altogether.

There is no record that Paul was ever married. His painful experience with the priest’s daughter appears to have soured him against women in general, for Paul wrote; “It is good for a man not to touch a women” (l Corinthians 7:1). He continues to warn For I would that all men were even as myself… It is good for them if they abide even as I.” apparently meaning unmarried. Finally, in a threatening way, Paul approves of marriage as a last resort: But if they cannot contain, let them marry, for it is better to marry than to burn.” (1 Corinthians 7: 9). These are powerful words―it is better to marry than to burn. If that doesn’t make a Christian feel guilty nothing will. Paul was so down on women that he made up his own laws: “the wife is bound by the law as long as her husband liveth” (l Corinthians 7:39). Paul is going completely against Jewish law which permits a man to give his wife a divorce after which she is free to marry another man (Deuteronomy 24:1-2).

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Paul Was A Homosexual

Paul Was A Homosexual?

Paul was homosexualStruggle against his own homosexual desires in an intolerant society may have inspired Paul the Apostle to write sublime Biblical teachings on unconditional love and inclusivity — and also a few “clobber passages” used by anti-LGBTQ bigots.

Both Paul’s sense of unworthiness and his appreciation for God’s grace may have the same unexpected cause: Some scholars believe that Paul was a celibate homosexual man trying to reconcile faith and sexuality in a culture that condemned same-sex attraction. This may have been the “thorn in the flesh” that God refused to remove despite his prayers.

Such Pauline paradoxes have long fascinated people of faith while alienating some progressives. He wrote magnificent meditations on inclusivity and petty rules that have divided people by fueling sexism, racism and antisemitism.

Many LGBTQ Christians have a love-hate relationship with Paul.  They often keep their distance from him and are justifiably reluctant to claim him as a “queer saint.” But he is influential and some of his ideas are liberating.

Paul’s influence continues to permeate Christianity every day, but two feast days are set aside to honor him: Jan. 25 is the Feast of Conversion of Saint Paul, a relatively new and minor occasion. June 29 is the Feast of Saints Peter and Paul, one of the oldest saint days in the Christian calendar. It commemorates their martyrdom.

Paul the Apostle, also known as Saul of Tarsus, is widely considered one of the most important figures in Western history and one of the greatest religious leaders of all time. He is second only to Jesus in his impact on Christianity. More than half of the books in the New Testament are attributed to him, and seven are recognized as his own authentic work.

It may seem absurd to consider Paul as queer. As Gayheroes.com asked: “Who in their right mind would ever think that St. Paul, Apostle to the Gentiles, writer of Epistles used by Christians to condemn gay people for centuries, might himself be gay?”

The most outspoken church leader on this question is John Shelby Spong, retired Episcopal bishop. He presents the case for Paul’s homosexuality in his 1991 bestseller “Rescuing the Bible from Fundamentalism: A Bishop Rethinks the Meaning of Scripture”:

“When I suggest the possibility that Paul was a homosexual person, I do not mean to be salacious or titillating or even to suggest something that many would consider scandalous. I see no evidence to suggest that Paul ever acted out his sexual desires and passions…. A rigidly controlled gay male, I believe, taught the church what the love of God means …

Nothing else, in my opinion, could account for Paul’s self-judging rhetoric, his negative feeling toward his own body, and his sense of being controlled by something he had no power to change. The war that went on between what he desired with his mind and what he desired with his body, his drivenness to a legalistic religion of control, his fear when that system was threatened, his attitude toward women, his refusal to seek marriage as an outlet for his passion — nothing else accounts for this data as well as the possibility that Paul was a gay male.” (p. 117)

Some facts suggest Paul was gay

The modern concept of homosexuality did not exist in Biblical times.  But Spong and others point out that a sexual attraction to men would explain some mysteries about Paul’s life:

* Paul never married, which was unusual for a first-century Jew, but had a series of younger men as companions.

* He sometimes expressed negativity toward women and homosexual exploitation.

* Tormented by self-reproach, he pleaded with God three times in vain to remove an unspecified “thorn in my flesh” that troubled him. Some believe that “thorn” was attraction to other men. God’s answer, according to Paul, was to deny his request with the explanation, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.”

* Homosexuality might even help explain Paul’s cataclysmic conversion experience. He went from intensely persecuting Christians to becoming the most articulate leader of the very movement that he had tried to destroy. His vision of Christ left him stunned by the revelation that nothing could separate him from God’s love.

“The war going on inside of him is a fairly classic description of what I have come to understand in repressed gay males,” Spong said in a Los Angeles Times interview on Feb. 2, 1991.

For Spong, these contradictions finally made sense when he first encountered the possibility of Paul’s homosexuality in the 1937 book “Saint Paul” by British theologian Arthur Darby Nock.

