About Biblical NON-Orthodoxy
You are invited to listen to the sound track that accompanies this site, from my best forever brother, Dave McLeod, found here.
MY ONLY GOAL, here in this website, is to drum up YOUR interest in the Father of the spirit burning in YOUR chest right now at 98 degrees, the REAL you.
I don’t care: WHO you think you are. WHAT gender you identify with. WHERE you are from or at. WHEN you think your day is, was, or is to be…
I AM NOT ASHAMED to proclaim I’ve been walking, in spirit, with my Father, The Lord Jesus Christ since Tuesday, January 15th, 1980, approximately 9:30 PM in West Los Angeles California. I remember it today as if were (foggily) just yesterday.
Watch the Bible come alive when you rid the message of the poisonous darnel-tare seed of Christian orthodoxy. The Bible, and your relationship with Jesus, will soar above the mountaintops once you are able to dine on the pure wheat of the BETTER meanings of His words, found herein.
The precious gems that make up the core of these understandings were BREACHED from God’s vaults at a very high price. Mikkel Dahl fasted for 40 days, drinking water only, TWICE, to pay the price of admission to view these long hidden, most prized jewels!!! Many, many thanks to Brother Dahl!!!
Mikkel Dahl was a Scandanavian Canadian who lived from 1900 to 2000. He wrote dozens of books, booklets and courses. His teachings have seen very limited acceptance in the Christian community, due to their controversial, and NON-Orthodox nature.
On Friday, September 3rd, 1993, I was first introduced to these teachings by David McLeod (1947-2006) of Solana Beach California. At that time, there were maybe a half a dozen USA fellowships teaching Brother Dahl’s message. Now I do not know of any active, except the original branch here and here, that moved from San Diego California to Fulton Missouri in the late 1970’s.
Meeting David McLeod was the turning point in my life. I had been born again for many years at that time and was well versed on the Bible, beginning to end. I was raised Catholic, which I clearly had more spiritual motivation than most of my classmates. As seen above, born again in 1980. David knew all of the exact same Bible verses that I knew, but he had a completely different UNDERSTANDING to just about every one of those verses. I gained an insatiable desire to seek the Lord to help me understand if these things are true, or not.
I WANTED to learn these hidden gems of understanding about the Bible, and Jesus.
I became a BIBLE TRUTHER RESEARCHER about 10 years before learning that 911 was an inside job, at which time I became a New World Order researcher and “truther”.
About 3 years after meeting Dave, while contemplating Jesus, He prompted me to ask this question to Him. The question was “what am I NOT ALLOWED to question. WHAT EXACTLY is too Holy, of the things I currently know that is UNQUESTIONABLE to you? His answer was very quick and clear, and it has been the driving force of my life ever since:
He answered: Nothing is off-limits to question and investigate.
BINGO I said!!! That sounds like a license to “think outside the box”, one of my favorite pastimes…
That conversation and revelation set me off on this Bible Truther Researcher calling that demands me to QUESTION EVERYTHING!!!!! 1). Question every single thing that you currently believe, about every single topic you can think of – gov, medicine, space, bible, food, water, wellness, etc. When I say everything, I mean all of it. This is called “The Matrix” that you need to escape your mind from. 2). Question everything that people tell you is (their) truth.
Here is the parable that has driven me to seek out error and false teachings and doctrines, and replace them with an upgraded, thought out, prayed and meditated over, Biblically united, position on EVERY Bible / Jesus subjects I encounter.
Matthew 16:24-26 Jesus put before them another parable: “The kingdom of heaven is like a man who sowed good seed in his field. But while everyone was asleep, his enemy-man came and sowed weeds among the wheat, and slipped away.
So I asked myself this question: If the devil planted weeds among the true wheat, then can you point to me EXACTLY WHICH of Jesus’ truths would the devil say “OH NO, we can’t touch THAT TRUTH because it simply too holy and profound for me to try to tamper with”??? The answer is NONE. Not one. Lucifer, and evil Mankind, has been able to TWIST every single understanding in the Bible, from beginning to the end. Finding and exposing those lies and deceptions has been my passion for these last 30 years.
This journey, which began in 1980, coming towards Jesus, has begotten this website. I pray you will find a deeper relationship with our Father (Daddy) Jesus, and that you may be granted a deeper comprehension of His Word, in your heart, from these efforts.
Great care has been taken to EXCLUDE the devilish number six [6] from this website. No times or dates contain it. Instead we shame it by bypassing it’s devilish insinuations with the better number, fifty seven (57). This site offers exactly fifty seven previously hidden Bible keys, now restored herein.
Biblical NON-Orthodoxy.com is the Official Religion of the Republic of Flatearthastan, which also owns the following:
Free Earth Media Group – FEMGp.com
Free Earth People – FEPeople.com
Free Earth Radio Live – FERLive.com – Listen 24/7 – The Ferret
Free Earth Videos – FEVids.com
Free Earth Music – FETunes.com
Free Earth Memes – FEMemes.com
Free Earth News Network – FENN – FENewsNet.com
Free Earth Publications – FEPub.com
Free Earth Merchandise – FEMerch.com
Free Earth Talks – FETalks.com
Free Earth Think Tank – FEThink.com
Russell Dibird Blog – DibirdShow.com
I pray these pages relate to you the importance to look into your own heart, and find your Daddy Jesus, waiting to bubble up in your life: “For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” Mat 11:30
Russell Dibird
Interviews? Contact me here.