“I was absolutely floored by how it opened up Paul to me,” he told the LA Times.

Some see a possible romantic relationship between Paul and his “beloved brother” Onesimus in the Epistle to Philemon.  There may also be a homoerotic component to Paul’s love for the risen Christ, as explored in “Eros and the Christ: Longing and Envy in Paul’s Christology” by David E. Fredrickson.

Paul also made intriguingly queer male-to-female reference when he said, “I am again in the pains of childbirth until Christ is formed in you” (Galatians 4:19) and “Just as a nursing mother cares for her children, so we cared for you.” (1 Thessalonians 2:7-8).

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Queering the Church, The Influence of Paul

Queering the Church, The Influence of Paul

Queering the Church, The Influence of Paul

Paul’s Conversion on the Road to Damascus

Today, the Church celebrates the feast of the conversion of St Paul. Just in that title, there is encouragement for LGBT Christians: just as Saul of Tarsus, scourge of the early Christians found God and became instead a great champion of their cause, it is possible that the institutional churches, which are so widely seen by the queer community as their persecutors, could likewise meet God and undergo a similar change of heart, to become our champions – turning to what Jenni at Queering the Church described a few days ago as a “preferential option for the queer“. This is not as far-fetched as it may seem: there has already been a most extraordinary transformation of religious responses to homoerotic relationships over the last half century, and an increasing number of influential churchmen and women are becoming enthusiastic straight allies, champions of our cause.

I am working towards an extended post on this theme (which will be the basis of an address I will be giving to the Quest annual conference in September), so will not go over the evidence here. Meanwhile, in honour of Paul, I reproduce below a post I wrote in 2010.


There is much that is paradoxical in the figure of Paul. In his dual persona as Saul / Paul, he is renowned as both a one-time feared persecutor of Christians, and as the greatest of all the early missionaries, who spread the word far beyond it s original geographic compounds, and author of by far the most influential Christian texts outside the Gospels themselves. In the same way, as the author of the most infamous New Testament clobber texts, he is widely regarded as strongly condemning homoerotic relationships – and yet  Paul Halsall lists him in his Calendar of LGBT Saints:

There is considerable debate over those anti-gay “proof -texts”, but whatever the conclusions, there is much, as Anglican Bishop of Newark John Spong has pointed out, which leads one to suspect Paul might have been “queer” in some way. The fact he was never married, unusual for a Jew of his time, his companionship with a series of younger men, especially St. Timothy, his mention of an unnamed “thorn in the flesh”. and, possibly, his disdain for some types of exploitative homosexual relationship in his period, all raise questions, questions which cannot be answered it must be admitted, about his sexuality.

What are we to make of this?

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Was Paul A Homosexual

Was the Apostle Paul Gay?

Paul was homosexual

What accounts for Paul’s self-judging rhetoric, his negative feeling toward his own body? An Episcopal bishop mulls the issues.

Nothing about Paul was moderate. He was tightly drawn, passionately emotional, filled with enormous feelings of self-negativity, seeking to deal with those feelings in the time honored way of external controls, unflagging religious zeal, and rigid discipline. He could not, however, master the passions that consumed him. What were these passions? There is no doubt in my mind that they were sexual in nature, but what kind of sexual passions were they? Searching once again through the writings of Paul, some conclusions begin to emerge that startle and surprise the reader. Paul’s passions seemed to be incapable of being relieved. Why was that? Paul himself had written that if one “could not exercise self-control” that person should marry. “For it is better to marry than to be aflame with passion” (1 Cor. 7:9). But we have no evidence from any source that Paul ever married. Indeed, he exhorts widows and the unmarried to “remain single as I do” (1 Cor. 7:8). A primary purpose of sexual activity in marriage, according to Paul, was to keep Satan from tempting people “through lack of self-control” (1 Cor. 7:5). Why, when Paul seemed to be so consumed with a passion he could not control, would he not take his own advice and alleviate that passion in marriage? He did write that marriage was an acceptable, if not ideal, way of life. Still, however, marriage never seemed to loom for him as a possibility.

Paul has been perceived as basically negative toward women. He did write that “it is well for a man not to touch a woman” (1 Cor. 7:1). The passion that burned so deeply in Paul did not seem to be related to the desire for union with a woman. Why would that desire create such negativity in Paul, anyway? Marriage, married love, and married sexual desire were not thought to be evil or loathsome. Paul’s sexual passions do not fit comfortably into this explanatory pattern. But what does?

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Meme's About Mr Paul, the fake, phony, exposed NOT apostle.

Here is my whole collection of “Meme’s About Paul“.

Russell Dibird

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